For those that have analog meters, how does your electric company read them? Do they actually send out a human meter reader?

And thank you for bringing Samuel Milham, M.D. to a Zoom meeting. I'll be there!

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Hi Robin, yes they actually need to send a tech. Believe that? (:

Sorry if you misunderstood, but it's not Milham, but a gentleman who trained under Sam - Paul Harding. Still highly recommended. Paul has taught me a lot in just the last few weeks.

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Great article and thank you for the information.

Just when you think you're safe 🦈

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I know, right? Thanks for your kind words. Ever use/heard of these EOP dapters?

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Not until your article had I heard of those adapters.

I prefer to install raceways and chases in new or remodel construction that are horizontal on top of the floor and covered with the baseboard trim. This allows for a metal sheathed cavity to contain wires and EMFs, and access for the ever changing technology that drives the infrastructure (wiring &etc...). We secure the baseboard trim with small screws from the metal side and then use rare earth magnets to attach the metal covers to the metal chase. All easily removed and reinstalled as needed, allowing changes as needed.

If you don't yourself, still expensive with Bidenflation, however super cheap compared to hiring it out.

God Bless

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so PLC same shit as Wireless?

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Not exactly - it uses the existing power lines to communicate, however the end product is more radiation via dirty electricity. an RF meter may be a better bet than these PLC nightmares, in my opinion. The PLC meter penetrates/ radiates the entire home, whereas the RF meter may/may not be isolated to one part of the home. Hope that helps clarify?

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Thank you Roman! So its even worse than smart RF meters. I guess I need Stetzer filters...

I wonder if the PLC dirty electicity in one apartment is still worse than, say, 8 smart RF meters at ground level. Thats the average number of meters per building in a highly populated area like the one I live in. There are buildings with more than 30 meters.

In my city (Athens, Greece) they are now installing PLC and goverment says they will try to replace them with RF smart meters by 2030. Man what a nightmare. Swimming in a sea of unnatural radiation.

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Hi Martinos, I think it's great that at least you're taking the issue into your own hands - each day and change made matters in the long run. That said, 8 smart RF meters is a problem. Definitely don't sleep in that room. Yes the stetzerizer filters can do an amazing job at reducing overall dirty electricity from PLC. Can you shut off the power to your bedroom at night?

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I read all your articles, I know its so good to shut off at night, but my situation is so complicated... I rent an old apartment where I live with my wife and our four little kids. I am not allowed to rearrange the switches, as when i shut off the bedrooms the refrigerator goes off as well... I have begun a discussion with the landlord to allow me to pay an electrician to rearrange the switches, but again, the aerial power lines of my neighborhood pass less than 3 meters away from my bedroom as i am on the second floor. Anyway, we all bathe in magnesium and MSM and sea salt each week and hope

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#4 brought up some trauma with running and sorting through wads of cat 5 while in Syria. Thanks alot...

Good point on asking for a modem with no wi-fi emissions. I'm gonna need to look into that.

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Ha oh man sorry Jonathan. I'd love to hear that story. The JRS eco router is a decent modem that only emits Wi-Fi when necessary. A little pricey, but I have some clients I know who use it:


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We had our wireless meter removed and they put a digital one on but they have to come and read it each month. They had to even put their lock on our gate so they could read it. So I’m not sure if that’s considered the PLC one or not

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Most likely Jody. If you'd like, you can email me a pic of the meter to info@thepowercouple.ca

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