I was working in the Fitness Industry 2005-12 during the launch of Fitbit et al. Working with performance athletes led me to engage with these products and I quickly realized the minimal usefulness. Once you get a baseline re VO2 max, HRV then it is not helpful to use the provided metrics compared to learning by feeling/listening to your body. Of course, we now understand the danger they represent as well, e.g. transmitters/receivers (control of your physiology). 'Counting Steps' was the primary/only selling point I guess, ridiculous.
My watchband broke, April '21, and I never replaced it, thus I haven't worn a watch since then. Never bought into the Fitbit thing either, although one of my daughters was big on it, and on talking about just how much REM sleep she'd had, courtesy of that thing.
Thanks for sharing Via. Good to know. Maybe your daughter had more REM sleep because that comes later in the night,...tough to say. I know I will dream "harder" when I don't sleep well the night before.
As Marshall McLuhan observed, the car flattened & dispersed our landmarks, our obelisks, — monuments that Cicero noted construct our social memory. Electric lights whitewashed the night heavens, our astral guideposts & disrupted our sleep.
The steam press, radio, TV, internet, —broa•dcast media —instead of family & community became our synchronizing signals. Speeding car windows; & blue screens with full frontal violence & lust; cubicle life devoid of sunlight internalized asynchrous signals that disrupted our natural clocks & destroyed our moral compass.
In less than a century we leaped from naturalism to trans•humanism, from food to kibble, from walking to sedentarism, from original sin (constrained) to blank slate; from harvest moon to glyphosate.
We used to hike with a buddy of my Husband's who always had GPS trackers on his dogs. His first dog had chronic knee and hip issues and eventually died from heart issues. His subsequent dogs have seizures and are hyper-active. My Husband likes to copy what his friends are doing and got trackers for our dogs when we moved to Vermont. Besides my feeling sick being around them, one of my dogs would get "lame" and the other would start throwing-up on the hikes. The lame one was taken to the vet who said it must be the Lyme acting up. As soon as I insisted on no radiation on the hikes the "lyme" disappeared and the throwing up stopped.
Many of our friends’ dogs, and our pup, have died from lymphoma cancer. My thought is that we have too much emf for their bodies to handle. Hubby disagrees and says it’s the gmo food. Likely both.
Hi Girl on the move, thank you so much for sharing. I'm so sorry for your loss. My last dog died from many complications including tumors as well, and that was before I was really aware of how dangerous EMF can be.
Wireless radiation hits us on the level of our DNA, being able to break strands through the way copper metabolism is disrupted.
Plus EMF also depletes our mitochondria of oxgyen. This is important since Otto Warburg discovered that cancers thrive in the absence of oxygen (1931, Warburg Effect). EMF affect cytochrome C oxidase, which is our, and our animals' respiratory enzyme. Here's one article I wrote about canines' deteriorating health in our wireless world:
It is not only the e-m-f from wi fi etc, but also those microchips which are compulsorily implanted into practically every cat and dog. Added to that is the toxins in compulsory jabs labelled as 'vaccines' which knock out their natural immune system.
So sorry to hear! My sister and I are certain both of those factors led to the early passing of our beloved pets. And exposure to roundup as we live in a big agriculture area of Oregon. Our current rescues are getting very different care now that we are aware..
I have told our rescue shelters, (including RSPCA (Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), that - unless and until they stop injecting the life out of pups and kittens (with toxic jabs) and mandating microchips (purportedly to 'keep them safe') - I will never again adopt a rescue animal from them. I reported them to themselves for cruelty to animals - they never replied.
Thank you for sharing that Suzy. Oregon is a prime rollout area for 5G, especially Portland (referenced in my dog article above), as Oregon is close to Washington/ Microsoft headquarters. Great to hear that you are aware of the many toxic issues we face - sounds like those animals are in good hands. Mitigating dirty electricity is another way we can reduce overall EMF in our home/ work + shutting off Wi-Fi. How long have you been aware of the EMF hazard?
I have been aware of EMF's and dirty electricity for over a decade as I started on my own healing journey that began with heavy metal poisoning. I am thankful to live just outside Silverton in a forested area. I watched with dismay and outrage as I watched them throw up so many 5G towers in school yards and farms, and now they have those nasty 5G boxes downtown. Our WiFi is shut off when not in use and we try to ground and sit in our little forested back yard and read real paper books and enjoy nature.
