Asheville's Hurricane of Radiation
Verizon's Wireless Arsenal | Technocrats | Quartz
Here’s what we’ll learn in this article:
1. Who benefits the most from disasters like Helene?
2. Why are Elon Musk’s approval ratings changing?
3. Who is to be sacrificed by the modern high priests of technology?
4. How does the government benefit from disasters?
5. How Verizon and AT&T partners with the US military
6. What is in Verizon’s wireless arsenal?
7. Robo-dogs with guns may enforce hotspots
8. What is the FirstNet network, and why should you care?
9. How Big Tech is being portrayed as the Savior
10. Why Helene was a convenient disaster for owners of quartz
11. How is the new wireless rollout in NC affecting the electrosensitive?
Since Trump won, the left wing is in shock, and the right wing in awe.
What both parties need to remember is that the American Eagle’s destination hasn’t changed, and both wings are propelling the flight of tyrants to Mars.
Throughout history, there has always been a kingmaker - the one who selects the leaders we elect.
However, when our emotions run high, logic runs low. Those who hate Trump may now hate him evermore. Those who love Trump may be blinded.
Emotions cloud reason, and if we cannot see the situation clearly, we cannot prepare for and respond to it with any degree of control.
“Anger is the most destructive of emotional responses, for it clouds your vision the most. If you are trying to destroy an enemy who has hurt you, far better to keep them off guard by feigning friendliness than showing your anger.
Love and affection are also potentially destructive, in that they blind one to the often self serving interests of those whom you least suspect of playing a power game. You cannot repress anger nor love, or avoid feeling them. But one should be careful about how they suppress them, and most important, they should never influence your plans and strategies in any way.”
-Excerpt from The 48 Laws of Power
Why don’t we take a step back, take a deep breath, and ask ourselves:
The media always knows how to make the most of any situation. Like a chameleon, they morph into a snakeskin suit that adjusts to the light of the dark masses. Captains of social media ride the titanic waves of our subconscious, and push the ships of our souls full steam ahead into the nearest socioeconomic iceberg. Let’s take a cold plunge into those icy waters of reality we call 2024, shall we? After all - we should all have gained some vision since 2020.
Google and Facebook can already predict who is going to win the election. If you’ve ever seen the 2018 documentary “The Creepy Line”, then you’ll understand that social media companies steer us into slaughterhouses of delusion, masked as freedom of choice. Search results are tailored based on our search history, down to the first letter. If those who own the software can find what our hearts and minds are searching for, how can we not consider that tech execs already know who is going to win?
If Mark Zuckerberg surely knows which way the political wind blows, why wouldn’t he stoke fires in the minds of men?
“On a personal note, seeing Donald Trump get up after being shot in the face, and pump his fist in the air with the American flag, is one of the most badass things I’ve seen in my life…as an American it’s hard to not get emotional about that spirit and that fight.”
-Mark Zuckerberg , (source: Bloomberg)
Cui bono?
Let us ask again, who benefits from a Trump presidency, and from recent social upheavals like Hurricane Helene? Not the middle class, many of whom are already becoming invisibly shackled to technology that is rooted in hope and fear. When the Sept 11 attacks happened, the approval ratings of George W. Bush skyrocketed.

Enter Elon.
He has been at the forefront of expanding our current military-industrial surveillance state with Starlink satellites that operate on NATO’s C-band frequency, along with championing transhumanist initiatives like Neuralink. Normally, any American conservative would meet these policies with disgust. Musk has gained many followers from the political right as he began to tweet about wanting to “destroy the woke mind virus”, along with questioning the safety of vaccines.1

We’re all in this to get Her
Since the dawn of civilization, the power-hungry have sought to rule Mother Earth. Whether it’s “liberating” other nations by “spreading democracy” with bombs, or claiming that only our God is on the righteous side, the war for the soul of a nation begins with suppressing the hearts of the people. When the pandemic first began, many acquaintances told me what “we need to do” to get through “these troubling times.” Assumptions were being made that a consensus reality was reached. In fact, the motto “we’re all in this together” was a presumption, akin to the aggressive sales technique of steamrolling over one’s objections.
The new presumption that is being broadcast to both left and right sides of the political spectrum is that humans can avert the catastrophe of global warming by:
using more technology to communicate and function, such as electronic vehicles and satellites;
building rockets that destroy Mother Earth, trust the science, and settle Mars, while ignoring the fact that these rockets aren’t for you or I.
