Nice article! Does your black Sub theme have anything to do with all this?


"Do you still think staying up watching Netflix until midnight with your biohacking blue-blocking glasses is a good idea?"

Do you mean to say the glasses won't help much? Just not sure. Anyway, I won't watch Netflix no matter what color they throw at me because the content will make my brain mush not just the light.

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Hi Proton, thank you! You inspired me to write the piece. Sorry if I wasn't clear on the Netflix thing. I tend to think everyone will just understand my blabber. What I meant was that siince melanopsin is found in our skin, this photoreceptor will still receive blue light and affect the melatonin/hormonal pathway. If I do watch anything after sunset (and yes I also cancelled my netflix 3 years ago b/c most of it is demonic trash) it's youtube or gaia TV. I wear long sleeve pajamas and have a light wool blanket over me. However I try to ensure that there's at least an hour of pure darkness before I go to bed. So tv goes off at 9pm the latest, bed by 10.

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Sorry forgot to reply to your sub theme question. Yes it does- the white background keeps people's attention since it's brighter of course, but the navy is easier to look at, and has a calming effect. I'd rather people have an easier time reading my stuff, then being addictively-captivated to my screen, destroying their eyes. I need them to keep their eyes for the long-term. I have more stuff to publish! Thanks Proton.

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You are a kind and thoughtful Author.

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Hi Bridget! Thank you so much for your kind comment. What resonated with you the most about this article? Any "aha" moments?

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Thanks. Looks like you've learned a lot from Jack Kruse, as did I: https://youtu.be/d7qjh4BIGbc . Yes, UV works with infrared and other parts of the spectrum, and as you point out, they only test with artificial indoor UV in isolation. They block out the sunrise and sunset 90% of the time over here with their geoengineering. They are setting up more and more of their eerie purple LED lights over here. Wood stove infrared energy and candlelight are the best. They want to create a world where zombies survive shots and this plastic world.

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I hate to agree with you, but yes. However there are many definitions of "survival." I'm working on spiritual resilience and maintaining my energy body. Zombies unfortunately will have a hard time when they cross the gate of death. At least that's my take. May I ask, where are you located? Curious about the purple LED lights you mention. Jack Kruse was a wake-up call for sure!

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I'm in Culpeper County, VA, which might not be a bad place to be since it's close to one of the controllers' bases- DC, and they probably won't destroy their base. But the purple lights I saw are all along Hastings Dr west of Dumfries Rd in Manassas VA and can't remember the street in Fairfax VA. I've seen a couple of articles and videos about this, can't remember where, maybe Mark Steele's telegram channel. But definitely not defective, since they keep popping up everywhere. Probably works with the luciferase and nanometals scattered throughout your body, so you show up like an xray image.

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Gotcha - thanks for sharing all that Copper. I'll have to keep an eye out. I haven't seen the purple in my area. I'll have to get some of that crazy EMF reflective face paint when I go out at night now. Braveheart 2.0

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no problem, get silver-lined caps and clothes, if you don't have them already. Those aluminum emergency blankets are cheap.

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Does a traditional fireplace count as good red light? How else does one create a red glow like Roman described?

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I'm not sure technically, but I would imagine it is. I just know that they say burning firewood creates good infrared energy, which is just below the red part of the spectrum, so I would imagine it must emit the red part also.

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Correct! Fire and candles emit infrared, regenerate the retina, and thus we're instinctively drawn to them.

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Yours, CopperVortex, has been the only general reference I've seen regarding the eerie purple lights. When you say 'over here' I don't know if you mean the UK but for some time here (UK) everything, and I mean everything on TV has been purple or violet themed (once you notice it you can't un-notice it). I want to know if the purple spectrum has some detrimental effect on the body. It is used way out of proportion (and for way too long) to be a random event - everything done is done for a reason! I'd be interested to hear any thoughts (even to tell me I'm barking mad!)

