This is a tremendously important article! Thank you for researching this connection. I am thinking of the children who are on the Spectrum and reflecting how often they are obsessed with phones/electronic tablets. It’s like they want to be bathed in the EMF radiation all the time. The tragic aspect is that many exasperated parents simply sit their autistic child or young adult in front of the screen to get some rest themselves, thereby compromising the problem even further. Moreover, if you think of the recent rise in strange behavior and identities within the gaming community, it could be the cumulative impact of this electrical illness expressing itself. I would love to know more about studies that show the impact of removing these devices from autistic children’s daily lives (or minimizing their exposure). It seems with “assistive technology” that the trend is more electronic gadgets and apps for these individuals, while this approach might cause unexpected downsides! At the very least, there might be compromise of keeping the devices in “airplane mode” as much as possible. Does the mode lower the EMF exposure?

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Fantastic insights Belte. I've noticed how the autistic love gadgets as well, and this probably has something to do with their disrupted dopamine levels I would imagine. (blue light spikes dopamine). The gaming community intersects often with the "neurodivergent".

Airplane mode is better than full blast, but not to be trusted. The phone radiates nonetheless, as many have built-in GPS compasses that are constantly tracking. Malicious spyware can also be installed on devices, unbeknownst to the user, and make us believe that airplane mode is on, even when it's not. Best solution is to put the phone in a cookie tin in the car or garage, and test to see if a call can get through. Ultimately these phones will need to be destroyed.

When did you first become aware of the harms of EMF?

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Ironically, when I saw that an electronics tablet could track a stylus without even touching the pad, I began to wonder what the EMF might be doing to my own skin or fingers. I also started to notice many of the kids who struggled with language and socializing were obsessed with electronics. At first, I thought it might be some crutch but then I started to infer a possible negative feedback loop. I’m eager to purchase your course when it’s up!

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It's absolutely dopamine related.

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Cross-posted! Thanks you two! This raises so many questions and I really hope that all those who read it pass it onto the parents of autistic children. Let's face it, what does it cost to SWITCH IT OFF?

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Seriously...it costs us less to turn it off as we save on the electric bill! Thank you so much for your support Frances. Any new tidbits/ info from this article that were new to you?

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All of it!! I had not connected autism with EMFs at all. Now that you have spelled it out, it seems so obvious! Thanks, Roman, I have added this article to my massive archive - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/all-my-substack-articles-on-emfc19

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That's fantastic Frances! I am overjoyed to hear that even someone of your standing appreciates this. Goes to show how many more can benefit with this knowledge. Thank you so much for your support.

I still haven't done the frankincense and myrrh (: but will do a post on that detox when i do.

What do you do the most to heavy metal detox, apart from fasting? Any supplements you like?

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I never use any supplements as a rule. If I feel I need any help I always seek out the food that is most likely to provide that thing. For detox I always start with fresh ginger root tea, well stewed and mashed. I add honey and a thick slice of lemon. Detox has to start from the bottom up and ginger goes straight to the kidney cleansing and nourishing. Then detox the liver with dandelion root tea and more honey and lemon. I buy it from a local Chinese family who import it from China in a fine powder form. In TCM the dandelions of Mongolia are considered the most potent.

Usually those two detoxes are enough to clear the blood of toxins and we check the underside of the tongue to know if it has been sufficient. Press the tip of the tongue against the back of the top teeth and look at the underside in a mirror. The two thick veins should be even in shape and pink. If they are dark or (worse) black, then repeat the two step detox again.

Be sure to follow the instructions very carefully when you make the gold, frankincense and myrrh potion. It is extremely powerful. Here are the instructions again for anyone who may have missed them:


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Thank you Frances. I try not to use supplements as well, and if so, they are in food form, like chlorella or cilantro. I just tried the tongue test with my wife and we both laughed as apparently I have a hard time opening my mouth. Alas, my two veins are pinkish, and hers dark. Ginger tea tonight it is!

