Sounds like a return to the wooden four-poster rope bed, which my daughter and husband sleep on, as my father made it for her. Very interesting post. Personally I prefer to wear fabrics which arose from the earth--currently inhabiting 98% cotton jeans, 100% cotton t-shirt, wool hand-knit socks.

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Thank you Via for that insight on the rope bed! I'd love to see what it looks like. FYI linen and wool tend to be better alternatives to cotton, as cotton conducts more electricity than it insulates.

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I don't have a picture of the bed (at least, I don't think I do--will ask husband, the photo curator), but my father, a very skilled woodworker, had been given four antique bedposts, and offered my then 8-year old daughter her choice of twin or double size. I pushed for double, thinking ahead--good thing, too, as it turned out. We her parents have in our guest room an antique four-poster, but it has steel brackets to support the (steel-springs-containing) box spring. It never was a rope bed (no holes). Husband and I do sleep on a latex foam mattress--but that sits on top of a box spring and metal frame--we never got around to spending on a wooden bed for ourselves. Re linen--here in SE Pa, summers can be uncomfortably muggy--hot with high humidity. I had for over 45 years purchased only 100% cotton sheets, and in the 70's age of poly-cotton, that meant big expense ($50-$60 for a single sheet, as I recall)--but the poly-cotton was too hot in our summers. In my linen closet were some hand-woven sheets given my by my New Hampshire grandmother(b. 1891). I do not know when New Hampshire women stopped weaving their own household linen, so don't have an idea of the age, but these were woven on a narrow loom and seamed up the middle. Perhaps 5 years ago I decided that those sheets perhaps might be, and deserved to be, used. Such a change they made on those hot summer nights! I used them with great care (and had to darn many worn spots), saving their use for just the hottest part of summer. This past summer I discovered 100% linen sheets at IKEA ($$$$), bought two pairs which we have used exclusively since their July purchase. We find them very heavy, so in hot summer the sheet itself functions as a very light blanket, and now in winter, seems like an additional layer of warmth. Just hung last week's sheets on the line 30 minutes ago. Also--we sleep under wool or cotton, with a cotton matelasse bedspread (thus, heavy). I received all my mother's and grandmother's (b. 1884) woollen blankets--far more than I can use, but I hold on to them.

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Hi Via, wow....1884! That just goes to show what true "sustainability" looks like, and it's not plastic. Thank you for your insights into linen. I always thought of linen as light, since I only had t-shirts of linen...never tried linen sheets so thanks I will look into those. I also like sleeping on wool, I find it supremely comforting. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave such an insightful comment!

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Kind words, thank you. The hand-woven sheets must be much, much older--I suspect perhaps early 19th C. Probably they have held up because they had received no industrial fabric treatments to degrade the strength of the flax fiber. Regarding the effect of linen vs cotton clothing--for some years daughters and I were volunteers at William Penn's home, Pennsbury Manor, where 1701 was the time reflected by the furnishings and clothing of volunteers. We wore handsewn (by me) linen shifts beneath our handsewn (by me) linen gowns. The annual "Manor Fair" was held in early September.--always a hot and humid time. Each year, having having dressed in just the shift, and rushing around to get things done before leaving, I remember being so hot and sweaty --undoing in my body, the effect of my careful laundering and ironing of the linen garment. Which is to say that my customary cotton clothing was much cooler than that single linen garment--which actually seemed to hold heat in.

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Thank you for clarifying how invisible EMF pollution is completely out of control now.. I've been railing about this for about three years now... getting even my children to wake up and protect their children seems almost hopeless.. Maybe they'll listen to you.? I'm reduced to substantial bribery now.. We have to turn this around.. So back to work and forwarding your publication!

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Thank you so much Curt for your thoughtful feedback!

What's the biggest obstacle in getting them to recognize the harm?

Are their aware of the hazards of radiation (fertility, cancer) or only the addictive nature of social media?

