I like to sit back and watch people at times and for some years now it blows my mind how people have become totally addicted to cell phones and especially the young people and that worries me especially when after the COVID Bio weapon we see they are really attacking the young in so many ways and no one I have been talking to will even look at the facts of the dangers of 5G towers Frequencies and the very fact that they are dangerous to everything living and they are ramping it up all the time but humanity will not respond

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No one wants to think about: by whom and for what reason has the whole world been programmed to believe they "cannot live without their cellphone"??

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I actually moved to a cave to escape emf and it worked. No to negligible signal inside, low magnetic and ELF, it helped so much until the fibreoptic broadband, LED street lights, solar panels, inverters and electical vehicles arrived in the neighbourhood; then the dirty electricity went up. :-(

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Ah - sorry to hear that. It's a catchy subject line - but yes many do have success! The ground current EMF can be an issue some places. What did you do? Did you move?

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Dont want to leave what is basically a safe-ish space, so currently experimenting with filters, however the plug ins feel worse to me than the dirty electricity, so still trying to figure it out. I think if i were to do it again, I would still opt for a cave house, but with no neighbours or nearby buildings.

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Thanks for sharing that feedback Smiler. Which filters, Greenwave or Stetzer did you get?

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Have tried satic plug ins. They work and are great at reducing the interference, but I just couldnt get along with them. Will probably try stetzer next.

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For all: i think substack is malfunctioning in some important ways. In the last couple of weeks, it has stopped sending commenters' replies to my comments to my email inbox. I will never see them unless i happen to go to the comments section again. It does still send "likes". Also, it's DM (direct messaging) feature has been extremely unreliable for at least 5 months. If someone DM's me and i respond, i have discovered that at least half the time they never receive it - and those are just the ones i am aware of! User beware. If anyone knows how to contact an actual human at substack (maybe you, Roman?) it might be a good idea to let them know. For issues in the past, i was only able to interact with a chatbot.

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Thanks Roman and Satya for a great interview! I have personally had Satya's professional assistance in my home to help me better understand my emf exposures and alleviate their effects. Although my place is fortunately unusually low in radiofrequency (RF) radiation, it turned out i had been sleeping in pretty high electric (voltage) fields, which he was able to mitigate, along with many other things. Also i have been participating in the EMF e-Course on his website - created by Michael Neuert and Satya, which is a treasure trove of information, including many videos and how-tos.

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Man there was alot of truth in this episode...

Applying nnEMF mitigation to our lives can be simple and the smallest changes can still make a difference.

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Would be interesting to see studies on possible linked diseases.

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For a really comprehensive look backed by numerous studies, check out Arthur Firstenberg's book "The Invisible Rainbow". Also there are many non-Big Telecom-sponsored studies that demonstrate adverse health effects in all kinds of ways, from neurological illnesses to cancer. Common short-term symptoms include headaches, agitation, insomnia, brain fog, disorientation, depression, anxiety, fatigue and joint pain.

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