Oct 4th FEMA ALERT: Viruses, EMF, What You Need to Know
What does it mean for us? Why emergencies never happen, yet always happen
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Here’s what you’ll learn in this article:
1. How common sense prevails over cell phones in an emergency
2. What happens on October 4th?
3. Could EMFs from FEMAs wireless system create a viral outbreak?
4. Could graphene oxide be mobilized in our blood?
5. How does FEMA’s alert system work?
6. Why you shouldn’t listen to government safety warnings
7. Can FEMA track our location?
8. What is “enhanced geo-targeting”?
9. How colors alone can help shield against directed energy weapons
10. Strategies we can take to harness our natural power on Oct 4 and beyond
11. JOIN the waitlist: EMF 101 Course
“I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”
-Mark Twain
Nervous States of Emergency
Do you remember where you were when 9-11 happened, or the pandemic on 3-11 was announced?
Were you able to get through these events because you had a cell phone, or were you able to survive due to your wit?
Emergencies happen, yet we always find a way to get through them. Yes, some of us die and cross over, yet at the same time, so many forget to truly live.
Alerts put our nervous system on alert, but a constant state of alert can put our bodies at risk of chronic disease. A burglar may rob a neighbor, and then the whole street installs Wi-Fi cameras on their homes and always locks their car doors to be “safe.” Safe from what?
You can never be safe from fear.
“The mass-scale adoption of the ‘emergency-managing’ cell phone both reflects and promotes the unrealistic and destructive notion that life is an emergency waiting to happen.”
Mark poignantly states in his psychologically-insightful article “Smartphones, Emergencies, Horror Movies, and Coronomania” that this “ever-looming-emergency orientation explains why many people bought into the scamdemic.”
We can become addicted to emergencies, just as many can become addicted to the slow-drip release of stress hormones like cortisol, spiked with hits of dopamine, as we glare into our screens’ blue light oblivion:
The #1 EMF you've forgotten about
Don’t be scared, be prepared.
Am I saying that terrible things never happen, and to just go on as if everything is normal and sing Kumbaya? Absolutely not.
Life throws us obstacles all the time, but most choose to go around those mountainous challenges rather than embrace the maelstrom of life’s perilous adventure.
Before we can tackle a challenge, we must first define the problem.
For example, when September 11 happened, I remember being full of anger, wanting to bomb Afghanistan. I soon questioned the attacks, and began to awaken to the true enemy, which was not a drug lord with a laptop in a cave.
When the pandemic occurred, many so-called patriotic Americans lined up to get their fascist government-approved injection, blaming China for everything, yet still believing that “the good guys” would never do that. There’s a fine line between a terrorist and a patriot, and I’m guessing those “patriots” didn’t have the red-blooded American heart to bravely question their own nation and media.
Again - would a cell phone have saved you from using common sense, when the mask of tyranny was unveiled?
Let’s attempt to define another looming obstacle in our future, shall we?
What happens on October 4th?
You may or may not have heard that FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) will be broadcasting an alert to wireless devices this Wednesday. The national test will consist of two portions: 1) testing Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA), which will be broadcast to cell phones and will last for 30 minutes; 2) and the Emergency Alerts System (EAS), which will be directed to TV and radio. The EAS portion of the test will last approximately one minute. Both tests are scheduled to begin at approximately 2:20 p.m. EST on Wednesday, Oct. 4.
A broad spectrum of wireless signals will be used, as FEMA will broadcast to not only smartphones, but TVs and radios as well.
Independent researchers like
and attorney Todd Callender believe that the wireless signal generated from this alert could cause a viral outbreak, and others believe that graphene oxide nanoparticles found by researchers like in the coronavirus injections could be mobilized and activated.Many of us aren’t sure, and this is why checking our initial fears at the gate, like
has done in his recent article “Fear Mongering is Not Okay” , can be worthwhile even if they do come to pass. This way we prepare and face the challenge with a broader, calmer perspective.Could this create a viral outbreak?
