I was watching a movie about Wilhelm Reich, a student of Freud's who then left and began doing his own research. He invented boxes and blankets called orgone accumulators. Orgone is chi or prana. People who were suffering from illnesses recovered after spending time in these boxes. I realize that these boxes were basically Faraday cages and were shielding people from the harmful EMF's in the environment. The boxes collected and reflected back a person's own energy. The FDA raided his property and forced him to burn his inventions and locked him up for disobeying an injunction to stop using them. They also burned his books. He died in prison. He was ahead of his time and "They" new it.
Love it! Good to know there are still landlines in your area...many are being discontinued. Curious - did you always have a TV, or get rid of it? If you did, what furniture/ thing took its place?
I always had a TV until 2010. Comcast kept raising pricing and deleting channels. Thought it was kind of weird at first not to watch TV, but I adjusted quickly. Even when I travel, I never turn the hotel TV on. Absolutely hate commercials.
Always had a TV on a bookcase, so I just replaced the empty space with more books and plants.
When I go into someone's house and see a huge flat screen like it is some sort of "altar" and not even see one book in sight, I just want to flee screaming.
The lack of TV propaganda is what probably saved me during the release of the covid bioweapon. Wasn't bombarded by the daily doom and gloom and didn't have to listen to talking heads tell me how I was gonna kill grandma if I did not take the covid DeathVax.
My landline is unfortunately over Verizon Fios...so it is no longer the old fashioned landline. But, still it is important because the sound and clarity are so much better than speaking to someone on a cellphone. Plus, it is corded so I have to pay attention to the conversation. No doing dishes or straightening up while talking on the phone. I actually actively engage in a real conversation. Still have a hard-wired rotary phone in the basement...works just fine.
Hah! I love that you said 'altar'....it's so true isn't it? A big black black hole is definitely a fashion statement these days. Some good books are almost as expensive as a flatscreen TV now - that should tell people something. The rich collect art and novels, not leds. Thanks for letting me know on the Fios. What region of the country are you in?
I've noticed that most people's homes have a living room or den, and the focus, or the central sort of furniture-around-it item, used to be a FIREPLACE, or a big coffee table with magazines and books, maybe.... Now, it's a HUGE TV.
I absolutely LOATHE commercials, and they're almost ALL pharma mind-frack anyway, and I can't stand the propaganda, either. I'm about 20-25 years TV-free.
I love the feel, and the smell, of paper books. Tried an e-reader for awhile, but I think my reading comprehension is better with a paper book.
At least with not having a TV we weren't tortured with all the commercials pushing the covid DeathVax. Sometimes I might listen to the radio in the car and I was stunned at all the commercials for the shots.
100%. We went to a friend's house for dinner the other night and their TV was on, but 'no signal' was floating across the screen. How could they stand it? Went and stayed with another friend and their TV was on all damn day, Fox News. They would leave the room and I would turn it off. They would enter the room and flip it back on. My grandkids are screen free and couldn't keep their eyes off it. I had to take them into the other room.
Daaaaaaaaaaamn! It's creepy, is it not?!?! But it, like these "smart" phones, are ADDICTIVE... Meant to be so. MADE to be so. Thanks very much, CIA and the Nasties behind you (them)! I know when TV was invented, they told everyone it would always be "free." I guess they realized how much money they were missing out on...
I like Substack, but I also wish I could just go to a coffee shop and do this...
I like to hear voices, see FACES, be with others... Sigh. At least I can still go to the library and get books... But have you noticed how that long, long-standing rule about being QUIET in libraries has been completely trashed? Sad. I want to turn things around and get our Good Stuff back!
I could have written your comment myself. YES. I love real books. And I really don't like staring at these screens, I should call them screams...
It IS really shocking, when you don't listen to TV or radio, to hear a little of them and how much horrible jab/death/fear mongering there is! I do hope we break out of this before I'm gone from this life... I'm not THAT old, but I sure don't want to be a little old lady and this stuff is still going on!