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I'm in Virginia, and I've seen more and more of the blue/purple LED lights since my comment, in Maryland, commuter lots in Haymarket, VA, etc. I searched 'blue lights' in Mark Steele's telegram channel, so here are some results, but I've seen them elsewhere: https://rumble.com/vu00ei-street-light-weapon-system-revealed.html , https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/sep/14/increase-in-led-lighting-risks-harming-human-and-animal-health , https://t.me/marksteele5g/7497 . Also, I heard that Virginia lawmakers have banned blue LED headlights in cars, which is becoming more prevalent. And no, you're not barking mad!

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Wow thanks for that info. On a related note, I am currently (badda bing badda boom) in a 'discussion' with my power co to put the damage liability back onto them, and to try and get an electromechanical meter with no radio circuitry put back for my home. This link is very helpful, emfhelpcenter.com. with some form letters. Also trying to put cables back for internet, as my ears ring constantly. As for the 5G streetlight across the street, not sure. My old Volvo is very heavy but there may be a nicer way to approach the problem. best

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I love old volvos! That's when they could still take a hit. Thank you also Jacquelyn for sharing the link - by the looks of it there are tons of resources there. My next few articles will be focused more on empowering information like this, and what we can do about this mess. The ringing in the ears is a tough one. Have you tried silica rich water with bentonite clay or diamataceous earth? This helps pull out aluminum and other metals which may be causing the ring. Lately I've been going to a local conservation area, where you can hear a mouse fart it's so quiet, especially on the weekends. An amazing reset.

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Thank you again Roman, have been using a skullcap tincture for the ears ringing, (easy to make actually much cheaper, pennies on the dollar), and it does take it down alot...will try some silica rich water (can use horsetail plant for that, short term only, high silica, also good for urinary tract infections, grows like...crazy here)...and add some bentonite, alum is probably 'sky high' for all of us these days typically. Guess I can go back to bed now, I learned 2 things already today!

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Haha yes, get that heavenly rest! Curious- did you forage for skullcap or bought it in bulk?

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I understand the silica can also be had from drinking 2 pints of beer!

I'm thinking of drinking... ;)

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My gut instinct is to automatically agree with you, no fact-checking needed when it comes to beer. (: But it would have to be home brew I would imagine, or some kind of really-hard to find pure organic beer.

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Not sure why you would think that, except that it would be sort of expected when the entire world has gone completely insane... ;)

When I heard about this, on a video (was it Sam Bailey?), there wasn't any special beer this or that, just BEER. I dunno, but I thought it might be worth looking into. Weekend DETOX instead of weekend blowout? ^_^

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Sounds like a plan. Sipping beer all weekend long then.

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Brilliant and thank you! I was recently dismayed when I found out that halogen and incandescent light bulbs could no longer be sold in the USA after 8/1/23 and all we are left with is florescent and LEDs. I'll stay in the dark before owning LED lights. They give me headaches.

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FourWinds, Thanks for sharing the 8/1 date....I understand your frustration believe me. Personally I've been stocking up on beeswax to make candles (infrared light) as well as amber clip-on lights/red lights.

Curious- what did you find most valuable about the article...any "aha" moments?

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Is it my understanding that Chump reversed this?

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They did this in Australia something like 10 years ago. We've been trapped in fluoro spirals & LEDs ever since.

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Great article, as usual.

For entertainment, let me share that when people are secluded from daylight (volunteers living in a cave for a month or two), the circadian rhythm settles at 36-hour days. Are humans really from a different planet? :)

More importantly,

1. while Blue-filtering eyeglasses "don't save you," they have sure saved my eyesight. I can't even imagine sitting in front of the computer screen without having that coating on my glasses. I use a 65" TV screen as a monitor, but laptop screens aren't much better, either, although Windows 10 at least allows you to take out much of the blue light even for dummies (the feature is called "night light").

2. Heating with incandescent is less energy-efficient than a heat pump.

3. Fluorescent is bad, but LED can manipulate the mind subliminally, so they are out. Halogen and incandescent are the only healthy options.

