Sep 27Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I like to sit back and watch people at times and for some years now it blows my mind how people have become totally addicted to cell phones and especially the young people and that worries me especially when after the COVID Bio weapon we see they are really attacking the young in so many ways and no one I have been talking to will even look at the facts of the dangers of 5G towers Frequencies and the very fact that they are dangerous to everything living and they are ramping it up all the time but humanity will not respond

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19 hrs agoLiked by Roman S Shapoval

Man there was alot of truth in this episode...

Applying nnEMF mitigation to our lives can be simple and the smallest changes can still make a difference.

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Would be interesting to see studies on possible linked diseases.

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs agoLiked by Roman S Shapoval

For a really comprehensive look backed by numerous studies, check out Arthur Firstenberg's book "The Invisible Rainbow". Also there are many non-Big Telecom-sponsored studies that demonstrate adverse health effects in all kinds of ways, from neurological illnesses to cancer. Common short-term symptoms include headaches, agitation, insomnia, brain fog, disorientation, depression, anxiety, fatigue and joint pain.

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