I just moved from west end Vancouver over to Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, would rather be out in the country, but will take anything to get out of being slammed with 5g. I got hard wired internet and also a land line. It is from Telus, I also heard that they want to shut off land lines in the rural areas. Thus the Canadian government pushing millions towards getting all the rural set up with 5g. Now we had a bit of a power issue this morning, the land line would not work, so I was surprised I thought it would still work with no power. Any one have ideas on that.
I have no idea, I was not here when they hooked up, I will call the gentleman who did it and ask him. I now have this white box which I suspect is 5g still. I am finding being out of the city Vancouver and 16 floors up surround by so much 5g, I am feeling better overall, but the ringing in the ears is still there, I am hoping it will ease up a bit
I have Verizon Fios in the US. My landline is now attached to my internet. White box in the basement. If the power goes out, my landline does also.
With the previous box in the basement, there used to be an 8-hour battery backup. But when the new box was installed which is smaller, there is no room for a backup battery.
Same here. Got rid of tv in 2015 (we always had a small tv so nothing replaced it). All our phone calls are made on landline. No wireless tech. No dumb technology anywhere in the house. Appliances from the 90's and older ;-)
I have been wanting this for some time. I want to go back to the answering machine. The 90’s. I always say I was born too late or too early. I don’t feel at ease. Daily is a struggle. I’ve always had severe anxiety and depression. This isolation, tech, algorithms, etc. have to be adding to the deterioration.
I’m 51 and have worked in front of computers my entire adult life. Last year, I was diagnosed with macular degeneration. The doc didn’t know if it was caused by blue light as I asked. I’m sure it is.
I’m crying as I am typing this because I truly believe we are being destroyed. If I go to those around me and discuss this, they will look at me like I need to be hospitalized.
I have adult children and a spouse. My oldest (25) who is actually across the nation said she would throw her phone away if I would. She’s an old and wise soul. I worry about my youngest (19) in college with all the tech and life period.
There is already trauma in our family besides stated above. 🤍
During the plandemic, I told a friend of mine that it was a military and government psyops.
He looked at me like I was a nutter. It was studied for years on how to control people through constant fear. Joseph Goebbels knew it and did it to the German and occupied peoples.
I also told that same friend that I was really angry at what they did to us. He said I should "talk" to someone. Tried to explain that I never realized that we had such a tenuous hold on freedom. When I see past videos of people wearing masks, I swear it triggers some sort of PTSD.
I receive all my health care at the VA. For a long time, if we were not wearing a mask, we were denied needed medical care. We were not allowed to enter the facility. How is that even humane? A lot of veterans suffer from PTSD, traumatic brain injury, anxiety, depression, military sexual trauma. Yet no accommodations were made for veterans that had documented medical issues. And the Plexiglas barriers that were up everywhere in the hospital further isolated veterans who have hearing loss.
I had Covid in 2021. I did get the vaccines and the booster.
However, my gut felt I shouldn’t. Just like the doc who kept pushing these newer vacs on my kids which actually and unsurprisingly killed some kids. I always said no, it’s too new and you only give the education pamplet which is from the co. pusherman!! I never will take the flu or pneumonia vac when the doc says I should. No, it makes no sense when there are several different strains. Also, I don’t want to get sick from the vaccine like most do and miss work.
I actually have a compromised immune system and take this med which states not to get the Covid vaccine. I’m not getting a Covid vaccine again even if I didn’t have this new med. I have severe sinus disease, had surgery(3 procedures m)and take this injection to prevent the polyp return. I haven’t been taking that injection the last few weeks because I believe it is causing my joints and muscles to be sore. I need to find a different tactic. Polyps and many diseases are caused by inflammation. I just need to do whatever I can to prevent the least amount of inflammation without all these prescribed questionable medications.
It’s a mess and you have to do your research because the docs don’t even know the answers or related conditions to the conditions they are treating. It’s our way though. Keep you just well enough so you have to keep going back.
