... thanks Roman! taking a few notes on ur article, however i'm back and forth among a few things...and to address ur question, 'cause it' s difficult to approach these past circumstances, for various reasons, in strict terms of 'answering'... basically, i arrived at this book, it's one of a series, and there's a follow up i recently, as a few days ago discovered, to the one i linked to, through a series of profound intuitions, no exaggeration, i mention this aspect for a reason...one of my very first times on the beach at Santa Monica (long story!) and i'd already established a harmonious relation with there, i felt an impulse that enabled my deep contemplation, something of a natural faculty, or facility that i had begun to reconnect with, so, my heart grew palpably
heavy, and i was morosely enraptured by the most sorrowful feeling and sense, that out there in the depths of this splendid ocean there was or had been death, this sadness lingered with me, maybe twenty minutes, or more, it was a wordless feeling almost approaching an internal conversation
transmitted through the region of the heart...chastened, i later strolled back to my soul mate's apartment, and tried to express my earlier anguish that i could not dismiss to her...this was sometime 1997?....six weeks or so later, just before i had to return to Ireland, and we visited the Bodhi Tree bookshop, which she had kept hidden from me, knowing i'd never had left there lol!... and there i consumated my search for a book i'd no chance of ever discovering without my had met her, and there was my first reference to Lemuria, coincidentally and it provided something of
a relief... how i met her, is so strange that few would accept... all this was long before any of my experiences with a computer (2003) and simultaneously about then the Internet...
Thank you so much for sharing Gerry! This looks like some deep Woo MU! How did you find out about this book?
... thanks Roman! taking a few notes on ur article, however i'm back and forth among a few things...and to address ur question, 'cause it' s difficult to approach these past circumstances, for various reasons, in strict terms of 'answering'... basically, i arrived at this book, it's one of a series, and there's a follow up i recently, as a few days ago discovered, to the one i linked to, through a series of profound intuitions, no exaggeration, i mention this aspect for a reason...one of my very first times on the beach at Santa Monica (long story!) and i'd already established a harmonious relation with there, i felt an impulse that enabled my deep contemplation, something of a natural faculty, or facility that i had begun to reconnect with, so, my heart grew palpably
heavy, and i was morosely enraptured by the most sorrowful feeling and sense, that out there in the depths of this splendid ocean there was or had been death, this sadness lingered with me, maybe twenty minutes, or more, it was a wordless feeling almost approaching an internal conversation
transmitted through the region of the heart...chastened, i later strolled back to my soul mate's apartment, and tried to express my earlier anguish that i could not dismiss to her...this was sometime 1997?....six weeks or so later, just before i had to return to Ireland, and we visited the Bodhi Tree bookshop, which she had kept hidden from me, knowing i'd never had left there lol!... and there i consumated my search for a book i'd no chance of ever discovering without my had met her, and there was my first reference to Lemuria, coincidentally and it provided something of
a relief... how i met her, is so strange that few would accept... all this was long before any of my experiences with a computer (2003) and simultaneously about then the Internet...