I was thinking about this the other day. Certain areas are becoming uninhabitable. I see new apartments being built with a 5G tower within throwing distance. My apartment complex recently threw up LED lights which are hella bright at night. Heck they could be Visual Light Communication nodes for all I know lol.

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I hear you Jonathan...we'll have to start digging into the hills like hobbits pretty soon. We have those lights here too. Do you have a link you could send me on the visual light comm node? Sounds wicked, and not in a surfer dude "wicked" way.

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If it's of interest, here's an interview with another EMF Consultant who did live in an underground bunker to heal from electromagnetic poisoning. https://www.buzzsprout.com/2075097/14272845

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Can't wait to "dig in" to this interview! Thanks for sharing another valuable insight from experience Keith.

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Yes, normally terrain provides the last bastion of protection from RF but desperate times and all that -- underground works!

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Feb 24Liked by Roman S Shapoval

i cant live in an under bunker without fresh air-thats bad to

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Yes, you would want to have good ventilation for sure.

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Sorry but tthats not life living in a bunker for years without seing trees r the ocean-thats not living thats surviving for nothing

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Feb 23Liked by Keith Cutter, Roman S Shapoval

I too would like an underground lair with a lovely round door.

Start with a shipping container or two and a backhoe.

Actually that would do it. And who doesn't want to play with a backhoe?

You wouldn't have to ground anything.

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And the beer keg would always stay cold.

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Feb 24Liked by Keith Cutter, Roman S Shapoval

You see things so clearly.

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It's because I live in a bunker...in my mind.

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Feb 23Liked by Keith Cutter, Roman S Shapoval

I would love to live like a Hobbit.

Here is one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJLUwekle9k&t=2s&pp=ygUadmlzdWFsIGxpZ2h0IGNvbW11bmljYXRpb24%3D

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Ah yes. I so much agree with you. "that reverting back to wired would a sensible first step while we all figure out the next step." Very well said.

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Feb 23Liked by Keith Cutter, Roman S Shapoval

Hell no it's not safe and yes to varying degrees the damages can be reversed.

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Thanks so much Kevin for your affirmation. Agreed - "hell no " is the appropriate government safety level that should be printed on all wireless pamphlets.

Curious: how/ when did you become aware of the dangers of Wi-Fi?

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Feb 24Liked by Roman S Shapoval

just use ethernet and live off grid-no need to go underground

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A couple decades ago.

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Wow - so sounds like you could teach EMF 101 you're probably so far ahead. Do other people around you listen to what you have to say?

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Feb 23Liked by Keith Cutter, Roman S Shapoval

Haven't listened yet.... but personally, although relief was always instant whenever I could avoid it, it still took me 6 - 8 months of living in a zero EMF environment (including sleep) to begin to feel human again, and be able to exercise, regain muscle strength etc.

As soon as I moved back to a typical urban environment (wifi from neighbours, smart meters etc) all the symptoms returned and health immediately declined again.

IME there are different levels of detox ranging from instant relief (better sleep etc) to long term 'deep' health recovery which takes months of avoidance to achieve. The healthier I got the more sensitive/ intolerant I became to sources of EMF when I encountered them ... whereas when living with constant exposure I just feel constantly like a zombie.

Bottom line ... it all has to go.

In the long term, there can be no successful mitigation strategies (shielding etc) because the pollution (the radiation) is the technology itself (the carrier signal) and NOT an unwanted by product. The only shielding strategy which is viable is to feed ALL wireless signals through long plastic tubes that we bury underground AKA 'wires' :)

Have downloaded, looking forward to listening later. Thanks.

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Wow. Very well said. Lots of wisdom here, I believe. Thank you. I'm not clear about the underground wires though?

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I was just being facetious.... ie the only safe way to transmit wireless internet or phone communication is to revert back to wires.

I understand that wired technology is itself not necessarily 'safe' or 'healthy' ... but the point was that reverting back to wired would a sensible first step while we all figure out the next step.

Personally, I would give anything to go back to 1990's levels .... even though I understand the EMF pollution was still relatively high back then (relative to most of Earth's history).

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Feb 25Liked by Roman S Shapoval

As Dr.Vasant Lad would tell his Ayurvedic students (regarding harmful situations, occupations, foods, drugs, etc) was FIRST OF ALL, REMOVAL OF CAUSE.

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Thank you for sharing that resource Yantra! Noting that down- hadn't heard of Dr. Lad before, but I definitely resonate with his less-is-more strategy. Do you follow an Ayurvedic diet based on your dosha?

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Feb 25Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Roman - re # of emails - it all depends . . . if 10 people are sending you 3 a week, that's 30. If 100 people are doing that, thats 300 and so you start pruning or your inbox becomes unmanageable. Even though increasing awareness of the toxicity of emf esp microwaves is of the highest importance in my mind, i think the more you send the more people will hit spam, sorry to say.

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Not really

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Feb 23Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I am interested to hear your comments, but you send way too many emails, so I have to unsubscribe.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23Author

Hi Anna, thank you so much for your feedback. I send 2 emails a week, but this week you got a third.

Curious: are 3 emails per week too much?

Please feel free to reach out to us with your comments here as well if you want to keep in touch: info@thepowercouple.ca

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Feb 23Liked by Roman S Shapoval

No. Three per week are NOT too much.

Perhaps she is the epitome of cranky, cantankerous and a pain in the ass chronic complainer

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Feb 23Liked by Roman S Shapoval

You don't send enough!!!! Now I feel neglected :(

Just kidding. You do you.

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I know right? That's what I was thinking...thanks Jonathan. You can always give me a shout....Anytime...turn around...I got the EMF scorpion on your back.

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Feb 23Liked by Roman S Shapoval

In my humble opinion, you don't send too many emails.

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Thanks so much No name...that's what I thought! I pride myself on sending quality over quantity. Although I'll be honest I'm trying to market the EMF 101 course so have ramped up messages +1 this week, maybe +1 or +2 next week. Then back to normal. Thank you for your feedback - good to know.

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