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Thank you Ray for sharing your input. I will say I also do wear blue-blocking glasses, however I don't want people to have a false sense of security. Maybe in next articles I'll elaborate on how our eyes process light signals differently than our skin in terms of sensitivity. We do only have two eyes, but lots of skin (: Halogen connected to a DC transformer is very energy-efficient according to others, although I've never tried.

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You are doing great!

I prefer incandescent, because the transformer of the halogen emits ELF. Other than that, it also heats the room. :)

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So much to learn! I guess my intuition can be overrode. I use a double boiler set up for warming up leftovers. Much nicer than microwave but not quite as quick. But then time is...... have you written any articles on time ray that you could steer me to?

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We use a rice cooker for warming up leftovers, unless it can be done in the oven.

Timing is essential in life. What prevents me from becoming a sweeping success is that I am usually several weeks, months, or even years early, so people are still not prepared for what I say, even after being shown that my conjecturing, with hardly any exceptions, is usually proven later.

While I don't think that any of my articles focuses on time, it is a recurring theme in my writing that one must be prepared for situations in which they won't have the time to make up their mind. For example, what would they do, if a FEMA bus stopped outside their house and armed soldiers started to herd people onto the bus? What would they do during REAL riots? There are lots of other scenarios.

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One cannot imagine all the grotesque scenarios and in the imagining of such scenarios one helps bring it to reality. If you know yourself there is no reason to ever hesitate. Each situation you find yourself involved in is ray horvath’s life and hopefully there will be presence of mind available to follow through in the way in which ray horvath would approve of! Health, mike

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Only the logical ones are a good idea to prepare for. There aren't all that many of them.

Other than that, everybody is alone with their decisions, Ray Horvath included. :)

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And I’m not talking about a timeray!

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Ah. Good to know about the ELF.

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The same technology as the one morons are using the heat up their pots and pans with, but a lot milder. :)

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unfortunately I have an induction stove...my inlaws bought it for us. I try to use the pressure cooker and oven more often.

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Time to have a tag sale... Giving it away might also work towards this cruel form of natural selection...

Not crazy about pressure cooking, but only because it turns everything to mush. :)

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What's the prob with induction, please?

Hubby loves our induction stove.

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Have you experimented with a projector? One son is a dedicated programmer and I have suggested it to him but he hasn’t acted on it. I would think someone who spent a lot of time “on the computer” could set up something quite easily with the abundance of compact high quality projectors

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That's actually a great idea that I, sadly, have never considered seriously for a number of reasons.

1. A good screen is important, but expensive for projectors;

2. The screen needs room, which I don't have, just like I don't feel comfortable to make holes in the plasterboard ceiling for the projector assembly;

3. The heat and the noise from the projector can be bothersome in a small room;

4. The bulbs need to be replaced every once in a while, and they are not cheap;

5. The contrast might be a problem in daylight, especially when the bulb is getting old.

LCD screens, however, emit significant amount of radiation, so a projector would be a fine replacement as long as it does the job.

I admit, I'm lagging behind in the technology; last time I used a projector was over 10 years ago, during teaching. At that time, the room had to be dark in order to secure clear visibility.

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Look into it. They have ones that focus closely I could have a sharp picture on the wall three feet away and it is the size of my fist. I don’t know about the longevity of the bulb. I just don’t spend enough time to make it worth it for I am in a relationship and my partner gets sad if the space looks like a laboratory

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I really think that there is a good investment opportunity in fabricating up a plug and play kit it would help to increase awareness that we are electro chemical cells

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Very interesting. And we know Melatonin is part of the covid fighting lineup, according to the FLCCC.

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Yes absolutely! Melatonin is the ultimate antioxidant- which we actually produce during the day in our skin:


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Do you think black-out curtains in the bedroom helps too? We don’t have artificial light streaming in our windows from outside, but the moon bothers me sometimes. I worry that since blackout curtains will also block out the sunrise, they may not be a good idea. I would love your thoughts on this.

