Oh my GOODNESS I just checked my diary for 24th and 25th March 2021 (I'm a great keeper of records!) and on those two days (none before), I complain of increased tinnitus, heart palpitation ,rashes on my face and terrible sleep. I remark that I can't understand it, since I had been living healthier, doing a lot of cycling, given up alcohol for a few months etc.
I hadn't considered those symptoms may be due to external influence.
Thank you for sharing this Alice...that's good to know. This is what cellular phone task force and I are trying to do with our work- track symptoms and patterns. That's amazing that you keep a journal, it's invaluable!
This adds up with what I discovered with liposomal vit c
Vit c is an electron donor, normally your body doesn't get much, it's hard to absorb enough when you are Ill, animals make their own.
Liposomal helps bypass the acidic reaction that usually causes ascorbic acid to be flushed right out , thus you can take higher doses to donate some electrons!
I've never had a cold last more than 18h and it only took that long cos I was out for the first 6 hours that I had symptoms
Thanks for your comment Ray- I've taken liposomal before...definitely enjoyed the taste as well. Have you ever had hydrogenated water? There are capsules you can buy as well. Hydrogen is the lightest element so it also is very good at scavenging free radicals through this same electromagnetic process.
Do you recommend nitric oxide? I’m seeing freedom peeps recommending it. I’m becoming more leary of all cures at this point. Most chemicals we call medicine and supplements come from big pHARMa even if it’s labeled by a small company. The small company usually orders small batches from the bigger labs:(
me too for years and years...I also have it in hot water plus honey. I eat the lemons flesh too...I love it. The hot version helps all my gut issues. I really respond to heat applied to my physical me = it's healing. Don't use anything else for pain either but the same.
Hi Christine - just noticed I never replied to your nitric oxide question. The best way to get it is by exercising in the Sun, as sunlight causes our skin to release nitric oxide. I also love arugula and beets for this.
Do you worry about oxalates? Some foods have varying levels of oxalates but certain vegetables are extremely high, like beets. I like beets, raw or cooked but I try not to eat too much. Oxalates don’t leave our bodies unless you purposefully chelate them out. So many things to worry about in life.
Thanks Christine - you know, I don't know too much about oxalates - I know that a lot of people having been talking about them from hearing Dave Asprey mention them. This is why I like eating things in season, this way I know I'll always get them in moderation - how nature intended. Do you find a difference ever since you've started eating less oxalates?
Not really. But because I have so much going on I find it hard to see the difference in anything I try. And my understanding is that once you’ve taken in oxalates they don’t easily come out. And I used to eat raw spinach smoothies all the time, way back when.
It is smart to eat local, seasonal and have the most varied diet. Was curious if you were aware of all the negatives of “health” foods because veggies also don’t want to be eaten. I’m wondering how much of aspreysvingo is also propaganda:/ to keep the fear going….
I practice nose breathing all the time, and every day I do breathing exercises in through the nose, out through mouth (to preserve the nasal NO) I've just had the mildest cold I've ever experienced (could be coincidental!) but it's the first time I've done my breathing exercises with a lurgy. I had no idea NO exists as a supplement.
Beets and borscht soup are my go-to for nitric oxide...plus getting into the sun, as the light helps our bodies release nitric oxide. Thanks Ray for the comment.
I LOVE beets; but I'm trying to not eat them to frequently. Have you ever heard of the book "Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload Is Making You Sick--and How to Get Better"? I have the book; but I just started reading it. So far; it seems legit; and the book talks about how so many of the so-called "health foods' contain huge amounts of oxalates; which can wreak havoc with almost every function of our bodies. Sadly; beets are pretty high on the list of foods containing high amounts of oxalates.
I've read a lot of good reviews on Amazon (I know you can't trust 100% of them; but I've read many that seem to make a lot of sense) about people's success with regaining their health by eliminating or lessening their intake of high-oxalate foods. If you're interested; here's the link to the book on Amazon; even if you don't buy the book, you can, if you feel to; look at the reviews:
Thanks so much Cammie. It's funny you mention oxalates as I was just discussing them with my wife last night. Apparently magnesium citrate is very good at helping counter oxalates.
I remember reading something from a book called "The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue: Remarkable Hope for Depression, COVID, AIDS & other Viruses, Alzheimer’s, Autism, Cancer, Heart Disease, ... Targeting Mitochondrial Dysfunction)" by Mark Sloan; I can't remember exactly what he wrote; but I remember he wrote something about the negative effects of nitric oxide on the body. I know; it can be so perplexing; all of the 'info.' out there. If you can find a copy of that book at your local library, you can; if you care to; read it to see what he had to say about N.O.
There are different “kinds” of NO synthase: endothelial, neuronal (both are the good ones), and inducible (associated with inflammation). And too much NO leads to OONO, which is a free radical.
I see. Thank you for clarifying this issue for me/us. Do you happen to know anything about Methylene Blue??
I feel like everyone has to have degrees in science, biology, microbiology; and a handful of other things now just to navigate through all of the information out there so we can know with more certainty what is truly good and what isn't.
Good question, you know, I'm not sure technically-speaking. You've given me something to ponder now(: It's a tablet that gets dropped in and evervesces like seltzer. Basically it creates a stable form of oxygen, which is then able to repair damage from EMF.
Basically the way it works is since H2 is the smallest molecule in the universe, and doesn't carry a charge, it's extremely bioavailable and can easily penetrate cell membranes.
isn't the idea of hydrogenated water..taken from nature...when we see how water running freely along, it's in all the little and large times it tumbles about...gives it extra oxygenation? and it holds it. Nature's water is best kind of thing. Companies that produces this as a product...simulates the tumbling in huge machine drums. I know which I'd drink.
I would love recommendations for where to buy liposomal vit c and also am interested in hydrogenated water (without the dextrose) if you have thoughts about where one might find it.
If you look at the most common symptoms of long covid, you come up with two categories. The first category is a worsening of pre-existing conditions, which would be expected if your body has taken a battering. The second is autonomic nervous system damage. When I looked at everything I suffered when hospitalised with what was called covid, each symptom could be seen as a collapse of the vagus nerve. Once I got home and it all transmuted into long covid, again vagus nerve issues, too little rest and digest and far far too much fight and flight. A lot of the symptoms you describe in this article are vagus nerve issues (like ringing ears), or excess stress hormone issues. So what would throw our body's electrical system out of whack? Who can guess?
One mindset we have to get rid of is that this pandemic has anything to do with the human immune system. It does not. It has everything to do with the autonomic nervous system, meaning treatment looks nothing like what we have been told. It wasn't just Wuhan that had blanket 5G rolled out. There were 5 trial towns of which Wuhan was one, a part of New York, a town in the north of Italy, some totally obscure place in South America, and one other place I cannot remember. All 5 places experienced massive outbreaks of supposed covid at some time period (I think 6 months) after the 5G was switched on. I can't find the article now that had this information. Google is not happy to offer it in searches.
Christine, thank you for your insights here. I'm glad you mentioned the vagus nerve, as you had asked me previously what strategies we can apply to help remediate EMF damage. Some the most cost-effective, which I've been doing are:
Time-restricted eating (eating in a 6 hour window)- however this type of fasting may not always be the best for women, and may depend on where you are hormonally in your cycle.
Ketogenic diet
The easiest thing I find is to just eat every 4 hours, the same time each day. Our bodies process food way better based on time vs what we're eating.
Eat 4 hours before bed, so your body can rest and breakdown metabolic waste.