Here's another article for you re: children & EMF:


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I've tried tentatively to inform a select few who I knew might be receptive. They agree it's toxic, but don't seem to understand how gravely serious the situation is, still using wifi and such. One person who takes it more seriously than most has made shielding attempts against in home wifi. EMF meters said it's all good, so now they think problem solved :(

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At least you're trying Kiwi. Planting seeds is all we can do. Hope you can at least escape it, especially at night?

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It doesn't feel like it's enough, especially when I see people with kids getting sick all the time, but I do what I can.

We take every precaution we can. We're reasonably close to many teched up neighbors, but not like an apartment building. Never had wifi, hardly use phones, drive to places planning routes that avoid as many cell towers as we can, no power on most of the time, homeschool (kids not exposed to industrial wifi present in local schools), cook many of our meals by fire etc. It's still not enough, but it's what we can do at the moment.

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That's incredible Kiwi, sounds like you're doing everything you can in your power. I'm sure when you look back a year from today, you won't believe how much further you've come with that slow, steady, progress. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment.

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It feels like we're only just keeping ahead of the run away train that is environmental tech saturation. As I came to check my mail, I see the guys across the road have just chopped down the last tree that blocked line of sight on the nearest cell tower to us. Not the area we sleep thankfully. However, our sleeping area is line of sight on the latest street light li-fi. It's so hard to get away from this stuff, but it does help to mitigate it as much as possible. I'm trying to buy time until the reality of the poison reaches enough people, and we can all work together to dismantle it (I hope).

Thank you for your efforts to educate many people, it's sorely needed.

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Thank you Roman! We will Wake them up yet!

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A Monk's Habit is a full length gown with a hood, not a type of hat. If you look at my photo on this post you can see me wearing this reversible gown, silver-side out with the black side against my skin.


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This excellent article inspired me to write the following:


Side note: Einstein is quoted for all kinds of things, mostly because it's fashionable, but the quote at the beginning actually doesn't work in problem-solving. A problem usually must be solved at the cognitive level, where it arises. (It is true that only a more complex system can explain a less complex system, but Yuri Lotman explained that already in 1921 and Einstein was not needed. :)

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I don't find that video particularly useful. I wear EMF protection clothing and have noticed a huge difference in how I feel. I no longer get the extreme pressure headaches and consequent brain fog. I have a Monk's Habit made from EMF protective silver threaded fabric. It covers me from hood to ankles. I wear it when I am out and about on my mobility scooter which is where I have no control of the EMF pollution to which I am subjected.

To suggest that this clothing is inadequate is highly deceptive. It works for me!

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Hi Frances, thank you for your feedback. I am not tryiing to be deceptive. I am offering real information that other EMF researchers and building biologists have relayed to me from the field. The tricky thing with clothing is that if you don't cover yourself from head to toe, then certain frequencies can be exacerbated. Shielding is also a band-aid solution that distracts from the real issue of global radiation, and disconnects us from the healing frequencies of Earth in the long term.

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Shielding is essential because the globalists are hardly likely to reduce the global radiation any time soon, are they? Be realistic!!!

We need to shield ourselves as best we can and I would never discourage anyone from doing the best they can given the present cacophony of frequencies bombarding us everywhere we go.

As for connection with the healing frequencies of Earth - barefoot walking on earth or sand does wonders, as does using a grounding sheet under your desk when working online. https://rumble.com/vyfr1t-the-invisible-rainbow-history-and-effects-of-electromagnetism.html

I tested my Monk's Habit by putting my electrosmog meter inside it while I am wearing it. The signals inside are barely registering whereas outside of the clothing, in my home which has no wifi of any kind, the signal is in the top orange to red diode.

I think that says how good the clothing really is, don't you?

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Thanks for your thoughtful feedback Frances. I do agree that if done properly, shielding can work, it's just all those people who do it willy-nilly, or worse yet buy pendants, which can often make matters worse.

People buy bed canopies, or apply EMF shielding paint that's not installed by a pro, and then get EMF-poisoned.

I'm trying to empower people with solutions that they can already employ with tactics at their fingertips, like going hardwired, shutting off the power, and using the Earth/ water as a way to shield from the inside out.

