Here’s what we’ll learn in this article:
1. How does our magnetic field change during an eclipse?
2. How does an eclipse impact EMFs on Earth?
3. How we can use the Zero-Point to create intention
4. How to prepare physically, mentally, and spiritually for the Eclipse
Hello Powerful Humans!
Last week, our region of Niagara Ontario declared a State of Emergency to deal with the millions of people expected to swarm our area to see the same Sun they can anywhere else. Yes, people are paying to see the Sun. Bohdanna and I will be going the opposite direction, and renting a cottage in the woods where we can reconnect with Nature.
You see, it’s not what happens during the eclipse but what happens after, that holds true value. Eclipses are time when cosmic and Earthly energies reset, as electric and magnetic fields can be reduced, leading to geomagnetic instability, which affects not only our mental and physical state, but also disturbs the normal way wireless devices such as radio operate.
That said - solar eclipses happen two to five times per year, so what makes this one special? For one, governments, mainstream media, and alternative media are hyping this event, creating a lot of unnecessary fear. However that’s not to say that nothing of note will happen due to the eclipse, but I believe it won’t be the Sun causing us harm, but moreso our misleaders on Earth.
So how can we take advantage of this crisis as an opportunity in our lives?
A chance to reflect
While many of us may want to stare at a black hole in the sky, we’ll be imaging the return of the light, setting our intentions on the future we will create.
The alignment of Sun, Moon, and Earth symbolizes cosmic balance, and represents our soul, subconscious, and ego coming into synergy. This unusual celestial alignment offers us a unique opportunity for introspection. As our normal routine is disrupted by darkness, this is a physical reminder for us to sit back, reassess our course in life, and dare I say - relax.
This event metaphorically ‘eclipses’ our usual view, revealing our hidden Self. Eclipses also symbolize death and rebirth in various traditions, which relates to us learning how to let go of previous attitudes, beliefs, and setting new ones.
In Viking lore, it is foretold the wolf Sköll will chase the Sun and Moon across the skies until Ragnarök, or doomsday, at which point the wolves catch up and devour the celestial beings. If the light comes back, we can fight another day to prepare for Ragnarök.
There are all kinds of conspiracy theories out there, even saying that this eclipse isn’t real because the shadow of the Sun is going west to east, and since the Sun moves east to west, that means this event isn’t real.
However that’s not how light works. Shadows will always move the opposite way of the light source, as demonstrated in this video:
What should we be worried about during the 2024 eclipse?
During this eclipse, the solar wind (particles from the Sun that charge our ionosphere) is expected to gain strength into April 8th, which could lead to further magnetic instability.

Radio operators, along with NASA, have studied1 the way eclipses lead to changes in Earth’s electrical envelope called the ionosphere. They have noticed that during these events, our ionosphere does not absorb radiofrequency (RF) as well, and reflects this RF at higher points in Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Due this effect, radio and wireless communications (cellular is RF) may be disrupted.
Sounds like a good excuse to be “unavailable” for your boss, eh?
Another reason to get a landline!
When our power goes out, our copper-wire landline still works.
Don’t be a COWARD
To make sure that people can still post selfies while not enjoying the present moment they paid to see, the region of Niagara is deploying massive mobile cell towers called COWS (cells on wheels). I’d rather hang out with a real cow, then be a sacrificial heffer next to one of these.
I wonder if these towers will stay up indefinitely.

What’s up with the strange NASA and CERN operations?
NASA will be shooting some rockets into our atmosphere as part of the APEP mission, in order to measure electromagnetic changes in our ionosphere during the eclipse. NASA chose the APEP acronym because it’s also the name of the serpent deity from ancient Egyptian mythology, nemesis of the Sun deity Ra. It was said that Apep/Apophis pursued Ra and every so often nearly consumed him, resulting in an eclipse. According to one myth, Apep would hypnotize the Sun god and all of his followers, trapping the boat of Ra in his massive coils.
Are you trying to play games with the Sun NASA? Shame on you.

CERN, the large hadron collider (LHC) in Switzerland, will also fire up again on April 8th. In short, researchers at CERN are attempting to find the “God particle” by creating the same state of extremely high energy that existed within a billionth of a second of the Big Bang. This colossal 17-mile long accelerator allows scientists to collide high-energy subatomic particles.

Those scientists are also devotees of Shiva, the Hindu deity of Creation and Destruction. Maybe those at CERN also understand that this is a perfect time to recreate reality, as the eclipse is a time of death and rebirth.
In a time when the Earth’s electric field is weakened, the LHC will release a massive amount of electricity. What could go wrong?
Time to Diss Cern
This is why we’re going up north to the Canadian Shield, a geographic area2 that contains granite, which is an electrical insulator. 3 Embracing uncharted territories of our soul is much easier when we can be grounded in Earthly reality.
Using Earth as our foundation (ego) to harness the power of the Sun (sol) is our strategy, and it’s how we like to discern the present moment to create momentous change.
Like I learned from
, it’s time for us to discern what’s real.Remember, it’s always darkest before the Dawn.
We are more powerful than we know,
Roman & Bohdanna
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How can we measure EMFs in our environment?
What can we do to minimize 5G?
What are some other ways we can nourish the electric field of our body?
We’ll be covering these types of specifics, along with practical steps we can take to reduce EMFs in our daily lives during EMF 101.
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Additional Resources:
A unique look at the potential role of EMF during the eclipse by
I'm right on the path of the eclipse! But I slept through it. If you've seen one eclipse... Love that picture of the heavenly eclipse, and the A.J.Casson. Big Group of Seven fan. And I love real cows. Cows are nice.
I see what you did there - it's time to discern how to diss Cern! I'll never be able to hear the word "discern" without it's alter spelling and meaning! I've been thinking the same thing - what could possibly go wrong? And who is funding the LCH in Cern?