Pau d'arco tea before sleep and/or first thing in the morning (increases NAD molecule)
Ground, walk barefoot on grass/ I get out in canada even when the ground is cold, for at least 5 min each day....in spring I'm out for hours reading, doing work.
exercise, sweat.
Last but not least, and probably the most important- see the sunrise each morning, even if the sun isn't out, get out there as the infinite light frequencies of that time help our bodies produce energy the rest of the day through our mitochondria.
I like to also keep the phone my wife and I share in a tin cookie box, even when on airplane mode as it completely cancels out the siginal.
Some of the extras that cost $ are magnesium powder - threonate and bisglycinate.
I'm so glad you recommend all the above; it means I'm on the right track, although I don't do keto but am careful about sugar and processed 'food'. I do my WHM every day and I fast. WHM has been very beneficial. This morning my water was zero degrees C: painful but rewarding. I've learnt so much about myself.
That's amazing! I hear you Alice...I've grown to "hate to love"...or is it love to hate? those wimhof cold plunges and cold showers. It's the healthy dose of natural caffeine that my body craves each morning now. Keto can be tricky, especially for women as hormones can impact blood sugar. Staying away from all the processed trash will go a long way, and eating the same times each day will sync up everything else. So much of health is really about the circadian timing, the when you eat being more impactful vs what you eat.
thanks Christine, I have terrible ringing in the ears and worsening.. and I think it is deffinitely the 5G effects...as cell towers are everywhere now, the place I go to most of the day to do research has 2 big ones outside less than 50 feet away. Not to mention all the emf's too saturating the populated suburbs and areas anywhere.
Hi Kobbykat - thank you for sharing. Not sure if you knew, but our inner ears are loaded with melanin, which absorbs UV.
Why is this important?
Acoustics are controlled by magnetic fields and grounding.
So the more we can ground and first absorb IR-A light before UV is present, the more we can support and build melanin in our ear, to help offset increasing symptoms of tinnitus:
wow thankyou who knew! I had no idea on this at all, fascinating. I haven't yet tried anything to remedy it and see it's a hot topic these days. I held off trying Dr Ardis suggestion to use nicotine patches...because it has other pharmaceuticals in the gum and patches I just don't want to introduce into my system. It's tough not knowing what is causal...others are alarmist pointing to serious degradation in the brain...thank you though for a new perspective I can look into. Your knowledge is vast.
Thank you so much koppykat. I hear you re: people like Ardis. To me the whole snake venom theory is a little weak, but regardless, nicotine can help calm the nervous system - but like you said it's finding a decent source. You could also take a plug of tobacco and drink it as a tea. A lot of ukrainian farmers would do this as a way to relax at the end of the night.
I'm all about less is more, disconnecting crap, etc so if we can avoid supplements, patches, etc, and use our body and the Sun in tandem with nature, this is the most sound approach in my opinion. Keep in touch and let me know how you feel as you get more Sun and ground. Do you cut the power at night and/or disconnect WiFi at least?
my dad probably did this as a boy Ukranian! I am extremely chemical reactive/hypersensitive, so I was thinking of trying steeping natural tobacco leaves to make a tea. Dr Henry Ealy and his students tried making a foot bath steeping natural tobacco plant leaves. They haven't shown results yet. I like the sound of that, our feet are so responsive for therapies. Power off: I do, but staying elsewhere with family and they don't ! My sister stays up all night/am with TV on and lights and ipad. She has no mobility and health issues..so I understand the benefit many trapped ppl get from that stimulation. It's sad but they get a lot of interest and connection from that and keeps them going. All serious tech heads, faces always in their phones and their lovely little girl too...I'm deffinitely an alien, nothing like my family. I sneak emf stickers on some of their gadgets. they're scientists too! Just cannot get through to them. I pray an awful lot too.
Great question on the space junk- I don't think they thought ahead that far, and they're assuming and know that these hunks of metal will eventually fall onto Earth. Why they need to come down peacefully.
Yes, and considering their affinity for Beta Testing parameters like dosing and duration, it’s a little suspicious the first three areas hardest hit by the pandemic were pilot projects for 5g: City of Wuhan, Lombardy region of Italy, and New York City.
Exactly Gene- good call on Italy. There was resistance by the mayor of Florence to 5g towers back in 2019, so people already knew...but then were sideswiped and some tricked with all the germ talk.
Hi again, you are probably familiar with Royal Raymond Rife, beautiful, brilliant guy, he had success using sound waves to heal almost 100 yrs ago! Ihad never heard of him until last week:
Hi Susan! Yes I'm familiar with Rife, and thanks for sharing. So many scientists were doing work on the quantum level of biology back in the 30s, but were stopped by Rockefeller medicine and the wars. However this is why I love reading old studies since there is more rich, advanced content in these documents than what we have now, for the most part.
His tale has been haunting me- amazing that he figured out not only multiple increases in magnification but the ability to watch live cells, and processes- with directed light field that didn’t fry the specimens and then figured out how to color them with a monochromatic light waves.
He used so little directed wave energy to break down the various bacteria and pathogens- would watch it happen in real time and be able to jot down the unique ‘wave’ signature that each little form has for breaking it down while leaving other cells untouched !
Leaves me optimistic yet wondering more about the EMF quantity and quality all around us today.
Creator’s creation is amazing and these many idiots are killing life of all kinds with their awful game
Do you have a backup social media platform? I just ran a search on Substack, and found very little on 5G. Thousands on covid, only yours on 5G, and your well buried, so I would like to know I can find you again if you accidentally disappear from Substack. Oh ye of little trust! Can we trust any of them now?
Thank you Christine for letting me know. I also only find myself and Frances. My website is thepowercouple.ca, but best is always email info@romanshapoval.com
Local 5G towers have a range of about 400 meters, which is why there have to be so many of them.
Then there are existing telecoms towers that cover kilometers and are also hosting 5G transmitters.
Then there are the satellites, also apparently part of the blanketing 5G.
What's the difference between the rays we are getting from the satellites, the rays we are getting from the major telecoms towers and the rays we are getting from the local "street lamp" installations?
Christine, this is a great question. I will have to reply to you tomorrow...currently celebrating my wife's birthday (: Thank you for your comment however.
Christine, I wanted to confirm data re: the satellites. Basically the satellites will use phased arrays, beam-forming technologies, and millimeter waves with frequencies from 10 GHz to 80 GHz, just like 5G antennas on earth. They'll also use the C-band spectrum, which runs from about 3.7-4GHz. If you have an Iphone 12 it's automatically tapped into C-band, which is the same spectrum the US military uses. The street lamps will use the same beamforming tech, especially if/when you turn on a smart appliance or 5g phone in your home.
Why do we need local masts when there are satellites?
Are we affected by a direct beam from an antenna to a phone that goes via any bodies in the way, or are these things beaming waves at us all the time?
If we are dealing with direct beams, then a local antenna down hill of me, with most of the population uphill of me, will mean, when the 50,000 tourists influx each weekend, my body will get hundreds of thousands of pings going through me - which would explain why I always collapse on a Friday night.
If we are dealing with direct beams from a satellite, then those beams will be going straight up and will miss the population altogether. In that case we could move to where there are no antennae, knowing that satellite beams coming from overhead will only hit our own 5G phones if we have them.
But if the satellites and antennae are pulsing random beams outwards or downwards all the time, then we have to invest in whatever protection is possible. Another, story.
And by the way, one time I followed a link to your site, the article was firewalled. At that point I presumed I would not be able to read a reply from you and so went looking for the information elsewhere (looking, not finding, so thanks for doing that). Have you locked down certain articles and not others?