All those who’s pets have suffered, don’t forget that every injection a vet is allowed to give your pet is another step towards chronic illness and early death. Also feeding them kibble is a huge no-no. The ingredients are extremely harmful to the health of the pet. Raw meat, bones, raw fish, etc., is the food their bodies were meant to ingest. Water needs to be clean and fluoride free. No monthly applications of pesticides meant to prevent or kill fleas, ticks or heartworm as they poison the blood of your pet and thus poison your pet. Please consider this as well as keeping them away from EMF and radiation. 🙏🏻
Thank you for being man (or woman) enough to admit this! So glad we could help propel your fitness into the stone age, but at least you'll be strong like a caveman/woman, right? Thanks for letting us know.
Thanks man. It's good to know that the info is getting out there. FYI we'll have a live EMF webinar Thursday the 24th 7pm EST - would love for you to join us!
Always interesting. My concern is hearing aids. I can't find any that don't use bluetooth. Turning off the bluetooth cripples them. Also they now use another radio signal so the right and left hearing aids can communicate with each other. All low energy, tested, and perfectly safe, of course. I'm tired of being a guinea pig.
"perfectly safe, of course" . . . and of course that signal that synchronizes them must pass right thru your brain - what a dilemma. I guess you could (and probably do) turn them off whenever possible. Honestly, sorry to say, i try to avoid being too near anyone wearing them for long - especially in a car.
I am one of those who ticked the "have you ever used a fitness tracker" box - because there wasn't a box for being an ex-tracker. I was an early adopter of computers, tablets, 'smart' phones (cell phones to North Americans), wi fi and - yes - fitness trackers. After I got sick as a dog (sorry dogs and cats for all the stealth testing they did on you), and discovered the 'source' was all of the above tech, I jettisoned any and all that was 'wireless'. I have one of those 'safe and sound' meters - and don't care who derides me as a 'conspiracy theorist'. I listen to my body (and regret not listening to my cat and dog - both of whom were victims of p-harma's great poisoning).
Well I particularly like the health / hazard part as my friend and I have been trying to get her son-in-law to stop holding their newborn with an Apple watch on, an inch from the baby's heart and head. Loved the chiropractic watch video. I was married to a chiropractor years ago and knew about the watches and meridians. Thank you again.
Thank you so much Sabrina for sharing that. Good to know about the chiropractors - they really are ahead of the curve in many ways, but get shouted down by the mainstream and alternative often.
Yes because mainstream medicine actually tries to scare folks away from them, a tremendous disservice. Many people who only go to medical doctors end up getting back surgery for issues that could have easily been deal with by a chiropractor.
YESS!! I always wonder about these devices when I hear them being recommended - how much EMF is being emitted?! Any idea how the new CPAP machines rate (as far as EMF) since they seem to be emitting information to the medical provider's office on a regular basis? That has to take a toll on sleep.
Fantastic! Thanks for letting us know. Dirty electricity filtration (Stetzer) can also go a long way. Would love to have you join us on our webinars one of these Thursdays!
The shortest training gig I ever worked at was one where the owner wanted(but not required) the personal trainers to get their clients on some kind of tracking app so people can look at their heart rates on a screen and compete with each other. I had stumbled on you at this time and I was also looking into the field of bio-sensors and was like, "Yeah no....."
Glad that we were able to synchronize our common sense faster than any circuit board Jonathan. You made my day. Thanks for letting me know! Our bodies are the ultimate tech. Who needs trackers, when we have wives and girlfriends?
I was working in the Fitness Industry 2005-12 during the launch of Fitbit et al. Working with performance athletes led me to engage with these products and I quickly realized the minimal usefulness. Once you get a baseline re VO2 max, HRV then it is not helpful to use the provided metrics compared to learning by feeling/listening to your body. Of course, we now understand the danger they represent as well, e.g. transmitters/receivers (control of your physiology). 'Counting Steps' was the primary/only selling point I guess, ridiculous.
My watchband broke, April '21, and I never replaced it, thus I haven't worn a watch since then. Never bought into the Fitbit thing either, although one of my daughters was big on it, and on talking about just how much REM sleep she'd had, courtesy of that thing.
Thanks for sharing Via. Good to know. Maybe your daughter had more REM sleep because that comes later in the night,...tough to say. I know I will dream "harder" when I don't sleep well the night before.
