Thank you Roman, I joined as a free subscriber as I am on a pension and can not afford to pay. I joined because of you talking about EMF and electricity etc. I have been trying to warn my friends about this since covid started. A little experiment I did. I used a wireless mouse. So what happened, is it came to a point I could not control the mouse anymore. My hand would litterly vibrate and jerk all over the place making it hard to click on anything. So I got rid of the wireless mouse and bought a wired mouse. I kind of forgot about and months later I realize my hand does not jerk anymore, or hardly at all. Now in all my research I came across a web site that introduced BluShield, this product uses scalar vibration to counter the EMF, it does not block or stop it, it kind of overrides. I live 16 floors up in the air in downtown Vancouver. Of course my anger has been out of control since the beginning of Covid knowing it was a bio weapon right from the start. (it pays to read as I read about this 20 years ago) The anger that my other half was injured from the bio weapon. So I bought the biggest box I could for office use, as we have wireless above, below and everywhere. Within 2 days my anger dropped, yes I still get angry especially when I see so many stupid people.

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And thus is what they’ve called “Covid”

Poison you with radiation. Scare you by calling it a “virus” because you were taught to believe that BS story. And because you believe that BS story, you also believe in that barbaric “vaccination” BS story, and the Genocide begins...

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Precisely...why words and terms are so important, and why as Twain said, you can "go to school, just don't forget to get your education."

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Covid and oxidative stress / damage from microwave radiation have similar effects on the body ... Being saturated with pulsed radiation weakens us and makes us more vulnerable to other things. And 5G everywhere is helpful for the digital panopticon / surveillance dystopia they want, where instant data on "vaccine" compliance is core to the full control.

But radiation is not the same as covid. When Motorola tried to spin Henry Lai's, and others, science showing DNA damage radiofrequency radiation below the ionizing level, that wasn't covid.

When the heroic FLCCC docs, the ones who haven't been kicked out of hospitals yet, cure patients with integrative medicine, and when the early treatment heroes like Zelenko / Tyson / Fareed / Haider, and others, help people not go to the hospital, but also see some of the realities of long covid, that is not only microwave radiation, altho it could be an aggravating factor. . .

I've never trusted the vaccines, didn't take them, had covid once, got from an unvaccinated person, and that was very, very, very real.

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“...had covid once, got from an unvaccinated person, and that was very, very, very real.”

Wrong and wrong.

Covid doesn’t exist. I’m not going to go into the particulars as to why, as it’s been proven that pathogenic viruses are a myth. Do your due diligence and educate.

Contagion is a myth. Once again it’s been proven to be fallacy and untrue over a 100 years ago. Contagion has its roots in the unproven germ theory that the medical cartel (thanks to Rockefeller Carnegie and Flexner) has brainwashed and indoctrinated generations with it’s lies. So you didn’t “catch “ anything from anybody.

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They should have said they "had experience with the biowarfare weapon."

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or experience learning how to make others "catch" and become contagious with fear.

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Fear is a very real threat - I've learned that it is not productive, though, and just set it aside. If everything we feared came true, we'd all been dead long ago. Personally, I DO believe that there was a bioweapon released, along with 4 and 5G (done while everyone was ordered home) and chemtrailing. The combination is nothing but deadly. Eventually, unless something changes, we will all die of this poisoning.

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I appreciate that candid perspective. However I'm an eternal optimist, and believe that evil only exists so good can come through. There are solutions out there - even in dealing with remediation of EMF. Some of these solutions are based in ancient Egyptian /coptic Christian modalities of healing. I'll be delving into this topic in future posts as I learn more about it myself. For now a good rule of thumb I like to follow is 1) see the sunrise daily 2) protect the liver 3) feed the gut with good bacteria, sauerkraut etc.

Any specific point in time that you woke up to the madness?

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This ex-medical guy has had his turning too. Viruses? All those pathology textbooks... proof? Naaa... i just believed blindly and passed their exams. I've never seen a virus. Now, that doesn't mean everything unseen doesn't exist. Truth, faith, spiritual reality... these are not visible wavelengths yet we can understand them. Science cannot, as a tool, possibly bear on such questions. It doesn't have applicability.

Those book photos of viruses etc... hmmm rockefeller... hmmm indoctrination... climate change... long covid.. white guilt...

Notice the pattern here: all the BS we are expected to believe and Fear, are Invisible, Unproven and perfectly suited to be used by would-be tyrants. Coincidence, Not!