Yes, I told another author about it and she had not set her articles to be firewalled, which is why I considered it worthwhile to alert you. I have been routinely unsubscribing from authors who firewall their articles, so I take it pretty seriously. I did not want to unsubscribe from you.
Christine, thank you - sorry but I haven't looked into firewalling articles, do you mean a paywall? Sorry...I'm not sure what you mean. I'm pretty sure I took the paywalls off, but let me know if there is something you're looking for. Thanks.
Elizabeth, thank you for your comment and your support! I truly appreciate it. Please feel free to email me as well with any questions forum@romanshapoval.com
Glad it's helpful (and thank YOU! I found your article very interesting) You've got me thinking. I have a mild cold right now (unusual for me) and since I woke up, I've had an electrical buzzing/vibration coming up through my left heel. I had thought it was something to do with the house, until I realised it's only in one foot, and in all rooms of the house. It's like a vibrating mobile phone. Nothing to worry about, just interesting, and more so since reading your article. I shall write it down!
some more info: The Kidney meridian begins at the outside of the little toe and immediately goes under the sole of the foot. It follows the arch, makes a circle around the inner ankle and then it runs through the heel, and comes up the inmost (medial) side of the leg (just beneath the Liver meridian) and into the tailbone. It follows the spine to the kidney and then branches. One branch heads to the Urinary Bladder, where it comes back to the surface of the abdomen and up the chest, ending at the clavicle. The other branch touches the liver and diaphragm and moves up through the lungs and throat until it ends beside the root of the tongue.
Disharmony of the Kidney meridian is suggested by gynecological problems, genital disorders, and problems in the kidneys, lungs, and throat. Examples may include impotence, frequent urination, and weakness in the lower limbs. Emotional problems may also occur related to anxiety and fear.
Alice, thank you for sharing. Are you familiar with energy meridians/chinese medicine? I like to look at these pathways when experiencing sensations in different areas. It could be your kidney meridian, just a guess, and I am not a licensed medical professional:
Thanks so much for taking the time to share that. I'm not familiar with this but find it very interesting and shall look into it. BTW my cold and the buzzing have gone. I think the breath work, cold water therapy and red light, have helped.
For sure Alice, it's just another clue/guide to look at. I've been using it for years as another indicator. I can then tell my acupuncture therapist where I'd like them to place the needles, based on these pathways.
Since I sent your terrific article to, inter alia, a Dr. Clark group, I wonder how all of this electricity reduces our immune system and promotes the growth of bacteria, such as Shigella and Salmonella, as well as allows deleterious parasites to flourish. And what about vanadium leaks relative to gas heat? All factors contributing to the flu. .... Of course, I would be inclined to take anti-parasite herbs and to do zapping.
And thank you for your memorable invocation of Dr. Becker's work. Much appreciated.
This is not about you or me. Your contributions are invaluable and I hope, some of mine, too. We are definitely on the same team. As long as we stay small, we are allowed to operate, but combining our info can go a long way for those, who are interested.
Oh, very soon, expect the trolls and the bots. You are too good to be ignored. I've already been under various types of attacks and I can recognize them now. There is nothing to do about them, but ban them. Most of the time, they are distractors, at least, that's their common denominator.
Do you know Jason Breshear from archaix.com? He’s very interesting and has done extensive research on ancient timelines. Sol Luckman is also interesting. I’m new to both and a lot of what they say is a bit over my head at times but sometimes what is said is extremely sensible to me. Anyway, I love your writings and thank you.
Thanks Ray- agreed: we have to be lean and mean like a commando team at this point, and hook up with others who are on our wavelength but also open-minded. Still I do appreciate the comradery. Do you usually ban them by reporting their comments? Curious what mechanism you use.
One more thing: "reporting" only goes to the author; it's the author's job to handle the situation. After four exhausting days of having to deal with the morons/trolls, I had to make my own decision.
By open-minded, I mean not to accept ANY pre-recorded scripts, but also that also the heroic touch of commitment that nobody can avoid, although hardly anyone would like to inspire to be a hero:
Thank you so much for sharing these. By open-minded I mean able to have a discussion without getting triggered, because they're programmed to pre-recorded scripts as you mentioned. I think that's what you're getting at. However values are important, having people that are willing to fight for family, decency, and humanity at all costs is important of course.
The initial outbreaks of 'COVID' happened where 5G was recently enabled, like on the cruise ship that mysteriously suffered an outbreak of COVID.
On a related note;
Russian research dating from the 1940's into the effects of microwave and millimetre wave frequencies published online in highly 'sanitized' and redacted form (I wonder why, and just how did the CIA manage to obtain such information?) by the CIA is truly horrifying, demonstrating absolutely devastating effects upon animal and human mental and physical organ functions and behavioural patterns, think 'Cell' and 'Kingsman'.
Yale Professor Jose Delgado who specialised in remote electronic mind control said in the 1960's that one day, all armies on the battlefield would be controlled electronically.
A French guy on YouTube said TPTB carried out a beta test with this microwave technology in Burundi when the Tutsi and Hutu tribes one day woke up and suddenly went completely insane and thousands started hacking each other to death uncontrollably.
Israeli principal WEF advisor to Klaus Schwab, Noah Harari has stated that armies of the future will be completely devoid of all spirituality and compassion.
Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Yisrael Ariel has stated that when Noahide Laws are enforced under NWO Jewish government (the UN and US has already officially accepted to bring these 'laws' into effect in the future), armies of NATO nations controlled by Israel (they all are already) will go from city to city around the world and kill all Christian and Muslim men who refuse to destroy their mosques and churches and renounce their religions, he said that is in accordance with Deuteronomy 20:10, but read a little further and we that see he was being very economical with the truth, when we read Deuteronomy 20:16, where it says to kill every living thing that breathes, and of course that will take the type of mind-controlled soldiers that Noah Harari and Rabbi Yisrael Ariel talk of, think 'Cell and Kingsman' again, it is coming. There are 6 BILLION who will be made subject to mandatory executions as 'idolators' under just one of the 7 Noahide Laws , and many more will be executed due to the rest of them, in total, they will effectively amount to the same 7.5 BILLION required deaths (of Gentiles) already planned by the WEF, now officially partnered with the UN, both dominated by the Chabad Lubavitchers.
In Iraq, microwave weapons were used on the Iraqi elite presidential guard by US forces, the Iraqis started laughing and crying uncontrollably, taking all their uniforms off and discarding their weapons, and remained incapacitated while American army bulldozers literally drove over them and buried them alive in their trenches. By that time the Iraqis would likely have literally been already so tripped out that their consciousness was out of their bodies and was likely swimming in a sea of abstract patterns and vibrational frequencies totally divorced from any continued perception of human bodily existence or their actual earthly environment, their consciousness was probably shifted into a totally different plane of existence compared to where bulldozers were burying their physical bodies alive and they probably never even knew what happened, such weapons are THAT powerful.
Just as Raymond Royal Rife discovered how frequencies could break up pleomorphic pathogen resonance fields associated with pathogenic diseases and thus cure pathogen-related disease of all kinds in the human body, including all kinds of cancer, a Russian researcher around the same time back in the 1930's supposedly found he could induce plague in any human being by radiating what might be stated to be the mirror opposite of Rife healing technology, presumably by initiating a type of pleomorphic shift within the human body of one type of organism to another one, but this time entirely harmful.
You are attempting to obfuscate. There is ample video footage on my site here of leading rabbis gloatingly stating to their congregations that Jews already control EVERYTHING of importance in the world regarding finance, politics, etc.
Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis engaged in mass celebratory dancing when war broke out between Ukraine and Russia, while leading rabbis addressing them gloated how all politics and finance in both Russia and Ukraine is totally controlled by the Jews. This war has really been deliberately instigated entirely according to the directions of the late chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson to clear the land of Slavs in readiness for a proposed mass migration of Israeli Jews to Ukraine in the future when it is envisaged that Jews in Israel will need to jump ship. Jews regard Schneerson literally as god himself, with 30% of all Jews in the world being Chabad Lubavitchers.
Jews and crypto-Jews are deeply embedded in societies in different races and nations all around the world, many call themselves Christians and Muslims, but are secretly working on a multi-generational level, always marrying others like themselves over the centuries just like the open Jews do, for the Jewish tribal world domination agenda.
Centuries ago, Sabbatai Zevi instructed half of the then one million Jews in the world at that time to pretend to convert to Islam and Christsianity, purely to infiltrate and subvert these religions to the Jewish cause.
At the time of the American War of Independence, the British Jewish Freemason Lord General Cornwallis spoke to his counterpart, his American Freemason 'brother in the craft' George Washington, and told him that over the next two hundred years, all religion in America would come to be controlled by the crown, to serve only Judaic purposes. Jewish-based Freemasonry in the service of the Jewish purpose is set above all nationalistic duty by such people.
Israel is not controlled, as a secure criminal terrorist base it is the tail wagging the dog, and has vast numbers of agents infiltrated at the topmost levels of politics all around the world. That is how Netanyahu entered Congress addressed all the 'American' politicians there, and got no less than 29 standing ovations, more than any POTUS himself has ever received.
When Israel clicks its fingers, American, Canadian, European, Russian and Ukrainian politicians come at the beckoning of Israeli leaders to take their marching orders.
Always, before any UK general election, the two 'rival' leaders of the Conservative Party and the Labour Party go to vist the leader of Israel and get their marching orders, who will be doing what, how and when, on the sole instruction of the Jews, quite obviously, 'election' results are all fixed Stalin-style, in the same manner as the very obviously faked and manipulated election results of Biden, with British mainstream media all loudly proclaiming at the time that Biden won 'fair and square'. Obviously then, British 'election' results must be similarly controlled for the Jews.
There is a video on my site here of Putin wearing a Chabad Lubavitcher red thread on his wrist throughout a long interview, Putin is a crypto-Jew and is openly joined at the hip with the Chabad Lubavitchers, who are behind the US and UN officially accepting to physically implement the Noahide Laws, which will authorize the slaughter by military means of literally billions of members of all Gentile religions.
That is an interesting theory which I have seen you (and others) promote. However, I do not agree with your assessment of who is the Hidden Hand at the top of this pyramid of power. I explain here:
There are no fake Khazarian Jews, Dr Karl Skorecki proves this, by comparing 3,300 years old 'Holy Land' confirmed Jewish DNA with DNA of modern Khazarian Cohen priests, it is identical, the 'Khazarian Mafia' 'fake Jews' are actually really Jewish.
“It is astonishing to see figures on the hard Left of the British political spectrum presuming to define the relationship between Judaism and Zionism despite themselves being neither Jews nor Zionists. The likes of Ken Livingstone and Malia Boattia claim that Zionism is separate from Judaism as a faith; that it is purely political; that it is expansionist, colonialist and imperialist.
It is unclear why these people feel qualified to provide such an analysis of one of the axioms of Jewish belief. But let me be very clear. Their claims are a fiction. They are a wilful distortion of a noble and integral part of Judaism. Zionism is a belief in the right to Jewish self-determination in a land that has been at the centre of the Jewish world for more than 3,000 years. One can no more separate it from Judaism than separate the City of London from Great Britain.”
You might try telling Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis that Judaism is different to Zionism, or maybe even telling him he is a Khazarian Mafia Gentile fake Jew, haha.
Erm.... the City of London is not a part of Great Britain.
Silly mistake, but significant.
The Khazars were converted to Judaism by the 10th century by the choice of their leaders. They probably didn't care one way or the other what religion their leaders were claiming. They were and still are Tengri - sun and sky worshippers.
My family bears the name Cohen in the past. We are descended from Hebrews who migrated to Europe. Of course the Rabbis are Cohens and genetically Hebrew! Now get DNA from the Khazarians who are not religious leaders. There is a big difference because Cohens are semitic. Khazarians are Caucasian.
You are still merely obfuscating in typical Bolshevik hasbara style. I have written to you before on these issues extensively, and of course, like any other tribal representative, you persistently ignore the references I have provided that clearly disprove what you are saying on the Khazar issue. Here is a little reminder of reality, like it says in the link, it is 'simple to remember'.
The Cohen / DNA Connection -The fascinating story of how DNA studies confirm an ancient biblical tradition.
Good day/morning? Alice. Thank you so much for your support. It helps give me more freedom to dive deeper into these topics! Please let me know if you ever have any other questions or if there's any other subject you'd like me to write about. You can email me as well info@romanshapoval.com
I guess a significant challenge that needs to be addressed is why death subsided at all, since the EMR persisted. My answer would be, as with any affliction, there are those that are more susceptible than others. They die first. And there is a continuum between those that are hardly effected to those that die quickly - (and everything in between). This may also account at least in part for the increases in chronic disease that we have been witnessing over recent decades.
Harry, thanks for your insight, and for your subscription! Really appreciate the support as it helps us continue to put out better content. Curious- how did you find us?
Oh my GOODNESS I just checked my diary for 24th and 25th March 2021 (I'm a great keeper of records!) and on those two days (none before), I complain of increased tinnitus, heart palpitation ,rashes on my face and terrible sleep. I remark that I can't understand it, since I had been living healthier, doing a lot of cycling, given up alcohol for a few months etc.
I hadn't considered those symptoms may be due to external influence.
Thank you for sharing this Alice...that's good to know. This is what cellular phone task force and I are trying to do with our work- track symptoms and patterns. That's amazing that you keep a journal, it's invaluable!
Geez, I need to start one...I need to look at my calendar from that year and see what was going on then.
This adds up with what I discovered with liposomal vit c
Vit c is an electron donor, normally your body doesn't get much, it's hard to absorb enough when you are Ill, animals make their own.
Liposomal helps bypass the acidic reaction that usually causes ascorbic acid to be flushed right out , thus you can take higher doses to donate some electrons!
I've never had a cold last more than 18h and it only took that long cos I was out for the first 6 hours that I had symptoms
Thanks for your comment Ray- I've taken liposomal before...definitely enjoyed the taste as well. Have you ever had hydrogenated water? There are capsules you can buy as well. Hydrogen is the lightest element so it also is very good at scavenging free radicals through this same electromagnetic process.
Do you recommend nitric oxide? I’m seeing freedom peeps recommending it. I’m becoming more leary of all cures at this point. Most chemicals we call medicine and supplements come from big pHARMa even if it’s labeled by a small company. The small company usually orders small batches from the bigger labs:(
I find myself drinking lemon juice in water quite regularly. It seems to be something my body wants.
Same here. First thing in the morning, also love fresh lemon juice over sauteed broccoli.
Yeah lemon and broccoli!
I use juice from lemons for the same reason.
me too for years and years...I also have it in hot water plus honey. I eat the lemons flesh too...I love it. The hot version helps all my gut issues. I really respond to heat applied to my physical me = it's healing. Don't use anything else for pain either but the same.
Hi Christine - just noticed I never replied to your nitric oxide question. The best way to get it is by exercising in the Sun, as sunlight causes our skin to release nitric oxide. I also love arugula and beets for this.
Awe! Thanks!