Possibly. Influenza outbreaks are caused by electromagnetic disturbances, and are so called due to the “influence” of the stars:
However let us remember that all life on Earth has already been dying in mass numbers since the advent of wireless communications:
Here's a link to another source who mentions how EMFs can interact with our biofield, and the implications of millions of cell phones going off at once:
Could this mobilize graphene oxide in the blood?
I honestly have no idea. However most of us do have heavy metals in our blood, which can exacerbate illness when in the presence of EMFs. Furthermore, EMFs can cause our blood-brain barrier to leak, letting in undesirable toxins.
So this alert is the perfect crisis to leverage an opportunity in our lives to detoxify. I know there is a lot more I can do, but for now I take chlorella twice daily before meals, along with drinking structured spring water, grounding, and exposing myself to massive amounts of AM Sunlight and UV, while optimizing my skin’s heavy metal detoxifier, melanin:
How does FEMA’s alert system work?
The Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS) is FEMA's national system for local alerts, and is a centralized internet-based system administered by FEMA. One central body of government has the ability to send a message to you, wherever and whenever they choose.
From FEMA’s website:
All major U.S. wireless providers participate in Wireless Emergency Alerts and will transmit the national test to their subscribers. If your mobile phone is on and within range of an active cell tower from a participating wireless provider, you should receive the national test.1
If you have a smartphone newer than 2012, and are in the target area, you will get the alert.
Capable devices will also have this logo on the handset’s box:
How does the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) system work?
Government friendly advice: Do nothing.
There is a concept I learned when working with other psychologists and therapists, which is that of opposite action. For instance, if we feel ashamed, the natural reaction is to hide. However by confronting the room of people we’re scared to talk to, or the family we may have lied to, we are better able to heal psychological wounds like shame, betrayal, or abandonment.
When the government tells us to do something, often practicing opposite-action can save our lives. As in the case of Sept 11, when workers were instructed by government agencies to go back inside after the first plane hit.
We can choose to hide, do nothing, and “duck and cover” as in the case of a nuclear attack.
Remember this government “safety” tip?
Can FEMA track your location?
Here is a document from FEMA with their friendly guidance telling us what we “should” do.
Notice the contradiction below:
What they may mean is that they won’t continue to follow you around after the alert with tracking software, yet how else could they find you in the first place?
Enhanced geo-targeting = human targeting
FEMA goes on to brag about the fact that “cell towers can reach 100 percent of the targeted areas with no more than 1/10th of a mile (528 feet) overshoot.”
From the Popular Science article “What Kind Of Top-Secret Assassination Tech Does $58 Billion Buy?” the military aspect of geo-targeting via EMFs is covered:
“Now military researchers have turned their attention from mass destruction to a far more precise challenge: finding, tracking, and killing individuals."
The head of U.S. Special Operations Command talks about “high-tech manhunting,” while Air Force officials describe plans to compress the “kill chain.
The Pentagon is forging the next link in the kill chain—following an individual—with at least one high-priority research program. The Clandestine Tagging, Tracking and Locating initiative (abbreviated both as CTTL and TTL), which was conceived in 2003, is slated to get about $210 million in unclassified funding between 2008 and 2013 and may receive more than that from the black budget.

For an even more extensive breakdown, you can check out this article by
.Blue Dew
In the wake of the fires in Lahaina Hawaii, there have been multiple accounts describing the strange fact that blue cars were not destroyed by the fire.
How could this happen?
Directed energy weapons (DEW) are used by the military to focus an extreme amount of electromagnetic energy in the form of lasers or microwaves onto a target.
When we see a blue flower, this means that flower is absorbing all colors but that in the blue wavelength. Similarly blue clothing, or the ocean surrounding Hawaii for that matter, did not seem to absorb this particular microwave wavelength.
From the comprehensive article by
, entitled “Space Wars”:There’s been a lot of discussion about why blue objects like umbrellas and cars in the middle of the fire zone in Lahaina were untouched by the fire. This has to do with the wave length or the frequency used by the DEW (directed energy weapon)
Do you want to be “tagged” in the government database?
Time to hop over that fence.
Where do we go from here?