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You did not get it from an unvaccinated person, I am not vaccinated and I have not had Covid or the flu. Just wow

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Thank you for this post! Very informative and well done. If anyone would like to see health photos of EMF injury, I share mine here: https://reclaimedwellness.substack.com/p/wireless-radiation-a-missing-piece

It was a long journey to realizing that was a root cause of my neurological, cardiovascular, and skin challenges. 💚

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Melissa, thank you so much for finding me and leaving a link to your wonderful post. You've had quite a journey by the looks of it. FYI I wasn't able to like or leave a comment.

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Melissa, Roman is right! We can't like or comment in your substack.

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Not only that, but I'm getting a "not found" message when I click on it. Melissa, would you be willing to email your testimony to me directly (or send it in a DM to my FB page) if it is not available on substack.com any more? TYIA, Greenie

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Oh, this is fabulous. Thank you so much for making it more understandable. Am sharing widely.

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Thank you so much Christine! I thought that it would be good to have a "back-to-basics" kind of post, for everyone. I'll be sending more stuff out like this in the future, mixed in with advanced articles.

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Hi Roman, thank you for this article (loved the Voiceover, too!) I admittedly go into coma mode when reading anything science-related, but I've forced myself to be educated about the crazy dangers of which you write. This is one of the easiest-to-understand articles on this topic I've come across.

I moved from the NYC area in 2020 where I was in an apartment building that already had a 5G tower attached on the outside. I shudder to think of the constant WiFi that coursed through our building 24/7 because it was a live/work building. Now, I live in NH where I can walk out my door into the woods (I'm headed there as soon as I finish typing this!) and not another house in sight. I don't have any lights plugged in in the house and I light candles at night. I have a landline, but admittedly still use my cell phone. Supposedly there's no 5G here yet, but who knows if that's true. I think I do pretty well, but admittedly can do better. WiFi is often turned off and always off at night.

I have a question for you. If I plug my laptop directly into the modem and turn off WiFi, I get a stronger signal registering on an EMF meter near the laptop than I do if I use WiFi. This makes no sense to me.

Sorry this is so long! Thanks, again, for the great share. :)

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Hi Barbara, good question re: EMF reading on the meter. What is the variable that the meter is measuring...is it gauss, volts/meter, power/watts? What's coming to mind is that often laptops use what's called a switch-mode power supply, which gives off a lot of dirty electricity as the power transforms from a DC to AC current. There are plugs you can buy for the newer apple laptops (if that's what you have) since many don't come with a shielded power supply anymore.

There's also the issue of the ethernet cable itself, which often isn't shielded and may be drawing dirty electricity from the outlet. Many cat7 cables are shielded. You can look for one like this: https://amzn.to/3jTWNoJ

There's also the issue of the wiring in the house, which produces what are called harmonics, which draw dirty power from the Earth (from underground power lines). I like to use these in my house: https://amzn.to/3E5yb37

You call the people at Stetzer filters, you can probably get a better price. https://www.stetzerelectric.com/

Sorry for all the links, but I wanted to make you aware of what's out there. There are so many variables, which I'm also always learning about.

Thank you too Barbara for sharing your thoughtful comment. I appreciate long comments, as long as they make sense and are relevant of course (:

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Thanks for your response, Roman. The EMF reader measures V/m. My Apple laptop is old, not sure if that's a good or bad thing. I had ordered a cable from Apple for my computer and that's when I noticed that I was getting a higher reading sitting at the computer with it plugged in than if I was using WiFi. Anyway, appreciate all the suggestions and will check them out!

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Thank you Barbara. Yes V/m makes sense as that is a measure of electricity, vs a magnetic field, which would typically be stronger with WiFi. The computer being old can sometimes be a good thing, as the newer laptops don't come with shielded plugs. To insure that your laptop is grounded, you could get a grounded power cord that plugs into a USB port. It costs $9 at LessEMF.com (never ordered from there myself but people like the site)

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Thanks again, Roman! And see my comment to Frances, below. I know I had the WiFi turned off on the computer, but maybe not on the router. Will try again!

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My son corrects that by disabling wifi on the computer as well as the router. Hope that helps!

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That's right, have to ensure the computer is also in airplane mode.

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Hi Frances, thx! I had it disabled on my computer, but maybe I didn't disable it on the router. Will try again! xo

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Einstein was a fraud, thief, pervert and plagiarist. He was pushed out to the public as a genius by the [KM} to obscure and sully Tesla and his inventions, theories and true genius.; and anyone else who threatened their control of our minds, health and prosperity. Einstein is part of the reason we don't even know what science is anymore

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I do think the alpha state of the brain is also the open door state of the brain, making humans vulnerable to suggestions they would never consider otherwise.