I’ve heard horror stories of the VA medical and hospital services. I remember having to go into one once for helping a Vet and the hospital was shockingly filthy. It’s a complete shame and disgrace that the VA system doesn’t have quality care for those who served, sacrificed and come back with subpar care. I heard one vet had to wait FIVE years to receive an artificial ear.
Hurrah! NOW you're gettin' busy with it, RSS. I'm so pleased.
And I'll just push it right up to the wall: 5G is KILLING THE PLANET, which includes all life.
That said, I am one of the older types who remember what it was like BEFORE computers in the home and cell phones (it just blows my mind completely to see a table full of young people at a table in a restaurant, and they're texting... EACH OTHER!!!!!) everywhere.
"Smart" phones are addictive, and even 3G is too much for some people, but 5G? In combination with graphene and aluminum and so forth, which is sprayed across our skies almost daily? That would spell DEATH.
Roman...we have been forced by our local provider to have fiber run into our house. Apparently we are disenfranchised and are one of the ignorant rural hicks. Hubs wired the house with Cat-5 cable and I have been using that to hook up my laptop. But...there is still a wireless box in the basement. Ever since they hooked this up, my sleep has been awful. I did unplug our devices upstairs and it seemed to allow me a decent nights sleep. Is the wireless box, always searching, a sleep disruptor, as I suspect? And...we would have had to pay $175 a month to keep our actual 'landline', and have to pay $20 extra a month to even keep our phone NUMBER which would now be VOiP. Speed before fiber 3.9. After..49.5
Hi Sadie, it's for your own good, didn't you know, how much the govt cares about you?(: I hear you. First- I want to congratulate you and your husband (few males have that initiative or common sense as they often think emf is nothing to worry about). Second- the wireless box, is that your service provider's internet modem to which your husband wired the devices?
There should be a way to disable the Wi-Fi on the modem. When you are plugging cat-5 cable into your laptop, do you still turn the wi-fi and bluetooth off on the laptop, and then turn it on airplane mode?
If you want to switch out that wireless box /modem (if that's what it is) then you would need to check what modems are compatible with your service provider.
I have a hitron modem, there's also the arris surfboard that does not have Wi-Fi.
Do you also turn the power off to your bedroom? this could help reduce EMF on another level.
I do believe we can turn the wireless off on the modem and plug into the wall jacks fitted with ethernet on them. And my laptop has no bluetooth and I do turn the wireless off. Sounds like the main thing is to have all wireless off on all devices AND the modem, because it is always probing for something to connect to...correct? Thank you for answering my poor old ignorant questions. Ha! We built this house 22 years ago and it has been wired with Cat-5 all that time. So, I imagine it is probably far better quality than the stuff they make now! Yes, the local phone office got a grant for millions to wire 27 houses out here with fiber. I am 28 miles from the closest grocery store. It's almost like they are worried there will be no way for me to get my propaganda, um, I mean news, if I am not wired correctly.
Yes - more machines for the matrix is always in the interest of the matrix! Yes Wi-Fi modems are always probing and searching. even phones when on airplane mode will radiate. hope that helps clarify? That's amazing that your home is already hardwired!
We have a beautiful log home. Yes, My phone gets turned off at night at put in a faraday can and bag. Thank you for the help and I want to get out of the Matrix ASAP. This authentication text tied to a phone number is troubling if you do anything online as well. I want to dig a hole, climb in and pull it in after me. Thank you!
Yeah social media can be used as a red herring for the larger issue by keeping people focused on the infection instead of a giant cat trying to consume them as you pointed out. Great analogy!!!!
Sorry! I was leaving a comment on whether the tech companies would actually do anything helpful. My first time to comment on substack!
Just like with climate change, whatever steps corporations can take to make it look like they are solving problems and making a difference, they will take for good publicity only, and any information coming along showing their measures to be ineffective, or worse, counterproductive will be deleted. "Green" is getting a very bad image as a result of so much corporate gas lighting, not to mention the military's and spy agencies' hand in this.