However you have me definitely interested in that monk's habit. Thanks as always for your forthright candid feedback.

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I wonder if simply posting your source material might help-- let us do our own research and check it out. Not that I donut trust you, particularly, RSS, but these days it's just so easy to wonder.

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I hear you Herder. Well the video of the phone on airplane mode is one thing that can help us all avoid that pitfall. In terms of clothing, a lot is anecdotal / confidential from EMF pros who have seen and dealt with others' sleeping areas, and people becoming extremely EMF-poisoned after not installing the canopy correctly.

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Hmmm. Anecdotal and confidential? Seems to me airplane mode does nothing at all to get us AWAY from cell phones, and hence, put an end to these infernal, hellish, ecocidal CELL PHONE TOWERS.

I am born to challenge, so I do.

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Feb 26, 2024
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Feb 26, 2024
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So many people have been interested in buying the Monk's Habit! I designed it myself and EMF Protection offered to make it for me.... it turned out great! I do hope they are willing to make some more and to send them to America. They are double layered. One layer is cotton and the other is silver threaded. The design is constructed to be reversible.

Get in touch with them via this link: https://www.emf-protection.co.uk/268.html

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Feb 26, 2024
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I agree. I think there is an important distinction to be made here. I similarly suggested that I might go back to a 3G flip phone because I was less insane with brain fog and the rest. I know it is not the ultimate solution and that I am still guilty of contributing to the cell network threatening life throughout the ecosphere. But I need a way forward, to put on my oxygen mask so to speak, to find transitions within my proletarian debt-based life wherein I still need to work and function within the system. I am dealing with massive interpersonal challenges including my partner healing a level 3 concussion, so we will take whatever precautions we can imagine until we can move further away from wires (except for a landline and maybe electric). This may include literally smashing our smart phones to pieces, the sooner the better. We are homesteaders so can even imagine living off-grid - if we had a few more zeroes in the bank. For now we muddle through as best we can, shut things off as much as possible, get outside a lot. And we are exploring the EMF protection mats and stuff as starters also. I will look into the Monk's Habit also, thank you!

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Hi Michael, I hear you on all accounts. You probably know this already, but since you mention concussion, have you looked into magnesium supplementation to offset?


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I got mine made bespoke and wrote about it here:


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It's a good idea to go back to an old phone, preferably pre-2015, especially if an old SIM card is still working. Many of those still hand removable batteries, too.

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Thanks for that tip - easier to remember the year than models, etc.

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Sadly, 2G doesn't exist anymore and 3G is rapidly phased out. My ISP keeps pestering me to switch to their cell phone service ("One year for free"), because they want me to be with the same provider for everything. Are these providers getting so much taxpayer's money from the black budget? Apparently so. The funny thing about it is that I turn on my old cell phone once a day for messages for a few minutes only; otherwise, I take the battery out. :)

2015 seems like a demarcation line for many things, when it comes to data accumulation, so it's only my best guess. The earlier, the better, because slow phones are no good for data transfer. Still, new flip phones most likely contain the 5G chips, because the customer is the product.

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Can you tell me where you got the EMF clothing that works for you? Thanks in advance.

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Hi La-Shawn! Thank you for asking. I also saw your reply from the other day - sorry for not getting back sooner.

My wife had high blood pressure as well, they tried to force her on meds, but we were able to regulate BP with a daily combo of taking ground flax seed ( a couple tablespoons soaked in water and drank) and eating pumpkin seeds (a few tablespons per day)

High blood pressure isn't always a bad thing, it means your circulation is working, just need to be concerned when you feel a lot of chest tightness.

I like eating beets and humming (increases nitric oxide) which then lowers BP. Sunlight also reduces BP by a lot when you expose your skin to it, the skin releases nitric oxide.

The clothing: https://www.meriwoollayers.com/

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Thanks for asking! I buy mine from a British company:


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Just signed up for EMF101. I look forward to the six week course! I respect that you respond honestly to people who have critiques or questions about your perspective.

