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Greetings fellow Powerful Humans!
If you’ve already signed up for our EMF 101 Masterclass - congratulations!
We honor you.
Not only are you taking a step to truly empower yourself, but you’re also taking a larger, proactive step in creating a healthy environment for your children and community.
We’d like to give you a little taste of our teaching style, and what some of the lessons will look like!
Sample lesson - How social media impacts child psychology :
In this lesson, we’ll learn:
• How blue light feeds addiction
• How loss of emotions leads to decreased cognition
• How social media targets children
• Why suicide rates in children have skyrocketed since 2009
• How tech manipulates mental states through posture
• How to use body language to reduce stress and regulate hormones
Let us know: what could we have done to improve this lesson???
Is this course for you?
This is the perfect training course for you, if you're a:
Teacher, parent, health practitioner or activist who wants to support their students, children or patients with practical and effective health guidance regarding EMFs (electromagnetic fields).
An individual with health challenges related to EMFs, and conditions such as Lyme disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, ADHD, or Parkinson’s.
Anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of EMFs in a way that’s easy to understand, with an emphasis on practical and effective solutions.
Registation Closes Sunday February 25th:
What does the course look like?
There's a lot of confusion when it comes to the topic of EMF.
Our goal is to make EMF simple and easy to understand, while also diving into some of the basic science.
This course will take us through six weeks of electrifying content (six weeks of puns included too).
Each week, we’ll have an interactive live call to review that week’s specific module of lessons.
Each module will wrap up with a quiz to test your newly acquired skills, and will offer hands-on, practical action-steps you can take as part of your homework, so that the knowledge you gain gets “locked in.”
During these six weeks, we’ll learn:
How EMFs affect us on a physical, mental, and emotional level.
How we can help children navigate the rapidly changing landscape of social media, and avoid the pitfalls of tech addiction.
How to create a sleep sanctuary so that you can get a deeper, more regenerative sleep.
How to test for EMFs, what equipment you need, and where exactly to measure.
What the measurement numbers mean, and what levels are safe.
How we can incorporate back-to-basics ancestral practices into our hectic modern lives, like precision-timed Sun exposure to regain our health!
BONUS: You’ll have unlimited lifetime access to the vault of all online course materials and recorded live calls, now and into the future.
We are more powerful than we know.
Roman & Bohdanna
Support Decentralized Medicine:
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Roman is a mine of information of how to combat EMF toxicity in our environment [some see purposeful poisoning]. I've learned a lot of actionable info following this substack. If you are EMF sensitive, or just want to improve health and wellbeing, this new course may be for you.