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Exactly! That’s why cell phones can be dangerous, as the blue light affects our hypothalamus, the generator of alpha brain waves. Here’s some more info on that , in case you’re interested: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/i/142911438/electrical-frequencies-can-change-our-personal-reality

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and TeeVee, too.

In the 70's, they plugged children into a brain monitor, watching TV. If the child could hold their brain in Beta for more than 2 minutes, they got a reward, a treat, something they really wanted.

NO MATTER how hard the children tried, the TV dropped their brainwaves back into alpha in less than 2 minutes. Children - as badly as they wanted that treat - could not do it. I'm guessing the children were 7-10 yo's. (been a LONG time since I read that study)

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Answer me this. If Nikola Tesla is so smart, and EMFs are harmful, why did Nikola regularly submit himself to EMFs and he wanted to transmit electricity through the air rather than use wires?

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Thank you DenverDad for raising such a poignant question. Tesla was smart, but unfortunately intelligence does not always equal wisdom. He was trying to harness the magnetic field of the Sun to create free energy, however to my understanding his research was stopped, and possibly stolen by the govt intelligence agencies. AC power is very harmful to us especially due to dirty electricity/ outlets not being grounded, as these EMFs oscillate and create stronger fields. DC would have been much better.

What do you think about Tesla? Do you know any of his other research?

Honestly I haven't done as deep of dive with him as I'd like, but willing to hear other perspectives.

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Someone on another thread offered up the destruction of Wardenclyffe as Tesla's regret. They claimed that when he fired up Wardenclyffe, that it caused the Tunguska event in Russia. Supposedly, he destroyed his own tower and went into seclusion, realising that the "free" energy had a price. In depression, he locked himself into his hotel in NYC and played with his soul-mate pigeons. This story does not take into account the torment that the US Gov't would have unleashed on him when he refused to make WMD's.

I checked some dates on this story: Tunguska happened in June 1908. Wardenclyffe was built 1902. Wikipedia says Wardenclyffe was abandoned in 1906. Waldorf-Astoria foreclosed on the property in 1915, and it was demolished in 1917. These dates ALMOST match the story above.

The traditional story is that TPTB didn't like the concept of "free energy" and sabotaged the tower (whether Edison or his creditors) & destroyed it. But this story doesn't fit with the 11 years it sat abandoned before it's demolition. (I thought I remembered a 1906 fire, but cannot find that info now).

Just for fun!

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Tesla wasn’t a biologist, so he wouldn’t know about the effects EMF has on life forms. Sometimes we are saved by actions that are done from greed, e.g., free energy quashed because money couldn’t be made. We have too much energy going through the air as it is. Electrical transmission through the air would be quite the increase in power. Lots to the Tesla story, like how DJT’s uncle rifled through Tesla’s papers for the US gov’t right after Tesla died. The uncle then came up with some electricity based patents. Life is curious.

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I love the Thunderbolts project - but thanks to you Michi now have another valuable substack author. Incredible info! Curious- how long have you been aware of an alternative history of electricity/how electricity affects our health?

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Very nice Roman! Someday pls give us the truth about LED lights, seems the only thing coming out of China products nowadays. I've heard some stuff but suspicious. My TR2 didnt find much emf or mag or radio waves...but still dont really know..

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Thanks for your input Proton...I sincerely appreciate it. Light as an emf is a topic that I will be writing about soon as well. Blue light, as it turns out, is the most prevalent visible EMF in our environment. The light itself functions as a carrier of waves and other EMFs. Since blue light is in the 450nm range, it's very intense, and lingers in our cells longer, vs red light that passes through more quickly do its longer wavelength.

For now this is the only post I've done on those snake-like LEDs: https://open.substack.com/pub/romanshapoval/p/when-we-dont-see-the-light?r=1iykap&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Fantastic article, greatly appreciated!! My husband and I have long wanted to return to a “wired” home and ditch our Wi-Fi altogether, as you recommend. We’ve kept our landline all these years (withstanding plenty of mockery for doing so - never cared😁) We’ve lived in our house for decades, I know it should be an easy(ish) process going back to fully wired/no Wi-Fi because that’s how we existed for a good 15 -20 years here before the age of Wi-Fi. Unfortunately we rlly need some help pulling all this off and not sure where to begin? What advise would you give to old folks like us who need help with these things?What type of professional/technical expert would we consult/hire to come into our home and implement these changes correctly?

Thank you so much for any suggestions you may have and for this important, helpful article, so well done!

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Hi CuiBono, great question. Please know that you're not alone. The first thing I would advise is to do a survey of your home to assess your situation, and see what are some immediate steps you can take to mitigate damage. If you'd like, please send me an email and I'd be happy to discuss your situation - forum@romanshapoval.com . I can help you assess and do a survey of potential trouble spots. Ultimately you may also want a building biologist to do a home inspection.