Do you worry about oxalates? Some foods have varying levels of oxalates but certain vegetables are extremely high, like beets. I like beets, raw or cooked but I try not to eat too much. Oxalates don’t leave our bodies unless you purposefully chelate them out. So many things to worry about in life.
Thanks Christine - you know, I don't know too much about oxalates - I know that a lot of people having been talking about them from hearing Dave Asprey mention them. This is why I like eating things in season, this way I know I'll always get them in moderation - how nature intended. Do you find a difference ever since you've started eating less oxalates?
Not really. But because I have so much going on I find it hard to see the difference in anything I try. And my understanding is that once you’ve taken in oxalates they don’t easily come out. And I used to eat raw spinach smoothies all the time, way back when.
It is smart to eat local, seasonal and have the most varied diet. Was curious if you were aware of all the negatives of “health” foods because veggies also don’t want to be eaten. I’m wondering how much of aspreysvingo is also propaganda:/ to keep the fear going….
I practice nose breathing all the time, and every day I do breathing exercises in through the nose, out through mouth (to preserve the nasal NO) I've just had the mildest cold I've ever experienced (could be coincidental!) but it's the first time I've done my breathing exercises with a lurgy. I had no idea NO exists as a supplement.
i DO recommend nitric oxide, but not from any company, you can make your own.
look up blood flow restriction training, be careful to do it right though!
Beets and borscht soup are my go-to for nitric oxide...plus getting into the sun, as the light helps our bodies release nitric oxide. Thanks Ray for the comment.
I LOVE beets; but I'm trying to not eat them to frequently. Have you ever heard of the book "Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload Is Making You Sick--and How to Get Better"? I have the book; but I just started reading it. So far; it seems legit; and the book talks about how so many of the so-called "health foods' contain huge amounts of oxalates; which can wreak havoc with almost every function of our bodies. Sadly; beets are pretty high on the list of foods containing high amounts of oxalates.
I've read a lot of good reviews on Amazon (I know you can't trust 100% of them; but I've read many that seem to make a lot of sense) about people's success with regaining their health by eliminating or lessening their intake of high-oxalate foods. If you're interested; here's the link to the book on Amazon; even if you don't buy the book, you can, if you feel to; look at the reviews:
Thanks so much Cammie. It's funny you mention oxalates as I was just discussing them with my wife last night. Apparently magnesium citrate is very good at helping counter oxalates.
I remember reading something from a book called "The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue: Remarkable Hope for Depression, COVID, AIDS & other Viruses, Alzheimer’s, Autism, Cancer, Heart Disease, ... Targeting Mitochondrial Dysfunction)" by Mark Sloan; I can't remember exactly what he wrote; but I remember he wrote something about the negative effects of nitric oxide on the body. I know; it can be so perplexing; all of the 'info.' out there. If you can find a copy of that book at your local library, you can; if you care to; read it to see what he had to say about N.O.
There are different “kinds” of NO synthase: endothelial, neuronal (both are the good ones), and inducible (associated with inflammation). And too much NO leads to OONO, which is a free radical.
I see. Thank you for clarifying this issue for me/us. Do you happen to know anything about Methylene Blue??
I feel like everyone has to have degrees in science, biology, microbiology; and a handful of other things now just to navigate through all of the information out there so we can know with more certainty what is truly good and what isn't.
Thanks for this info. All I know is that I can't get enough of my beets and borscht, which are full of NO (:
Dr Mercola has molecular hydrogen (pill form).
Yes thanks I was thinking of grabbing some. Have you tried it?
Twice daily.
I havnt, is that heavy water?
First, got pneumonia growing up, twice each year, given
antibiotics, then in fall usually got influenza after pneumonia,
but not usually in early spring.
Out of school more than in school.
Can't see electrical. No one else was out like me.
Didn't 'catch' it from anyone but got it.
Then, it stopped.
Now, don't.
Try to take vitamin C, maybe D.
But not routinely.
Good question, you know, I'm not sure technically-speaking. You've given me something to ponder now(: It's a tablet that gets dropped in and evervesces like seltzer. Basically it creates a stable form of oxygen, which is then able to repair damage from EMF.
This is the brand I'm looking into: https://amzn.to/3l37MMG
No it's not heavy water, I personally wouldn't use the brand because they added dextrose which is another name for sugar.
It's interesting tho I may explore other types
Basically the way it works is since H2 is the smallest molecule in the universe, and doesn't carry a charge, it's extremely bioavailable and can easily penetrate cell membranes.
isn't the idea of hydrogenated water..taken from nature...when we see how water running freely along, it's in all the little and large times it tumbles about...gives it extra oxygenation? and it holds it. Nature's water is best kind of thing. Companies that produces this as a product...simulates the tumbling in huge machine drums. I know which I'd drink.
Hi Ray fyi I found a cpl studies for you if you're interested:
very interesting thankyou!
I would love recommendations for where to buy liposomal vit c and also am interested in hydrogenated water (without the dextrose) if you have thoughts about where one might find it.
I found this one, which is a higher concentration and better value, but it also has dextrose. Not sure why they throw that in everything.
https://cymbiotika.com/products/molecular-hydrogen#ingredients I'll probably try it out.
im not sure if this is available in your country cos i dont know where in the world you are but its what i use: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0087HW65K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
with the hydrogenated water i havnt had time to look into it deeply yet but i was thinking about getting my own machine something like this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alkadrops-Generator-Concentration-Molecular-Technology/dp/B09M6W13KJ/ref=d_coffee_espresso_home_sccl_2_1/261-3188134-1826239?pd_rd_w=8fyhK&content-id=amzn1.sym.a2b001a2-4f9d-4a63-9948-29b1de479b78&pf_rd_p=a2b001a2-4f9d-4a63-9948-29b1de479b78&pf_rd_r=RFTE6NTQAG7TR4WHET89&pd_rd_wg=trdrz&pd_rd_r=42127961-d092-4442-92d7-880e6f36d85c&pd_rd_i=B09M6W13KJ&psc=1
If you look at the most common symptoms of long covid, you come up with two categories. The first category is a worsening of pre-existing conditions, which would be expected if your body has taken a battering. The second is autonomic nervous system damage. When I looked at everything I suffered when hospitalised with what was called covid, each symptom could be seen as a collapse of the vagus nerve. Once I got home and it all transmuted into long covid, again vagus nerve issues, too little rest and digest and far far too much fight and flight. A lot of the symptoms you describe in this article are vagus nerve issues (like ringing ears), or excess stress hormone issues. So what would throw our body's electrical system out of whack? Who can guess?
One mindset we have to get rid of is that this pandemic has anything to do with the human immune system. It does not. It has everything to do with the autonomic nervous system, meaning treatment looks nothing like what we have been told. It wasn't just Wuhan that had blanket 5G rolled out. There were 5 trial towns of which Wuhan was one, a part of New York, a town in the north of Italy, some totally obscure place in South America, and one other place I cannot remember. All 5 places experienced massive outbreaks of supposed covid at some time period (I think 6 months) after the 5G was switched on. I can't find the article now that had this information. Google is not happy to offer it in searches.
Christine, thank you for your insights here. I'm glad you mentioned the vagus nerve, as you had asked me previously what strategies we can apply to help remediate EMF damage. Some the most cost-effective, which I've been doing are:
WimHof method/cold showers and breathing https://www.wimhofmethod.com/practice-the-method
Time-restricted eating (eating in a 6 hour window)- however this type of fasting may not always be the best for women, and may depend on where you are hormonally in your cycle.
Ketogenic diet
The easiest thing I find is to just eat every 4 hours, the same time each day. Our bodies process food way better based on time vs what we're eating.
