Nice article! Does your black Sub theme have anything to do with all this?


"Do you still think staying up watching Netflix until midnight with your biohacking blue-blocking glasses is a good idea?"

Do you mean to say the glasses won't help much? Just not sure. Anyway, I won't watch Netflix no matter what color they throw at me because the content will make my brain mush not just the light.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Wow thanks for that info. On a related note, I am currently (badda bing badda boom) in a 'discussion' with my power co to put the damage liability back onto them, and to try and get an electromechanical meter with no radio circuitry put back for my home. This link is very helpful, emfhelpcenter.com. with some form letters. Also trying to put cables back for internet, as my ears ring constantly. As for the 5G streetlight across the street, not sure. My old Volvo is very heavy but there may be a nicer way to approach the problem. best

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Thanks. Looks like you've learned a lot from Jack Kruse, as did I: https://youtu.be/d7qjh4BIGbc . Yes, UV works with infrared and other parts of the spectrum, and as you point out, they only test with artificial indoor UV in isolation. They block out the sunrise and sunset 90% of the time over here with their geoengineering. They are setting up more and more of their eerie purple LED lights over here. Wood stove infrared energy and candlelight are the best. They want to create a world where zombies survive shots and this plastic world.

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Brilliant and thank you! I was recently dismayed when I found out that halogen and incandescent light bulbs could no longer be sold in the USA after 8/1/23 and all we are left with is florescent and LEDs. I'll stay in the dark before owning LED lights. They give me headaches.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Very interesting. And we know Melatonin is part of the covid fighting lineup, according to the FLCCC.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Great article, as usual.

For entertainment, let me share that when people are secluded from daylight (volunteers living in a cave for a month or two), the circadian rhythm settles at 36-hour days. Are humans really from a different planet? :)

More importantly,

1. while Blue-filtering eyeglasses "don't save you," they have sure saved my eyesight. I can't even imagine sitting in front of the computer screen without having that coating on my glasses. I use a 65" TV screen as a monitor, but laptop screens aren't much better, either, although Windows 10 at least allows you to take out much of the blue light even for dummies (the feature is called "night light").

2. Heating with incandescent is less energy-efficient than a heat pump.

3. Fluorescent is bad, but LED can manipulate the mind subliminally, so they are out. Halogen and incandescent are the only healthy options.

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Do you think black-out curtains in the bedroom helps too? We don’t have artificial light streaming in our windows from outside, but the moon bothers me sometimes. I worry that since blackout curtains will also block out the sunrise, they may not be a good idea. I would love your thoughts on this.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I just sent around the article by jack kruse on uv light to my children. I am appalled at the way they go about “protecting” their children from sunlight they are intelligent and caring but have been instilled with the pharmaceutical sun fetish. It is insane how they slather on the “sunscreen”. Your site is a goldmine of information that I have mostly intuited all my life. The comment section also is invaluable! Also thank you for the footnotes! I am convinced that the ideal organized “school” would be well stocked and comfortable libraries with a ratio of 1 to 50 librarians to students. The librarians main job would be to direct the students to different resources to research what presently was on their minds. Obviously you somehow circumnavigated the North American “educational” system!

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Roman ... thanks much! I've been aware of 'light' for a long time now but this article really rounds out quite a few corners. I'll pass it on to some friends. Also, I've appreciated you comments in the C & C Comment section for some time now. Again, thanks for the excellence brought to bear.

Спасибо! Отличная работа!

Thank you! Great work!

You have a very interesting name and maybe of Slavic origins?

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Wow. This article is a veritable firehose, Roman! I'm looking forward to spending more time with it to absorb it all. Thank you for pulling so much wisdom together into one place.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Yikes. I just changed my tablet setting to the night light with less blue light and will leave it there 24/7. I use incandescent 3-way bulbs. AFAIK they haven't been able to make 3-way bulbs in LED or fluorescent.

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Hello Roman:

Thank you for putting this together. Expands my very basic knowledge a lot. Really great information. Now I'll consider wearing long sleeves and full pants when I'm writing at night. (I have the blue shielding glasses.)

Fascinating the complexity of this.

And I've been suggesting to my friends that they minimise the EMF sources in their homes. How many keep their phone or PC power transformers unnecessarily plugged in! Interesting for me to expand my thinking now to include things like blenders! I actually do not have any electric kitchen gadgets in my current abode except a small fridge. (I'm in a one room cabaña a comfortable distance from 'civilisation' and not much 'city' light and very little EMF telecom signalling. I've seen some tremendous improvements in my health in the last few months of my 20 month stay here.)

Also, I'm suggesting to people that they buy the ethernet cord for the computer — and the adapter required for laptaps and perhaps some tablets — to stop using wifi! And if they 'must' use wifi, then at least turn off the frequency they aren't using in the modem. By default the newer modems seem to be installed with the 5G and 4G frequencies both turned on! That typically requires a wire connection. The process is relatively simple and I imagine easily found on the web. The default password is often included on the modem in writing. (I found the default password once by looking for the modem supplier's technical information on the web.) Worst case, get the company to turn it off - likely they can do that easily by remote.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Thank you for the information. I'm wondering if using Infrared panels, blankets or other devices would offset the extra blue light we're bombarded with. Thoughts?

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Outstanding. I do that barefoot sun gazing. First hour or last hour of the day. Made it to the 45 minute mark 10 seconds more each day. Starting with 10 seconds. Occasionally now. Do your think the SRM chemicals that are sprayed in the sky to save humanity has any affect on sun gazers or sun bathers?

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Nice work, Roman

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Roman S Shapoval

So interesting; thank you. I want to learn more!

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