Here’s what you’ll learn in this article:
1. How are AC magnetic fields generated?
2. How do AC magnetic fields affect our health?
3. How our bodies create their own magnetic vortex
4. How is our brain affected by magnetic fields?
5. Can blenders cause neurodegeneration?
6. What are common sources of AC magnetic fields?
7. How do wiring errors cause elevated magnetic fields?
8. How can we reduce AC magnetic fields?
9. JOIN the WAITLIST for ElectroHealth Rx
Behind every great man there is a great woman.
Wherever there is electricity, there exists the potential for coupling to occur.
No…. not that kind.
Behind every great man electric field, there may be a great woman magnetic field.
We live in Earth’s magnetic field, which is discharged when lightning strikes.
We are surrounded by an infinite amount of energy as potential, waiting to be charged or discharged. When lightning strikes Earth, this is an example of static (DC, direct current) electric and magnetic fields coupling.
DC fields occur more often in nature and are much more stable than AC (alternating current). In this article we’ll be focusing on the AC magnetic fields we’re exposed to on a daily basis, along with steps we can take to reduce exposure.
Last week we began our exploration on one of the most common forms of EMF in our home - AC electricity.
AC electric fields are generated even when an outlet is off, and doesn’t have any electrical current running through it.1
How are AC magnetic fields generated?
Alternating magnetic fields occur whenever there is current drawn. In order to have current, something has to be “turned on”, drawing power from the electrical circuit. If an appliance is just plugged in, this will not generate a magnetic field.

The magnetic field lines (as indicated in the arrows circling the bullseye above), form closed loops around the current with no beginning or end. The field strength weakens with increasing distance from the source.
We’ll cover some common sources toward the end of the article.
How do magnetic fields impact health?
Ever wonder how you can put your hand on an induction stove and not get burnt?*
This is due to the law of physics called induction, which is able to cook our food when magnetic fields oscillate across a conductor like a coil.
Meet Crazy Eddy!
The coil uses the oscillating magnetic field to create an electrical field called an eddy current. Eddy currents then unleash energy within the coil to cook our food. The reason some induction stoves won’t burn our hand is due to the fact that metal fry pans are able to conduct electricity much more efficiently.
Eddy currents get their name from the vortex they create, akin to circular currents of water, like those Bohdanna and I have seen on our hikes at the Niagara Gorge. In mechanical engineering eddy currents are used to push and levitate maglev (magnetic levitation) trains at speeds of up to 600km / 370 miles per hour.

Even though they release amounts of energy that are insane, it turns out eddy currents aren’t named after a mad scientist or after Crazy Eddie. If you lived in the New Jersey & New York area in the 1980s like I did, you might remember him.
Can our body generate eddy currents?
I hope you didn’t put your hand on that stove, because AC magnetic fields can also create eddy currents within our bodies. Once those currents reach a certain threshold,
cells can become stressed, and we can even begin to see flickering.Numerous studies of low-level AC magnetic fields point toward suppression of melatonin production in our pineal gland, impact of calcium metabolism, disruption of heartbeat, immune system, and change in cell division and DNA synthesis.2 However keep in mind that these impacts on our health could also be due to the an electric current that’s creating that magnetic field.
How is our brain affected by magnetic fields?
Magnetite is a mineral made of iron, which allows birds to navigate by using the electromagnetic fields of the Earth. Birds have magnetite in their beaks, and humans have it in their brains.3 4 Studies have shown that we have the highest amounts of magnetite in our brain stem, cerebellum, and cerebral cortex (outer layer). Our brains magnetize to EMFs in our local environment.

