We take at least three 1.5 miles walks a day... without a cell phone. I agree with you 100%. Leaving my inside office tech to do outdoor morning chores right now. Namaste!

It's hard to leave the tech behind, because it's so empowering. I earned all my income with an IT career. I'm a tech geek. But it made me sick, and I healed via native God given energy healing. I wrote up my full protocol this morning, which is the same as yours, Roman. Nature is calling me. I'll have to share it on Substack soon. But not today. Namaste.

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Thank you, Wise observations and suggestions.. Yes, We require so very little of Man's creations.. Nature, find her everyday wherever you are.. even if its just your back yard.. bare feet... lean in to longer more extensive immersions the best you can... Life Unconditional expands into every cell.. the Deeper we go.. Breath, moving in Silence, and drink with your eyes only the finest.. The Deeper we go the deeper the regeneration... Go Big.. Unconditional Love and Peace with every step... with every Breath..

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I know the feeling. I am not a plugger, but I wrote this back in 2022. Great advice. I have even gone down to the basement and flipped off the whole house breaker. Sometimes I just can't stand it.


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Thank yall. Setting time aside to be in nature is crucial these days.

Morpheus(probably) - "This is it., this is your last chance. After this there is no turning back.

You take the blue pill. The story ends. You go back to your apartment on the 5th floor bathing in man-made emf and blue light. You live day to day stressed out but you don't know why.

Or you take the red pill. You spend time out in nature. Getting sunlight, grounding, and improving your inner peace."

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Just watched that movie the other week after 20 years of first seeing it in a blue-pilled state. Only the Oracle can live on the 5th floor baking cookies all the time.

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lol true.

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Always Michael, all 20 plus years I have had one. I try to leave my phone at home as much as possible even for short trips to grocery store in a car. I don't like them near my body thus the walking, but don't really want them in the car either. I do have one of those Mission Darkness bags I use in the car and at night, and in day it is in a case in which I can talk on it, but theoretically protected. Can't find the name. What you said on your oxytocin podcast about cortisol and texting rings true to me. Even though calling now has a rude connotation, I find it much more soothing, must be the difference in those chemicals.

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Yes to nature and walking a lot without cell phones, which I do twice a day along the coastal cliffs out here in California. I am glad to here of your experience and agree, I write about various aspects of being connected to nature as well.

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Thanks Sabrina for sharing that! How long ago did you start walking w/o a phone?

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I don't even OWN a cellphone.

People used to say to me, "How do you survive without a cellphone?!"

Now they say, "Good for you!"

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Thank you for this encouraging and inspiring column! I look forward to my daily forest walk in my back yard. My sister and I have trailblazed though the blackberries and holly with our dogs and found a lovely giant leaf maple to sit inside the base. We can literally feel the energy and come back refreshed 🥰

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Excellent information, Roman. I live in a forest and it's amazing how tranquil it is! As a behavioral health counselor, I often give my clients a homework assignment that involves putting their electronic devices aside and spending a solo day in a forest. The results are always incredible.

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Hi Roman. Also here - it was a pleasure meeting you tonight in Fonthill! What a “coincidence”.

Haven’t read this article yet. But yes - going for walk with the dog between 3-5 km daily without phone.

Here the promised link: might be a good resource and ideas how this Swiss organization fights against Swisscom and communities.


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