Here’s what we’ll learn in this article:
1. How our primal instincts are being used against us
2. What does a baby monitor sound like to our hearts and brains?
3. How did baby monitors first come about?
4. How baby monitors can cause sleep and heart complications
5. Why do we buy baby monitors?
6. Potential solutions
We may be able to choose how we die, but none of us can choose how we’re born.
The process of birth is our first traumatic rite of passage, as we greet Earth flailing and screaming, with only a ravenous hunger for our mother’s milk.
Our instinct is to not only survive, but to grow with nourishment.
The other day I was closing the barn door to a mother cat and her kittens, so that a coyote wouldn’t come in the night to devour those defenseless souls.
Even though I’m a man, I still have an instinct to feed, nurture, and protect.
What happens to our society when not only men, but women lose their motherly instinct?
When the lioness becomes a mouse and finds herself in a concrete jungle of cold, calculating vipers?
When our impulsive nature to nurture has been hijacked with an all-knowing intelligence that doesn’t seek to serve us, but control us?
The only way a lioness can be controlled is if she allows herself to be leashed and tamed.
In today’s digital age of post 9:11 mainstream media fear, our primal instinct to keep ourselves and our children safe is being used against us. For most of us, there is no wild animal or enemy trying to attack us on a daily basis.
We preoccupy ourselves with an obsession of safety, awaiting the next time our child, or our grandmother may slip and fall.
We build innocuous rubber playgrounds.
We bundle our children in the warmest clothing at the first sight of a snowflake.
We erect newer stop signs and brighter sign posts.
We passively watch foreign invaders and “those people” through a screen that tells us who is good and evil.
Each heart-quake of self-imposed terror builds anti-human bricks of an impregnable fortress of fear around ourselves, keeping our humanity out in the cold, and creating wanton destruction in the deepest caverns of safety: our home.
We’ve let voiceless digital assassins raid, swarm and violate our peace.
We still believe that tokens of security can be traded for freedom, forgetting that the House always wins.
How do we reclaim our sanctity in today’s age of technocratic neofeudalism?
What QR code can we scan that redirects us to a page of safety?
Like fear, safety is an illusion.
There is no how-to manual, only a blank page that begs us to act in silence, like those soundless assassins who have claimed the throne, while the King and Queen abdicated to an artificial intelligence loyal to no one but itself.
If silence is golden, then radio silence is a 24 karat gold bar.
Even though radio frequencies like those emanating from Wi-Fi and cell phones are silent, they still have an electromotive force that vibrates our cells. Researches at NASA have even found that the Sun emits a song of EMF that we may not hear, but all life perceives and absorbs on a cellular level.1
Some of us can even hear electricity:
“Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom.”
~ Francis Bacon
All life on Earth was born, lived, and died under the presence of the Sun’s electrical frequency, along that of Earth, known as the Schumann resonance, which oscillates between 8-30 Hz (cycles per second).
What happens when we place our newborn children in not only an Earth, but a crib that is swimming in a booming torrent of wireless radiation, which wails like a banshee, nightmarishly pulsing our babies’ hearts and nervous system at 2,400,000,000 Hz?2 (frequency band of Wi-Fi)
Our children endure an agony that we cannot understand, or refuse to perceive.
Until we hear their sound of silence.
Many who claim that wireless frequencies are not harmful due to their low level fail to understand that this low level is precisely why EMFs are dangerous.
Our cells communicate at very low levels from 0-75 Hz.
Vibration tells our cells when to divide. When our cells encounter unusual vibratory patterns, they don’t know what to do or how to divide.3
Biological problems associated with EMF stressors fall into two major categories:
Brain (behavioral abnormalities, learning disabilities, altered hormonal cycles and stress responses)
Growing tissue (embryos, genetics, and cancer)4
What does a baby monitor sound like to our nervous system?
How did baby monitors first originate?
On a Tuesday night in March 1932, the 20-month-old son of famed American aviator Charles Lindbergh was kidnapped from his home. His mother and babysitter were both at home that day, so the kidnapping was unbelievable, but it was true.3This story inspired Eugene McDonald, the president of a company called Zenith, to design the first baby monitor.

Today the safety narrative has shifted from predators stealing our children in the night, to monitoring our babies’ heart rhythm with a tracking device.
This fear has been fueled by SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Health authorities like the CDC state4 they still don’t know the cause.
The bogey man has a way of twisting the truth, and polluting our heart.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
The road to heaven is paved with good actions.
No rest for the wicked wireless baby
Wi-Fi has been linked5 6 to insomnia, along with alterations of our heart rhythm.7 8 9
Despite widespread denial, the evidence that radio frequency (RF) radiation is harmful to life is already overwhelming. The accumulated clinical evidence of sick and injured human beings, experimental evidence of damage to DNA, cells and organ systems in a wide variety of plants and animals, and epidemiological evidence that the major diseases of modern civilization—cancer, heart disease and diabetes—are in large part caused by electromagnetic pollution, forms a literature base of well over 10,000 peer-reviewed studies.10 11
Some baby monitors even have electronic baby sock attachments that monitor heart rate, historic oxygen level, movement, and wakings.
