Dr Bruce Ames, age around 93, has shown us in his extensive research that all plants contain various "toxins" for self protection against insects and other living creatures. Since the dose makes the poison, it makes it obviously a bit foolish to say "organic produce" is the best food for us all. Some of his researched plant toxins were more toxic, dose for dose, than those plants sprayed with properly dosed insecticides and fungicides!!! So, technically speaking, when you eat organic produce, you are also being dosed on plant derived toxins, heaven forbid! As an old plug, I can tell you that I used to be in contact with Dr Ames when I was a grad student waaaaaaaaaay back when. He has a stellar reputation in his field and was the creator of the Ames Salmonella mutagenesis test which identifies substances suspected of being carcinogenic. Bruce ain't no hayshaker.......

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I sometimes wonder if my 70 year old body has cleansed herself yet of the Twinkies, Big Macs, SPAM (not by choice!) etc. etc. that I ate. My mother used to feed us fried baloney. 😳 Chef Boyardee was disgusting. I think I ate it once. And on and on... You know you're preaching to the choir here, Bohdanna and Roman. I am so happy now to know the farmers who grow my food. They've become dear friends. One couple just gave up their organic certification. It meant nothing to them and their customers know how clean their growing is.

Thx for the great conversation. Food heals. When it's whole and clean. 💚

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I disagree. Organic farmers cannot use glyphosate, artificial fertilisers/herbicides/pesticides nor can they allow any gmo to come close. Maybe it is impossible to make produce with zero toxic molecules, but I would rather not eat the aforementioned crap.

Organic tobacco is exponentially less dangerous than conventionally grown which uses phosphates to fertilise. Phosphates contain many times more uranium than natural soil, it's been estimated that the average smoker gets the equivalent ionising radiation as hundreds of chest x.rays/year due to the poison.

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Agree! Non-organic produce tastes like shit! (Not the good kind of goat-shit for gardens!)

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Agree. I buy organic to reduce the amount of ubiquitous glyphosate and other Ag chemicals in my food. Yes, even organic foods have glyphosate and Ag chemicals in them via water and air pollution. Plus it tastes better! Granted I get most of my organic produce and meat/eggs/raw milk from a local CSA farm. And I grow some of my own and use zero fertilizer/additives except for Biodynamic compost remedies, which improve the bacteria in the soil. I can eat the "volunteer" squash that come up in our kitchen compost pile. Those plants have adapted to our environment. But for others, the phytochemicals in our squash upset their gut. Those "others" also consume glyphosate and fluoridated tap water all the time. Just saying that their gut microbiome is compromised by Big Ag's chemicals and is much different than mine. We're all juggling the man-made toxins in our environment.

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great show i live on an organic farm, but she isn't certified any more. cost to much. the only fertilizer we use is goat shit.

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That’s what I’m talking about! God’s gift - black gold.

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Goat shit is good shit!

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I really appreciate the passion you two have around maintaining the integrity of our food supply. Jeremiah 6:16:

"Thus says the Lord: 'Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’"

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Awesome talk. Our food is just another area of the new generation of warfare we're in. Good thing we get some of our energy from the sun. ;)

I really resonated with the beginning though. I've noticed that restaurant food can make me a bit more anxious the following day. As long as I plan for that and make adjustments things will be alright.

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Glyphosate, fluoride, HFCS, MSG . . . It's so hard to get clean food when you eat out! : (

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Thanks for the podcast!

I think most folks that have commented with literal interpretations might be missing the message.

You mentioned the relationship of modern prepared food to war time actions, bringing in the military industrial complex, large corporations (some food corporations are owned by pharmaceutical corporations), population control, greed, and of course money/material wealth.

Simply said: Most of the unhealthiest, disease causing products, and foods/drugs come from actions to create an authoritarian control structure over humanity.

You specifically addressed the misleading labeling of organic attached to food and the deleterious nature of foods that are labeled as organic and that are not organic.

My family and I left the population dense urban area for a rural setting. We grow food, work outdoors, supply our own heating fuel, and have found this switch to be much more...human.

Systems will always self correct and reset to the natural simple state.

True refinement seeks simplicity.

Bruce Lee

God Bless!

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I skipped through this, but heard enough to confirm that you're resorting to clickbait titles.

Can you cite examples where it's been claimed that by virtue of being organic it makes something healthy?

Few people can forage and not many more can shop year round from local growers, so are you advocating they eat chemically treated crops over organic which may or may not have allowed fungicides like copper sulfate?

The copper sulfate issue you reported is spot on. Did you know it's a standard additive to processed dog foods and is harming millions of dogs?

Our local organic farmer uses nothing on his crops, so it's reckless to make claims against all organics.

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Hi Dog, thank you for your comment. I do admit that yes, while I do want people to click on the link - I have found personally that the organic industry has become weaponized. I would advocate that people eat whole foods.

Given the choice b/w organic tortilla chips, and tortilla chips made with whole corn that may have been sprayed, I would say that homemade would still be a better option. You just can’t trust the labels anymore. I hope this helps address your question?

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A wise man once told me, “Never scale past integrity.”

I love what you two are up to, and my challenge for you is to sit with if you really want to allow yourself to use click bait titles to get views.

To me, a click bait title strategy is a strategy rooted in fear, which seems like the exact level of consciousness that you two are wanting to shift in the world.

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Hi Kevin - thanks for your comment. I have to take the blame for that one. In hindsight, there could have been a more positive title, but I still believe that organic in many ways is a scam. The title is an absolute statement, which in all fairness isn't true.

We really appreciate your honesty - and will try to do our best to level up our game next time.

Much love,

Roman & Bohdanna

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Wouldn't you look for organic corn flour to make your homemade chips?

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i'm hoping by going to farmers market the farmers grow organic and they grow different things.. i live in sonoma county and its a mix of stupidity and people who care. i like growing my own

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At an outdoor country market this summer, a vendor advertised, local peaches! Um yum. I asked, are they organic? Yes, I think so, the young clerk said. My BS meter alarm went off. I went home and researched the produce stand brand name. The owner works as a salesman for Syngenta!! 🤪

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Poor peaches...amazing how some people will sell out for just that little bit. He should keep his job at Syngenta. Good for you for asking questions, and putting him on the spot.

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Thank you for the sincere information. Very much appreciated.

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Absolutely Tom! Thank you for your comment. What did you find the most intriguing/ useful in terms of info?

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