Keep up the good work, Roman! The only one we can trust is Mother Nature. Jack Kruse is right on target. I even wore my blue light blocking glasses at Home Depot and Walmart this morning, because their blue light hurts my eyes! I was shopping for more IR red light bulbs to use at night in my home.
Keep up the good work, Roman! The only one we can trust is Mother Nature. Jack Kruse is right on target. I even wore my blue light blocking glasses at Home Depot and Walmart this morning, because their blue light hurts my eyes! I was shopping for more IR red light bulbs to use at night in my home.
Thank you Robin! Love hearing that. The more of us who wear these things in public, the more people will start to ask questions. We can become the new crazy normal (:
Look forward to hearing how the light bulbs work out for you!
Keep up the good work, Roman! The only one we can trust is Mother Nature. Jack Kruse is right on target. I even wore my blue light blocking glasses at Home Depot and Walmart this morning, because their blue light hurts my eyes! I was shopping for more IR red light bulbs to use at night in my home.
Thank you Robin! Love hearing that. The more of us who wear these things in public, the more people will start to ask questions. We can become the new crazy normal (:
Look forward to hearing how the light bulbs work out for you!