Eat 4 hours before bed, so your body can rest and breakdown metabolic waste.
Pau d'arco tea before sleep and/or first thing in the morning (increases NAD molecule)
Ground, walk barefoot on grass/ I get out in canada even when the ground is cold, for at least 5 min each day....in spring I'm out for hours reading, doing work.
exercise, sweat.
Last but not least, and probably the most important- see the sunrise each morning, even if the sun isn't out, get out there as the infinite light frequencies of that time help our bodies produce energy the rest of the day through our mitochondria.
I like to also keep the phone my wife and I share in a tin cookie box, even when on airplane mode as it completely cancels out the siginal.
Some of the extras that cost $ are magnesium powder - threonate and bisglycinate.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions forum@romanshapoval.com
I'm so glad you recommend all the above; it means I'm on the right track, although I don't do keto but am careful about sugar and processed 'food'. I do my WHM every day and I fast. WHM has been very beneficial. This morning my water was zero degrees C: painful but rewarding. I've learnt so much about myself.
That's amazing! I hear you Alice...I've grown to "hate to love"...or is it love to hate? those wimhof cold plunges and cold showers. It's the healthy dose of natural caffeine that my body craves each morning now. Keto can be tricky, especially for women as hormones can impact blood sugar. Staying away from all the processed trash will go a long way, and eating the same times each day will sync up everything else. So much of health is really about the circadian timing, the when you eat being more impactful vs what you eat.
thanks Christine, I have terrible ringing in the ears and worsening.. and I think it is deffinitely the 5G effects...as cell towers are everywhere now, the place I go to most of the day to do research has 2 big ones outside less than 50 feet away. Not to mention all the emf's too saturating the populated suburbs and areas anywhere.
Hi Kobbykat - thank you for sharing. Not sure if you knew, but our inner ears are loaded with melanin, which absorbs UV.
Why is this important?
Acoustics are controlled by magnetic fields and grounding.
So the more we can ground and first absorb IR-A light before UV is present, the more we can support and build melanin in our ear, to help offset increasing symptoms of tinnitus:
wow thankyou who knew! I had no idea on this at all, fascinating. I haven't yet tried anything to remedy it and see it's a hot topic these days. I held off trying Dr Ardis suggestion to use nicotine patches...because it has other pharmaceuticals in the gum and patches I just don't want to introduce into my system. It's tough not knowing what is causal...others are alarmist pointing to serious degradation in the brain...thank you though for a new perspective I can look into. Your knowledge is vast.
Thank you so much koppykat. I hear you re: people like Ardis. To me the whole snake venom theory is a little weak, but regardless, nicotine can help calm the nervous system - but like you said it's finding a decent source. You could also take a plug of tobacco and drink it as a tea. A lot of ukrainian farmers would do this as a way to relax at the end of the night.
I'm all about less is more, disconnecting crap, etc so if we can avoid supplements, patches, etc, and use our body and the Sun in tandem with nature, this is the most sound approach in my opinion. Keep in touch and let me know how you feel as you get more Sun and ground. Do you cut the power at night and/or disconnect WiFi at least?
my dad probably did this as a boy Ukranian! I am extremely chemical reactive/hypersensitive, so I was thinking of trying steeping natural tobacco leaves to make a tea. Dr Henry Ealy and his students tried making a foot bath steeping natural tobacco plant leaves. They haven't shown results yet. I like the sound of that, our feet are so responsive for therapies. Power off: I do, but staying elsewhere with family and they don't ! My sister stays up all night/am with TV on and lights and ipad. She has no mobility and health issues..so I understand the benefit many trapped ppl get from that stimulation. It's sad but they get a lot of interest and connection from that and keeps them going. All serious tech heads, faces always in their phones and their lovely little girl too...I'm deffinitely an alien, nothing like my family. I sneak emf stickers on some of their gadgets. they're scientists too! Just cannot get through to them. I pray an awful lot too.
Bless you for putting all this together!
Everything is connected and your digging and words to articulate here are a huge help.
ALL life forms appearto be interrupted by these new waves. Now, the towers must go of course but the garbage from the satellites ?
Great question on the space junk- I don't think they thought ahead that far, and they're assuming and know that these hunks of metal will eventually fall onto Earth. Why they need to come down peacefully.
Yes, and considering their affinity for Beta Testing parameters like dosing and duration, it’s a little suspicious the first three areas hardest hit by the pandemic were pilot projects for 5g: City of Wuhan, Lombardy region of Italy, and New York City.
Exactly Gene- good call on Italy. There was resistance by the mayor of Florence to 5g towers back in 2019, so people already knew...but then were sideswiped and some tricked with all the germ talk.
Hi again, you are probably familiar with Royal Raymond Rife, beautiful, brilliant guy, he had success using sound waves to heal almost 100 yrs ago! Ihad never heard of him until last week:
Link has written synopsis and link to a video documentary (done on the ‘90s)
At the bottom of the page.
Hi Susan! Yes I'm familiar with Rife, and thanks for sharing. So many scientists were doing work on the quantum level of biology back in the 30s, but were stopped by Rockefeller medicine and the wars. However this is why I love reading old studies since there is more rich, advanced content in these documents than what we have now, for the most part.
His tale has been haunting me- amazing that he figured out not only multiple increases in magnification but the ability to watch live cells, and processes- with directed light field that didn’t fry the specimens and then figured out how to color them with a monochromatic light waves.
He used so little directed wave energy to break down the various bacteria and pathogens- would watch it happen in real time and be able to jot down the unique ‘wave’ signature that each little form has for breaking it down while leaving other cells untouched !
Leaves me optimistic yet wondering more about the EMF quantity and quality all around us today.
Creator’s creation is amazing and these many idiots are killing life of all kinds with their awful game
Do you have a backup social media platform? I just ran a search on Substack, and found very little on 5G. Thousands on covid, only yours on 5G, and your well buried, so I would like to know I can find you again if you accidentally disappear from Substack. Oh ye of little trust! Can we trust any of them now?
Thank you Christine for letting me know. I also only find myself and Frances. My website is thepowercouple.ca, but best is always email info@romanshapoval.com
OK, I have a technical question.
Local 5G towers have a range of about 400 meters, which is why there have to be so many of them.
Then there are existing telecoms towers that cover kilometers and are also hosting 5G transmitters.
Then there are the satellites, also apparently part of the blanketing 5G.
What's the difference between the rays we are getting from the satellites, the rays we are getting from the major telecoms towers and the rays we are getting from the local "street lamp" installations?
Christine, this is a great question. I will have to reply to you tomorrow...currently celebrating my wife's birthday (: Thank you for your comment however.
Christine, I wanted to confirm data re: the satellites. Basically the satellites will use phased arrays, beam-forming technologies, and millimeter waves with frequencies from 10 GHz to 80 GHz, just like 5G antennas on earth. They'll also use the C-band spectrum, which runs from about 3.7-4GHz. If you have an Iphone 12 it's automatically tapped into C-band, which is the same spectrum the US military uses. The street lamps will use the same beamforming tech, especially if/when you turn on a smart appliance or 5g phone in your home.
OK, so questions that immediately come to mind.
Why do we need local masts when there are satellites?
Are we affected by a direct beam from an antenna to a phone that goes via any bodies in the way, or are these things beaming waves at us all the time?
If we are dealing with direct beams, then a local antenna down hill of me, with most of the population uphill of me, will mean, when the 50,000 tourists influx each weekend, my body will get hundreds of thousands of pings going through me - which would explain why I always collapse on a Friday night.