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Thank you for distilling this info. Also, this is a super important link, the reason the narrative can get away with claiming nothing to worry about, well, x-rays can harm, but not non-ionizing radiation. Maybe more studies should be done, but all you need to know is it's within the guidelines.


Just like with pharma, the "science" supporting safety, and the PR machine, is bullshit all the way down...

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Great article for the layman!

"The infrared light emitted by the sun is extremely beneficial for our health because the longer wavelengths can penetrate our skin more deeply, triggering melatonin production"

Do you know where I can find some information about this? I went as far as to trying to figure out how cytochrome C is making melatonin but not finding the right information.

I hear they know this by some inference and not direct measurement of stuff in the mitochondria but I'm not able to find the mechanism.

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Here's a short piece I wrote about our body's optical window for cytochrome c oxidase:


Feel free to email me as well with questions if I don't get back on the comments:


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Shawn, thank you for your comment. Basically the near infrared light (NIR), using the sun's electromagnetic energy, allows our mitochondria to spin at an optimal frequency (Hz), facilitating the completion of our electron transport chain by supporting cytochrome C oxidase. The specific mechanism, from what I understand, is how our epigenetic proteins called opsins instruct our bodies to then create melatonin. Melanopsin is created through sunlight.

There is this paper that you can dig into, https://www.melatonin-research.net/index.php/MR/article/view/19/213 , which states the following: Biosynthesis of melatonin has been demonstrated in mitochondria of different species and a variety of types of cells by researchers (2-4). Odinokov and Hamblin (5) have proposed that NIR photons stimulate subcellular or extrapineal melatonin biosynthesis viacyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP) or NF-kB activation, or alternatively by stimulating bone marrow.

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The infrared waves trigger blood level melatonin, not pineal, via the mitochondria directly. They make it within the mito matrix itself. Look at Dr Doug Wallace's work on the mitochondria and Dr Fritz Popp's work on photons. If you want a layman's break down, see Dr Jack Kruse, Dr Roger Seuhlt (Medcram guy) and the Dr that's been study melatonin the longest, I'm having a mental blank, but Dr Mercola interviewed him 2021, you'll find it in his archives.

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Thank you for the support BarefootHealer! Alexander Wunsch is the man you're speaking about? Love Dr. Kruse. https://jackkruse.com/the-dark-knight/

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Alexander Wunsch is brilliant but not who I was thinking of. The Dr I'm thinking of has specifically focused on melatonin. He has established all the known science on it including the LD50 info (there is none btw). Dr Kruse is fantastic, not to everyone's taste, but his information is solid as. Looking forward to seeing more of your work in the future.🙏🤗

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I'm honored to have such an enlightened audience, from whom I can learn! Thanks so much.

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phd russell reiter?

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russell reiter, phd?

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Well done Roman! Thanks a lot. Cross-posting as usual xx

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Thanks so much Frances! I'm glad you find this useful...I know it's not as "advanced" as some of the topics we cover, but I thought a primer for the masses would go a long way. Thanks so much. Hugs and kisses to you as well.

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Hi Roman

Thanks for all the work you are doing

I have a question about infrared heating panels. I suspect they are not safe to use re EMF. Am I right? I would really appreciate it if you could respond!

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Thank you! I”ll do that

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Good Day Wendel - great question! Yes most are not safe.

I tried to track one down for the longest time myself, and finally found one made in the US that is low-emf by design, and also has the option of a faraday cage cover, to further reduce EMF to support total body detoxification.

Here's the company: https://sauna.space?sca_ref=4970250.u1IdWT06XD

I also did a podcast with Brian Richards, the owner here:


For what it's worth - they're now running deals, and you can use the code POWER for an additional discount.

Let me know what questions you have?

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Thank you ver much for responding Roman. I watched your interview with Brian Richards. Very interesting. What I am asking about however are heating panels. made of metal or glass which don't give off no light. Possibly a misnomer but they are marketed ias infrared heating panels or heaters in the Netherlands. They claim to heat objects and our bodies instead of the air and are recommended as energy efficient heating solutions. I bought one on an impulse quite some time ago but never felt safe to use it. What do you think?

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Got it - thank you for listening to the interview! I'm not sure about that. I can look into it for you. If you can, send any pictures or links to roman@thepowercouple.ca

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So wait - what? IR saunas are bad EMF? In general?

Any comments on Sunlighten (the main brand here in Australia)?

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Very informative and easy to read article.

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