Drones and AI Killware
The Lord of the Rings of satellites | The myth of the Space Race | Brain space as the final frontier
Here’s what we’ll learn in this article:
1. Where is the Space Race headed, and why should we care?
2. Who is the 21st century Lord of the Rings?
3. How are inverted symbols used for mind control?
4. How is Skynet being built out right in front of our eyes?
5. How is Earth being weaponized as an AI satellite grid?
6. What is the impact of satellite megaconstellations on the environment?
7. What kind of EMF do drones emit?
8. How do cell phones represent ancient crystal balls that put us into a trance?
9. How is NATO partnering with SpaceX to spy on us?
10. How are the masses being convinced more drones are necessary?
11. What is the IOBT?: The future of warfare theater
12. Why living forever may mean missing out on freedom
“One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.”
~ J.R.R. Tolkien
Space exploration taps into a primal warrior instinct of ours - to venture beyond the pale, and find a better life for our tribe. Like the seafarers of our ancestral past, some of us relish in the thrill of discovery more than any treasure we may find along the way. After finding the same pearls, we cast them away like moss, thinking we’ll see more. We forget that time, like the gems of the ocean, is a ring that can be lost and never found.
As time rushes by, we regret what we’ve missed, and assume a brighter future will greet us at the door like a long-lost lover. Rather than cherish the present moment, we relinquish our destiny to technological prophets who promise us everlasting life in exchange for perpetual slavery to an artificial intelligence that can only assimilate, and never create life. Instead of a holy communion with the Almighty, we’re given chainlinks that connect our brains to the DeathStar. Younger generations cheer rocket launches, believing more technological progress is coming, while only their cancer rapidly approaches.
Titans of Sauron dangle the ring of time and an escape from our mortal shackles with the promise of a vicarious voyage into space, along with a pitstop on the neuralink highway. Yet what if these assurances were only the vapor of a viper’s pit? What if the true motive behind space exploration is military?
From the Vikings to Columbus to Cortez, the most monumental explorers in history were conquerors. All roads led to Rome because roads were primarily used to shuttle supplies and troops between outposts, rather than to give pedestrians a more enjoyable walk. The invisible roads of our digital superhighway aren’t there for our access to free information. Airwaves of Rome 2.0 capture our footprints of information using Starlink, which feeds into global intelligence agencies like Palantir.
Lord of the Rings
Peter Thiel is Palantir’s largest shareholder, and funded the political career of vice-president J.P. Vance. Thiel was also Elon Musk’s former business partner at Paypal, and an investor in Space X1, along with Stripe. Thank you Peter for helping us get paid. If you’re a reader who loves our work, you can also support us here. Peter claims that he has read The Lord of the Rings over ten times as an adult.2 Three of Thiel’s businesses are named after Tolkien references: Mithril, a technology investment fund, Anduril, a missile and drone contractor using AI killware3 called Lattice, and Palantir, his data analytics company, named after the ‘seeing stones’ in The Lord of the Rings.
Why does this matter, and why should we care? A picture, and a symbol, are worth a thousand words. Symbols like the cross or the peace sign, which is really an inverted algiz rune symbolizing death, constantly imprint upon our collective subconscious. Titanic planets like Saturn convey a position of power, while its rings communicate finalization and completion.
The Lord of the Rings has sold over 150 million copies, and has been translated into 57 languages.4 The hallmarks and ideas of this novel have been embraced by not only Thiel, but the world at large. Those who know how to read the hidden runes, which most believe is a dead language, re-enliven their meaning by twisting scripture through inversion.
Sword, shield and stone
The mighty sword of Anduril was carried by Aragorn, who often used it to help establish his credentials as the rightful heir to the throne. The symbol of the sword, when inverted, is a cross. Mystery schools compare the energy channels of the body to the “cross of suffering” we need to bear. In Kabbalah, the flaming sword represents the order which the soul was created, also known as “the path of the flaming sword. Anduril translates to “flame of the west.” The west symbolizes the direction of our passing over to another life.