Many studies have shown that even extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF) can contribute to neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s, by sensitizing cells to the pro-Parkinson's disease toxin MPP.567
Can blenders cause neurodegeneration?
I’m not telling you to stop making smoothies, but you may want to reconsider your profession if you have any kind of neurodegenerative condition like PD, MS, or ALS, and operate devices that emit high amounts of magnetic fields like blenders or hairdryers. Many of these devices also use switch-mode power supplies, which generate massive amounts of dirty electricity.
According to the Building Biology Institute, the acceptable level for AC magnetic fields is less than 0.2 mG (milligauss). The level for extreme concern is 5 mG. As you can see in the picture below, this blender, when turned on, peaked at 200 mG! 8
If you want to be irradiated, then buy a Tesla:
Watch the video (at the 12 minute mark) to see how the readings were off the chart for the EMF meter:
A note on iron
It’s worth noting that iron plays a key role in our health, not just as a magnet in our brain, but as an absorber of light. Plants use chlorophyll to harvest light for photosynthesis, and we use iron, found in molecules called porphyrins:
All who have Parkinson’s know that dopamine balance is crucial for their health, however what many may not know is that dopamine balance begins in the eye and skin with hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin is loaded with iron porphyrins which absorb light from 250 - 600 nm (nanometers). The water that surrounds this porphyrin can absorb all the way to 3100nm. (infrared range) 9
Common sources of AC magnetic fields
In review, only when an electric piece of equipment is turned on, drawing an AC electric current and consuming power, does this produce an AC magnetic field.
Some common sources include:
bedside lamp, radio
overhead lighting
refrigerator, TVs
circuit panel
wiring, especially wiring errors
Here’s an example of a handout from our ElectroHealth Rx course that you can use, to do an EMF survey of your home:
How do wiring errors cause elevated magnetic fields?
If you tell your electrician that you want a home free of elevated magnetic fields, they’ll probably look at you like you have three tinfoil heads. However if you tell them you’d like a home free of objectionable current in compliance with the National Electrical Code (NEC), you are speaking their language.
How are objectionable currents created?
When an electrical system is functioning as it should, the amount of electricity flowing out to an appliance through the “hot” (black) wire should be equal to the amount of electricity flowing back through the neutral wire. This equal and opposite flow of current through the wires creates objectionable current that cancels to zero (no net current), which is the optimal condition. When there is an unequal supply and return currents are unable to cancel each other out, a net current is created, resulting in a magnetic field.
How can we reduce AC magnetic fields?
Distance is our friend, however magnetic fields behave differently than their electric counterpart. This is why we must be careful when attempting to shield them, as their penetration depth and field strength is more pervasive:
As a rule, we want to keep a distance of at least 2 meters / 6.6 feet from internal sources.
Better yet, enjoy your Labor Day by shutting the power OFF.
Power ON with a labor of light.
We are more powerful than we know.
Roman & Bohdanna
Join us for our 3rd semester of ElectroHealth Rx !
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Additional Resources:
International Institute for Building Biology & Ecology, Natural Healthy Buildings, 2015.
Becker, Robert O. Cross Currents. New York: Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 1990
Kirschvink JL, Kobayashi-Kirschvink A, Woodford BJ. Magnetite biomineralization in the human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1992 Aug 15;89(16):7683-7. doi: 10.1073/pnas.89.16.7683. PMID: 1502184; PMCID: PMC49775.
Kirschvink JL, Kobayashi-Kirschvink A, Woodford BJ. Magnetite biomineralization in the human brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1992 Aug 15;89(16):7683-7. doi: 10.1073/pnas.89.16.7683. PMID: 1502184; PMCID: PMC49775.
Benassi B, Filomeni G, Montagna C, Merla C, Lopresto V, Pinto R, Marino C,Consales C. Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field (ELF-MF) Exposure Sensitizes SH-SY5YCells to the Pro-Parkinson's Disease Toxin MPP. Mol Neurobiol. 53:4247-4260, 2016.
Davanipour Z, Sobel E. Long-term exposure to magnetic fields and the risks of Alzheimer's disease and breast cancer: Further biological research. Pathophysiology. 2009 Aug;16(2-3):149-56. doi: 10.1016/j.pathophys.2009.01.005. Epub 2009 Mar 10. PMID: 19278839.
Not sure if it is related, but lots of studies show that folks with PD have excess iron in their brains. Also the l-dopa based drugs interact with iron to produce neurotoxic byproducts [imagine my shock when I found the capsules of some of the brands of drug actually contain iron oxide in the printer ink!]. Folks with PD on iron supplements have fast progression,
While I have not {yet} read your post, the timing seems providential.
Just last night I was lamenting (again) the sad decline of a family member since getting covid jab. The medical diagnosis is Parkinson's, but they most certainly do not have actual Parkinson's but rather tremors due to unknown (to the drs) cause. They lack the Parkinson's face and stiffness.
Anyway, last night it occurred to me to wonder what impact on the neurological state the implanted pacemaker WITH WIRELESS TRANSMISSION TO A MONITORING/COMMUNICATION DEVICE has had. And, oh , by the way, the need for the pacemaker is also almost certainly due to jabs.
What with the talk of The Virus and jab particles being influenced by wireless, well, the horrible connection showed up in my thoughts last night. Are we witnessing the (purposeful or coincidental) demise of our loved one right in front of our eyes?
Unfortunately our loved one lacks the capacity to engage alternative diets or therapies at this point. We've tried for several years to get them to leave processed carbs and veg oils behind, but they can't comprehend how to do that.
Thanks for the article. I will read later.