Oh my, where to begin?! Thanks for chatting about this, Roman and Bohdanna. And for sharing the history, which is often conflicting. No one hates the time change more than me. I pretty much ignore it now and am blessed to not need to set an alarm. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were people in our government who actually cared about our health? I heard (don't know if this is true) that there's something cooking now to make DST permanent. :(

Ayurveda (here I go again!) has taught about the importance of circadian rhythms for thousands of years. I imagine TCM does as well, but I'm more familiar with Ayurveda. I experienced major healing when I began to pay attention to these rhythms - not just in terms of sleeping and eating and exercising, but also knowing the hours when creativity and productivity are highest.

It gets dark here now around 4:30/5ish and I kind of love it! No shopping mall for me. 😂 I'm in bed by 8:00 and up before the sun. I feel so much healthier when I keep to this pattern. Thx again for doing the research. xo

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Barbara! Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments, as always. I hear you - the darkness forces Bohdanna and I to eat dinner earlier, so even with dessert I'm usually done eating by 630 the latest, and then to bed around 10, so it's a minimum 3.5 hours for the food to digest. But optimally we try to eat by 530.

How long have you been into Ayurveda? Have you ever heard of Vastu Shastra?

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Hi Roman, I'm all for an early dinner (if any) and early to bed. I feel so much better the next day. How about those Europeans who say "I'll meet you for dinner at 10:00." 😳

I first learned about Ayurveda almost 20 years ago when I was dealing with pretty debilitating fibromyalgia for about 8 yrs. I finally made my way to a practitioner (his words - "Your Vata is off the charts deranged") and it became one of the many tools I used to heal. I went on to study with Maya Tiwari and a few others. Vastu Shastra rings a bell but I can't say I remember what it is! Have a good week!

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This was interesting. Like most things pushed on us it's for profit and causes our bodies to malfunction.

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Yep! Like the quote from Twain goes "history doesn't repeat, but it sure does rhyme."

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Anything to keep us off balance

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Sounds like you know the name of the game, eh? Curious - how do you like to find balance?

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I too thought it was for the farmers and the children, especially those riding the school buses. I can't stand DST. Wish they would leave it all alone. I would much rather they left the evenings lighter longer so one feels more invigorated instead of early dark evenings. One more to the long list of things the government doesn't know what they're doing.

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I wonder what the real reason was? I recall when daylight saving came into force in Australia in the 1970s, we were sold on the idea that it allowed for workers to get down to the beach on hot nights and cool off when it was too hot to sleep. It was supposed to be a celebration of summer. I seem to recall some mention was made of farmers, but they quickly told us that the milking cows don't change their milking time just because we change our clocks, so no-one really fell for that. I think it was sold as a "city" thing rather than a rural thing.

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Thanks for sharing that Christine - it's good to know the reasoning behind it in each country, or the alleged reason at least. Your explanation has similarities to the real reasons we found - which had to do with giving workers an extra hour of daylight so that they still had time/ were more likely to shop after work, and had nothing do with farmers, although they were given as the excuse. Farmers didn't want DST so much, that they even took this to the US Supreme Court!

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Very interesting! Thank you!

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Thank you so much Cynthia! Glad you found this to be valuable - it's always been a question that I would ponder year and after, and Bohdanna and I would look at each other clueless. Good to know that we're on the normal time now, so just need to stick to it - why I love seeing the Sunrise as it syncs up all our other clocks.(: no government regulations or middlemen to get in the way.

Do you find you have a hard time adjusting?

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Yes, I don’t like the change! I think it’s really hard on us human beings. I honestly say I’m like a Bird; as soon as it gets dark I’m ready for bed and as soon as the sun is coming up, I’m ready to get up… I live in the country and I have chickens so I know how the birds live! It never fails. My kids would always get sick, especially in the spring, and in fact right now, my 6 year old granddaughter (who lives w us) is struggling with the time change and too much Halloween candy…she has a “cold”. Our society really doesn’t take into account seasons, and the change in the light. 😭

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