Can confirm. I've had life long severe 'eczema'. It became manageable as an adult when I learned about eating clean and how chemical / mold exposures overload the body. Aside from pregnancy, where it was uncontrollable, I was able to keep it at bay. Then abruptly, it surged and took my arms. The itching was unlike anything I'd experienced before, I wanted to peel my skin off. Nanotech in the body grows much faster in the presence of EMF. I watched nanotech come out of my skin as I used hydrogen peroxide to neutralise it and draw it out. I've documented this journey on my substack. It's back under control these days.

If you have severe 'eczema', I'd recommend:

> Avoid as many NNF's as possible (non native fields).

> Wear natural fibers, avoid commercially made clothing if possible as it's been messed with so horribly.

> Stop exposing yourself to artificial light in ANY form. Candle light works fine, and they're easy to make. We use home made beeswax candles in a candle lantern. They're so easy to make, my kids do it as one of their chores. My kids (including my teen, who does NOT own a phone) spend their evenings reading and drawing. Kids adjust perfectly fine.

> Put down your freakin' phone! Better yet, get rid of it.

> Wash your clothes in something natural. We use mined mineral borax for our clothes, hair, and skin. I use pure white vinegar in my hair as a conditioner.

> Lower your overall toxic load in every other way you can.

That's how I fixed my 'unfixable' eczema. And I still live in a high RF area (danger zone of a cell tower), when we move, maybe I'll need to take fewer precautions.

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Jul 15Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Thanks Roman for another insightful article!

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Absolutely Keith. Thank you for your support.

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Great information, thanks so much! I have many friends in webdesign/development I shall forward this article to.

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Thanks so much! Let me know what they say. Glad to help them.

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Jul 15Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I keep the phone away from my ear with the speaker on if I can. I text when possible instead of talking on the phone.

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Thanks for sharing that - do you have computer glasses as well? Helps with the mast cell immune response.

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Jul 15Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Got em!

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Nice! Glad you found some value in the article. How long have you been aware of the hazards of EMF?

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Jul 15Liked by Roman S Shapoval

At lest 10-15 years.

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