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Thank you so much Belte for your moral support, and supporting our foray into EMF101! We just sent you an orientation email fyi.

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Excellent topic Roman. About

"using an EMF blocking phone case can cause you to face an increased level of EMF emissions"

-if a phone is powered off (not just sleep) and is in a mission darkness faraday case that can not get any sms or email or tel call or blue tooth or near field, isn't that going to be nearly 100% zero EMFs to/from the phone?

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Thank you Proton. Great question. Are you also removing the battery? Chances are it's still able to listen, and emit. I know Arthur Firstenberg has told me that he can feel if someone has a cell phone on them, even if off.

All cell phones radiate all the time, no matter their status according to Arthur. This could ring true in the sense that they may not be able to access the 2.45GHz RF field when off/ in a faraday cage, but there are other frequencies/ infrasonic, lower Hz that may be able to access through the cage as well.

Are you able to measure the electric/magnetic fields in the scenario you mention?

Overall, these devices are not to be trusted. It's like putting a hand grenade in a bomb-proof box. Would you still want to be carrying that box around?

Sorry I couldn't give you more clarification.

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Thanks Roman. The Trifield is near zero for Elec, Mag, and RF, right next to the pouch, and the very small value for RF of 0.023 mW/m2 is the same whether next to the pouch or far from the pouch over 10 min so it must be background from the electronics in the couple of meters around the desk I tested it on or the WiFi from the upstairs room separated by a concrete wall. The wifi access points in the wall are all or nothing, you cant just use Lan, so I hedge it by using the point from one other room separated by concrete (that's the only Wifi even on the list). If low Hz gets into the phone do I really care? I use it once a week for 5 min.

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Sounds good Proton. You're still reducing your overall EMF exposure load by a lot, and being mindful as you are helps of course. Do you shut off the power at night? This would help reduce your exposure even more of course.

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Thanks for all your kind replies Roman! Home power isn't off but no WiFi reaches the bedroom and the only electronic is the 24/7 ceiling duct fan. Electronics in other rooms are separated by thick concrete, and perhaps some thick people...that's a story for another time!

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For sure Proton! I mention the power b/c that's something that many don't do, but can drastically reduce background EMF as magnetic fields attract onto live wires. The ceiling fan also can also create another EMF that pushes electrical fields/ force lines down from the ceiling. good times (:

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Much thanks, Trifield is very low everywhere except right near an electronic, so while not zero I'm looking good compared to my buddies that work at the Microsoft data center. 

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Feb 26, 2024
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Yes, as the nanotech can be now built even into the SIM cards and/or the phones themselves, there is no safe cell phone. I've written quite a few articles about this:


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As long as it is a sound-proof box, it cannot collect conversations, either. :)

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Working outdoors is a great way to minimize harm. Organic farm work and community gardening - away from all towers and wires - has been my main strategy for several years for maintaining health and dealing with this insanity.

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That's fantastic Michael! Same here. That's why I work p/t at an organic farm as well. One of the only paid jobs where I get to be barefoot and greet customers with no shirt on! Growing anything new this year?

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Great article, Thanks. I definiteIy am going to invest in having my house checked by an informed electrician as soon as I can save enough money, which unfortunately will take some time ! What you write confirms what I have been told when I consulted an expert a few years ago who warned me that I would have to be very careful about applying EMF shielding paint or putting up shielding curtains as I could make things much worse by creating hotspots with EMF coming from sources I was unaware of bouncing back in concentrated form. I know I "ll need help with this is as I have found that I can't trust my own subjective perceptions. Recently, while walking my dog, I noticed some contraptions put up by the council near where I live. I assumed that they were 5G masts and immediately felt badly affected. I subsequently found out that they were for counting owls and bats. As soon as I knew this I felt fine again walking past! I am clearly extremely susceptible to autosuggestion.

You write about metal beds. Presumably the same thing is true for interior sprung mattresses?

