What an informative and well-written article. Thank you for directing my attention to it, Roman. I see that Gary Sharpe, who I read, has already been here and it seems like Frances Leader and Pasheen Stonebrooke might be reading you. I heard The Heartmath Institute at a local TEDtalk, so I think they may be located near me in Santa Cruz. Everything you're saying makes sense.

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Thank you so much Tereza! I appreciate you taking the time to read the article. That's amazing that you heard HeartMath at a TEDtalk! Do you practice any of their meditations? I'm looking into the Freeze/Frame technique.

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Feb 19, 2024
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Thank you so much Bagua! I hesitated initially putting in the history, b/c I thought it was too much "stuffing" and could bore some people who want to get to the point, and understand EMF and solutions, but you're right, it is a critical foundational piece for us to literally understand how we got here, and how we can claw our way back.

Do you get a lot of resistance with EMF at home, or with colleagues?

Sorry but I'm going to put in a shameless plug here: if you or anyone you know still want to sign up for EMF 101, we're extending a 10% discount to all who join before Feb 25. Let me know and I can email you a coupon code.

We'd love for you to join us!


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I agree.

History can act as our jabs with current research being the hook.

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Awesome article, now to get this information to more and more people. thank you Roman!

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Thank you so much Diane. Btw you asked a question about our home's grounding.

Here's a plug that you can use, then connect to an AM radio to test for dirty electrical fields:


should be under $10

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Hi Roman - as usual, a great and informative article, thanks! I hope you don't mind but just thought i should mention - i know it is important for substack, etc authors to get paid (and i am happily and gratefully subscribed to your substack) but the pretty constant reminders to "upgrade to paid", "donate", "upgrade to founding", etc kind of hamper the flow of your text, at least for me. Perhaps it is partly because i have them read to me by a text-to-speech program - so it is literally interrupting the flow of speech, which is disconcerting. But, i am subscribed to other substacks and haven't noticed any of them with such constant reminders. I imagine there are settings on substack for less or more "ads", and maybe it is not very easy to finesse the quantity. . . . anyway, all best to you, and keep on writing! (:

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Thank you so much Yantra for your feedback here. I forgot that when someone is already subscribed, they don't see "subscribe" but upgrade to paid. You're right about it damming up the flow. I've removed a good amount of these buttons. I kinda went nuts with this article. Thanks again. ...glad you enjoyed it!!! Hope your home is cleaner electrically speaking, with Eric's visit?

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Roman - when i said i was subscribed, i meant as a paid subscriber (as of 11/28/23) - but i still get the regular "upgrade to paid" notices in every article. Not sure what you mean by eric's visit - do you mean eric windheim? i have a friend who recently had him help her at her home in Napa, CA. I have had a lot of great emf remediation assistance from Satya Giordano of the EMF center (based in N CA, USA) which was started by Michael Neuert many years ago.

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Great post Roman!

Thanks for the link.

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Absolutely Kyle! We definitely have a lot of crossover, so hope my audience benefits from your stack. You have an investigative journalist approach that I need to employ more of. Thanks for checking out the post.

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I see a lot of that above.

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sorry your dog is gone. He really looks like he was a nice one.

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Thank you so much macDuff for your kind words. Yes he was, and is, a good soul!

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