Amazing post. Thank you so much.

I've known for a long time that I could hear bats sounding their radar ultrasound.

I rationalized that it would be lower harmonics that I'd pick up though.

As a great fan of (real) science I've come to having lost all trust and respect for what's called science these days.

As I've been suffering from debilitating tinnitus for a few years now which cost me my job and income, and after having gone down the road of medical examinations and expert treatments (to no avail), I find myself left to my own devices.

So discovering this post and substack really made my day to say the least.

Needless to say my situation has me vacillating between hope and despair all this time.

The info above has me energized and motivated to crack this nut at last.

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I'm sending some Love for you to crack that nut.

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So very interesting. Tinnitus for many years, wringing 24 hrs a day, however we can’t shut off power in Minnesota. When it gets warm enough I’m going to try this. Thank you.

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Hi Jonm, so happy you happened to find this article then! You can also try drinking some food-grade diatomaceous earth to help induce a grounding effect in your body:


Can you at least shut off the power to your bedroom?

Stetzer filters have also been shown to reduce dirty electricity (not an affiliate):


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Hi again, I confirmed that you can cause damage to your switchboard fuses if you shut it on and off frequently. I live in an apartment and it seems that my bedroom power is attached to my kitchen/fridge so I wouldn’t be able to shut the power off anyway. I measured the EF every where and it seems every wall alarms off the chart except for my closet which the neighbors closet is on the other side. Flirting with the idea of putting my bed in the closet.....

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Thank you for letting me know Christine. I appreciate you checking back in. For what it's worth, I have run the fridge at a cooler temp during the day, and then shut if off at night sometimes.

As long as you don't have too much stuff in the fridge, the temp fluctuation shouldn't affect things too much, but of course it depends on where your climate. My fridge drives me crazy with noise, and I've noticed since I installed a stetzer filter on the fridge outlet, it's become quieter and runs more efficiently.

This is also why I've started to only refrigerate what is absolutely necessary - I leave (local farm) eggs out for days no issue, produce and veg, broth/ soup I keep in the cold garage, and ferment sauerkraut, beets, pickle veg.

As far as moving your bed into the closet, I sleep on my concrete basement floor as I know my body voltage is zero there, so we do what we have to do, right? (:

Let me know what questions you have.

FYI the EMF 101 course is open for registration, starts Feb 26:


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Awesome! I’ll check it out:)

I feed my cats whole prey/raw meat so I need to keep it at a regular temp. We had a power outage recently (Commifornia) and I had to toss a lot and luckily was able to take the frozen stuff Tony son’s freezer.

I moved my bed to the closet and still had tinnitus during the power outage:/

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Sorry to heat that Christine...it can be tricky, as often tinnitus can be caused by our endolymph (fluid surrounding the ear's cochlea) that's loaded with calcium, to correct its calcium balance. The calcium chloride in the endolymph (what also supports melanin and how we hear) absorbs wavelengths of light, from infrared to UV.

If you can, you can also try getting one of those infrared bulbs, or get some good AM sunshine followed by noon/afternoon UV. do you try to get out for the Sunrise?

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Ohhh now I see your demo video...awesome. Will be testing tomorrow!

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I have been following you and trying to remedy exposure to 5G. Ordered a meter and outlet plug blocker from Stetzer and have been taking diatomaceous earth. Appreciate all your knowledge and help.

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Thank you so much Fizzy! I'm heartened to know that you're taking these steps! Had my DE water this morning too.

Have you felt a difference with the filters?

The meter you bought, was it a Stetzer meter, or EMF meter?

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I haven’t really used the meter yet..yes it’s a Stetzer, I’m not great with following directions, so I’m going get my son to help me test the outlets. I think one filter isn’t going to cut it but I’m gonna put it in action with whatever outlet I’m using tomorrow. I don’t think I’m especially sensitive to the EMFs after hearing some of the stories on Substack, but I do have the tinnitus that’s getting worse all the time. I’m very alarmed. about this EMF stuff but nobody in my circle knows anything about this. My daughter says everything gives you cancer! She’s still on the jabs lol. I’m going to get a cover for the router.