Hi Patricia! Thank you for stopping by and chiming in! So many movements are eventually subverted - this is why change at the level of the invidividual reigns supreme, no? Were there any new insights/ facts you got from this article?
absolutely could be - alien magnetic fields like 5g can create what is called an "eddy current" potentially, but it's safe to say that regardless, all organisms are affected by magnetic fields. do you have a link?
I voted but it put me in the yes category.. I was really try to push the “seriously “ button, but my phone is malfunctioning and I refuse to get a new one!!!
Ha! Good for you - maybe the phone knew you were going to talk smack about its tech masters and got defensive. what kind of phone do you have? Thanks for the comment JSR
I despise the phone, and tell it so every day. I have an iPhone 8 I think. Living on an island it’s hard to live without some tech because we have to order everything online. My computer died a slow death as well. They are phasing out landlines. The up side is that we are outside most of the time, our house is open to the fresh air, fighting the good fight as best I can, keeping my kids off as much as I can and definitely no kind of electronic in any bedroom.
It seems to be a limited hangout that social media addiction is being called out while EMF and similar dangers are conspicuously left unmentioned by the mainstream. Thanks, as usual for another enlightening article.
I highly recommend Roman and Bodanna's EMF course. It's very informative, without hype, and it's solution oriented. Plus you get to spend time live online with the gracious and knowledgeable Power Couple and their guest speakers!
I was watching a movie about Wilhelm Reich, a student of Freud's who then left and began doing his own research. He invented boxes and blankets called orgone accumulators. Orgone is chi or prana. People who were suffering from illnesses recovered after spending time in these boxes. I realize that these boxes were basically Faraday cages and were shielding people from the harmful EMF's in the environment. The boxes collected and reflected back a person's own energy. The FDA raided his property and forced him to burn his inventions and locked him up for disobeying an injunction to stop using them. They also burned his books. He died in prison. He was ahead of his time and "They" new it.
Here is my house: No TV. No smartphone. Flip phone. Landline.
Love it! Good to know there are still landlines in your area...many are being discontinued. Curious - did you always have a TV, or get rid of it? If you did, what furniture/ thing took its place?
I always had a TV until 2010. Comcast kept raising pricing and deleting channels. Thought it was kind of weird at first not to watch TV, but I adjusted quickly. Even when I travel, I never turn the hotel TV on. Absolutely hate commercials.
Always had a TV on a bookcase, so I just replaced the empty space with more books and plants.
When I go into someone's house and see a huge flat screen like it is some sort of "altar" and not even see one book in sight, I just want to flee screaming.
The lack of TV propaganda is what probably saved me during the release of the covid bioweapon. Wasn't bombarded by the daily doom and gloom and didn't have to listen to talking heads tell me how I was gonna kill grandma if I did not take the covid DeathVax.
My landline is unfortunately over Verizon Fios...so it is no longer the old fashioned landline. But, still it is important because the sound and clarity are so much better than speaking to someone on a cellphone. Plus, it is corded so I have to pay attention to the conversation. No doing dishes or straightening up while talking on the phone. I actually actively engage in a real conversation. Still have a hard-wired rotary phone in the basement...works just fine.
Hah! I love that you said 'altar'....it's so true isn't it? A big black black hole is definitely a fashion statement these days. Some good books are almost as expensive as a flatscreen TV now - that should tell people something. The rich collect art and novels, not leds. Thanks for letting me know on the Fios. What region of the country are you in?
Pennsylvania...and they cheated in 2020.
You sound like me, which is good, lol.
I've noticed that most people's homes have a living room or den, and the focus, or the central sort of furniture-around-it item, used to be a FIREPLACE, or a big coffee table with magazines and books, maybe.... Now, it's a HUGE TV.
I absolutely LOATHE commercials, and they're almost ALL pharma mind-frack anyway, and I can't stand the propaganda, either. I'm about 20-25 years TV-free.
Books & plants, cheers. :)
I love the feel, and the smell, of paper books. Tried an e-reader for awhile, but I think my reading comprehension is better with a paper book.
At least with not having a TV we weren't tortured with all the commercials pushing the covid DeathVax. Sometimes I might listen to the radio in the car and I was stunned at all the commercials for the shots.
