The people behind it never miss an opportunity...

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It’s the “fear of missing out” the fear of not having control…which is an illusion that consumes them, an illusion of certainty in an uncertain world. Thanks for chiming in Human!

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thanks for shining your light on this crucial situation. At the least, this anti-human push is bizarre. But the threat of it is enormous to any sane human reality. A 50 yr old friend was recently telling me how exciting and wonderful he thinks AI is and how he thinks it will be the answer to "climate change" (right, we can just build nuclear plants everywhere - they are so clean and "green") - not that i believe in the green scam anyway . . .

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Thanks for that wake-up call. We've all mostly known that smartphones, computers, and AI are alienating humans from themselves and from each other, and your discussion cements the idea even more in my mind.

It is actually scary to ponder the future when you realize that some of those who are so drawn into the "AI world" might end up as tomorrow's leaders. Imagine a senator or representative or president who cannot discern the artificial from reality. How will they govern? Will then even need to govern, because many of their constituents have also been sucked down into the AI rabbithole?

Not sure if there is a solution that can be described in a few words, except that a giant CME from the sun, directed towards Earth, could at least wake up those on the side of the Earth that faces the sun during its CME. If the CME were massive enough, it would destroy all electronics. For.a while at least.....

Wishing there were an easy way to wake up the slumbering masses.

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unfortunately many of them are already in very powerful and influential positions. Think of the guy who wants to implant a "neurolink" in every possible human. I wonder if the rise of autism is a big part of why AI has become attractive to so many.

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Half of men have AI write their valentine cards 😂😂 If a robot could be and act 100% like a human, but one could program it as one wanted, would you rather have a robot partner? I presume this is where we are going. Not saying its necessarily a bad thing, but things are changing..

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Man has become immersed in a fantasy world of digital machine noise. Machine noise is NOT an *intelligent* language. Machine noise is random gibberish at biological signaling thresholds.

Machine noise is not sentient. Is not tactile. Is not aware of the infinite modes of molecular interchange that created all life in the Universe. The more man experiences an artificially generated experience, the less biological energy will be utilized toward continuance of sentient process... In my opinion; the development of AI technology is mankind's final death wish. Interesting that I write this on Valentines Day. Best regards to web hosts...

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There's been a few other clues over time, but your palestine propaganda link proves that you have no sense at all. As soon as I saw the fake map and who was involved it was obvious either that you have no discernment skills at all or are outright propagandists yourselves. Probably both.

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Thanks Dog. Not a propagandist. What other "clues" do you think you have on us being propagandists? Our intention is to free humanity from the shackles of technocracy.

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"As soon as I saw the fake map and who was involved..."

That answers your question aside from knowing from the stupid headline you posed. The "map" has been debunked hundreds of places, but as I said about you "you have no discernment skills at all or are outright propagandists yourselves."

Anyone who believes that nonsense is either incapable of thought or has an angle that they want to believe or promote.

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