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Hi Fizzy! Been a while. Checking in to see how you're doing?

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I bought a Faraday cage for my wifi router to use during the day. I keep the doors of this cage open a bit just to let some of the signals to be able to use the computer. I turn the wifi off at night.

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I purchased a Faraday cage for my wifi router in my room. I also turn it off at night. Now I sleep better

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Hi Jonm! Been a while. Checking in. Any progress with the tinnitus? We recently did an article on the low-oxalate diet which we've found has helped alleviate tinnitus for some of our colleagues.

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The frequencies for Tinnitus are 20Hz, 2720Hz, 728Hz, 727Hz, 784Hz, 787Hz and880Hz according to Dr. Rife and Tinnitus affect the Dental foci also....Just saying

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Thanks for those notes Marten. Do you have a link you could share to Rife?

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Fantastic research, studied sound for years, always something new to learn cheers!

Explains the geoengineered blocking of the sun in tandem with the SV 40 to instigate cancer.

Such evil, premeditated and delivered at whatever cost.

Question, if I may......

Any difference between dawn and dusk frequencies of the sun ( most spraying occurs ) and possible modulation of frequencies through the sprayed nanotech.


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Thank you so very much Mick for your question and kind comment. There is a slight difference in color temperature, with the afternoon being a cooler blue. In terms of frequencies b/w the two, it's funny that you ask, b/c that was on my list to research this week. I know that AM Sunlight is preferable if you want to build your skin the right way during the day, as the infrared and red will absorb deeper into our epidermis, and act as the foundation so that UV can come in later during the day to "fill in all the cracks" of our temple and act as a hormonal regulator, bringing order to the chaos that red light has cleaned up.

I know that doesn't answer your question outright, but I will let you know when I find the answer. I get lost in all the comments, so if you don't mind, send me an email so we can keep touch info@thepowercouple.ca

How did you get into sound?

Have you heard of Jonathan Goldman of Healing Sounds?

I'm interviewing him this Thursday on our podcast fyi.



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Fabulous information! Thank you.

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Absolutely Penny! Thank you. What did you find the most eye-opening about the article?

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If you look at the symptom list of Ménière’s disease they are all a match for acute dehydration.

The ear canal fluid is shrinking not expanding and causing the problems. The adrenals are pumping aldosterone to rescue the dire situation. Hyponatremia can be deadly.

But as all the adrenocortical hormones are released - fear, anxiety are present.


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Thank you for this Jane. Makes a whole lot of sense. Do you encounter many people with tinnitus?

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No, I’m not treating. I’m researching and using what I’ve found to draw a logical conclusion. My take on blood and lung physiology dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

I see reactive oxygen species ROS as a term for dehydration, along with oxidation and oxidised.

And the adrenals come on line in emergencies and to remedy dehydration, not as normal salt/fluid regulators also helps me scrutinise these hormones effects.

Hope you have time to read my 3 articles.

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"Our ears can’t see, but in low-light environments they become more sensitive"

I discovered I had tinnitus while sitting during a meditation course! I have had it for thirty years but sometimes it goes away. And when it does go away is when I am outside under the sunlight and barefoot.

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Amazing Jerome. The Sun is our high fidelity stereo, that drowns out all the unnecessary background noise of artificial light static screeching in our crystal ears. Keep listening to that tune! Thank you for affirming what I wrote here.

It'll be interesting to see if you have tinnitus more in the US, and if it goes away overseas in Africa?

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Simply love your blog, introducing my mom to it now.

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Fantastic! Thank you so much Alexander for your kind words. Is she aware of EMFs and their effects?

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Oh yes!

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Great information!! Thank you!!

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You're silently welcome! What was the biggest aha/ surprise for you about the article?

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There are so many interesting details. I actually thought tinnitus was related to high blood pressure. I didn't realize that wool can ground us. The entire complex connection between the sun and hearing, is incredible. Also, that some people really hear those frequencies, I knew we do, but definitely not how it's possible.

