Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023Author

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I guess it's what can we do? Go BACK 100 years? Try to invest in

EMF protection? It's like how we live is killing us?

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Great questions. It goes back to how the industry was created in the late 1800s, with telegraph wires running all over the place, and safety being the last concern.

First off, there's no need to have 50 satellites being put into orbit each day. They're blocking weather comms, and becoming detrimental to Earth itself as they're microwaving the planet. Take them down asap.

Shut off WiFi at least at night when you sleep, along with your power breaker if you can.

Hard-wiring is always an option, yet WiFi is promoted because it's not regulated like static internet addresses from a hard-wired connection. Landlines work very well, and I still have one. There are many solutions, humanity just has to put its minds together I believe. Once we see that the Earth, and all life is at the brink of destruction from this tech, we won't have a choice but to go back in time and reevaluate. Cell towers are also overkill (no pun intended) and are there for surveillance, and provide more data power and bandwidth than we need.

There's also a lot of info about Tesla free energy that hasn't gotten released. Who knows what the potential is there?

Prayer (scalar waves as desribed by Tesla) also can't hurt. Collective meditation + prayer is even more powerful as frequencies compound their positive or negative effect.

I also believe, based on firsthand accounts from Nordic people, that human telepathy is real, and we have the power to use this as a communication tool. However due to diet, processed foods, fluoride, chemtrails, this ability has been impaired.

I hope that helps clarify potential solutions for you.



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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I'm there. I not only don't use wifi, with hardwired ethernet, but shut off the power grid to the sleeping area at night to get proper rest. the house wiring acts as antennae for wifi and EMF dirty power. shutting it off solves the constant exposure. on the other hand I use a PEMF health mat with Tesla coil magnetics that restores body cell activity for healing. and I feel I've lost my ability for human telepathy as well as empathy through this ordeal. like my spirit is being electrically shocked.

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Thanks for reinforcing the importance of shutting off the power. Could you share a link to that PEMF health mat when you get a moment?

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval


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Jan 18, 2023·edited Jan 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

The 4th industrial revolution may have it's perks for health! Lol.

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Health for robots is about all its good for lol

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I agree. How will they control us if we have no fossil fuels.. Electricity?

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Smart meters are also a big part of this agenda. Everyone needs to have them removed or not have them installed in the first place. They're also starting to install water meters with WiFi to track usage and not telling residents.

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I'm no prophet, but I would think so. The smart grid / electrical power stations being connected to an app that's connected to your social credit score that allows you to unlock your smart car/ smart home one goal of the WEF. However we may have to brace for nuclear war or total planetary destruction before then. Then the politicians can come out of their bunkers and say we need a one world govt to prevent all this again. However we can stop it, or die trying. We have the numbers, and love and God is on our side.

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Jan 18, 2023·edited Jan 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Yes I understand that. If we have an attack on grid, how will that work? Just thinking outloud . Really when push comes to shove, I see more than not, NOT complying. Look what's happening with the jabs. One can hope anyways.

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Gotcha. I like how you're thinking...there are way more good people out there than the media or many would make us believe.

However I think if that happens, there wouldn't be much control. Some would go to the UN deathcamps that require vaxx to get in just so they can eat, others would be left out in the proverbial woods facing cannibals, or uniting with other like-minded asskickers that won't comply.

Drama aside, the biggest issue I see with the power grid going down is sanitation. After 4 days the sewage most places would back up. This is why I have a portable composting /camp toilet. It's last resort-style (they do make way nicer composting, built-in toilets).

The satellites would most likely still work, so Musk again could look like a savior, while having you submit to more tracking just so you can get groceries. Unless a solar EMP takes them down, which in my view would be the best case scenario. Does that help answer your question?