As Marshall McLuhan observed, the car flattened & dispersed our landmarks, our obelisks, — monuments that Cicero noted construct our social memory. Electric lights whitewashed the night heavens, our astral guideposts & disrupted our sleep.
The steam press, radio, TV, internet, —broa•dcast media —instead of family & community became our synchronizing signals. Speeding car windows; & blue screens with full frontal violence & lust; cubicle life devoid of sunlight internalized asynchrous signals that disrupted our natural clocks & destroyed our moral compass.
In less than a century we leaped from naturalism to trans•humanism, from food to kibble, from walking to sedentarism, from original sin (constrained) to blank slate; from harvest moon to glyphosate.
That dis•ease should follow is axiomatic.
unfortunately, yes.
We used to hike with a buddy of my Husband's who always had GPS trackers on his dogs. His first dog had chronic knee and hip issues and eventually died from heart issues. His subsequent dogs have seizures and are hyper-active. My Husband likes to copy what his friends are doing and got trackers for our dogs when we moved to Vermont. Besides my feeling sick being around them, one of my dogs would get "lame" and the other would start throwing-up on the hikes. The lame one was taken to the vet who said it must be the Lyme acting up. As soon as I insisted on no radiation on the hikes the "lyme" disappeared and the throwing up stopped.
yay Tami.
Many of our friends’ dogs, and our pup, have died from lymphoma cancer. My thought is that we have too much emf for their bodies to handle. Hubby disagrees and says it’s the gmo food. Likely both.
Hi Girl on the move, thank you so much for sharing. I'm so sorry for your loss. My last dog died from many complications including tumors as well, and that was before I was really aware of how dangerous EMF can be.
Wireless radiation hits us on the level of our DNA, being able to break strands through the way copper metabolism is disrupted.
Plus EMF also depletes our mitochondria of oxgyen. This is important since Otto Warburg discovered that cancers thrive in the absence of oxygen (1931, Warburg Effect). EMF affect cytochrome C oxidase, which is our, and our animals' respiratory enzyme. Here's one article I wrote about canines' deteriorating health in our wireless world:
Let me know if your husband ever has questions - happy to help.
Can you at least shut off your Wi-Fi at night (if you have it)? This can go a far way in relieving chronic stress in our bodies.
It is not only the e-m-f from wi fi etc, but also those microchips which are compulsorily implanted into practically every cat and dog. Added to that is the toxins in compulsory jabs labelled as 'vaccines' which knock out their natural immune system.
So sorry to hear! My sister and I are certain both of those factors led to the early passing of our beloved pets. And exposure to roundup as we live in a big agriculture area of Oregon. Our current rescues are getting very different care now that we are aware..
I have told our rescue shelters, (including RSPCA (Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), that - unless and until they stop injecting the life out of pups and kittens (with toxic jabs) and mandating microchips (purportedly to 'keep them safe') - I will never again adopt a rescue animal from them. I reported them to themselves for cruelty to animals - they never replied.
Thank you for sharing that Suzy. Oregon is a prime rollout area for 5G, especially Portland (referenced in my dog article above), as Oregon is close to Washington/ Microsoft headquarters. Great to hear that you are aware of the many toxic issues we face - sounds like those animals are in good hands. Mitigating dirty electricity is another way we can reduce overall EMF in our home/ work + shutting off Wi-Fi. How long have you been aware of the EMF hazard?
I have been aware of EMF's and dirty electricity for over a decade as I started on my own healing journey that began with heavy metal poisoning. I am thankful to live just outside Silverton in a forested area. I watched with dismay and outrage as I watched them throw up so many 5G towers in school yards and farms, and now they have those nasty 5G boxes downtown. Our WiFi is shut off when not in use and we try to ground and sit in our little forested back yard and read real paper books and enjoy nature.
also, so many pets are now micro-chipped.
Sad but true. My last dog was, and died from complications from tumors.
All those who’s pets have suffered, don’t forget that every injection a vet is allowed to give your pet is another step towards chronic illness and early death. Also feeding them kibble is a huge no-no. The ingredients are extremely harmful to the health of the pet. Raw meat, bones, raw fish, etc., is the food their bodies were meant to ingest. Water needs to be clean and fluoride free. No monthly applications of pesticides meant to prevent or kill fleas, ticks or heartworm as they poison the blood of your pet and thus poison your pet. Please consider this as well as keeping them away from EMF and radiation. 🙏🏻
I sheepishly removed my Garmin watch after reading this article. Going to sleep without it starting tonight.