The high priests of the global technocratic religion recite an algorithmic scripture that would rupture our connection with the stars, seeking to create a ChainLink of artificial intelligence and social credit scores that would be our prison planet.
technocrat, noun: an expert in science or technology who has a lot of power in or influence with the government or industry.*
*A technocracy differs from a traditional democracy in that individuals selected to a leadership role are chosen through a process that emphasizes their relevant skills and proven performance, as opposed to whether or not they fit the majority interests of a popular vote.
Who benefits the most from disasters?
Since the events of Sept 11, funding for surveillance technology has exploded in the US, with some government budgets increasing by 600% in the last twenty years.2 Before the attacks, we didn’t have to walk through a microwave body scanner*, or drive across the border being photographed before presenting an electronic passport.
PRO TIP: *you can opt-out and get a pat down, which is a great way to help TSA agents keep their job, rather than having a robot grope you instead. The pat down also preserves the destiny of your genitals and genetics.
When Hurricane Helene struck Asheville, a political maelstrom ensued. Elon blamed the US government for a slow response. Trump accused FEMA of spending more resources helping immigrants cross the border. The winds of change were here, and once again the media held America’s pulse firmly in their technocratic weather vein. As the battered people of Asheville struggled to survive, many needed a strong leader to give their lives some order through the chaos.
Big Daddy gives his children Big Red candy
Just as a father would tell his child to go down to the basement and play video games, or go outside so he could be left to his own devices, Big Daddy government rolled in a wireless mesh that allowed others to be tethered and addicted to their screen while their country was being handed over to the babysitter of Big Tech.
The telecom industry has always had to adapt to harsh weather conditions, and maintain coverage in the event of an outage. The difference with recent disasters like Helene is the fact that crews and networks are becoming mobile. Rather than focus on restoring infrastructure and repairing fiber, companies are focused on expanding their coverage area. Note: increased coverage equals more potential users, which results in greater amounts of data being harvested.
During the attacks on the World Trade Center, many cellular networks went down. Verizon swept in to save the day, and loaned out more than 6,000 devices to first responders. Across Washington and New York, coin-operated pay phones turned into a vital link to loved ones. Even President Bush used a phone that could be connected to a POTS (plain old telephone) during the attacks. Although it’s using encryption, this phone also has an analog interface that can transmit a fax.
During the 2022 Wildfire season alone, Verizon loaned more than 1,700 Verizon devices, including tablets, hotspots, repeaters, smartphones, and routers to first responders across the West. In 2021, Verizon unveiled THOR - a mobile, private rapid-response command center vehicle.
The Tactical Humanitarian Operations Response (THOR) vehicle was first shown at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar, continuing an ongoing partnership between the Verizon Public Sector and the Department of Defense. With capabilities ranging from mobile, private 5G UWB to satellite, to commercial and onboard drone options, to the ability to be operated remotely from a tablet, THOR could be considered the Swiss-Army Knife of Frontline operations. Verizon Frontline is the advanced network and technology built for first responders, developed over the last three decades in a corporate-government partnership.
A wireless arsenal, a red fleet of robots
arsenal, noun: a place of storage containing arms and military equipment for land or naval service
Verizon employees and websites consistently refer to their fleet of assets as an “arsenal.” Most of their vehicles are red, which like a firetruck, convey a sense of first responder urgency to public. The red fleet includes:
Over 550 portable network devices, including generator-powered cell sites, drones, and a fixed-wing aircraft for aerial support.
An industry-leading nearly 300 satellite-based portable network assets, providing crucial connectivity in scenarios where fiber connections are compromised.
More than 1,000 mobile generators to assist communities in maintaining or restoring connectivity, and rapid recovery efforts.
International 4300 Truck Communications and transport for Hazmat response equipment
Big Red Community Outreach big rig vehicle with 24 internet-connected workstations
Wireless Emergency Command Center (WECC) A mobile communication center with workstations and charging stations open to the public
Store on Wheels (SOW) A fully stocked mobile store supplying devices, equipment and technical support
Tactical/Mobile Command Trailer Command/Communications mobile center for public safety teams.
Temporary mobile cell sites with standalone power (notice all the animal names):
Satellite Pico-cell on Trailer (SPOT) Mobile connectivity satellite trailer solution that can deploy eFemtos* and/or WiFi to first responders. *Femtos are basically small, portable modems that work as a cellular base station, i.e. a mini-cell tower in your home.