Coincidentally, the same point where the wireless electrode is placed is on the kidney acupuncture meridian of the foot. Traditional chinese medicine, along with peer-reviewed studies12 on grounding, reveal that this point is key in regulating our metabolism and energy flow to our organs, along with being able to restore our vitality by capturing regenerative electrons from the Earth known as negative ions.13
For anyone who still doesn’t want to believe that Wi-Fi is harmful, even the WHO classified radiofrequency as a 2B potential carcinogen in 2011, on par with fuel exhaust.
To make matters worse, using wireless technology opens us up to hackers, or anyone with access to your data, to see your child in their most vulnerable moments. Would you leave your child in a plume of gas, surrounded by potential sexual predators?
What’s your primary need for a baby monitor?
Unless you live in a mansion, and it’s difficult to hear your baby, why do you have a baby monitor? Shouldn’t we be able to hear our children when they cry?
I, Roman, don’t have children, but did raise my baby sister, and can tell you that I could hear her every cry. I can also tell you one of the reasons my mother had a baby monitor was to cave to her husband, who wanted to party and not be present.
During her earliest years, my baby sister was always within a close proximity to my mother and I so we could ensure that she was ok.
We’re not judging here, but want to know:
How can we reclaim sovereignty over our home, and the health of our children?
By being the present elders we’ve always been.
Wisdom has nothing to do with intelligence, and only means right action.
Taking appropriate steps in our digital society of techno-religious “progress” emboldens our fear-stricken hearts.
What are some actions we can take?
Besides being present, there are always safer alternatives in technology.
When searching for “non Wi-Fi” baby monitors, you’ll get a list of choices, most of which include monitors that use FHSS and DECT 6.0 communications.
Don’t be fooled. Although not traditionally using the 2.4 GHz frequency of Wi-Fi, these networks are still employing and emanating wireless radiofrequency (RF) radiation at 1.9 GHz. Even though some of us may think that 1.9 is “safer” because it’s a lower number than 2.4 GHz, this is not the case. Again, when it comes to frequency, sometimes even lower levels can be more harmful, and both lower and higher amounts of RF energy can have acute as well as chronic health effects.
Hardwired babies don’t cry
There was one product I was able to find, sold by Tech Wellness. August and Hal, the owners of Tech Wellness, recognizing the health issues surrounding Wi-Fi monitors, decided to design their own. The monitor below even has shielded ethernet cables, which drastically reduces not only RF, but the electric field of the device:
Even if you have a Wi-Fi modem, which we don’t recommend, you could still plug this monitor’s cord into the ethernet port of the router. The best alternative would be to have a Wi-Fi free cable modem (check with your cable provider on which models are compatible). Hitron and the Arris Surfboard both have Wi-Fi free capability, but always double-check first.
Why not consider sleeping in the same room as your baby, and shutting off the power to your bedroom at night to mimick the regenerative manger we were all born in?
Whatever you do, don’t let your baby be raised by the wolves of Wi-Fi.
Be the lioness. Tame your fear. Unchain your roar.
We are more powerful than we know,
Roman & Bohdanna
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Join the next semester of EMF 101.
How can we measure EMFs in our environment?
What can we do to minimize 5G?
What are some other ways we can nourish the electric field of our body?
We’ll be covering these types of specifics, along with practical steps we can take to reduce EMFs in our daily lives during EMF 101.
Our course has launched already, but you can join the waitlist for the next round!
Additional Resources:
Pakhomov, Andrei & Murphy, Michael. (2011). A Comprehensive Review of the Research on Biological Effects of Pulsed Radiofrequency Radiation in Russia and the Former Soviet Union. 10.1007/978-1-4615-4203-2_7.
Mann K, Röschke J. Effects of pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields on human sleep.Neuropsychobiology. 1996;33(1):41-47. doi: 10.1159/000119247.
Hecht K. Health Implications of Long-term Exposure to Electrosmog. Competence Initiative for the Protection of Humanity, the Environment and Democracy. 2016: 16, 42-46. Accessed November 19, 2019.
Frey AH, Seifert E. Pulse modulated UHF energy illumination of the heart associated with change in heart rate. Life Sciences. 1968;7(10 Part 2):505-512. doi: 10.1016/0024-3205(68)90068-4.
Russell CL. 5G wireless telecommunications expansion: Public health and environmental implications. Environ Res 2018;165:484-495.
Glaser Z. Cumulated index to the bibliography of reported biological phenofmena ('effects') and clinical manifestations attributed to microwave and radio-frequency radiation: report, supplements (no. 1-9).BEMS newsletter (B-1 through B-464), 1971-1981.
I have two kids. never used a baby monitor.
my now-ex and I were not exactly your normal western parents though. cloth diapers, no injections, home based education for the first 11 years of my oldest's existence (first 7 of my youngest's.) Off topic, I was sad when it became necessary to deal with two incomes to get by and the kids got sent to the Indoctrination Station known as public school. that destroyed my older child's education entirely (and led her down the path of juvenile delinquency) as they refused to make her do classwork and tests because she learned acting out would free her from the work everyone else was expected to do.
I am a bit of a technophile, so our domiciles were never EMF free. likely less irradiated than many though.
My son has serious epilepsy. I use a monitor to make sure I hear him during the night when he seizes. I would not want to sleep through that.