There's a cafe near my residence and each time I went in there I saw kids on ipads damaging their eyes on cognitive development.

The mention of how screens effect our empathy is a very important piece to the puzzle of a post I was thinking about writing. Thank you. People seem so much colder today that they make Mr Freeze look like a Care Bear.

The beats coming from that baby monitor were straight fire for the first few seconds. I could see someone using that in a rap song. But on a more serious note and from experience it's easy to see how gaming can make one more anxious.

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Thank you Jonathan for listening...babies have a tough enough life as it is. Ever hear about trans-cranial magnetic stimulation? This relates to how magnetic fields can affect mood - I think MIT did an article on it, or it could be someone else.

Thanks for reading - been meaning to read your article on German medicine - it's a popular topic these days.

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Thank you. The term does sound similar. I'm aware that people have fidgeted with magnetic fields and the brain though.

No problem take your time.

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Thank you important information.

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Anytime Claudia! Glad you got some value out of the article. Anything new here that stood out for you?

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Thanks for the mentions and inclusions. This is a profoundly important must read for parents and teachers everywhere... I will be cross-posting.

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I couldn’t agree with you more, Gary. Great article. I’m curious to know what the types of damage people using the newly released Apple iGoggles would be for children and adults. A device strapped to your head for hours can’t be good for anyone given that it’s a 5G emitting device. Do you have any data showing exactly what the damage would be from regular usage of said device?

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Hi James, thanks so much for subscribing, and for your comment. It's a good question. I"ll be creating a part 2 to this post on teens, airpods and other tech that demographic uses, and how they can get back to their humanity.

Here's a video for now:


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Awesome !!

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I meant to reference Roman in my comment. Hope he can give us the answer we need to hear. Thanks Gary.

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No, can't be good though. Hopefully Roman has some thoughts on this.

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Another wonderful article BUT (only because I was ranting about it yesterday) let's start using wider and better terms than Like Big Tobacco, all advertising is propaganda, tobacco is the rules not the exception, our entire culture and the logic of capitalism is addiction based. Big oil and big tobacco use the same techniques as the local store claiming their pizza is better. Saying big tobacco makes a point but, in my opinion, misses the bigger point that we are trained in our business lives to disrupt the economy, to spin the truth, to be part of the problem AND when we say like big tobacco or any other nefarious corporate cluster that's lied, we are go unconscious, simply doing a bit of advertising on our version of the truth. 😸 This BTW, is an opinion, and in no way should distract from your marvelous fact based article

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Hello Con/ Jur/d , thank you so much for your wonderful insight. You know, it's funny you say this, b/c I almost thought twice when writing "big tech". I was thinking maybe "big wireless" would be better...but then that also detracts from the names, the companies, individuals propagating the lies and marketing.

Not trying to be an ass, but what would you say instead of big tobacco/ big tech? Would you just mention the names of the people/ companies behind the addictive tech?

What are your thoughts on saying the Military-Industrial complex?

Probably too vague as well...we'll have to come up with something a bit more adroit.

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I know, and I'm stuck as well;-) It's the mindset we're swimming in as an ex smoker, who is not a fan of big tobacco and the con job they promoted I find it interesting to gauge people's reactions to this article https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-10-cdc-depression-mortality-wealth-death.html. Pharmaceutical companies have bombarded us with propaganda on SSRI based on sketchy disproven science for years and yet, tobacco stripped from the sales addiction industrial complex (!?!, maybe, AIC, ha) probably outperforms all the SSRI's, and depending on the delivery system may be safer than some of the 'new' antidepressants. Addiction Technology COINC lol

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Love Addiction Technology! My wife was on SSRIs for a while, and is well aware of the scam. Thanks for your creative input Con/Jur/d! So glad you stopped by to leave your contstructive insights.

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Wow I see you all have been busy.

I so look forward to reading this.

I struggle first hand with this issue as have two young men at home 14 and 16!


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Thanks so much Bruce. Yes I have been, but in a good way. Resetting with healthy habits and a routine of getting outdoors first thing can do wonders...changing the environment is what can change us all.

How are you liking the course so far?

How's the volume/ sound quality on the lessons?

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I will, Roman.

I have a Polish friend who has proposed several educational programs to the EU for funding. These program are for children, mostly from Poland. I just sent your post to her. You might very well hear from her, because I know she is looking for other people to get on board.

Blessings from SEA.

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Thank you so much Hillary.

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Wow, Roman, what a thesis!

Thank you. I plan to reference this and send it on to several educators.

Blessings to You and your partner!

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Thank you so much HIllary! I appreciate your support. Feel free to have them reach out to me directly with questions info@thepowercouple.ca

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Screen-Heads never develop Intellectual, Social or Manual Skills in a (Virtual Reality) and diversity will create a (Standardization) of a Hive-Mind...Is the intended outcome and in the end...Will promotes Laziness, Stupidity and Deception !!!!

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I couldn't agree more Marten. Do you see a lot of "screen heads" in your area?

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Children not using their fingers means they are delegating those responsibilities to an external system, which in turn means their internal pathways degrade -- or don't even develop. This is true about systems in general. In fact, it's the topic of my first post here on Substack, funnily enough.

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Love that insight Eric! Didn't think about delegation . Send me the link to your post!

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Just amazing... I plan to share this precious work on my substack. Thank you for your hard work and generosity in sharing this with us.

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