
For tonight's webinar, my question is

Which type of heavy metals detox do you recommend and why?

I am a 54 year old Female and I would like to detox for the first time.

Thank you 😊

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Fantastic question Diana. Thank you for letting us know!

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Thanks for your reply.

I can't figure out how to see the webinar.

I am registered

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How about how to remove brain implants? (Just joking—the SSP vets have figured this out for themselves; they’re gifted after all.)

“The Infiltration of Terran Governments by Extraterrestrials”

Names the perpetrators, with pictures.


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When did you first become aware of Killy Tokurt? The eyes are truly the windows to the soul, eh?

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That's certainly above my pay grade Diana (: but thank you for sending this article along!

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Have questions on how to:

improve your sleep?

optimize nutrition?

reduce your exposure to EMFs


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Thanks R. Please see my previous post questions. Also FEMA oct 4 thing is it in canada too?

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Thanks Robert. If you don't mind, could you comment / send me an email with your follow-up questions? Many of them get lost in the comments section. Or join us this Tuesday!

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Thanks R .email address? Oct 4

And 11 in canada u should research please? Questions in past post dr but are warns of 10 4 and see Greg reese report 5gactivating zombie...I'm in t.o. so wouldn't buffalo signals reach here?

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Potentially they could. Please register for the webinar so we can knock out all those questions, and you can check out my latest article in the meantime:


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