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for this life saving info!!!! I can’t financially support you at this time but soon!

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Rene, for sure! I appreciate your moral support, believe me. How will this info help you? Were you aware of the EMF connection? Do you know anyone with autism you can help?

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also ultrasound scans


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Thanks for the reminder on this one - also a form of EMF. Will include in the resources section. Thank you Jane. When did you become aware of the harms of EMF?

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Thanks for this informative article, Roman.

For heavy metal detox, I already use cilantro and chlorella, now, thanks to you I have a new one to try, Pau d’arco bark tea. Much appreciated

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Absolutely Antila! So happy you got balue out of the article. Curious- when did you become aware of the harms of EMF?

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My 2nd cellphone would give me rashes and bumps when I kept it in the same pants pocket for more than a day. I think that was early 2000s.

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Wow. Well you're lucky that you were so sensitive, and found this out early on I believe. I didn't have a cell phone for years in the 2000s b/c I had a massive phone bill when chatting with a girlfriend at the time, and promised myself I wouldn't get phone until I could pay the $1500 bill. I was twenty back then, and happy I stayed away for a while before college ended at least and I went into the workforce. Now I only have a landline. Do you still get any rashes or bumps when around wi-fi?

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Ouch $1500, long distance companies rob people so bad. For me wifi is weird. Not sure how to describe other than to "claim" wifi works worse when I am around.

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Sometimes that gut instinct is the best thing, even though others may not believe, they don't live in our body. Interesting that it would work worse. Thank you for your feedback and insight Antila! And for sharing (:

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YW and nice chatting with you Roman.

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My kids and myself are autistic and hypermobile. I stopped needing a wheelchair and a neck brace just by moving to a town with lower EMF, but even this town has amped up EMF producering tech in the past year. Or kidneys are really having a tough time with it.

We do significantly better with no power to our living/sleeping spaces and reducing our exposure to EMF outside our home (which has become near impossible these days). I can tell you from first hand lived experience !!ALL!! EMF aggravates our brains and makes it harder for us to function. NO EMF is safe for us.

I'm at a loss on how to safeguard my children when EMF is unavoidable now. We have almost none in our home, homeschool, but all our neighbors do, then there is the LiFi, cell towers, every shop is loaded with various EMF, peoples phones etc. It's all gotten so loud in the past few years.

We are so sensitive, and feel so much, stuff neurotypical's can tune out, it's very overwhelming to process. The resulting behavior isn't 'antisocial', it's the end result of severe overwhelm. If someone breaks a leg, we don't call their screams 'antisocial', we comfort them because they are in pain, while tying to help with their broken leg.

Instead, autistic's are left to fend for themselves and branded 'antisocial'.

We autistic's are the canaries in the electrosmog, and almost no one listening.

**I'm not having a go at Roman, in case it comes across that way. I'm expressing my frustration at the world we live in, and how we are labelled and treated.

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Hi Fanta Sea, circling back after a year - sorry for not addressing your comment. How's everything going? Have you tried the following:

low-oxalate and/or GAPS protocol

dirty electricity filtration

hardwiring/ turning power off at night

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It’s gene mutations that mean we don’t detox efficiently. Official toxin exposure guidelines are only relevant for those with no gene mutations

For those with gene mutations they can’t even tolerate the amount of aluminium adjuvant in a flu vaccine

I’ve had autism and cured it. It’s caused by a hypersensitivity reaction to metals usually aluminium. Removing the metals cures it if you didn’t first get autism as a young child which can cause permanent neurotoxicity.

I could show you today what causes autism symptoms by simply getting a flu vaccine. I’ve done it lots of times

Big pharma have been spending huge resources to prevent official toxin exposure limits from being updated to include people with common gene mutations as if that happened their industry would unravel and it would be clear to the public all the harm they have been causing people who have gene mutations

That’s why we also are sensitive to emf.