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Jan 18, 2023·edited Jan 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

there are solutions, the biggest is to avoid freud. avoid the problem so to speak. the key elements to EMF hypersensitivity are 1) strength and type of signal, 2) proximity of signal, ie. how close are you to it, and 3) duration, how long are you exposed to the field. in this case, flight is better than fight.. unless we all want to live in a faraday cage. the condo complex with all its electrical wiring and wifi, is not a faraday cage, but a microwave. luckily I am still able to live remote in a house near a park where I can control the power. take care

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Thank you so much! You have explained a lot of my health problems here and I am cross-posting immediately! xx

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Frances, thank you so very much for your support! Anything issue in particular I've helped address?

Feel free to also email me info@romanshapoval.com if you want to discuss further about any personal health problems.

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Years ago, I read all the studies from Russia, testing microwaves on rats and I had noted the obesity problem but for some reason I did not equate it with my own recent sudden weight gains.

Since I have been living in this village I have ballooned in weight, developed COPD, swollen legs, a stroke and a heart attack. I bought an Electrosmog meter and monitor EMFs in my surroundings slowly creeping up and pulsing. Now the lights show a solid red since a huge 5G tower was installed in the middle of the village and I am suffering worse than ever.

You joined the dots for me!

I realised that I show signs of type two diabetes. I did not change my diet and yet I expanded so fast that my skin itched with the stretching. Sugar may not be the culprit as we have been misled to believe. It is just another cover up of the impacts of living with an electrified environment.

When I lived off grid I had trouble keeping weight on...... that should have given me the biggest clue of all but I missed it. Now I know, thanks to you. Cheers m'dear!

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Frances, although I am very sorry to hear about your struggles, it warms my heart knowing that you feel more empowered now. If you get a chance, you may want to check out the work of Jack Kruse. He's a neurosurgeon that was obese and believes it was due to EMF. He developed what's called the Leptin Prescription:



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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Fascinating. His diet is like the Atkins Diet in some ways. I am just beginning to watch the video, thanks!

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so happy we could connect.

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DHA is also a fantastic fatty acid that has a positive effect on diseases such as hypertension, arthritis, atherosclerosis, depression, adult-onset diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, thrombosis, and some cancers. Check out my post here if/when you have the time. But check out Kruse first. Mindblowing stuff.


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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

"Testing ! Testing !"

If only more sites offered the (occasional) short concise readable explanations about how Health is affected by EMFs, it would be harder for Vested Interests to use ridicule to have claims about the danger of 5G ignored by the masses...

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023Author

Les, thank you so much for your comment. I do appreciate your honest feedback. I will consider this for future posts. Do you think this post was confusing to follow?

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Not at all...

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Ok thanks. So you mean it was easy/ concise and readable?

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Prevention and reversal of Diabetes should be a number one

Public Health concern, worthy of education.

The key is the diet. Most Americans have a diet that is detrimental to

good health. Dr. Neil Barnard gives the education needed to address

this disease. https://www.amazon.com/Neal-Barnards-Program-Reversing-Diabetes/dp/1594868107

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Absolutely. Thanks for the link Mary Lou. What does Neil Bernard mention as the main treatment intervention/protocol? Ketogenic? Staying away from processed foods?

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Useful, makes sense. But seems we need electrical, wifi, so, is it hopeless?

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I would agree that we need electrical, however it needs to be made safe. We could have hard-wired over WiFi, however even the hard wires that run back to the cell towers then have a "jump" point where they transmit wirelessly to the tower. There is power filtration available for electrical lines, however it's rarely used, and lines are often improperly grounded.

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

this is uncanny, myself being EMF hypersensitive and living with try-geminal neuralgia nerve face pain for the past 8 years, I can see how white sugar and flour are related with electrical sensitivity. diabetes is present in my family. to the point that I avoid sugar and white flour, and turn off the power grid in the sleeping area of the house at night. the difference is like day and night. I can't fathom the things I cannot see, but I certainly feel the effects thereof. body inflammation occurs in muscles joints and nerves from hypersensitivity. speaking from personal experience, all the things mentioned in this article affect me adversely. ashwaganda, among other things, helps to balance my blood sugars. as for electrical EMF, avoidance is the key. I also use a product called nerve renew B complex with R-alphalipoic acid.

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This is how I fixed trigeminal neuralgia. Two pronged approach.

