First and foremost, I would like to thank you for your excellent work!

As you know, I don't fill out questionnaires for a number of reasons, and the main one is that the questions never fully apply to me.

However, you and I are sharing the same interest in publishing new or a compilation that haven't been done before.

The current goal I am pursuing at the moment is that I have developed the sense that in the last four or five years of convid, I've been missing something that's been under my nose. I think, the globalist project is advancing in ways that look so inconspicuous that they keep being ignored. Planning my next post about that as Part IV of my recent "trilogy" on the reasons why the world, humans, and I are still around.

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Hi Ray, thank you for your support and honest feedback. You were one of the ones that got us on the map initially, when you shared the article on diabetes.

As you know, the EMF aspect is critical, yet often ignored by so many "experts" and leaders in the alt health field. There is still much we can do, and more and more are awakening each day.

The battle sometimes matters more than the outcome, as you know this is a spiritual war.

Thanks for your constant support. Funny enough - I don't really like questionnaires too, but I know that some do. It's harder than you would think coming up with questions!



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Roman - i usually avoid questionnaires also - not just because the boxed answers don't fit, but because i choose the privacy i am willing to give away to the data collectors and most questions don't fall into that category.

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Great questions! You both are doing so many things right in terms of gaining the respect, feedback, and interest of others.

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Thank you so much Katherine for your kind words and support! Let us know if there's ever anything that interests or concerns you regarding EMF, health, etc.

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Feedback: Thank you for all you do.

My challenge as we speak is--after doing everything I can in my own house to reduce EF and DE noise that I hear even louder at night (in my urban house located on a quiet cul de sac away from the town) that continues to plague me, altering my heartbeat, causing me loss of sleep, taking my time recording EMF cycles and readings for the electric company and me--my challenge is to reduce the noise riding on the 1-2 v/m EF that is coming into my house after the MAIN is powered down.

I do the best I can researching the world of electricity, but a deeper understanding, from someone who knows, of how EF fields (not magnetic or RF fields which my meter separates out) continue to plague a house and what to do about it, and how to prove it, THAT would be really helpful.

I feel lost when it comes to understanding this electrical monster. Yes, I can feel and hear RF frequency, but the ELF that most don't hear (but I do) is what is causing the most health problems, I believe, and it's going unnoticed because it is so well hidden from sight and feel.

It is the ELF that is broadcast across the power lines in rural area that makes the strongest, most nauseating waves in our bodies, and I believe it's the dirty electricity that runs across the neutrals (that no one wants to believe it's doing) that is causing so much of our health issues.

Why can't we ever just swing right at the root of this thing instead of all around it--and then kill it? That's what I would like to do. Does someone know anything more than I do, and if so, could we hear that person talk to these things?

P.S. I've already spent thousands on building biologists and clean line filters and do not use a cell phone or wi-fi ever. I have my wall blocked and grounded that faces the electric box that used to also house a meter that I paid to have the electric company move to the street. White noise does not help ELF. ELF goes through everything. I have most of the breakers on my house turned off constantly, because this helps somewhat. I have since 2010 taken utmost care of my diet. I eat so cleanly, drink the best water I can (buying reverse osmosis soon), and keep my attitude positive. I struggle. I'm not asking to be out of the struggle, because after this, I would sure like to help others. In the meantime, it just seems to me that no one really can get down to the heart of the matter. That could be my frustration, though. Thank you for allowing me to express. I am no electrician and never wanted to know electric, but I am getting well acquainted with energy, mine and the universe's and the man-made.

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"...swing right at the root of this thing instead of all around it--and then kill it..."

Short of an EMP sending us back to the pioneer days, which would be a wonderful solution, I don't see any hope.

Great comment!

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Agreed - amazing comment. Too bad "the root" can also be in outer space now, with Starlink. The root of Starlink is in a way the cell phone - less users, less need.

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Charlene, thank you for sharing all this. First - it's great that you've played the "process of elimination game" well up until now, however frustrating. You've probably already addressed this, but do you have a smart meter, wired or wireless?

Have you ever reached out to Paul Harding of Total EMF Solutions? He's the best I know, and has trained with Dave Stetzer and Sam Milham.

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Thank you, Roman, for your ability to be a roundhouse for all of us. I do have a smart meter, not as smart as the big city ones, but paid hundreds to have it removed to the street. Still I had to ground my wall in my house that is opposite the electric box. In response to meeting with Paul Harding or the others, no I haven't reached out in that regard, but they have influenced my thoughts in the last few years. I will look again.