We can run, but we can’t hide from all EMFs, until we confront the root cause: namely our wireless devices. Earth is a living organism, and we all live within its electrical envelope.
Not an aluminum, but a golden opportunity
Many are advising to wrap your phone in foil on October 4th. You could also place it in a tin box.
However why not dispose of it altogether?
At the very least share one phone per household, until you make plans to terminate your cell service permanently.
Smart Meters
If you don’t have a phone, you may still have a smart meter, which you can’t turn off. In this case, I would suggest turning the power off to your electricity. AC electric fields can magnetize to other EMFs not even in your home:
In order to remove your smart meter, you could try acquiring a doctor’s note for a diagnosis of electro-sensitivity, and sending this in to your power company.
Smart meters have also been known to catch fire.2 Smart meters communicate to the utility company through microwave frequencies, or via power lines.
Get back to Nature
The ultimate EMF shielding is Earth itself. There are areas of the Earth that are no longer grounded due to underground power lines, and low frequency applications like HAARP. However, distance from EMFs can be our friend.
Is there granite rock close to where you live? If so, camp out on it - it’s an electrical insulator.
Is there a body of water near you, or your home? Larger bodies of water can also help insulate us from EMFs as they are natural faraday cages.
Turn up your vibration and hum
Have you heard of the biofield?
“It is Mother Nature's original Wi-Fi--the basis of a new communication system in biology--in which invisible fields transmit key bio-information. It is the basis of energy medicine whereby the softer, gentler therapies act in harmony with the body's innate dynamics.”
-Dr. Beverly Rubik, Ph.D., Biophysics, University of California, Berkeley
We can activate this biofield and put our organs into resonance with practices such as humming.
Yes! The simple hum can not only calm our nervous system, but also helps us regulate our blood pressure by releasing nitric oxide.
The study of cymatics reveals how sound can impact our physical being. Cymatics is Greek for waveform because sound travels as a wave. We’ll get into this science in future articles, but for now, let’s hum a little tune…
Here’s a wonderful humming meditation thanks to the Healing Sounds website of Jonathan Goldman, an international authority on sound healing and a pioneer in the field of harmonics, Jonathan Goldman, of Healing Sounds:
So what’s stopping you?
Instead of listening to the October 4th alert, why not hum a tune at 2:20pm?
Walk in the woods?
Drink a glass of structured water with intention?
“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
― Lao Tzu
Let go.
Come back to your Self.
You are more powerful than you know.
Roman & Bohdanna
Want to take proactive steps in your health?
We’re creating a course on EMF!
How can we measure EMFs in our environment?
What are other sources of electricity we may have forgotten about, like piping in our homes?
What are some other ways we can nourish the electric field of our body?
I’ll be covering these types of specifics, along with practical steps we can take to reduce EMFs in our daily lives, in the Wireless Health & Safety course I’m creating.
EMF Health Forum: Please share your story
If you suspect that you or your animals are suffering from symptoms related to EMF, I strongly encourage you to register and post symptoms on EMF Health Forum, which I recently created to track the global fallout from wireless radiation:
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The new 5G meter by Safe Living Technologies is out!
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We had this in the UK a couple of months back. They even managed to get to me even though I had turned the phone off, and disabled the setting in the phone, but they sneakily added a new setting so got round it, and managed to switch my phone on for the alert. It passed without incident [as usual with government IT systems it failed on roughly half of phones]. The biggest criticism was that people in abusive relationship who had hidden emergency phones would get found out.
What a lot of fuss about nothing! UK did this alarm check 2 months ago. Germany did it last month. We have not been disintegrated, electro-magnetically disabled or connected to the cloud. It was accompanied by the same hysteria as USA is experiencing and maybe THAT is its purpose? Fear mongering is a great way to check that your mind control is in peak condition, wouldn't you say?
Bah. This paranoia is deliberately contrived and, even though you make suggestions about dispensing with mobile phones and smart metres I would like to remind you and all your readers that plants, animals, insects and birds are all adversely impacted by EMFs and none of them carry iPhones.