Satellite Cell on Light Truck (SAT-COLT) Mobile cell site equipment with onboard masts that also includes satellite equipment
Cell on Wheels (COW) Trailer based mobile cell site equipment that may or may not have self-contained masts
Satellite Trailer Universal Design (STUD) Trailer based unit w/1.8m satellite dish capable of functioning as a temporary satellite connection or can serve as a full mobile cell site.
LTE as a Mobile Asset (LAAMA) Trailer-based LTE asset with pop up mast and antennas in a small form factor.
High Altitude Wireless Kennewhat (HAWK) Tethered drone aircraft capable of lifting eFemto or small cell solution up to 300’ and providing service from the air.
Reach out and bite somebody
Verizon’s solution for getting network connections to hard-to-reach and potentially inhospitable destinations is a quadrupedal robot resembling a dog. A team of robotic dogs from Ghost Robotics wielded by the company’s Frontline response division.
Verizon’s robo-dogs have a degree of agility wheeled machines lack. They can remotely traverse tough terrains, such as a wildfire-ridden mountain, with modifications that might come in handy in times of trouble. For Verizon, these modifications mostly include networking hardware. They can also facilitate a connection to a satellite, as many satellites don’t have great line of sight.
I remember when robot dogs were first being conceptualized, designers said “we’ll never put a gun on it.” Well, they’ve armed man’s best enemy - the robot dog. The robo-dog with the gun is not currently being sold or used by Verizon, but will be on the market soon for defense contractors.
Are we building robot dogs because they are cheaper than a land line?
Or could it be that the industrial-military complex needs them for a SkyNet of communication?

Reading between the net
When Helene hit, telecommunications companies like AT&T were given access to FirstNet®, a communications band traditionally reserved for only emergency responders. The need for a first responder network with a dedicated spectrum was recognized in the wake of September 11th 2001, after first responders found it difficult to communicate over the congested cellphone network. In 2012, Congress passed the Spectrum Act. This act set aside part of the highly desirable spectrum in the 700 MHz frequency band, known as Band 14, which was to be reserved exclusively for emergency communications. Low-band spectrum like the 700 MHz band provides several advantages, including the ability to better penetrate walls and other obstacles.
In the decade since the Spectrum Act was passed, the FirstNet® network has expanded and can be accessed by 99% of the U.S. population. This rapid expansion in coverage can be attributed to AT&T’s strategy to give FirstNet users access to all bands on the AT&T network with priority over non-FirstNet users. This means that if there is a signal, FirstNet users will have coverage, even in remote areas where Band 14 may not be deployed yet.
The greater implications of this network are that in the event of an emergency, AT&T will give FirstNet® users priority over non-FirstNet users and, if necessary, drop all commercial traffic and dedicate the network exclusively to first responders, along with the extended primary group as bandwidth allows. For this reason, a normal cellphone might stop working during a crisis, but a FirstNet® enabled device will continue to work.
How will business owners, or anyone who does not choose to be on this cellular network communicate? Who is the privileged “extended primary group?”
Satellite Saviors
In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, the satellite messaging feature of Apple Inc.’s iOS 18 has been lauded as “a crucial lifeline for survivors.”3 As Hurricane Helene left thousands without power and cell service, Apple’s satellite messaging feature began being used by those affected by the storm. Introduced via the iOS 18 update, the Messages via Satellite feature for iPhone 14 and later models allows users to stay connected everywhere, even in remote areas.
Musk has said approximately 500 Starlink kits are being deployed by private individuals and organizations to help with recovery efforts. The company is waiving costs in affected areas.
One user stated that the satellite messaging feature was “literally saving lives.” Another person highlighted how the feature allowed him to contact his son amid the communication blackout. Many people urged others to update to iOS 18 to gain access to this potentially lifesaving feature. Companies like T-mobile often use similar unverified statements of not enough cell towers “costing lives”, as they did during recent proceedings in Durango, Colorado.4
While we do not want to belittle what the survivors of the storm went through, it’s important to maintain our sense of reason, especially when primal emotions run high.
Are we to believe that tech companies, and Elon Musk, really want to save lives, or are there other motives? If Musk and other technocrats have billions, and profit is not the only motive, what else is driving them to create a wireless infrastructure?
