Oct 6, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Question: if you can’t get apples in the lucky way you two did, and you’re not sure they are organic...what is the best way to wash them? I enjoy your podcasts very much!

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Hi Fizzy! Great question. I would wash the outside with just regular soap and water, and then you could slice it up and try soaking those slices in some water with a couple tablespoons of vinegar to help extract any pesticide. That said - it’s probably best to avoid those sprayed apples and the pesticides leech in from the top of the apple and soak right through. I know it’s probably not the answer you were looking for- Hope this helps you.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Just bought a bunch of apples from a local orchard! I. Going to eat every bit of the apple, after listening to this podcast. Thanks for the great info🍎🍏

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Fantastic! thanks so much Rom for your feedback! What are you going to do with the apples?

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Just a snacking apple for now. Tried the seeds- and they do taste like an almond paste. I’ve shared this podcast topic with a few people too.

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Thank you so much Rom for your feedback, and for sharing with others!

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Nature's medicine. The best kind. At the risk of the Eff-Dee-Ay coming after me, I have a friend who credits eating apples seeds (just a few every day) with helping her vision.

Thx for the info and also for sharing my post, Roman & Bohdanna. I've been eating 3 local just-picked apples every day. So good! 🍎🍎🍎

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Happy to share Barbara! Wow 3, you got me beat, although I do eat lots of sauce, so maybe Im having like 6 apples per day who knows? 😆

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My mouth is watering thinking of the Macs and Cortlands right off the tree - tart and crisp. Although Ayurveda says sweeter apples are best for Vata dosha, I just wink and eat them anyway. :) 🍎

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Thanks for the apple info!

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For sure! Thanks Carol for appreciating it. Curious- what did you find the most fascinating?

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I liked hearing what you did with the apples,making apple sauce, canning, etc… feel like we are going back in time, simplicity, nature.

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Thank you so much Carol for that feedback! Your input really helps us understand what resonates and what has value, so thank you.

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