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Gotcha. Thank you Charlene. From what I know - Paul has told me before that he actually doesn't like grounding anything, because that can counterintuitively make us an antenna for EMF, especially with all the ground current. Let me know, and I can put you in touch if you need.

Here's his site FYI:


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You know what I want? I want my health back. I don't want the circles under my eyes, the fatigue, the feeling of hopelessness and helplessness, the sleepless nights. I fight for my health and for the health of my family. People don't believe what we are facing, and that makes it harder. The studies don't seem to influence the majority of people who are already in so deep with the troubles all around us.

Taking out my wish bone, I wish that there were some conclusive studies, some clarity from people who actually know, less "talking around it" and more instruction with how to go about it.

I'm not blaming anyone. This monster is so new, and there are those of us like you, the Power Couple, who are making the issues known best as you can.

Since FB regulates the innocuous things I tried posting a few years ago, I quit them, but joined GAB and am thinking to start posting little pieces of persuasive information so that people are exposed to this issue.

And that's why I'm taking your shared space to write to you again after my post a few minutes ago. If there could be a place that "we the people" could contribute very short, research-backed (and cited) statements that are eye-catching or interest-catching that any of us could then freely use on our own pages to expose the situation, that might be cool. It's an idea.

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Thank you Charlene for those thoughtful insights. I hear you re: FB. Anytime I try to post anything of value, it gets taken down. I've started a few website forums recently, where we can all post questions, comment etc. Here's one, it's a bit low-tech, but could work:


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I am starting my EMF "feed" on Gab. And I will look forward to meeting up with you and others in your new emfhealthforum.com. See you there.

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Thanks Charlene! The forum has been dormant for a while, but bringing it back online. I look forward to hearing what you think. Again - it's bare bones, but has a lot of functionality / potential.

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I enjoy your work. I've been EHS for 15 years and doing some grassroots education in the field. I check everything you write as I've seen so many people in the past leave out information, only take the investigation so far, not thorough etc my pet peeves. You have not let me down so far - very impressed with your article on lighting you didn't miss a thing!

To truely and authentically have a clean EMF environment we need to HARDWIRE, reject wireless radiation, measure all forms of EMF/ELF/EMR and DE and mitigate, clean up all aspects of your building biology and food. Please invite Oram Miller to speak on smart meters and building biology. He's an amazing US Building Biologist. Thanks again!

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Katie - thank you very much for your kind words of support. I'm honored to be in such good company. Thank you also for checking things - I'm certainly learning more and more each day, so if there's ever anything I miss, or you think may be misleading, please let me know. What area are you in?

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I benefit from hands on advice, how to reduce emf in house.

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How have you tried to reduce EMF in the house so far - turn Wi-Fi off, dirty electricity filters, blue light protection, shielding, hardwiring?

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Thank you Johanna! Hope we can help you with this practical advice in 2025!

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I call you an author & truther

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Thank you Johanna! I am honored.

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I very much appreciate how you two work together as an appropriate team according to Godly Headship, 1 Corinthians 11: 3, which brings such amazing balance to each project. With Roman as head and Bohdanna, in every circumstance as his gentle, quiet spoken helper in every aspect of your mutual life’s work, which started when you Roman encouraged Bohdanna to walk with you into the rising sunlight, and Bohdanna did so, to both of your great health benefits, that same health benefit which has since spread to so many other needy people through your shared work, with very grateful thanks to you both as the true Power Couple! Cathlin

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Cathlin, thank you for honoring us with your kind words. This has truly been an amazing, daunting journey, yet we are constantly humbled by so many others who are going through trials even more difficult, whether it's health or relationships. Bohdanna and I have truly grown spiritually, mentally, and physically since we've been together, and for that we are eternally grateful to God. Thank you for your support!

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You are both doing amazing work! I can't imagine the hours you spend researching. Even though I have never loved science, I still find so much value in how you present the information—sort of like EMF for Dummies! :) I can scan and grab a few pointers; believe me, some of them have been solid gold—like why we should ditch sunglasses and how beneficial morning light (and all natural light) is to our health.

What a gift that you both share a passion for holistic health. Thanks for all that you do, Roman and Bohdanna! And Happy Fake Gregorian New Year! :) XO

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Hi Barbara! Thank you, so so much for all your words of encouragement. You were one of the first that really engaged with us when we started years back, and I'm glad we could all learn along the way.