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Yes I like blackout curtains. Even the moonlight can mildly affect melatonin production. Good point on the sunrise. Can you set an alarm, at least initially?

I now wake up the same time each day, but needed a few days of getting used to it.

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Yes I will set an alarm. Great! I’ll be getting the blackout curtains this weekend on your advice. By the way, I’d be very interested in taking a class from you.

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Thank you for letting me know Samantha! I'm still creating the course, but once it's complete, I will definitely let you know. Is there any specific topic about EMF that you're more concerned about, like sleep, 5G, privacy/hardwiring, or are you just overall concerned?

Going out for a Sun break...talk soon!

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I've read that they are links between the female reproductive cycle and the light of the moon ; the reproductive cycle tends to synchronize to the one of the moon because there are links between the higher light during the full moon phases and the hormones necessary to trigger ovulation etc. Might be worth looking in deeper

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Alice, thank you for this insight- I’ve made a note and will review for our next podcast and future articles. Do you find that you sync up more to the new moon, or full moon? My wife has her menstrual cycle during the full moon, but it used to be during the new moon.

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I used to sync up as your wife, with ovulation on the new moon and menstrual cycle on the full moon, but then it switched up and inversed itself when i moved through a different phase of my life.

I know that fokloric and spiritual beliefs give a lot of interpretations about this phenomenon, while 'science' hasn't reached a consensus yet...(but then again the state of research on female physiology is abysmal)

I read about it in a book on tracking cycle and it had to do with the increased moonlight and its effect on the pituitary gland that regulates hormones... thank you for your interest.

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Thank you for sharing this Alice! I will mention it to my wife.

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Wow. This article is a veritable firehose, Roman! I'm looking forward to spending more time with it to absorb it all. Thank you for pulling so much wisdom together into one place.

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Thanks so much Mary! Sorry just saw your comment now. Have a wonderful day.

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I just sent around the article by jack kruse on uv light to my children. I am appalled at the way they go about “protecting” their children from sunlight they are intelligent and caring but have been instilled with the pharmaceutical sun fetish. It is insane how they slather on the “sunscreen”. Your site is a goldmine of information that I have mostly intuited all my life. The comment section also is invaluable! Also thank you for the footnotes! I am convinced that the ideal organized “school” would be well stocked and comfortable libraries with a ratio of 1 to 50 librarians to students. The librarians main job would be to direct the students to different resources to research what presently was on their minds. Obviously you somehow circumnavigated the North American “educational” system!

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Good Day Michael, thank you for your kind comments and support! I truly appreciate you letting me know how valuable my content is, as it inspires me to create even more. I've never thought of being a librarian, but maybe we all must turn into neo-librarians. Do you follow Jack on patreon, curious- when/where did you find out about him?

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Roman ... thanks much! I've been aware of 'light' for a long time now but this article really rounds out quite a few corners. I'll pass it on to some friends. Also, I've appreciated you comments in the C & C Comment section for some time now. Again, thanks for the excellence brought to bear.

Спасибо! Отличная работа!

Thank you! Great work!

You have a very interesting name and maybe of Slavic origins?

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Yikes. I just changed my tablet setting to the night light with less blue light and will leave it there 24/7. I use incandescent 3-way bulbs. AFAIK they haven't been able to make 3-way bulbs in LED or fluorescent.

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Nice! Thanks for sharing Zelkova. One thing to consider though is that with night light mode this can increase the flicker rate, which is also very hard on our eyes and nervous system. I'm not sure what kind of tablet you have, but I use Iris software (red light customer dimmer) on my windows laptop. Curious - what struck surprised you most in the article?

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I knew it had been said the blue light from electronic devices is not good at bedtime, and I know the sun helps us produce vitamin D, but I didn't know how good the sun is for us. I've started sitting in the sun for 20 minutes a day. I want to ease into it so as not to burn. I don't know if it's psychosomatic but I swear I've slept better since I started sitting in the sun.

The weird thing about the blue light at bedtime is that no matter what I read, doesn't matter if it's a book or my tablet ( Samsung), it puts me to sleep.

