When I walk, I keep my head up.
I used to look down at the pavement, but the world is so much brighter up there in blue, and tilting my head takes me from a state of submission to awe, as I surrender my gaze to the night sky, shining with its armory of worlds far away.
However lately the splendor of midnight has become our never-ending day of a digital blue sky, lit with the cold white flame of efficient LEDs and satellites beaming overhead.
Every cloud used to look like a hot dog to me, but now we’re becoming one with “the cloud” that’s slowly cooking us like a hot dog in the 2.45gHz WiFi radio wave spectrum that makes our water molecules oscillate billions of times more than normal. - link to study
This weekend the power company installed LED streetlights right outside my house, in the middle of a blizzard. This kind of dogged determination told me something.
The streetlight outside my home was working very well, however its purported sin was that it was incandescent, and not “energy efficient.”
How much money was the town efficiently saving us by taking out a perfectly-working light, paying workers overtime, and idling their truck the whole time? I digress.
Fun fact: did you know that halogen lamps connected to a DC transformer are more efficient than LED lights?
The real reason I believe industry is in a rush to install these lights is not cost savings, or to keep neighborhoods safe. The telecomms are working with municipal governments around the world to usher in a surveillance state that can profit from predicting our consumer behavior akin to the social system of China, and track our every breath and carbon footprint in the name of “saving the planet.” The actions of those workers mentioned above, the and the actual infrastructure of the smartlights tell a story louder than words of climate virtue.
Marketeers from companies such as Philips tell us the lights are safe, and do not affect our sleep or harm us. I dug a little and took a look at the studies they have on their very own website. I was willing to see the other side, however my findings only confirmed all of the previous studies. On top of this, Philips used misdirection in only mentioning the light measurments of lux and kelvin, which measure color temperature and brightness.
The specific measurement not mentioned on their site is wavelength. The wavelength of 450-490nm (nanometers) has been shown to cause sleep disruption, cancer, and chronic stress on our mitochondria. A light can be a certain amount of kelvin, however if the frequency is the 450nm, this does not matter:
Additionally, 3 of the US government studies that were linked on Philips site had broken links (page not found), and the study conducted by the European Union actually showed that blue light from LEDs causes chronic disease such as breast cancer, disrupted liver metabolism, and eventually can lead to blindness! The study (link) was conducted in 2012, and since then there have been numerous independent scientists showing how blue light is harmful. link
The blue light emitted is only the tip of the iceberg for our health. Independent scientists and even the UK Public Health authority now cite the dangers of blue light. Remember how companies told us cigarettes were safe?
Aside from the light itself, these structures are way more than meets the eye. From contractor Wi-Fiber:
“The modular housing consists of LED lighting with strobe and color-changing capabilities, two-way microphones, speakers, 4K cameras with facial and license plate recognition functions, as well as a gunshot detector, all with IoT, 2/5G Wi-Fi, and LTE connectivity. To round out the solution, Wi-Fiber integrated Zigbee’s IoT platform, allowing the unit to access or include virtually any device on its frequency.”
How else did you think smart cars were going to drive?
It’s the internet of “things”. Where do people fit in?
We all want to be connected, but what if we’re connecting to something else?
As you walk your streets in the following days, remember that mighty eagles and predators often soar above you.
Take note, and respect the law of the jungle which pervades even the most “advanced” societies. Only then can we harness our human power to take the cosmic darkness that was our birth rite, and is our birthright.
My pleasure-all the best. If you have time check out my non-fiction, first hand experience book, "Traveling Off the X".https://www.amazon.com/Traveling-Off-Jo-Patti-Munisteri/dp/1948035804
Likewise-very important to stop them now. Here is another docu-discussion I believe you will find of interest. All the best, Jo Patti Munisteri