I’ve had bipolar and then cured it and I’ve even had dementia and cured that too

Just remove antigen sources and antigens from the body. It’s pretty simple really

The people with these gene mutations

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How did you cure your autism? I’ve been struggling with sensory issues for the past 5 years. Highly sensitive to noise, extreme anxiety, haven’t been able to bear wearing a bra, etc. in addition to my newfound autistic symptoms, my ADHD has also grown worse. I’m in the middle of testing for the Walsh Protocol, and I have genetic testing results which confirm I have MTHFR and COMT gene mutations. Please tell me what you did to cure autism. Right now I’m shelling out thousands of dollars for outside bloodwork and basically self-diagnosed myself with autism after my old nurse misdiagnosed me with Bipolar 2. I’m currently in autistic burnout and would give anything to get my mental and physical health back.

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Hi La-Shawn, circling back here - sorry if we missed your comment. I know it's been almost a year. Email us if you'd like to connect info@thepowercouple.ca

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Great article, fascinating to read, I ordered the tea.

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Thank you for your kind comment Alexander! It's an honour to "meet" you here. I look forward to checking out some of your books as well. My grandparents were Ukrainian, and I was in Plast scouts in New Jersey. Dobrijden!

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That’s amazing, I wondered about your last name, if you give me your email I’ll send you a few books!

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Thank you so much Alexander! Yes it's info@romanshapoval.com

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Duzhe dyakuyu!

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bud laska!

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Incredible information. I will make a hardcopy. I knew there were many links and not accidental ones from my perspective. What all parents should know and everyone else.

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thank you so much Gayle for your support! Hardcopies might not be a bad idea, especially in this day and age of information warfare. Any new insights you got from the article?

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LIKE LIKE LIKE... I can't hit it enough Frances! ❣️❣️❣️

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Thank you Jeannette! I really appreciate your support and kind comment. Were you aware of the EMF connection to autism before?

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I did not correlate the wo specifically. I did note however that the frequency soup & electrical/magnetic atmospheric balance has been out of whack thus producing more transient illnesses.

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Thank-you for sharing this valuable information. As an early childhood educator, I find this important to help the children I work with and to be informed.

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Thank you so much Lisa for your kind comment. Is there anything new you would introduce into your classrooms and/or share with parents or other teachers after reading this article?

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The work of that genius of medical research, Royal Rife, might be a valuable part of this discussion.

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Following and

Vaccines =



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Polysorbates and other similar acting substances would play a major role in your theory as they allow exposure through crossing of the blood brain barrier

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Thank you Tammy! Yes anything that starts with "poly" is a problem, whether we touch it, wear it, or ingest. EMF is the major toxin that opens up our BBB to everything else I believe, and why when we reduce/ eliminate EMF, we can then stem the tide of everything else.

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Yes, you are correct.

I wanted to keep it simple for label readers

Polysorbates are listed as ingredients in a diverse array of consumer products including hygienics, aromatics, (including essential oils) foodstuffs and cleanser’s

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Oh more people praying on parents of autistic children, love you guys, more the merrier!

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Only trying to help James, not preying on anyone.

Most of my family died from chronic, inflammatory disease, so I want to make sure that others know the dangers of EMF as an environmental toxin.

Are you aware of the 10,000 + independent peer-reviewed studies showing harm?




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Sorry James...what do you mean, more the merrier?

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Ok so little EMF before Microwaves. That's WRONG. Lets see every electrical machine produces EMF ! We had lightbulbs in 1800s, power lines, radio, television, lightning, refrigerators, fans, vacuums, etc,etc. YOUR HYPOTHESIS is wrong! but go ahead reach a conclusion based on a faulty hypothesis. "Crap in=crap out"

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Thank you for your feedback James. However it's not a matter of strictly electricity (quantity). It's the quality/ pulse of the EMF. When people adopted digital phones, the pulsed radiofrequency creates more oxidative stress than just electricity from a light bulb. Combined with metals via injection, EMFs will exacerbate harm.

What do you believe is responsible for the sharp rise in autism since the 90s?

Have you looked at all the studies I referenced?

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