Thank you for being man (or woman) enough to admit this! So glad we could help propel your fitness into the stone age, but at least you'll be strong like a caveman/woman, right? Thanks for letting us know.
Yeah, better late than never. Thanks for all of your informative articles. I’m a dude, BTW🤪
Thanks man. It's good to know that the info is getting out there. FYI we'll have a live EMF webinar Thursday the 24th 7pm EST - would love for you to join us!
Always interesting. My concern is hearing aids. I can't find any that don't use bluetooth. Turning off the bluetooth cripples them. Also they now use another radio signal so the right and left hearing aids can communicate with each other. All low energy, tested, and perfectly safe, of course. I'm tired of being a guinea pig.
Hi Daniel - thank you for chiming in. Here's one I found:
Let me know what you think?
Thanks! They could be worth a try. Unfortunately they are not available to be shipped to USA.
Sorry to hear that. I'll keep digging.
"perfectly safe, of course" . . . and of course that signal that synchronizes them must pass right thru your brain - what a dilemma. I guess you could (and probably do) turn them off whenever possible. Honestly, sorry to say, i try to avoid being too near anyone wearing them for long - especially in a car.
I am one of those who ticked the "have you ever used a fitness tracker" box - because there wasn't a box for being an ex-tracker. I was an early adopter of computers, tablets, 'smart' phones (cell phones to North Americans), wi fi and - yes - fitness trackers. After I got sick as a dog (sorry dogs and cats for all the stealth testing they did on you), and discovered the 'source' was all of the above tech, I jettisoned any and all that was 'wireless'. I have one of those 'safe and sound' meters - and don't care who derides me as a 'conspiracy theorist'. I listen to my body (and regret not listening to my cat and dog - both of whom were victims of p-harma's great poisoning).
Great essay sharing it far and wide, while I intuitively knew this, good to see it all in print.
Thank you Sabrina! What did you enjoy more, the historical aspect, or the health/ hazard part?
Well I particularly like the health / hazard part as my friend and I have been trying to get her son-in-law to stop holding their newborn with an Apple watch on, an inch from the baby's heart and head. Loved the chiropractic watch video. I was married to a chiropractor years ago and knew about the watches and meridians. Thank you again.
Thank you so much Sabrina for sharing that. Good to know about the chiropractors - they really are ahead of the curve in many ways, but get shouted down by the mainstream and alternative often.
Yes because mainstream medicine actually tries to scare folks away from them, a tremendous disservice. Many people who only go to medical doctors end up getting back surgery for issues that could have easily been deal with by a chiropractor.
YESS!! I always wonder about these devices when I hear them being recommended - how much EMF is being emitted?! Any idea how the new CPAP machines rate (as far as EMF) since they seem to be emitting information to the medical provider's office on a regular basis? That has to take a toll on sleep.
Very interesting - thanks for the info :)
Absolutely Johan! Thank you for your kind comment. How's the EMF reduction going by you? Are you able to shut off Wi-FI? Forgive me if I forget.
Ja man! I use internet with a cable instead of wifi. And I turn off my mobile whenever I bring it with me and dont use it :)
Fantastic! Thanks for letting us know. Dirty electricity filtration (Stetzer) can also go a long way. Would love to have you join us on our webinars one of these Thursdays!
The dirty electricity filtration device looks interesting. Hmm.. something I will consider. May see you on a webinar one of these days :)
We'd be honored! Whereabouts are you located again?
Im in Spain
The shortest training gig I ever worked at was one where the owner wanted(but not required) the personal trainers to get their clients on some kind of tracking app so people can look at their heart rates on a screen and compete with each other. I had stumbled on you at this time and I was also looking into the field of bio-sensors and was like, "Yeah no....."
Glad that we were able to synchronize our common sense faster than any circuit board Jonathan. You made my day. Thanks for letting me know! Our bodies are the ultimate tech. Who needs trackers, when we have wives and girlfriends?
My pleasure. Agreed.
For commenting on this article I was gonna make a pun regarding my business name but I chose the path of self control lol.