If you’ve ever seen the Terminator, then you’re aware of how the Skynet software turns against humanity by launching a nuclear strike. Anduril is Thiel’s version, with AI and autonomous drone systems that can be packed up and moved in less than 3 hours by military personnel.
The company’s expansion plans include the development of Arsenal-1, a new facility that will increase manufacturing capabilities. Upon completion, Arsenal-1 is expected to provide over five million square feet of production space that will employ thousands of people and is designed to produce tens of thousands of autonomous military systems annually.5 Anduril recently won a $99.7 million U.S. Space Force contract to modernize the Space Surveillance Network (SSN), with AI systems that will replace legacy US military hardware with machine-to-machine communication.6 The surveillance systems, along with Anduril missiles contain electro-optical, infrared laser seeking guidance, and can detect if an enemy combatant’s parked car has its engine running.7
New Jersey: the garden state of drones
When we hear the term UFO - we think “alien.” While aliens may always be a possibility, we need to remember that UFO is defined as an unidentifiable flying object. Let us also keep in mind that the US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency has already reverse engineered UFO technology, according to David Grusch, a retired 14-year Air Force major turned whistleblower. The battalions of objects seen in New Jersey, until recently, have been unidentifiable, since many of us aren’t used to seeing drones in the sky. There have been numerous eyewitness accounts8 of drones flying over these areas, which coincidentally also happen to be the location of military bases:
The Pentagon maintains that “these are not US military drones.” This type of denial could be a “true lie” as there are fifty private subcontractors hired by the US Air Force to create drones, with Anduril being a top manufacturer.9
Our Earth in chains
Mithril, forged by dwarves in Middle-Earth, was a precious metal highly prized for its strength, light weight, and malleability. Worn as chainmail, this metal saved Frodo’s life. Although a fictional material, there is nothing imaginary about the company that is covering the Earth with a layer of aluminum particulates, only serving to shield us from the life-giving wavelengths of Sunlight. Recent investments by Mithril have been in space, launching companies like BlackSky, which provide high-resolution small satellites that monitor the globe. Satellites and computerized parts require enormous amounts of precious metals to be mined from the Earth.
What is all this equipment for? Is it for our protection, or the expansion of someone else’s universe of mass destruction? There has been an explosion of launches of military satellites into Lower Earth Orbit (LEO) by the western nations “in order to fill up the space parking lot before the ‘enemies’ China and Russia can get their equipment up there in comparable numbers. There is no national or international regulation of LEO parking spaces. In spite of more than 30 years of effort by China and Russia there is still no UN treaty to ban all weapons in space – which incidentally the US and Israel have been continually blocking.” (Bruce Gagnon, Space Alert) Currently the US far outnumbers China in terms of satellites:
We are told that all of this technology is for our own protection, which strikes me like an “offer we can’t refuse” by a mafia don telling us we need his services. Let us remember that the stated goal10 of the US Space Force (USSF) is not to create peace and harmony for all humanity on a space colony, but was “established to assure continuous global and theater combat support from space, and to deter attacks against U.S. space assets.” The current vision of the USSF by the Trump administration is to:
1. Reestablish offensive capabilities to guarantee a favorable balance of forces, efficiently manage the full deterrence spectrum, and seriously complicate enemy calculations of a successful first strike against U.S. space assets.
2. Restore architectural balance in U.S. space forces, both offensive and defensive, to restore deterrence dominance efficiently and quickly.
3. Rapidly expand space control capability, to include lunar space, to provide early warning of an enemy attack.
“The primary military functions of satellites are Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR). Communications satellites allow the sharing of information and the command and control of military action and can be used to pilot drones remotely. ISR satellites use a variety of sensors, from cameras to radars, to locate possible targets and military movements. ISR satellites are also used for missile warning, mapping, and weather monitoring. PNT satellites allow GPS navigation, the coordination of military actions and the targeting of drones. They also guide several types of precision munitions.”
