Here’s what you’ll learn in this article:
1. Where does magnetism come from?
2. How magnetic fields can protect us
3. How primitive humans learned about magnetic fields
4. Why are obelisks always at the center of a town?
5. How towns were planned along magnetic lines
6. How can static magnetic fields impact our health?
7. What are common sources of static magnetics?
8. JOIN the Waitlist: Wireless Health & Safety Course
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Are you a magnetic personality?
Why do some aesthetically unattractive people exude that invisible star power?

Magnetism is a silent, yet fundamental phenomenon of nature.
One example is what happens when you place iron filings by magnets. You can see the previously invisible magnetic field forming in the shape of a circle:
How does magnetism occur, and why does it matter for your health?
In the previous article in a series on Common EMFs in our Home, we learned all about DC (direct current) electricity. Today we’ll be covering the topic of DC magnetism.
Where does magnetism come from?
Have you ever wondered why we don’t feel the weight of our body’s organs?
How pregnant women can carry the weight of a child while functioning perfectly?
Can an apple fall back up the tree?
No, but we can.
Magnetism is a force of anti-gravity, and keeps our planets from tumbling to the depths of space.
Here’s a picture of a live frog levitating inside an electromagnet:

The force of magnetism also allows our organs to stay buoyant in our bodies, without us ever feeling them dragging us down.
A renowned mystic of 16th century Spain, St. Teresa of Avila, was documented to have repeatedly experienced states of levitation while in the rapture of prayer.1
Magnetism happens when many electrons start moving in the same direction around their atoms:

We get magnetized by the Sun
The Sun is a powerful medicine for us, however must be filtered through the our atmosphere, and by plants and trees, otherwise its radiation can harm us.
There are always two components to EMF: an electric / vertical field, and a magnetic / horizontal wave. Humans, plants and animals resonate with these healthy horizontal magnetic waves.

In the picture above, the vertical field is the electric component of the Sun, which is harmful to life when not filtered.
We are the force field
Magnetic fields are close impossible to shield against. This is why Earth’s magnetosphere is critical for our survival. Many scientists posit that Mars is a barren wasteland since it lost its magnetic field. As humans, we emanate our own magnetic field from our organs and heart.2
Now imagine: what would happen if this field was disrupted by unnatural (vertical) electrical fields, which then couple even more powerfully to magnetic fields, like those from our everyday appliances?
Our horizontal DC magnetic fields become disrupted, and we are no longer in coherence with our natural environment.

When and how did humans first become aware of the power of natural magnetic fields?
Animals were our shephard
At the dawn of civlization, primitive man was a hunter living in harmony with nature. When a hunter speared a wild animal, he patiently watched and waited until the animal became weak. The hunter would stalk the animal, and noticed that it would often try to go towards a particular spot. This location would usually have natural springs and flourishing healthy vegetation, where the animal sometimes recovered its strength and healed.3 Primitives began to bring their sick to these spots of healing energy, and those spots became what are known today as sacred power spots.
Ever wonder why monuments like these are always at the center of society?

As far back as 30,000 years ago, humans marked spots in their town with stones that could weigh thirty tons or more. Some of these stones were brought from locations hundreds of kilometers away.
“Since in most cases these people had quarries close by, why would they have gone through all the trouble of hauling a particular type of stone over great distances, sometimes for over five hundred kilometers?
They must have been looking for a type of stone with special (energy) qualities.
In Egypt, there is ample sandstone not far from where most of the pyramids and temples were built, however the Ancient Egyptians brought in large granite blocks from Upper Egypt far to the south. This was done for the specific purpose of amplifying the energy quality effect, as the energy of the power spot is channeled into the Obelisk or granite parts of the building. The high density of quartz crystals in the granite reflected teh waves and entered into (magnetic) resonance with the energy of the power spot to emanate specific frequencies.”
- Ibrahim Karim, Back to A Future For Mankind
Our ancient town planners
These power spots would become the central location of a community and the focal point for town planning. Temples were built were these megalithic stone structures orginally were located. These spots of DC magnetism were located at the intersection of several powerful earth energy paths known as ‘Ley Lines.’
Those responsible for laying out the town plan were known as dowsers. These dowsers had the skills that allowed them to find both positive and negative earth energy emanations.
Dowsers learned to become sensitive to underground water streams, and when their bodies reacted to this energy, they knew this could either be a beneficial or harmful location.
How do disruptions in healthy DC magnetic fields affect our health?
Experiments with animals, including studies done on cows grazing in areas with unhealthy DC magnetic fields show clear evidence of biological effects caused by static (DC) magnetic fields.4 Some health effects include: tumor growth, weight gain, impaired oxygen consumption, and bacterial growth. The relationship between local geomagnetic anomalies and higher incidences of cancer, infant mortality, and many more illnesses has been extensively researched.
Creating Your Temple
I know most of us haven’t gone to the lengths of hiring a dowser for our town, let alone our home, but there are a few ways to at least lessen the effects of harmful DC magnetic fields. Our natural DC magnetic fields can be disturbed by the following:
Steel trusses in buildings
Metal piping
Metal bedding (springs, frame)
Ore deposits
Geological faults
Underground water veins
Measuring DC Magnetic Fields
To see if there are any disturbances in your bedroom, for example, you could take a standard compass and put this over your mattress. If areas on the mattress vary and point in different directions, you’ll know that there is probably a disturbance. It is best to turn the power off to the bedroom before you do this exercise.
I’m creating a course on EMF Basics & Ancestral Health
How can we precisely measure DC magnetic electric fields in our environment?
What are other sources of DC magnetics that affect us daily?
What are some other ways we can nourish the DC magnetic field of our body?
I’ll be covering these types of specifics, along with practical steps we can take to reduce EMFs in our daily lives, in the Wireless Health & Safety course I’m creating.
Some magnetic music to kick off our Moon day
Remember the invisible magnetic fields that appeared once iron shavings were exposed to a magnet in the example above?
Here’s another example, that I’ll leave you with. Plus I love this music video, so why not?
You are more powerful than you know.
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read this article!
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Links to the rest of the Series on Common EMFs in our Homes:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
EMF Health Forum: Please share your story
If you suspect that you or your animals are suffering from sympoms related to EMF, I strongly encourage you to register and post symptoms on EMF health forum, which I recently created to track the global fallout from wireless radiation:
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Karim, I. Back to A Future for Mankind. Biogeometry Consulting LTD (2007)
Karim, I. Back to A Future for Mankind. Biogeometry Consulting LTD (2007)
International Institute for Building Biology. Natural Healthy Buildings (2015)
I've been practicing dowsing using a Lecher Antenna. It's super cool. I found out about this instrument because I went to see a Doctor who uses it for energy balancing, diagnostics, and many other applications.
Is it just superstition to have the head of the bed pointing magnetic south (or at least never north)?