100%. We went to a friend's house for dinner the other night and their TV was on, but 'no signal' was floating across the screen. How could they stand it? Went and stayed with another friend and their TV was on all damn day, Fox News. They would leave the room and I would turn it off. They would enter the room and flip it back on. My grandkids are screen free and couldn't keep their eyes off it. I had to take them into the other room.
Daaaaaaaaaaamn! It's creepy, is it not?!?! But it, like these "smart" phones, are ADDICTIVE... Meant to be so. MADE to be so. Thanks very much, CIA and the Nasties behind you (them)! I know when TV was invented, they told everyone it would always be "free." I guess they realized how much money they were missing out on...
I like Substack, but I also wish I could just go to a coffee shop and do this...
I like to hear voices, see FACES, be with others... Sigh. At least I can still go to the library and get books... But have you noticed how that long, long-standing rule about being QUIET in libraries has been completely trashed? Sad. I want to turn things around and get our Good Stuff back!
I could have written your comment myself. YES. I love real books. And I really don't like staring at these screens, I should call them screams...
It IS really shocking, when you don't listen to TV or radio, to hear a little of them and how much horrible jab/death/fear mongering there is! I do hope we break out of this before I'm gone from this life... I'm not THAT old, but I sure don't want to be a little old lady and this stuff is still going on!
I just moved from west end Vancouver over to Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, would rather be out in the country, but will take anything to get out of being slammed with 5g. I got hard wired internet and also a land line. It is from Telus, I also heard that they want to shut off land lines in the rural areas. Thus the Canadian government pushing millions towards getting all the rural set up with 5g. Now we had a bit of a power issue this morning, the land line would not work, so I was surprised I thought it would still work with no power. Any one have ideas on that.
Is it a copper-wire landline?
I have no idea, I was not here when they hooked up, I will call the gentleman who did it and ask him. I now have this white box which I suspect is 5g still. I am finding being out of the city Vancouver and 16 floors up surround by so much 5g, I am feeling better overall, but the ringing in the ears is still there, I am hoping it will ease up a bit
I have Verizon Fios in the US. My landline is now attached to my internet. White box in the basement. If the power goes out, my landline does also.
With the previous box in the basement, there used to be an 8-hour battery backup. But when the new box was installed which is smaller, there is no room for a backup battery.
Same here. Got rid of tv in 2015 (we always had a small tv so nothing replaced it). All our phone calls are made on landline. No wireless tech. No dumb technology anywhere in the house. Appliances from the 90's and older ;-)
I have been wanting this for some time. I want to go back to the answering machine. The 90’s. I always say I was born too late or too early. I don’t feel at ease. Daily is a struggle. I’ve always had severe anxiety and depression. This isolation, tech, algorithms, etc. have to be adding to the deterioration.
I’m 51 and have worked in front of computers my entire adult life. Last year, I was diagnosed with macular degeneration. The doc didn’t know if it was caused by blue light as I asked. I’m sure it is.
I’m crying as I am typing this because I truly believe we are being destroyed. If I go to those around me and discuss this, they will look at me like I need to be hospitalized.
I have adult children and a spouse. My oldest (25) who is actually across the nation said she would throw her phone away if I would. She’s an old and wise soul. I worry about my youngest (19) in college with all the tech and life period.
There is already trauma in our family besides stated above. 🤍
We are being destroyed by tech. I just wish more people would realize it.
Seems no one talks to each other anymore.
During the plandemic, I told a friend of mine that it was a military and government psyops.
He looked at me like I was a nutter. It was studied for years on how to control people through constant fear. Joseph Goebbels knew it and did it to the German and occupied peoples.
I also told that same friend that I was really angry at what they did to us. He said I should "talk" to someone. Tried to explain that I never realized that we had such a tenuous hold on freedom. When I see past videos of people wearing masks, I swear it triggers some sort of PTSD.