I appreciate that you're still embracing the science as best you can - you've probably learned much more than you bargained for, but at least you'll keep being ahead of the curve. Happy Fake New Year to you as well, and hope to celebrate again on Jan 27, by sleeping in even more (: Love, Roman & Bohdanna

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I am happy your substack is out there for all to see. To me the best thing about it is that you provide excellent education to the public on so many aspects of non-native EMF as well as the importance of exposure to natural sunlight and how to create a beneficial indoor light environment. Also that you promote limiting one's tech exposure in general. I have been practicing most of this for years, but your concise explanations of how some of these things work is very helpful. I appreciate your efforts to wake the world up. You do it in a friendly, easily understood, non-confrontational way, much needed in today's world. Thank you.

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Thank you so much Yantra for your kind words of affirmation. We're very grateful for your support. It's good to know that we're doing a decent job with consolidation of info - not always easy, so the extra encouragement helps! Reminders are definitely needed, and why I try to keep things basic for even the most advanced. What do you see as an EMF challenge for you in 2025? Anything you need help reducing/ eliminating?

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Challenge for 2025, well not to go too negative . . . but finding ways to interact with other humans - or even just be in a public place - without getting blasted by their ubiquitous wireless gear - actually now that smart watches are becoming more common, that is getting harder - people really don't understand the power of those tiny little innocent-looking wireless transmitters - here is a brief video demonstrating the Apple watch microwave bursts in real time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOgt7FmuEQo - it has a very strong pulse more than once a second and of course there is no distance from that when wearing it.

Plus people are wearing the Oura ring, they think for their health and well-being. Maybe it would help if you did a cautionary tale about wireless wearables.

Also, even people who are getting quite ill and starting to wonder about wireless harms (though they still have the cellphone in their pocket and the wifi router always on) - think they are okay if they have one of those devices that supposedly "neutralize" all of the damaging effects - especially if it has a scientific sounding description like "scalar wave" or "frequency-modulated microcurrent"- or that sleeping on a "grounded bed" (grounded to what?) will mitigate all harms. Daunting really, the learning curve is steep and undermined by the big tech oligopoly and their programming. And even most of the most alternative health people don't want to recognize the wireless impacts . . .which is a primary reason i support you and Arthur Firstenberg.

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Ill health/lack of energy stops me. You didn’t have that as an option so I left sone blank when my answer wasn’t there. I want overall health and energy back so I can just be happy

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Thank you so much Jessica for the comment - as you know you're not alone. We hear this from many, including ourselves on some mornings (: What could help you the most with increasing your energy? Reducing blue light at night? Do you get out for the Sunrise?

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It’s a toss up betw emf news and illness (actually strategies for health around emf issues). That strategies for health, plus clarity abt what’s truly going on, the deep investigation, that’s why I read you. I’m gonna subscribe as paid here in the near future as well

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Thanks Jessica again, for letting us know, and for your support (:

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I answered each question but honestly...I'm down for whatever.

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Thank you Jonathan. I appreciate your open mind and encouragement. We'll flex some knowledge like Maxick in 2025.

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as a docter i would give more information about health in a broad sense so people learn to be their own docter good luck

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Thank you Jos! We couldn't agree more. Our goal is to empower others to heal themselves, so we can all build vibrant communities when it comes to health. May I ask, what type of medicine do you practice?

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I appreciate all of your content. It explains so much - more people need to hear about electrical Illnesses or sensitivity and what is happening with the amount of noise we have around us. We are addicted to electronics and becoming addicted information gatherers too so monitor my use. I applaud your content and plan to catch up on your recent articles and further reduce the EMF in my house.

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Hi Rebecca - thank you for your insights. I hear you on being addicted to gathering info - I am guilty of that - but I will say I keep it balanced. Half is reading/ assimilating, and then the other half is thinking about it, coming up with a thesis.

Working out and getting out for the Sunrise first thing is a must for me. Nothing else happens until then. Silence is golden. A few questions to ponder:

What type of EMF do you want to reduce, and why?

Wi-Fi, blue light, dirty electricity?

What are your health concerns?

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Which content topic of ours do you enjoy most?

Other: All of them! Love what you do. Keep up the monumental work! Blessings for a fantastic new year!🎊

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Thank you Toxi! We really appreciate your support and constant engagement. It keeps us going! Blessings to you and yours as well.

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