The Power Couple by Roman Shapoval
The Power Couple
How we eclipsed our low-dopamine state

How we eclipsed our low-dopamine state

How light transformed our lives | What is a "low-dopamine" state of mind?
From low-dopamine burnout to high-dopamine Sunlight

On this episode, we discussed:

  • What makes us "low-dopamine"

  • What makes us "low-agency"

  • Our journey into a high-dopamine state of mind

  • How we went from pale and depressed to tan and blessed.

We are more powerful than we know.


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The Power Couple by Roman Shapoval
The Power Couple
Regenerating modern humans by repurposing our ancestral past, and the primal relationship we have with ourselves.
We discuss everything from how to use sunlight effectively, improve sleep, and harness healthy relationships. All relationships start with you.
You are more powerful than you know.