Rest assured I believe that sunburn is caused by mucus forming foods. I never quit wearing sunglasses however when I quit eating mucus warming foods I went from getting sunburned in just 20 minutes to not getting sunburned at all not even 5 or 6 hours continuous in the Sun at the beginning of the sunny season.

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Mucus forming foods not mucus warming food sorry

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Fascinating, and pragmatic advice. In hindsight, this should be "obvious" that anything which takes us away from the environment we evolved to survive and thrive in is ultimately bad for us...

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i wear the shades when driving in the morning and evening cos im usually driving towards the sun. UV doesnt really penetrate the atmosphere at this northern latitude (uk) at these times anyway

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P.S. Bohdanna, I'm sorry I didn't address my comment to you, as well! I didn't realize you'd written the post. Thank you! :)

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Jack Kruse in his videos also cites some Russian ophthamologists whose research in the 1970s were shunned in the West. Don't remember which videos.

Also, sungaze meditations during sunrise and sunset is good for your eyes and health. I try to do this on the rare days when they're not blocking out the Sun during those times. You should ground your bare feet to the Earth. The book The Crystalline Transmission Volume 3 has some details. There must be something to this, since they try so hard to block during those times. The Sun I believe gets charged up by the galactic central sun and its cosmic rays, which then charges the Earth and its organisms, causing an awakening.

Oh, and I remember when my ex-wife and I would get transition lenses. She and my son still do. Hope my daughter doesn't succumb in the future! This reminds me of Jacob Liberman, who has a technique to correct your vision: https://www.jacobliberman.org/about

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Copper, as always you leave thoughtful insights. How often we underestimate the Russians. I've never heard of the Crystalline Transmission series, so will check that out. Yes my only consolation with the sun being blocked around sunrise is that the infrared and invisible frequencies still get through- however the grounding potential is of course also affected with more metals in the atmosphere such as lead. Curious -How long ago did you stop wearing transition lenses?

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thanks, Roman. Yes, so many other shunned Russian scientists, Nikolai Kozyrev, Viktor Grebbenikov, Velikovsky, Alexander Chizhevsky (who did Sun cycle research), etc. You know how important their work is when searching 'Kozyrev' results in other people- they don't want you to know. I am drafting an article about renegade scientists.

The Crystalline Transmission series is all about crystals by Katrina Raphaell, a foremost expert in crystals.

I wore transitions from around 2012 to when I had to get a new pair of glasses in 2021, which lasted 5 years, but I had known about this b/c I saw Jack Kruse's videos in 2018.

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This is so true, Roman! I ditched my sunglasses a few years, and my eyes are much less sensitive. I do have a cautionary tale, however, about sun-gazing. Several years ago, while still living in the city, I walked down to the river to watch the sunset. I was squinting at it as it went down, mesmerized by the colorful rays. The next morning, I went for a walk, and I couldn't read the street signs. Prior to this, my distance vision was excellent. I only wore reading glasses When I went into a grocery store, I couldn't read anything on the shelves. I eventually had to get glasses for driving. I wish I could go back and undo that day. My vision has never been the same.

That being said, I agree with everything you've written. The sun has been vilified when in reality, it's the source of healing for us. I'm trying to break my habit of wearing glasses at all, and I make sure my eyes and skin see the sun every day. You should do an article on what a scam dermatology is. I let myself get chopped up so many times from skin cancers. Of course, this was back in the day when I wore sunscreen and had a crappy diet. Anyway, thx for the good info! Our bodies know best.

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Good morning Barbara, thank you so very much for all of your amazing input. You reminded me that I forgot to put a note about light sensitive individuals. Light sensitivity is a whole other topic that I will go into in the future. It's interesting that you said you saw the sunset, and this is what triggered vision issues.

You may not remember- but were you out most of the day, or just saw the sunset after wearing glasses most of that day? Also, how much of the sun were you seeing with you bare eyes before that?

I ask because the photoreceptors in our eyes, neuropsin and melanopsin, are exquisitely sensitive to UV-A light, and become strengthen over time by seeing this UV-A in the AM. Other factors that can weaken our photoreceptors are not having enough DHA in our diet (from algae, seafood, liver).

Thanks also for your input on the dermatologists- your experiences help me know how we can help others out there, so thank you Barbara!

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Hi Roman! I don’t remember, but it’s very likely that I was wearing sunglasses back then. My body was also going through a lot of physical stuff - fibromyalgia for eight years - that’s what led me down this path. Anyway, I eventually went to an ophthalmologist who said I’d damaged something. Don’t remember what.

I can say with certainty that living in the country - all of these trees and fresh air - has improved my vision. Even my skin doesn’t burn here! It’s bizarre. I have very Celtic skin - freckles and all. I don’t wear sunscreen - sometimes I’ll use a coconut/Brahmi oil if I’m out kayaking - but most days, I don’t have anything on my skin. If something pops up that looks like it might be problematic, I no longer run to a dermatologist. I use a Chaga creme and have had amazing results.

It’s all so fascinating, right?? Hope you have a beautiful day. :)

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Thanks for the article. Dr Huberman on youtube has many informative talks re eye health, sun light, etc. But, my opthalmologists over the years have told me that cataracts and now macular degeneration are due partly to UV damage; I've rarely worn sun glasses.

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Heh, the glasses dumb us down. No wonder my GPA was under 3 😑.

I stopped wearing any form of glasses a few years ago, especially the medicated ones once I read about how they cause lens deformation.

But anytime you google this stuff, the search engines are filled with medical optics sponsored content.

I feel sorry for the folks relying on the internet nowadays for knowledge or health.

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I hear you Shawn- the internet is a scary place and daunting now, especially when we lose common sense. Who needs GPA anyway when you have common sense?

Any specific reason you gave up the glasses years ago? Did you find that they just weren't working as promised?

So many centralized MDs including optimologists have been trained in one certain way, without taking in the big picture as to how EMF and our current electrosmog environment operates. I'm happy you found the article valuable! Hope you enjoy a sunglass free day down in Jamaica.

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Mar 20, 2023
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Unfortunately you speak the truth Ula...at least this will force those of us who want to be healthy to figure out the truth behind how powerful we, and mother nature really are. It's an exciting time. Curious- when did you find out this truth of doctors being salesmen ? 2020, or years before?

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Aug 5, 2023
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Thank you so much Teresa. Makes sense! If I come upon that article I will include it here.

I'd be interested to know what your family and friends say. Often sunglasses, like sunscreen, are used more for aesthetics / status vs health.

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