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Nice! Yes that is a good idea Zelkova, take it slow, and build from the early AM to mid AM onwards. It's not psychosomatic for sure! We produce melatonin throughout the day in our eyes, not sure if you read this article:


As for falling asleep at night w/blue light: it's not that blue light makes it difficult to fall asleep, moreso it affects overall sleep quality and depth, as pineal melatonin production is limited.

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Hello Roman:

Thank you for putting this together. Expands my very basic knowledge a lot. Really great information. Now I'll consider wearing long sleeves and full pants when I'm writing at night. (I have the blue shielding glasses.)

Fascinating the complexity of this.

And I've been suggesting to my friends that they minimise the EMF sources in their homes. How many keep their phone or PC power transformers unnecessarily plugged in! Interesting for me to expand my thinking now to include things like blenders! I actually do not have any electric kitchen gadgets in my current abode except a small fridge. (I'm in a one room cabaña a comfortable distance from 'civilisation' and not much 'city' light and very little EMF telecom signalling. I've seen some tremendous improvements in my health in the last few months of my 20 month stay here.)

Also, I'm suggesting to people that they buy the ethernet cord for the computer — and the adapter required for laptaps and perhaps some tablets — to stop using wifi! And if they 'must' use wifi, then at least turn off the frequency they aren't using in the modem. By default the newer modems seem to be installed with the 5G and 4G frequencies both turned on! That typically requires a wire connection. The process is relatively simple and I imagine easily found on the web. The default password is often included on the modem in writing. (I found the default password once by looking for the modem supplier's technical information on the web.) Worst case, get the company to turn it off - likely they can do that easily by remote.

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Thank you for the information. I'm wondering if using Infrared panels, blankets or other devices would offset the extra blue light we're bombarded with. Thoughts?

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thanks Diane for your comment. do you want to use infrared panels as lighting or as a light therapy device?

re: blanket question - are you referring to covering yourself up with a blanket when you're watching TV?

personally, I wear a neck warmer or scarf when I do computer work as a thyroid is impacted and very sensitive to blue light.

Computer glasses are also very important. Do you wear those?

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Hi, Roman. Thanks for the very fast reply to a old post of yours. I used to wear the glasses all the time at night, but I've slacked off. I'm going to wear them all the time again, thanks to your article, a good reminder. The blanket is an IFR therapy device. Personally, I think it should be called a sleeping bag as it has the exact shape and style - zipper up the side from feet to neck; you're enclosed in it. Then again, it's not for sleeping in. You lie in it for a period of time and it's good for you. There are other styles of personal IFR therapy devices besides room panels. No, I'm not looking to light the room, just wanting the benefits of IFR light on my skin and wondering if doing that can offset all the blue light exposure. Thanks!

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My bro-in-law has an infrared "sleeping bag" or blanket - and he loves it.

There are also "bio-mats" which offer IR along with "crystal healing." I have used these post-surgery (leased one for my home) and it really helped with healing.

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Outstanding. I do that barefoot sun gazing. First hour or last hour of the day. Made it to the 45 minute mark 10 seconds more each day. Starting with 10 seconds. Occasionally now. Do your think the SRM chemicals that are sprayed in the sky to save humanity has any affect on sun gazers or sun bathers?

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Great questions Sean, and thanks for sharing your progress! Yes they absolutely do, however this is why I like getting out for the Sunrise, as the wavelengths are longer then, and can more easily penetrate the atmosphere (think FM radio long, vs microwave shorter wavelengths)

Studies have shown that 45 minutes can have a profound effect on reducing inflammation and regulating red blood cells:


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Nice work, Roman

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Any "aha" moments or things you didn't know when reading this article?

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Effect on skin

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Thank you so much Blaise for your support!

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So interesting; thank you. I want to learn more!

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Thank you for the feedback Deborah! We’ll be launching a 101 course on EMF with live calls in a month or so fyi. Here's a link to join the waitlist in case you're interested:


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Thank you!

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