- Dr. Dave Webb, Space Alert! contributor
Full Spectrum Dominance Over All
Reconnaissance satellites can be launched in days, and have two significant advantages over drones: they can stay in the air 365 days per year, and they’re exempt from concerns over international airspace. Tactical satellites like those being launched by Lockheed Martin in 202511, which employ a 5G military payload, can capture heat signatures from the Earth, and may be able to find and identify individual people.
To make matters worse, the FCC has a categorical exclusion that dates back to 1986 for regulation of satellite megaconstellations12 , since the technology is familiar enough and does not need an environmental impact statement. Satellites that use artificial intelligence are not the same as those used in 1986, nor were there thousands of them in low orbit. Currently there are 537,267 satellites planned for deployment.13
The National Spectrum Management Association (NSMA) recently held a conference to discuss satellite megaconstellations. The mission of the NSMA is to develop guidelines for harmful radio interference introduced by new spectrum bands. The only harm mentioned from satellites was from falling debris, and biological effects of radiofrequency were not considered. One such harmful effect is the deployment of the 60 GHz spectrum, which can absorb the oxygen molecule.
This band is used by satellites since space is a vacuum, enabling direct beams of communication without oxygen getting in the way. However, 60 GHz is also being deployed in smart cities and urban environments. This is part of the reason why LED streetlights are higher than traditional streetlights, since trees and other structures can block the shorter wavelengths of 60 GHz:
For instance, a 60 GHz wireless signal has a very narrow beam, and can only be intercepted or deflected in the tiny wedge below. A 24 GHz link has interference and interception risks over a much longer and somewhat broader wedge, while a 2.4 GHz link has interference and interception risks over a very large area, both in distance and in breadth.
What type of EMF do drones emit?
Most commercial drone systems use radiofrequency in the range of 900 MHz to 8 GHz to transmit packets of data, since satellites tend to be more expensive. Satellites are the more effective option, since they can use a more powerful radiofrequency due to the lack of buildings or trees getting in the way. This option is used by the military and its subcontrators.
Another environmental impact of satellites is the interference and jamming of other radio signals, like those used by observatories for radioastronomy. This is due to the side beams of the satellite signal creating collateral interference, even when the satellite beam is directed to another position. This means that officially protected areas that were previously designated as “radio silent” may no longer have this luxury.
The All-Seeing Phone of Stone
Many of us, including myself, are overwhelmed with this explosion of technology. We find ourselves lost atop a blackrock of electronics that assimilate power by peering into our desires while tracking our emotions like a calculating hunter. As Frodo and his friends hobbled along on their journey to Mordor, they gave into temptation at one point, becoming drawn by the dark power of the palantir - a crystal that one could use to remotely view another location.
The purpose of the stones in general was dual: to communicate with one another, and to see afar. Stones were linked with each other and each could reveal what was near another stone. When a master of these stones looked in it, they could communicate with other stones and anyone who might be looking into them. People of great power could manipulate the Stones to see virtually any part of the world. Today many endlessly stare at black crystal tablets that gaze into our hearts and minds.
The C-Band Sees All
Since 2020, satellite operators like Intelsat, SES, Telesat, Eutelsat, and Star OnIehas have been transitioning customers to the C-band radio spectrum. The C-band has traditionally been used by NATO. Newer cell phones like the iPhone 12 run on C-band. Service providers like T-Mobile now offer direct satellite-to-cell connections.14 The drawback, beside being exposed to the biologically harmful effects of 5G15, is that global intelligence agencies, along with the US military, now have a direct line of communication at the level of transmission. The NSA and other agencies always had a backdoor to spy on us through the hardware of the phone, however messages can now be intercepted at will, across the spectrum. The geopolitical implications of this are also staggering, as other national leaders will also have their privacy further compromised.
