May Maria's death not be in vain 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 since 2023 I've had a persistent "ringing" in my ears. It's hard to describe but it's always there in the background. I've learned to live with it but I have to admit it's very distracting at times. With the advent of 5G and beyond, I feel that more people with this problem will be coming forward. If what I've read in other ss posts (esp ones with Todd Callendar), there's a kind of kill switch built into the jab which is going to be activated by these 5G waves. Thank God I am jab free bec if what I've read is true, this is only the tip of the iceberg. I've purchased faraday cloths to cover my router and WiFi to start. Next step is to return to Ethernet if I can find a provider that is. RIP Maria-this is the first I've heard of your plight but I promise I will spread your story to everyone I can.

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Thanks for sharing Dover. You should be able to plug in the ethernet cord into your router. Can you turn Wi-Fi off on your router? I bought our router and made sure it was compatible with our cable company first. The Arris surfboard is a router without Wi-Fi.

Regarding tinnitus, grounding may be able to help:


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You can try a homeopathic remedy called Silicea Terra which is silicic acid. If you've read Christopher Exely's wonderful work on aluminum toxicity, he has recommended that people drink spring water that is high in silicic acid, like Fiji water, because it binds to aluminum and carries it out of the body. One of the risk factors for EHS is metal toxicity. https://www.wellnessherbs.com/silica-marina

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Fantastic insights here Tami. Thank you for this reminder. Silica is earth, so makes sense as it's a type of internal "grounding."

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Wow - well, even though i do not believe suicide in reality is a solution to anything, i understand and feel compassion. In it's worst, unabated forms, with too much microwave exposure you don't even have your Self. Tragic. Those most damaged from it need more than camps and temporary shelters, though they are grateful for even that. I know. I half-way lived in my car for over a year and contemplated camping alone in the CA Sierras snow for the winter.

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It's so frustrating that awareness and belief of the dangers are not enough to get people to change. Some reasons: they are addicted, their job makes it impossible, they have a lifetime of taking the path of least resistance. Feel free to add to this list.

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I hear you Luzzie. That's why I believe stories like Maria's are so powerful - it shows how much one person can be affected, and may give pause to a few people when they consider how much electrosmog we live in. Once people get past addiction, they'll see that life actually improves not with, but without a cell phone!

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Thank you Roman. Now I have more reasons to fight.

Gluten sensitivity gets the attention but EHS doesn't. Modern medicine tends to ignore how much the body can be influenced by outside electromagnetic influence. I saw a nice video the other day of a dude covering a research paper talking about the antenna capabilities of our DNA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3jf_d_TVc8

Sending and receiving information.

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Thanks for this essay. I read about Maria in Shannon Rowan's book Wifi Refugee. Under A Rock by Julia Lupine is another good book about EHS. So, I hired a building biologist to remediate my house. I don't have any external sources of RF, having moved to a clean location in Vermont. But for some reason, even with wired internet and all new wiring, my Safe Living Technologies wristband RF meter is reading RF in the house. So, any thoughts as to what could be the source? We are waiting for the electricians to install a whole house DE filter and we have been turning off at the breaker box switches to our bedroom, but with the exposures during the day, my sleep has not improved. The night sweats are the body's efforts to detoxify the radiation from the day, IMO.

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Thank you Tami. Sounds like you're taking many of the right steps. Wiring is definitely the main culprit for most, as dirty electricity is hard to avoid.

How high does the RF reading go? How far is the closest cell tower? Closest neighbor?

Satellites of course can also be an issue, creating a dirty electricity of their own and emanating RF.

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There are no cell towers, we don't get a signal without wifi or hardwiring. The meter reads green all around the outside of the house. It's why we moved here. We have 40 acres surrounded by forest. I'm not sure satellites are real. Maybe the ones sent up by balloon but there is no "evidence" that anything actually orbits besides claims by media and CGI pictures.

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I am thinking of Maria's suffering. Thank you for sharing her story.

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Thank you Elsa for your keeping Maria in her thoughts. We will keep her memory alive.

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Thank you for sharing Maria's story and for all of the education and support for those of us with EHS.

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Reading this, I wish I could have been there for Maria, but it is so presumptuous and unrealistic to think that I could have made a difference. When someone makes such a huge choice, the odds have obviously been stacked inhumanely against them.

My husband is thinking of getting Starlink. In your personal opinion Roman, would this pose a risk greater than standard wifi?

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