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I have just moved from Spain to Scotland and now have high pitched tinnitus. When I originally moved from England to Spain for 5 years, my tinnitus stopped but I had put it down to my improved diet. Now in Scotland, I do try to get out in the limited sun but my tinnitus is worse than ever. I have been trying to get out and brave the cold as I know the benefits of light but I had not realised a lack of it could affect my ears! Thank you for this information.

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Thank you so much for your comment Toni. It's interesting that when you moved north, in an environment with less UV, your tinnitus increased, and the inverse was true with your move to Spain.

Low-light environments combined with nnEMF lead to a low quantum yield in our health.

Is there a place you can ground?

Is there a certain time of day that the tinnitus happens?

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Thank you for your reply. Going forward, I intend to introduce some grounding. I think the tinnitus is there all the time but more noticable when I go to bed at night.

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Mine also when I lay down for bed but also carries on in the morning.

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That's fantastic Toni! Let us know if you feel a difference?

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Absolutely fascinating. You can get light therapy devices which shine on the ear or in the ear, rather than in the eyes, such as the Human Charger device by Valkee. These can have massive and profound effects on brain chemistry.

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On electrical stuff. The last couple of months, I have had a mini fridge around in my study - very convenient for me (and many feet away from me) - but also a favorite resting place for cats. Yerks!!!! With all you write about the dangers of electrical things, do you suggest I find a way to keep them off the fridge?

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Thank you for sharing that Elsa. It's funny that you would mention cats, as they are attracted to certain electrical fields like keyboards, computers, and magnetic fields that repel dogs. Egyptians noticed this, and it is detailed by building biologists that cats and ants follow different magnetic field lines.

I'll have to think about your question a little more, but do you have a wool blanket you could throw on top of the fridge?

Wool is an electrical insulator, so may reduce the EMF by a bit. If you're worried it'll get turned to shreds, you could try cotton or even linen, but it may not work as well.

You could also try turning the fridge off for an hour and see what they do? Refrigerators generate large magnetic fields since they have coiled transformers inside.

Hope that helps for now.

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Thank you for the suggestion of a wool blanket. They are not shredders. And I believe I have an old wool blanket (meaning, not something synthetic). I will hunt it up. I believe they like the hum, plus the high vantage point. (The mini-fridge is on a little table.)

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Hi Roman, you may be unwittingly steering readers in the wrong direction. Tinnitus is also caused by certain medications. Millions are on medications. Getting off a medication caused mine. I have a sanctuary bedroom, got rid of Wi-fi, bluetooth, smart phones, use ethernet . . . and still have tinnitus! Be sure you inform your readers. Antibiotics are notorious for causing tinnitus. "Antibiotics, painkillers, anti-anxiety and anti-depression drugs, antimalarial medications, anti-cancer drugs, and blood pressure-controlling medications, can trigger tinnitus." Probably gets worse with aging.


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Brilliant, I used to be a sound engineer 😂

Indigo has popped up in my strange pattern recognition brain, I look forward to your professional research and insight

The future is bright, thanks to the greatest minds on substack.

Together, such talents are priceless, and greater than the sum.

Well met ont nigh'


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Wow that’s so interesting 🙏

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Your substack is so incredibly valuable to me. I am not encountering this that you are writing about so much in my life otherwise.

Other than the practical urgency to make use of these new understandings, I actually am quite pleased with having my concept of life altered. I get terribly excited to be able to "see" entirely new structures and processes in this life. Talking about the ear seeing is beautiful, and I feel as though I suddenly stepped into a new world, which is the same one, but now I have the capacity to inhabit it with awareness and imagination in a new way.

Possible digression:

Did you ever hear this podcast, episode, radio show about the blind guy who clicked all his life, and effectively could see? I believe the episode was called Finding Batman. I'll look for it quick.

Daniel Kish. It was on Invisibilia in 2015. https://www.npr.org/2015/01/23/379134306/batman-pt-1

But just looking up his name reveals tons of stuff.

I am just wondering and musing how to converse what you are talking about with this interesting person.

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