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One small step for space, a giant leap for SpaceX
When the Space Force was established in December 2019, rather than emerging as a standalone department, it was nested within the Department of the Air Force — a compromise necessary to navigate congressional concerns about bureaucratic bloat. Trump’s proposed Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) — led by billionaires Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy — could pave the way for Space Force independence by identifying offsetting cuts elsewhere and providing a framework to enable Space Force independence without expanding the defense bureaucracy. What are the chances that a power vacuum of galactic proportions will occur, shuttling even more dollars to the USSF?
“Given the financial incentives for both Elon Musk and Peter Thiel to maintain and increase government spending on Space-X and Palantir respectively, I am not convinced there will be cost cuts. Any cost cuts would anyway be dwarfed by the cost of entering another major war. The almost 50% increase in Palantir’s share price in two weeks since Election Day, suggests that the market also expects significant benefits to accrue to Palantir, possibly due to heightened risks of war under a bellicose Trump administration.”
As other departments are potentially cut, this opens up the door for more expansion of the AI surveillance state. Conservatives have a wish list for the Trump administration called Project 2025, which aims to “separate US Cyber Command from the National Security Agency, expand cyber operations, and accelerate the integration of cyber and electronic warfare.”
Chained to starlinks
Electro-economic warfare can be waged more easily at an instant, once social media becomes a payment platform. Let us remember that Musk and Thiel both made their fortune in developing payment systems for the world, and understand how to weave these applications into a consumer’s daily life. We can forecast the potential future of digital feudalism by learning from China. The Chinese super app WeChat has more than 1 billion monthly users, according to one estimate, and is a ubiquitous part of daily life in China. Users can hail a car or taxi, send money to friends and family or make payments at stores. In 2018, some Chinese cities began testing WeChat for an electronic identification system that would be tied to users' accounts, according to the South China Morning Post.16
Critics believe that Musk couldn’t pull something like this off, since he has had issues trying to get his Everything App launched. That was before he was in The White House. A super app, or what Musk refers to as an "everything app," has been described as the Swiss army knife of mobile apps, offering a suite of services for users such as messaging, social networking, peer-to-peer payments and e-commerce shopping (aka buying and selling things to live).
“X is the future state of unlimited interactivity — centered in audio, video, messaging, payments/banking — creating a global marketplace for ideas, goods, services, and opportunities.” - Linda Yaccarino, X CEO, Chairman of the WEF's Taskforce on Future of Work
Starlink really does want to give us all an internet connection, so even the Inuit can have the privilege of not being locked out of a communist-style social credit system.
While hardwiring our network connection may not do anything about the satellites, it’s still a step to imploding the current slave system, by starving Sauron one fiber at a time. Why not reclaim the Anduril of our soul’s birthright, and use our magnetic power to pulse attack drones out of the sky, like when Luke Skywalker uses his Jedi power to lift his X-Wing plane out of the swamp?
The IOBT Empire Strikes Back
Expansion of the US Space Force will also feed the Internet-of-Battlefield-Things, which includes more cell towers, satellites, underwater sensors (Internet of Underwater Things),17 surveillance cameras, cell phones, smart cities, facial recognition technology, other biometric markers, robots, networked helmets, combat gear and other wearables (Internet of Bodies)18 as well as AI computers that rely on loads of water to run their hardware. Overwhelmed yet?
This new theater of war on all the world’s stage includes:
Cyber Warfare – attacks on computer systems and connected infrastructure
Electronic Warfare – electromagnetic pulse attacks potentially downing a nation’s entire electrical grid; or counter-drone software like Lattice from Anduril. Notice the propaganda in this video setting the ethical basis for an expansion of the US military:
Cognitive Warfare – manipulation of how people think, feel, and act. This is also known as 5th Generation Warfare. The battlefield of space will target our brainspace, as openly discussed by James Giordano, Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program at Georgetown in his presentation to West Point military academy in 2018.

“Big data is a force multiplier in neuroweaponology.”
~ Dr. James Giordano, neuroethicist at Georgetown University Medical Center
Why is the government saying we need more drones?