I receive all my health care at the VA. For a long time, if we were not wearing a mask, we were denied needed medical care. We were not allowed to enter the facility. How is that even humane? A lot of veterans suffer from PTSD, traumatic brain injury, anxiety, depression, military sexual trauma. Yet no accommodations were made for veterans that had documented medical issues. And the Plexiglas barriers that were up everywhere in the hospital further isolated veterans who have hearing loss.
I hope you able to obtain proper care from your local VA hospital.
Heck, they are still pushing the covid DeathVax.
Definitely not surprised. Besides, all of you are watched when returning since you got scoop in the midst. ✌🏻🍀
Thank you for responding.
I had Covid in 2021. I did get the vaccines and the booster.
However, my gut felt I shouldn’t. Just like the doc who kept pushing these newer vacs on my kids which actually and unsurprisingly killed some kids. I always said no, it’s too new and you only give the education pamplet which is from the co. pusherman!! I never will take the flu or pneumonia vac when the doc says I should. No, it makes no sense when there are several different strains. Also, I don’t want to get sick from the vaccine like most do and miss work.
I actually have a compromised immune system and take this med which states not to get the Covid vaccine. I’m not getting a Covid vaccine again even if I didn’t have this new med. I have severe sinus disease, had surgery(3 procedures m)and take this injection to prevent the polyp return. I haven’t been taking that injection the last few weeks because I believe it is causing my joints and muscles to be sore. I need to find a different tactic. Polyps and many diseases are caused by inflammation. I just need to do whatever I can to prevent the least amount of inflammation without all these prescribed questionable medications.
It’s a mess and you have to do your research because the docs don’t even know the answers or related conditions to the conditions they are treating. It’s our way though. Keep you just well enough so you have to keep going back.
I’ve heard horror stories of the VA medical and hospital services. I remember having to go into one once for helping a Vet and the hospital was shockingly filthy. It’s a complete shame and disgrace that the VA system doesn’t have quality care for those who served, sacrificed and come back with subpar care. I heard one vet had to wait FIVE years to receive an artificial ear.
Hurrah! NOW you're gettin' busy with it, RSS. I'm so pleased.
And I'll just push it right up to the wall: 5G is KILLING THE PLANET, which includes all life.
That said, I am one of the older types who remember what it was like BEFORE computers in the home and cell phones (it just blows my mind completely to see a table full of young people at a table in a restaurant, and they're texting... EACH OTHER!!!!!) everywhere.
"Smart" phones are addictive, and even 3G is too much for some people, but 5G? In combination with graphene and aluminum and so forth, which is sprayed across our skies almost daily? That would spell DEATH.
“Radiation is the gnashing jaw of the saber tooth, and social media the infection.”
This statement is spot on! Excellent article, Roman.
Thanks so much James for your kind words of support. Glad you got something out of the article!
Roman...we have been forced by our local provider to have fiber run into our house. Apparently we are disenfranchised and are one of the ignorant rural hicks. Hubs wired the house with Cat-5 cable and I have been using that to hook up my laptop. But...there is still a wireless box in the basement. Ever since they hooked this up, my sleep has been awful. I did unplug our devices upstairs and it seemed to allow me a decent nights sleep. Is the wireless box, always searching, a sleep disruptor, as I suspect? And...we would have had to pay $175 a month to keep our actual 'landline', and have to pay $20 extra a month to even keep our phone NUMBER which would now be VOiP. Speed before fiber 3.9. After..49.5
Hi Sadie, it's for your own good, didn't you know, how much the govt cares about you?(: I hear you. First- I want to congratulate you and your husband (few males have that initiative or common sense as they often think emf is nothing to worry about). Second- the wireless box, is that your service provider's internet modem to which your husband wired the devices?
There should be a way to disable the Wi-Fi on the modem. When you are plugging cat-5 cable into your laptop, do you still turn the wi-fi and bluetooth off on the laptop, and then turn it on airplane mode?
If you want to switch out that wireless box /modem (if that's what it is) then you would need to check what modems are compatible with your service provider.
I have a hitron modem, there's also the arris surfboard that does not have Wi-Fi.