First is the exercise below that will remove the pain almost instantly.

Second is to remove ALL traces of aluminium from your home and your body in order to remove the cause. Once you start hunting it down you will find it everywhere. Start with all commercially baked goods as they are often baked in aluminium, and aluminium is used in both flour and baking powder as an anti-caking agent (and even in some grated cheese). Throw out any antiperspirant, as aluminium is the active ingredient that blocks perspiration. Never eat at a restaurant that uses aluminium pots, and throw out your own if you have any. Never bake in tin foil, and never buy pre-baked goods in tin foil trays. And if you live anywhere near an aluminium smelter you have to move. I even avoid supplements in aluminium backed bubble packs. I discovered when I removed all aluminium, that even my gluten intolerance disappeared - the intolerance was triggered by the combination of aluminium and gluten, which is pretty much all baked goods.


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Sam Bailey said recently that silica dealt to aluminium (aluminum).

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Thanks so much for sharing with us, I hope others are helped by your info. DHA is crucial for brain and nervous health: Check out my article if/when you get a chance on that:


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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

will do!

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HI Claudia! Sorry I missed your comment. Any "aha" moments from this article?

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Realistically, for many of us, particularly the poor, moving house is not always an option. And buying a ton of protective gadgetry which may or may not work may also not be an option, also because of cost. I am a pensioner living in a subsidised upstairs apartment and I have no capacity to move. I have to make the most of what I have.

I had a run in with near death in 2022, diagnosed as covid but probably damage to my autonomic nervous system caused by 5G et al. I came out of hospital with a diabetes diagnosis. Once I worked out that what ailed me was nervous system damage not immune system damage, I decided I have to work out how to protect myself where I am, and heal the harm done, but I am still restricted to a limited budget.

I am a bit of a mystic, and a herbalist. I see, from some other comments on this substack, that you might be open to ideas a bit out of left field. I started thinking about smudging with sage, presuming it really does remove negative psychic energies of some kind. What is the science of that? Can a frequency be detected that sage removes? If so, what range of frequencies does it eliminate? Can this capacity be extrapolated to other herbs or essential oils. What about frankincense and/or myrrh? Are there cheap natural products that can be re-purposed to block or remove 5G? (I specify 5G because it was 5G that put me over my personal limit, and I use 4G myself for my computer connection, also based on poverty not choice - it is the cheapest connection, so I cannot do much about that except the normal, "turn it off at night" type precautions. I also have a little orgone generator, and who knows if that does anything or not?

So, that long pre-amble to ask what research you might know about for minimising 5G in some way that does not cost a fortune, and that hopefully does not harm the body in some other way in the process. I am happy to be sent off to links.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023Author

Thanks for sharing all of this Christine. Do you have a smart meter attached to your living space? The good news with 5g is that if you don't have it activated on your devices, the signal shouldn't be beamed into your place. It has a very hard time penetrating trees, and on rainy days the signal is worse.

In terms of some low-tech but effective solutions, I love aloe vera as it helps with overall oxygen and soaking up EMF. I also ut out little bowls of himalayan sea salt in the corners of my home, as these soak up a lot of negative energy/ disharmonious frequencies. This method was taught to me by a claissically-trained geomancer. I do know that the particles of the salt cleanse the atmosphere, so this makes sense. Beeswax candles are also great at purifying the air. I recently ordered some tensor rings (copper, about $50each) that a colleague of mine who does EMF remediation swears by. They're supposed to help create a channel of light around objects, and you can use them to structure water, or help you detox while sleeping. I'll let you know how I make out with them. I'm going to put one over my smart meter as well. If you have more more questions in the future, you can always email me at forum@romanshapoval.com as I can sometimes miss comments. Thanks so much, and I will get back to you about the satellite vs ground-based tower 5g frequencies as well. I have the info somewhere, just need to dig it up and verify.

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Homeopathy helps - there are many radiation remedies. I recovered from intense EMF exposure through energy work and homeopathic remedies. LindaMcNulty.com

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deletedJan 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval
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Thank you so much J.R. I appreciate your support!

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