Not sure if it is related, but lots of studies show that folks with PD have excess iron in their brains. Also the l-dopa based drugs interact with iron to produce neurotoxic byproducts [imagine my shock when I found the capsules of some of the brands of drug actually contain iron oxide in the printer ink!]. Folks with PD on iron supplements have fast progression,

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In my experience, PD tends to happen more often than usual in those who eat a lot of stuff with preservatives, aluminum, and lab-made salt.

Too much iron is bad, no matter what, and I suppose, that's one of the reasons why the otherwise hardly-ever-useful cast iron pots and pans have been rabidly promoted in recent years...

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Re Crazy Eddie: Another reason We Bostonians looked down our snouts at NYers...

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Just like the French looked down on Italians, eh? (: Plus Boston has better seafood.

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True on the seafood. Originally, the gripe was substantive due to NY siding with the Crown "Empire State," however, they are all Deep State these days. New Hampshire appears to be pulling out first although they have been swamped by weapons manufacturers and drug/trafficking operations. At least the people in NH are waking up. The rest of New England....IDK.

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Thank you for another enlightening and thought-provoking article.

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Thank you Kyra! May I ask - what did you find the most valuable / thought- provoking about the article?

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Hi Roman, it was helpful to get a timely reminder about the impact of a household blender, and it was thought-provoking and enlightening to read about magnetic fields in your post as earlier this year I came across Walter Russell's eye-opening book "Universal One". and more recently "The Law of One" (Ra Material). Since then there has been synchronicity galore involving this holographic Universe, electrical fields and such. The guidance and insights you provide about the impact of electrical devices, technology, etc, and what we can do to protect ourselves is sorely needed in today's world of convenience. Many thanks!

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Thanks Roman!! glad i got you out of my (inadvertent) spam filter! Excellent info, plus i am now watching the doctor's video you linked - spot on. The midwestern doc finally did a major article on emfs/RF and i would like to link this ideal video directly for her readers but don't know how to find the direct youtube link - would you mind sending it to me? - thanks

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Hi Yantra! Thank you for your previous message about the spam filter. Not sure what's happening - but def will look into it. I'm so lost when it comes to email sending ): Here is the link to Sharon's presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbwzHp4OdLM

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Roman - i don't think it is from your end; probably something my email decided to do (:

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Thank you Roman - i just posted this on A Midwestern Doctor's substack (the forgotten side of medicine):

Here is an excellent recent video primer and synopsis of the EMF problem by Dr. Sharon Goldberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbwzHp4OdLM - worth a watch if you are new to the subject or even quite experienced - sent out by Roman Shapoval on his substack romanshapoval@substack.com.

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Thank you so much Yantra!

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Yes. Dr Jerry Tennants book healing is voltage demonstrates we are electrical and magnetic beings. His subsequent book on scalar energy is amazing. Dr Konstantin Meyl research and proof on scalar is remarkable.

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Thank you for the mention and the creativity with which you did it.

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Absolutely Jonathan. Thank you for everything you do.

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Nice research.

What's your take on Schuman wave generators (7.83Hz, ideally sine wave), C1 (https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/more-on-c1-in-plain-english), or other comparable miracle devices?

In general, as any wave can interact with any electro- or magneto-sensitive device or element that is already in the human body (natural or not), in my understanding, anything can open up many cans of worms...

I also strongly believe that new forms of radiation also promote the process of turning everyone into a semi-synthetic organism:


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While I have not {yet} read your post, the timing seems providential.

Just last night I was lamenting (again) the sad decline of a family member since getting covid jab. The medical diagnosis is Parkinson's, but they most certainly do not have actual Parkinson's but rather tremors due to unknown (to the drs) cause. They lack the Parkinson's face and stiffness.

Anyway, last night it occurred to me to wonder what impact on the neurological state the implanted pacemaker WITH WIRELESS TRANSMISSION TO A MONITORING/COMMUNICATION DEVICE has had. And, oh , by the way, the need for the pacemaker is also almost certainly due to jabs.

What with the talk of The Virus and jab particles being influenced by wireless, well, the horrible connection showed up in my thoughts last night. Are we witnessing the (purposeful or coincidental) demise of our loved one right in front of our eyes?

Unfortunately our loved one lacks the capacity to engage alternative diets or therapies at this point. We've tried for several years to get them to leave processed carbs and veg oils behind, but they can't comprehend how to do that.

Thanks for the article. I will read later.

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Listen on youtube.com to all the amazing stories of how doing a Carnivore Diet has cured many of Parkinson's Disease and other diseases like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty5l5ZF10qY I must warn you though there are also mixed opinions/comments so you have to weed through them. The link I just put in this comment is one of the best ones!

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Thank you Skupe! Yes I've also heard Dale Bredesen reversing many conditions of dementia using a ketogenic approach. It kills me though - as this nice lady in the video is wearing airpods! Not too bueno for the brain. Do you practice Carnivore?

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I'm more Ketovore and I love it.

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Nice. How long have you been doing it?

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Since 2016 and before that 10 years of Paleo. I'm also at my best weight with no headaches. Eating no grains or even potatoes is huge for me.

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I also must mention that Big Ag, Big Food and Big School (Harvard) all hate Carnivore as it eats into their profits. I say so what! We'd be a lot healthier without most conventional food, pesticides and most universities charging huge sums.

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