Do you also turn the power off to your bedroom? this could help reduce EMF on another level.
I do believe we can turn the wireless off on the modem and plug into the wall jacks fitted with ethernet on them. And my laptop has no bluetooth and I do turn the wireless off. Sounds like the main thing is to have all wireless off on all devices AND the modem, because it is always probing for something to connect to...correct? Thank you for answering my poor old ignorant questions. Ha! We built this house 22 years ago and it has been wired with Cat-5 all that time. So, I imagine it is probably far better quality than the stuff they make now! Yes, the local phone office got a grant for millions to wire 27 houses out here with fiber. I am 28 miles from the closest grocery store. It's almost like they are worried there will be no way for me to get my propaganda, um, I mean news, if I am not wired correctly.
Yes - more machines for the matrix is always in the interest of the matrix! Yes Wi-Fi modems are always probing and searching. even phones when on airplane mode will radiate. hope that helps clarify? That's amazing that your home is already hardwired!
We have a beautiful log home. Yes, My phone gets turned off at night at put in a faraday can and bag. Thank you for the help and I want to get out of the Matrix ASAP. This authentication text tied to a phone number is troubling if you do anything online as well. I want to dig a hole, climb in and pull it in after me. Thank you!
I hear you! You can always try having websites authenticate 2FA (call) to a landline. It works for my bank, paypal, and other sites, not all.
Thank you so much for your time. I know it is valuable and I appreciate it.
You can also disable your wireless adapter on your laptop. I run mine on airplane mode with wifi adapter disabled. Hard wired of course
Yeah social media can be used as a red herring for the larger issue by keeping people focused on the infection instead of a giant cat trying to consume them as you pointed out. Great analogy!!!!
Thanks so much Jonathan for appreciating and seeing the logic - few people can do that nowadays!
Their first obligation is to their shareholders.
Sorry! I was leaving a comment on whether the tech companies would actually do anything helpful. My first time to comment on substack!
Just like with climate change, whatever steps corporations can take to make it look like they are solving problems and making a difference, they will take for good publicity only, and any information coming along showing their measures to be ineffective, or worse, counterproductive will be deleted. "Green" is getting a very bad image as a result of so much corporate gas lighting, not to mention the military's and spy agencies' hand in this.
Hi Patricia! Thank you for stopping by and chiming in! So many movements are eventually subverted - this is why change at the level of the invidividual reigns supreme, no? Were there any new insights/ facts you got from this article?
Thanks, a great stack!
Thank you so much Sirius for your appreciation! What did you like the most about it?
How all the relevant info on this topic is in one place :)
Thank you Sirius for your feedback!
I read about all the fish off the coast of Florida that are spinning around in circles, and I wondered if it might be because they are exposed to 5G
absolutely could be - alien magnetic fields like 5g can create what is called an "eddy current" potentially, but it's safe to say that regardless, all organisms are affected by magnetic fields. do you have a link?
Thanks for sharing.
I voted but it put me in the yes category.. I was really try to push the “seriously “ button, but my phone is malfunctioning and I refuse to get a new one!!!
Ha! Good for you - maybe the phone knew you were going to talk smack about its tech masters and got defensive. what kind of phone do you have? Thanks for the comment JSR
I despise the phone, and tell it so every day. I have an iPhone 8 I think. Living on an island it’s hard to live without some tech because we have to order everything online. My computer died a slow death as well. They are phasing out landlines. The up side is that we are outside most of the time, our house is open to the fresh air, fighting the good fight as best I can, keeping my kids off as much as I can and definitely no kind of electronic in any bedroom.
That's amazing JSR! Yes put that light to work for you...that's what it's there for. Whereabouts are you located?
The Virgin Islands
It seems to be a limited hangout that social media addiction is being called out while EMF and similar dangers are conspicuously left unmentioned by the mainstream. Thanks, as usual for another enlightening article.
I highly recommend Roman and Bodanna's EMF course. It's very informative, without hype, and it's solution oriented. Plus you get to spend time live online with the gracious and knowledgeable Power Couple and their guest speakers!