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Thank you Wendel for sharing your personal insights! I hear you on being suspicious. We need to trust our gut instinct now more than ever, so even if someone tells you those masts are to count the birds, how do they count them? At this point I would assume that most infrastructure is being embedded for the internet-of-things.

Interior spring mattresses are unfortunately not a solution as the coils within magnetize and can create throw our our body's own magnetic field during regeneration.

Hope that helps you. We're doing a EMF Masterclass where one of the lessons will focus on how to create a sleeping sanctuary with reduced EMF.

Would you be interested?


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Thanks, that is what I thought about the mattresses. As for the

I feel I can trust the person who told me as she is as concerned as I am about EMF . I just wanted to make the point that I personally can’t necessarily rely on my own gut feelings. I think I was badly affected not by any radiation but by my own panic. In my case fear can be electrifying too! I moved to this house because it is as far away from telecom masts as possible in this densely populated area and found it very upsetting when I realised that 5G masts can be put up anywhere. The contraptions are quite close to my house hence my panic. As a matter of fact it would make more sense for the council to put up 5G masts in trees or street lamps.

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Understood. Ok Wendel, I am sorry if I am making you more fearful. At least you can have the comfort knowing you are awake to what is out there, and thus better prepared to deal with the outcome. Feel free to write us with questions, and we'll do our best to get back to you! Thank you again for stopping by to leave a comment.

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Thanks very much, but no, you have not made me more fearful! I have been aware of the dangers of EMF for a long time and my realising that 5G is worse did not come from anything you wrote. On the contrary, what you wrote is if anything reassuring. It helps to know what works and what does not.

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So the general feedback from this article is that nothing helps, and most things worsen the exposure that are supposed to help. sorry, but this does not seem very helpful! It seems to be inducing more fear if anything

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Thank you for your feedback Samantha. Wouldn't you rather live by the precautionary principle than use devices that could make the situation worse?

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Wow, you've really set me thinking along ALL NEW LINES...

Thanks!!! Woof!

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I joined your sub stack. Can you tell me where to find my promotional code for the Master class? Thank you. Daniel

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Hi Daniel, thanks for your support! We just sent you the promo code to your email. Let us know if you have any questions!

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Thank you for this.

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Absolutely Claudia! Thank you for reading!

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*Covers oneself from head to toe in emf clothing. Proceeds to hang around WEF folks for the entire week and refuses to elaborate*

Become the radiation emitter you seek to destroy lol. Modern problems require modern solutions.

Joking...of course.

Very informative. If we get to the root this will simplify things.

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Like the strategy...but then you would probably fit right in with the WEF weirdos, so might work.

Thanks for chiming in Jonathan - wish I had better news on shielding, but it's why hiring an expert to do the installs and having a "first do no harm" approach is paramount.

E.g. turn the power off to the bedroom at night or any room that doesn't need it.

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Turning off the breaker has been helpful.

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Thanks for sharing that Jonathan. Good to know that you've felt the effect. Deeper sleep?

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It was so deep I thought I'd never get out!!! But yeah it was deep.

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That's amazing!!!!

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Feb 26, 2024
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Thanks for asking Robbin. It really depends. The only way to know is by turning off the breaker for that room, and then doing a body voltage test to see if you register at zero millivolts.

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What do y'all think about putting a copper roof on your house? I heard years ago that some of "Them" were doing that. Of course it wouldn't do much good unless you were way out in the country, away from the towers (and other dwellings). But now with the massive armada of satellites overhead . . .

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Hmm--15-ish years ago our shed dormers had to be re-roofed, and we chose to pay for copper, for its 75 year life expectancy. I recall that at the time, neighbors were having to re-roof their whole house (built 1987) and paid for that whole job what we did for 4 dormers.

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Love the insights you are both sharing here! Priceless like copper!

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yeah - imagine what a full copper roof would cost now - with all the EVs, etc competing for it

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Now I heard on the tv a roll out of 10G roll out with Xfinity. Not good!!😳😳

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It'll by like the beginning of Terminator 2 by then. Insanity...sanity must prevail...where's John Connor???

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