The Pure, Super-Secret Sand That Makes Your Phone Possible
Nestled in the Appalachian mountains, the community of Spruce Pine is known for its hiking, local artists and as the source of the purest natural quartz - a species of pristine sand - ever found on Earth.5 This ultra‑elite deposit of silicon dioxide particles plays a key role in manufacturing the silicon used to make computer chips. In fact, there’s an excellent chance the chip that makes your laptop or cell phone work was made using sand from this obscure Appalachian backwater:
Semiconductors are the brains of every computer-chip-enabled device, and solar panels are a key part of the global push to combat climate change. To make both semiconductors and solar panels, companies need equipment that can withstand extraordinarily high heat and be kept absolutely clean. Only one such material fits the bill.
Quartz that comes, overwhelmingly, from Spruce Pine.
“As far as we know, there’s only a few places in the world that have ultra-high-quality quartz,” according to Ed Conway, author of Material World: The Six Raw Materials That Shape Modern Civilization. Russia and Brazil also supply high-quality quartz, he says, but “Spruce Pine has far and away the [largest amount] and highest quality.”6
Conway says without super-pure quartz for the crucibles, which can often be used only a single time, it would be impossible to produce most semiconductors.
“Purity really does matter,” he says. “You're talking about a process to create the silicon wafers that later become silicon chips, where one single atom being in the wrong place” could derail production.
Companies have been pursuing artificial substitutes, but so far, those alternatives can't satisfy the world’s demand for this pure quartz.

Economy 101 tells us when supply goes down, demand goes up. He who owns the gold makes the rules. In the age of AI, he who owns the quartz, predicts and makes the rules. Many homes, farms, and properties were destroyed by Helene.
Here’s an insightful perspective on the chaos by
:“Who will be buying up all of these properties? That would be those who’ve been lurking in the shadows for years trying to buy-up homes and farms that sit on top of the vast lithium and quartz crystal deposits of this region.
In April of this year the NC Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources approved Piedmont Lithium Mining’s permit for a brand new $1.2 billion lithium mining operation in Gaston County.
On September 24, 2024, just a few weeks before hurricane Helene came into existence, Albemarle Corporation, “…a global leader in providing essential elements for mobility, energy, connectivity and health…” submitted permit applications to redevelop Kings Mountain Mine located in Cleveland County, about 30 miles west of Charlotte NC. Albemarle is the worlds largest lithium mining company. They have already bought up the church, the drive in theater and the furniture store in Charlotte. Albemarle’s maneuvering began in 2023 when they applied for a grant from the Department of Defense. Recently the DoD and DoE approved a total of $250 million in grants to Albemarle to gear up for Kings Mountain. Anthony Stasio MCEIP director, said this “… agreement with Albemarle demonstrates the DoD's ongoing commitment to meeting the needs of our warfighter, today and in the future," "This investment directly supports President Biden's April 2022 Presidential Determination for Critical Materials in Large-Capacity Batteries.”
What he’s referring to is the huge demand for lithium to run all of the modern weaponry that now depends on batteries and computer chips made from the lithium and high value quartz crystals - respectively - both of which underlie Western North Carolina.” Source
Lita Shon-Roy, the president and CEO of market research firm TECHCET, has been tracking the supply chain for semiconductors for two decades. She says it’s amazing that the industry hasn’t been more concerned about the vulnerability created from relying on this one region of North Carolina for a crucial material.
“Every time I’ve asked in the last two decades, the question always comes back, ‘Well, where else are we supposed to get it?’ “ she says.
The United States and China are in a global competition to secure access to raw materials for semiconductors and green technology. Frantic searches are underway for new deposits and new methods, across a range of minerals.
But when it comes to pure quartz?
“I haven’t heard of any viable sources yet to replace what’s in North Carolina,” Shon-Roy says.
The wireless fallout of radiation
The pied piper led our children away to die, with a beautiful song. Today many believe in a savior that will come to free them from the bonds of “the other” - whether it be another politician, agenda, or toxic injection being imposed upon them. Trump has cozied up to RFK, who vows to make American Healthy Again. I’m all for taking fluoride out of the water, but if we turn a blind eye to the invisible, exponential dangers of wireless radiation, then we’re only subjecting ourselves, and the entire biosphere, to the greatest catastrophe that humankind has ever encountered.
Many don’t believe that wireless or artificial light can harm them, but this is only because those individuals don’t feel the radiation. Those who have become electrosensitive by being electomagnetically-poisoned do. However, many can’t speak up for themselves to be heard as they are truly a prisoner of their own home, or may be sleeping in their cars to avoid wireless, and many can’t even use a desktop computer.
Fortunately, I am in contact with many such brave individuals, one of whom has been devastated by Helene - first by the storm, then by the wireless arsenal. Local governments have installed “Community Care Stations”, which include free Wi-Fi.
