Jun 14Liked by Nicolas Pineault, Roman S Shapoval

What an awesome guy! He was fun to listen to and very helpful. I'll try easing back and focusing on sleep disruption when engaging people on the topic. I don't know a single person who isn't having at least some issues with sleep, most are moderate to severe.

That tent idea at conferences is BRILLIANT! The stark contrast between such extreme EMF in the conference, vs inside the tent would be such an unforgettable experience for people. Especially the parents of autistic kids who are typically quite desperate for their kids to get any relief.

I enjoyed how this interview was so practical surrounding getting people to take the first step into realising EMF is harmful, which has been a huge obstacle when I've tried to talk to people.

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Jun 14Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I like his idea about focusing on sleep. Instead of mentioning alzheimer's, cancer, or anything else start with something that will be digestible for the average person.

Getting enough folks to experience the euphoria of a low (or zero) man-made emf environment is the best weapon we have in this information war. At least for now....

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Jun 14Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Now this is what I really need! Can't wait to listen to the whole thing! Thank you guys

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Absolutely Lisa! I'm glad you appreciate the message - Nick has been doing this for a while, and has an indirect approach that works.

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