Dr. Giordano is also a guest writer for Defence IQ, a news publication for the US military. In the article, “Dark Side of Delivery: The Growing Threat of Bioweapon Dissemination by Drones, Giordano establishes the justification for deploying more military drones. Giordano employs the classic psychological sales technique of “problem-reaction-solution.” He reasons that smaller drones of rogue actors could easily weaponize deadly microbes and pathogens against us, as was rumored to have occuured in China, where gangs are allegedly using drones to spread African swine fever in pig populations, infecting and subsequently killing several herds. An article by the South China Morning Post quotes a local farm manager: “One of our branches once spotted drones air dropping unknown objects into our piggery, and later inspection found [the] virus in those things.”19 The irony is that Giordano is developing bioweaponized drones for the US military, which can deploy a morbid payload ranging from pharmaceuticals to organic neurotoxins.
Where is all this going, and what is the purpose of these new forms of combat?
To be, or not to be, free of this body?
The need to control others often arises when one’s life is out of control. Mankind has always had an obsession with cheating death by chasing fountains of youth. The barons of Silicon valley believe that they can use technology to do the same. Universities warp the brightest of minds, espousing philosophical edicts like those of Hobbes, who have programmed us to view nature as the enemy (Thank you
for raising my awareness of this fact in our recent interview.)“Hobbes said that in the state of nature life is nasty, brutish and short,’ he says. ‘And, um, I do think we want to overcome the state of nature. It is true that you can say that death is natural, but it is also natural to fight death. I do think there is this danger that our society has made its peace with [death] decline. I’d like to jolt them out of their complacency a little bit.’
~ Peter Thiel
What drives men that want to live forever, to surround themselves with the machinery of war and death? I would argue that when one has the power to bring death to others, they may feel in control of the flow of life itself, while drowning in a sea of self-torment.
One may view their demise as an end, or one can look at death as a new beginning of understanding and ascension to the stars. Only by living in presence and appreciation of our divine essence, may we pierce the Wheel of Time, and abandon the eternal death of our material body. As we courageously march toward a black sky, may we shine our dying light, and cast the ring of time into the bottomless pit of fire.
Time renders our souls invisible if we let it hold sway over our hearts and fears for too long. Time weighs heavy on us all, especially on those who bear its promise of doom. Yet time is also a promise of blessings, as the Big Wheel of Karma in the sky keeps turning over new lessons for us all to learn.
While one man or woman is no match for the US military, we have one weapon at our disposal. We can choose to not feed the beast by gazing into the abyss of our wireless palantirs, and opt for a hardwired connection with the Almighty.
We are more powerful than we know,
Roman & Bohdanna
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Jonathan McDowell: Planet4589 site
Mari Carmen Domingo, An overview of the internet of underwater things, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 35, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 1879-1890, ISSN 1084-8045,
Matwyshyn, Andrea M., The Internet of Bodies (January 1, 2018). William & Mary Law Review, Vol. 61, No. 1, 2019, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3452891
*Military general lying on the floor after getting drop kicked*
General - "The US Military Industrial Complex descends upon you!!!! Our Satellites will blot out the Sun!!!"
Me - "Then we'll fight in the shade.... but seriously could y'all not?!?! I like my Vitamin D."
Thank you. Not many folks see the digital prison that's coming.
...it's ironic that amidst their ideologies involved in implementing surveillance, the US Space Surveillance Network barely seem able to cobble together an info graph on the number of Satellites that is just about readable...and continuing on the same theme and inverting the use of possible intents and manipulations of our perceptions conveyed in their idea, aren't any type of 'unidentifiable' weapon perfect on a number of 'fronts' and may defy in terms of their providing 'a dynamic defense of nefarious sorts' against accusations directed against their inconspicuous use by guilty parties whose denial on such a basis seems 'apparently' irrefutable?...great article, thanks Roman, i'm only a few paragraphs in thus far...