My colleague reports from the scene:
“There is a tremendous concentration of wireless activity from the mobile hot spot to a giant tent where people can charge their devices. Then there are people sitting around, waiting for their laundry to get finished with each person holding a phone to pass the time. These stations are concentrated places for wireless. One might as well be camped out next to a 200-foot cell tower. The branding of them as "Care" stations couldn't be more ironic for those of us who have suffered microwave injury.
I’ve experienced symptoms of parasthesia (pins and needles) and my head feels like it has been put in a microwave. At one of the stations, the attendant had a cell phone that was particularly toxic to be around.
As my turn came up to get my water refill and I reached the front of the line, I got light-headed and my knees buckled with the exposure to the radiation from that device. I still have the bruises on my legs from falling to the ground. It's a good thing I wasn't carrying glass bottles to be refilled or they would have shattered as they hit the asphalt surface.”
Those whose ears have been shattered by the song of reality can hear the lies.
Isn’t it time we begin to listen?
Here’s a token for our thoughts, sent to me by a friend:
“The Trump psyop is so multi-layered and undeniably genius.
The establishment has successfully conditioned both parties to focus on Trump for all the wrong reasons.
He's not Hitler, like Democrats think. And he's not a savior, like Republicans think.
He is a very convincing, consuming, and charismatic actor, who will absolutely be selected this election, so he can continue to distract supporters of both parties.
Meanwhile, the technocrats and global cabal who fund them will move forward with implementing all of the policies we've been successfully distracted from.
They will "end the Fed"... and replace it with CBDC.
They will "control the borders"... with biometric surveillance.
They will implement a "voter ID"... that will become your digital ID.
They will present "The Everything App"... that will manage your social credit score.
This won't happen overnight, but it will happen, unless we stop the madness now.
We are consumed by a scripted reality TV show. It might be entertaining, but continuing to be distracted by it will only solidify our digital prison.
Make no mistake: the technocratic pied piper is Trump, and Americans of all political leanings are following his tune down to the river.”
of:Support us at The Power Couple Bookshop - dedicated to making us relearn from our ancestors!
Appalachia is no stranger to ruthless corporate extraction of natural wealth. From logging, gold, coal, now quartz and lithium. Although operations are fairly localized (small land area usage compared to overall area), they do negatively impact local ecosystems. Flora, fauna, downstream water quality. I am near Spruce Pine. I get the impression they are more concerned about hiding the impact of these supposed green technologies, rather than grabbing land for resource extraction, thus keeping production cost down. Unlike coal which is far more widespread. (The coal is still there btw). But coal is far more regulated regarding the restoration and waste tail. Move the populace and resource extraction costs get hidden. I remember years ago a congressman sent out a survey stating he had access to funds to increase the size of the local roads in the mountains from 2 lane to modern 4 lane. The locals told him to get lost. So on the one hand they embrace cell phone convenience and on the other, stand in the way of “progress”. Far more insidious is the Agenda 2030 Green Belt for the area and that they keeping floating watershed protection ideas every now and then.
To your article , service was down although EMS told us you could still dial 911. At the time suspected the towers were either running on generators and restricted in power, or they just plain throttled service. Your article tends to support throttled service.
I have to say that despite all the hard work, I enjoyed my time without power and internet.
Great details!
FEMTOS is now the standard 5G-compatible home router/Wi-Fi for Verizon customers; it has been, for over a year:
The portable antennas most likely double as DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons).
"Saving lives" was perhaps the most successful part of the psyop during convid. This time, emergencies (often created by the crooks themselves) allow the introduction of more tracking/control devices.
Globalist companies (Verizon, AT&T, Apple etc.) can use the taxpayer's money, and "profiting" under the circumstances means little more than keeping inflation at bay, at least for the time being, because the destruction of the USD is also in the plans.
The central "super" AI that is running the global simulation based on live data doesn't use quartz (it's light technology and nanotech, as all halfway-decent "supercomputers" also do), but most most other devices do.
Who owns crucial assets? The globalists. Their investment firms and subsidiaries even pass things around in order to make most transactions and actual ownership more or less hidden.
Lithium is another problem. China and Russia have it, the US doesn't seem to have enough (of course, one cannot believe anything coming from official sources, especially because the MSM is dishing them out to its audience as enemies). The three, plus Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and the EU, however, are goosestepping towards Agenda 2030 as allies against all humans.
Your friend's analysis of a Trump "win" coincides with mine: