Jun 28Liked by Roman S Shapoval

The conversation was very nice until you got to Flat Earth. He basically said that because he spoke to so called "experts" he was convinced that the Earth is a globe. That is the same as believing in the virus theory. That because we have mathematical computer models, it is true. The first people who navigated the oceans with the original charts of the sky did not believe in a globe earth. They understood that the earth was flat and that the sun and moon are rotating above us. This man is a gatekeeper. The Globe model is imperative for the Controllers to perpetuate. If we don't understand our place in the Universe, then we can't be as Powerful as we are. We are the Center. Everything revolves around us. We are creating.

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Tami you sound sure of yourself. I have a question pertaining to the shape and location of our planet. Have you ever heard of the Sunrise Equation? What is it, and how does it work?

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Eric - Have you seen this book as it not only answers your sunrise "gotcha" question but also gives additional, convincing globe earth FAQ debunking info. Check it out. ;-)

Eric Dubay's FLAT EARTH FAQ discusses FE evidence/proofs, experiments etc.

> Flat Earth FAQ (Full Videobook) - EricDubay


Note: Pls see this > 22. How Do Sunrise and Sunset Work on Flat Earth? (3:09:59)

Table of Contents and Timestamps:

1. How Do You Know Earth is Not a Spinning Globe? (0:05:00)

2. How Do You Know NASA Faked the Moon Landings? (1:09:18)

3. Why Would They Lie About Flat Earth? (1:32:15)

4. Why are There No Flat Earth Whistle-Blowers? (1:45:12)

5. Why are There No Photographs of the Flat Earth? (1:53:43)

6. Why is Earth the Only Flat Planet? (1:57:42)

7. Why Can't Everyone See Mount Everest on a Flat Earth? (2:01:00)

8. Why isn't Polaris Visible from Australia? (2:04:04)

9. Why Does the Moon Appear Upside-Down in the Southern Hemisphere? (2:08:31)

10. Why Do the Sun/Moon Get Bigger Near the Horizon? (2:13:39)

11. Ships Disappear Beyond Earth's Curvature? (2:17:47)

12. Earth's Curvature Visible From Your Airplane Window? (2:22:18)

13. Eratosthenes Experiment Debunks Flat Earth? (2:26:53)

14. Cavendish Experiment Proves Gravity? (2:30:20)

15. Foucault Pendulums Prove the Earth Rotates? (2:33:02)

16. Coriolis Effect Proves Earth a Spinning Globe? (2:37:49)

17. Mount Rainier's Shadow Proves the Globe? (2:43:32)

18. The Lake Pontchartrain Bridge Shows Earth's Curvature? (2:47:22)

19. How Do Maps, Compasses and Circumnavigation Work on Flat Earth? (2:51:26)

20. How Do Flights Like Sydney-Santiago Work on Flat Earth? (2:56:44)

21. How Does Gravity Work on Flat Earth? (3:03:33)

22. How Do Sunrise and Sunset Work on Flat Earth? (3:09:59)

23. How Do Seasons Work on the Flat Earth? (3:15:26)

24. How Does the Midnight Sun Work on Flat Earth? (3:22:39)

25. How Do Eclipses Work on Flat Earth? (3:28:39)

26. How Do the Southern Stars Work on Flat Earth? (3:32:39)

27. How Do Tides Work on Flat Earth? (3:36:05)

28. How Do Volcanoes and Earthquakes Work on Flat Earth? (3:51:41)

29. How Can Ushuaia Get 17 Hours of Daylight on a Flat Earth? (3:58:44)

30. What is Above, Below, and Beyond the Flat Earth? (4:03:47)

31. How Did You Personally Learn About Flat Earth? (4:08:21)

32. Why is Flat Earth Important? (4:18:50)

5 months ago

SunRise & SunSet - Flat Earth FAQ - Eric Dubay - YouTube

https://www.youtube.com › watch?v=yZVHCANHhU8

It's easy to dismiss or argue against one point, but Dubay clears all the globe hurdles.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

Thank you for your comment Tami. I'm glad you brought up this point.

I believe flat earth may ring true not in a physical sense, but energetically.

I believe there's an esoteric reason the ancients followed the geocentric model of Ptolemy - viewing Earth as the center of the universe (earth symbolizes our dense physical reality/ foundation) upon which other states, emotional, spiritual are built.

The Egyptians also have written about the 7 planetary spheres. Looking at the planets energetically, in this way, helps me see the big picture as it were.

Eric is as authentic as you get, and is not a gatekeeper. Thank you however for your feedback.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

Ptolemy never argued for a "flat" earth, only for a geocentric solar system. Three hundred years before Ptolemy, Eratosthenes had done the experiments and calculations proving not just the sphere but accurately determining the size of the globe. But Eratosthenes said nothing about what was at the center of the solar system. This was the discovery of the Polish guy Copernicus.



Tami, I have asked you a technical question about the Sunrise Equation. Do you know what it is?

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Understood. Sorry if I wasn't clear- not saying Ptolemy believed in flat earth, but the geocentric model. It's amazing how the ancient Greeks/ Egyptians were able to perform calculus, without a computer.

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Really? Wikipedia? Why do you even care what I think? Why would the United States Government have an Earth Shape Counterintelligence department? How does Flat Earth even fit into this podcast?

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you're avoiding my question. the wikipedia articles are for identifying the issue only. What is the Sunrise Equation?

And if you don't understand how FE fits, you didn't listen to the program. I've been on the circuit explaining this for two years.

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I don't know what the Sunrise Equation is - but need to. I would guess: the Sun always rises/ sets at different angles and points on the horizon, which means that the Earth has circumference, and is not flat. Otherwise they would have to project the Sun onto a screen, and that type of Sun wouldn't create the photoelectric effect and magnetic pull that sustains life.

Milankovich cycles another way to dissect the ecliptic.

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Roman, the Sunrise Equation can be used to predict the time and direction of sunrise for any location on Earth. It is not a "database." It's a new calculation for any day, any place — and it works every time. The Sun will rise significantly later even 100 miles west of a location. The Sunrise Equation is based on coordinates (Lat/Long) on a spherical Earth, on a 23 degree axis, accounting for precession (minimal) and factoring the Sun at 93m miles distant. All those factors are included and it will predict time and direction of sunrise or sunset for any day. No FE person I've talked to wants to address how this would work if the Earth is a stationary plane and the Sun is 3k miles away. It is one of many, many proofs that do not require a satellite or space photo.

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Since wikipedia is the authoritative source, here it is:

Sunrise equation - Wikipedia


Sunrise equation. A contour plot of the hours of daylight as a function of latitude and day of the year, using the most accurate models described in this article. It can be seen that the area of constant day and constant night reach up to the polar circles (here labeled "Anta. c." and "Arct. c."), which is a consequence of the earth's inclination.

Many FEers/analysts of globe earth have proved that supposed "globe proofs" also work on a so-called flat earth. For example, the so-called globe earth is simply the flat earth map curved around it based on earlier, ancient explorers' original FE maps.

And we all should know by now that the typical globe in our classrooms completely misstates the sizes of the continents for economic, political & sociological reasons. See explanation >



Finally, an Accurate World Map That Doesn't Lie [allegedly?]


Nov 29, 2022 - Robinson Projection. This attempt at creating a faithful world map took a similar tack to the Sinusoidal by pulling out the edges of the map to mimic a sphere. The Robinson isn't as extreme, however, taking the form of a much more gentle oval.

So, the world's map-makers lie about the size of the world's continents in relationship to each other, even today, but NOT about the shape of the earth? Why not both? Think about it.

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Exactly, you sound like an Earth Shape Field Asset. How much are you getting paid?

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Roman - I enjoyed this conversation w/Eric but am responding to your point directly above about earth being a flat one “energetically” speaking. Do you have a link or citation for this belief that we could check into or review? It’s an intriguing idea for sure.

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The conundrum related to all psyops & BIG societal lies is that they test our "knowledge" base or accepted reality & often overturn our fervently held beliefs through persuasive analysis & experimentation. One must follow the "evidence" to learn what "proofs" are real or bogus & re-adjust our thinking/beliefs if our logic & common sense accepts the new analysis. Or each of us can simply ignore or explain away the new evidence as invalid.

Good brief video here on the dilemma of parsing evidence, proofs & newer information.

> When Does Evidence Become Proof? - Channel EricDubay - 23.4K Subscribers


2 months ago

My belief system has been jolted irrevocably by the evidence presented (much of it many centuries old) & the obvious & clear proofs (valid scientific experiments) for the historical flat earth (realm?). I can no longer justify a belief in a "spinning, wobbling" globe earth speeding through the universe model based on the persuasiveness of the counter proofs & contrary evidence presented by those questioning a "globe" model. Bye "globe" earth.



Flat Earth has long been denigrated, derided and disparaged as being the most crackpot of all conspiracy theories, marginalized, mocked and ridiculed for centuries as being an ignorant ancient unscientific worldview, but the facts of the matter are far from what you have been told. When thoroughly examined and diligently researched with an open-mind, any skeptical critical-thinker will find it is actually the tilting, wobbling, spinning space-ball Earth promoted by NASA and taught in schools that is truly ridiculous and unscientific. The following are 20 ways anyone can prove for themselves that Earth is a level stationary plane.

Dubay: I have intentionally made this to be the most concise yet comprehensive introduction to the Flat Earth possible, packed with proofs and rebuttals to common objections, like an update to my original 200 Proofs. Please help share this documentary on your social medias and with all the globe-Earthers in your life.

Get Connected With Me: Website: http://www.EricDubay.com

2 years ago

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Jul 2Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Eric, I like listening to you talk about things.

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Jun 28Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I like what was said about AI art. Art is influenced by the joys and trials we go through. Some of the best artists(across multiple fields) are those with a tough life. Although some AI art can be entertaining to look at, it will in the long term rob us of our creativity.

My ears perked up when he mentioned Marshall McLuhan as it's an interesting subject. I agree that the media we use changes how humans interact with each other and nature. Fight digital conditioning!!!!

Interesting talk. Thank you.

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I am sorry to belabor this but Unbekoming has published an apropos book review. Your guest is a shill, whether he knows it or not. You can't tell people to go outside and ground themselves and then tell them to rely on a computer model for their information. They are two completely different sources. One is organic, sensual and experiential and the other is technocratic. Remember how the world was locked down based on a computer model? Remember how NIST explained how two planes flying into a steel framed building could bring them down based on a computer simulation when it is physically impossible? https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/the-rape-of-the-mind?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=355417&post_id=146122959&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=kurfg&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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