If we are dealing with direct beams from a satellite, then those beams will be going straight up and will miss the population altogether. In that case we could move to where there are no antennae, knowing that satellite beams coming from overhead will only hit our own 5G phones if we have them.
But if the satellites and antennae are pulsing random beams outwards or downwards all the time, then we have to invest in whatever protection is possible. Another, story.
And by the way, one time I followed a link to your site, the article was firewalled. At that point I presumed I would not be able to read a reply from you and so went looking for the information elsewhere (looking, not finding, so thanks for doing that). Have you locked down certain articles and not others?
Hi Christine, sorry for that...not sure why that is. I'll look into it.
Yes, I told another author about it and she had not set her articles to be firewalled, which is why I considered it worthwhile to alert you. I have been routinely unsubscribing from authors who firewall their articles, so I take it pretty seriously. I did not want to unsubscribe from you.
Christine, thank you - sorry but I haven't looked into firewalling articles, do you mean a paywall? Sorry...I'm not sure what you mean. I'm pretty sure I took the paywalls off, but let me know if there is something you're looking for. Thanks.
In this universe of energy the body electric is foam born Aphrodite.
Yes! As long as Ares doesn't breathe too much fire in that foam, no?
Thank you so much for this and for reading it aloud.
Frances Leader cross posted your work and so I am here. ❤️
Elizabeth, thank you for your comment and your support! I truly appreciate it. Please feel free to email me as well with any questions forum@romanshapoval.com
Thank you
Glad it's helpful (and thank YOU! I found your article very interesting) You've got me thinking. I have a mild cold right now (unusual for me) and since I woke up, I've had an electrical buzzing/vibration coming up through my left heel. I had thought it was something to do with the house, until I realised it's only in one foot, and in all rooms of the house. It's like a vibrating mobile phone. Nothing to worry about, just interesting, and more so since reading your article. I shall write it down!
some more info: The Kidney meridian begins at the outside of the little toe and immediately goes under the sole of the foot. It follows the arch, makes a circle around the inner ankle and then it runs through the heel, and comes up the inmost (medial) side of the leg (just beneath the Liver meridian) and into the tailbone. It follows the spine to the kidney and then branches. One branch heads to the Urinary Bladder, where it comes back to the surface of the abdomen and up the chest, ending at the clavicle. The other branch touches the liver and diaphragm and moves up through the lungs and throat until it ends beside the root of the tongue.
Disharmony of the Kidney meridian is suggested by gynecological problems, genital disorders, and problems in the kidneys, lungs, and throat. Examples may include impotence, frequent urination, and weakness in the lower limbs. Emotional problems may also occur related to anxiety and fear.
Alice, thank you for sharing. Are you familiar with energy meridians/chinese medicine? I like to look at these pathways when experiencing sensations in different areas. It could be your kidney meridian, just a guess, and I am not a licensed medical professional:
https://www.natural-health-zone.com/kidney-meridian.html Pay attention around 5-7pm as this pathway is most active at that time.
Thanks so much for taking the time to share that. I'm not familiar with this but find it very interesting and shall look into it. BTW my cold and the buzzing have gone. I think the breath work, cold water therapy and red light, have helped.
I shall be paying attention between 5 and 7!
Oh WOW, the information on the link you provided is so interesting to me. Thank you!
For sure Alice, it's just another clue/guide to look at. I've been using it for years as another indicator. I can then tell my acupuncture therapist where I'd like them to place the needles, based on these pathways.
Thank you!
Since I sent your terrific article to, inter alia, a Dr. Clark group, I wonder how all of this electricity reduces our immune system and promotes the growth of bacteria, such as Shigella and Salmonella, as well as allows deleterious parasites to flourish. And what about vanadium leaks relative to gas heat? All factors contributing to the flu. .... Of course, I would be inclined to take anti-parasite herbs and to do zapping.
And thank you for your memorable invocation of Dr. Becker's work. Much appreciated.
Thanks again!
Wonderful article, Roman; cross-posting it right away.
Good morning. Thank you so much Ray. I appreciate your support.
This is not about you or me. Your contributions are invaluable and I hope, some of mine, too. We are definitely on the same team. As long as we stay small, we are allowed to operate, but combining our info can go a long way for those, who are interested.
Oh, very soon, expect the trolls and the bots. You are too good to be ignored. I've already been under various types of attacks and I can recognize them now. There is nothing to do about them, but ban them. Most of the time, they are distractors, at least, that's their common denominator.
Do you know Jason Breshear from archaix.com? He’s very interesting and has done extensive research on ancient timelines. Sol Luckman is also interesting. I’m new to both and a lot of what they say is a bit over my head at times but sometimes what is said is extremely sensible to me. Anyway, I love your writings and thank you.
Sorry, I have no clue and I am not into genealogy, either, because it seems to me it's completely unreliable as a source, no matter how far it goes.
I don’t think it’s about genealogy.
It seems like a lot of magical thinking.
No, it's not, but "ancient timelines" in your previous post suggested that. :)
Thanks Ray- agreed: we have to be lean and mean like a commando team at this point, and hook up with others who are on our wavelength but also open-minded. Still I do appreciate the comradery. Do you usually ban them by reporting their comments? Curious what mechanism you use.
One more thing: "reporting" only goes to the author; it's the author's job to handle the situation. After four exhausting days of having to deal with the morons/trolls, I had to make my own decision.
It's like wading through psychological mud and having ankle weights, means we're doing good work at least.
It surely drains you down and you need an external power source. :)
By open-minded, I mean not to accept ANY pre-recorded scripts, but also that also the heroic touch of commitment that nobody can avoid, although hardly anyone would like to inspire to be a hero:
I am not where I'm coming from; I am where I am going.
For recognizing unwelcome visitors (trolls, bots, and infantile commenters), I elaborate on that in the following article:
Crypto-rationalist (pinned to the top in the comment section after the article) also recommends the following excellent site:
Thank you so much for sharing these. By open-minded I mean able to have a discussion without getting triggered, because they're programmed to pre-recorded scripts as you mentioned. I think that's what you're getting at. However values are important, having people that are willing to fight for family, decency, and humanity at all costs is important of course.
To best exemplify what I mean by "open-minded," I wrote an article on "psychopaths":
Basically, once people's attention goes only in one direction, they only notice what they are looking for (and even that is not always the case).
The initial outbreaks of 'COVID' happened where 5G was recently enabled, like on the cruise ship that mysteriously suffered an outbreak of COVID.
On a related note;
Russian research dating from the 1940's into the effects of microwave and millimetre wave frequencies published online in highly 'sanitized' and redacted form (I wonder why, and just how did the CIA manage to obtain such information?) by the CIA is truly horrifying, demonstrating absolutely devastating effects upon animal and human mental and physical organ functions and behavioural patterns, think 'Cell' and 'Kingsman'.
Yale Professor Jose Delgado who specialised in remote electronic mind control said in the 1960's that one day, all armies on the battlefield would be controlled electronically.
A French guy on YouTube said TPTB carried out a beta test with this microwave technology in Burundi when the Tutsi and Hutu tribes one day woke up and suddenly went completely insane and thousands started hacking each other to death uncontrollably.
Israeli principal WEF advisor to Klaus Schwab, Noah Harari has stated that armies of the future will be completely devoid of all spirituality and compassion.
Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Yisrael Ariel has stated that when Noahide Laws are enforced under NWO Jewish government (the UN and US has already officially accepted to bring these 'laws' into effect in the future), armies of NATO nations controlled by Israel (they all are already) will go from city to city around the world and kill all Christian and Muslim men who refuse to destroy their mosques and churches and renounce their religions, he said that is in accordance with Deuteronomy 20:10, but read a little further and we that see he was being very economical with the truth, when we read Deuteronomy 20:16, where it says to kill every living thing that breathes, and of course that will take the type of mind-controlled soldiers that Noah Harari and Rabbi Yisrael Ariel talk of, think 'Cell and Kingsman' again, it is coming. There are 6 BILLION who will be made subject to mandatory executions as 'idolators' under just one of the 7 Noahide Laws , and many more will be executed due to the rest of them, in total, they will effectively amount to the same 7.5 BILLION required deaths (of Gentiles) already planned by the WEF, now officially partnered with the UN, both dominated by the Chabad Lubavitchers.
In Iraq, microwave weapons were used on the Iraqi elite presidential guard by US forces, the Iraqis started laughing and crying uncontrollably, taking all their uniforms off and discarding their weapons, and remained incapacitated while American army bulldozers literally drove over them and buried them alive in their trenches. By that time the Iraqis would likely have literally been already so tripped out that their consciousness was out of their bodies and was likely swimming in a sea of abstract patterns and vibrational frequencies totally divorced from any continued perception of human bodily existence or their actual earthly environment, their consciousness was probably shifted into a totally different plane of existence compared to where bulldozers were burying their physical bodies alive and they probably never even knew what happened, such weapons are THAT powerful.
Just as Raymond Royal Rife discovered how frequencies could break up pleomorphic pathogen resonance fields associated with pathogenic diseases and thus cure pathogen-related disease of all kinds in the human body, including all kinds of cancer, a Russian researcher around the same time back in the 1930's supposedly found he could induce plague in any human being by radiating what might be stated to be the mirror opposite of Rife healing technology, presumably by initiating a type of pleomorphic shift within the human body of one type of organism to another one, but this time entirely harmful.
Israel is a puppet state working for the Black Nobility. No nation has power any more.
You are attempting to obfuscate. There is ample video footage on my site here of leading rabbis gloatingly stating to their congregations that Jews already control EVERYTHING of importance in the world regarding finance, politics, etc.
Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis engaged in mass celebratory dancing when war broke out between Ukraine and Russia, while leading rabbis addressing them gloated how all politics and finance in both Russia and Ukraine is totally controlled by the Jews. This war has really been deliberately instigated entirely according to the directions of the late chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson to clear the land of Slavs in readiness for a proposed mass migration of Israeli Jews to Ukraine in the future when it is envisaged that Jews in Israel will need to jump ship. Jews regard Schneerson literally as god himself, with 30% of all Jews in the world being Chabad Lubavitchers.
Jews and crypto-Jews are deeply embedded in societies in different races and nations all around the world, many call themselves Christians and Muslims, but are secretly working on a multi-generational level, always marrying others like themselves over the centuries just like the open Jews do, for the Jewish tribal world domination agenda.
Centuries ago, Sabbatai Zevi instructed half of the then one million Jews in the world at that time to pretend to convert to Islam and Christsianity, purely to infiltrate and subvert these religions to the Jewish cause.
At the time of the American War of Independence, the British Jewish Freemason Lord General Cornwallis spoke to his counterpart, his American Freemason 'brother in the craft' George Washington, and told him that over the next two hundred years, all religion in America would come to be controlled by the crown, to serve only Judaic purposes. Jewish-based Freemasonry in the service of the Jewish purpose is set above all nationalistic duty by such people.
Israel is not controlled, as a secure criminal terrorist base it is the tail wagging the dog, and has vast numbers of agents infiltrated at the topmost levels of politics all around the world. That is how Netanyahu entered Congress addressed all the 'American' politicians there, and got no less than 29 standing ovations, more than any POTUS himself has ever received.
When Israel clicks its fingers, American, Canadian, European, Russian and Ukrainian politicians come at the beckoning of Israeli leaders to take their marching orders.
Always, before any UK general election, the two 'rival' leaders of the Conservative Party and the Labour Party go to vist the leader of Israel and get their marching orders, who will be doing what, how and when, on the sole instruction of the Jews, quite obviously, 'election' results are all fixed Stalin-style, in the same manner as the very obviously faked and manipulated election results of Biden, with British mainstream media all loudly proclaiming at the time that Biden won 'fair and square'. Obviously then, British 'election' results must be similarly controlled for the Jews.
There is a video on my site here of Putin wearing a Chabad Lubavitcher red thread on his wrist throughout a long interview, Putin is a crypto-Jew and is openly joined at the hip with the Chabad Lubavitchers, who are behind the US and UN officially accepting to physically implement the Noahide Laws, which will authorize the slaughter by military means of literally billions of members of all Gentile religions.
You obviously would have no problem with that.
That is an interesting theory which I have seen you (and others) promote. However, I do not agree with your assessment of who is the Hidden Hand at the top of this pyramid of power. I explain here:
There are no fake Khazarian Jews, Dr Karl Skorecki proves this, by comparing 3,300 years old 'Holy Land' confirmed Jewish DNA with DNA of modern Khazarian Cohen priests, it is identical, the 'Khazarian Mafia' 'fake Jews' are actually really Jewish.
Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Chief Rabbi of UK and 11th Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, https://www.jta.org/2023/01/03/global/british-chief-rabbi-receives-knighthood
“It is astonishing to see figures on the hard Left of the British political spectrum presuming to define the relationship between Judaism and Zionism despite themselves being neither Jews nor Zionists. The likes of Ken Livingstone and Malia Boattia claim that Zionism is separate from Judaism as a faith; that it is purely political; that it is expansionist, colonialist and imperialist.
It is unclear why these people feel qualified to provide such an analysis of one of the axioms of Jewish belief. But let me be very clear. Their claims are a fiction. They are a wilful distortion of a noble and integral part of Judaism. Zionism is a belief in the right to Jewish self-determination in a land that has been at the centre of the Jewish world for more than 3,000 years. One can no more separate it from Judaism than separate the City of London from Great Britain.”
You might try telling Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis that Judaism is different to Zionism, or maybe even telling him he is a Khazarian Mafia Gentile fake Jew, haha.
Erm.... the City of London is not a part of Great Britain.
Silly mistake, but significant.
The Khazars were converted to Judaism by the 10th century by the choice of their leaders. They probably didn't care one way or the other what religion their leaders were claiming. They were and still are Tengri - sun and sky worshippers.
My family bears the name Cohen in the past. We are descended from Hebrews who migrated to Europe. Of course the Rabbis are Cohens and genetically Hebrew! Now get DNA from the Khazarians who are not religious leaders. There is a big difference because Cohens are semitic. Khazarians are Caucasian.
You are still merely obfuscating in typical Bolshevik hasbara style. I have written to you before on these issues extensively, and of course, like any other tribal representative, you persistently ignore the references I have provided that clearly disprove what you are saying on the Khazar issue. Here is a little reminder of reality, like it says in the link, it is 'simple to remember'.
The Cohen / DNA Connection -The fascinating story of how DNA studies confirm an ancient biblical tradition.
Dr Karl Skorecki himself is descended from Cohens.
I've subscribed. What you write is intriguing to me!
Good day/morning? Alice. Thank you so much for your support. It helps give me more freedom to dive deeper into these topics! Please let me know if you ever have any other questions or if there's any other subject you'd like me to write about. You can email me as well info@romanshapoval.com
I guess a significant challenge that needs to be addressed is why death subsided at all, since the EMR persisted. My answer would be, as with any affliction, there are those that are more susceptible than others. They die first. And there is a continuum between those that are hardly effected to those that die quickly - (and everything in between). This may also account at least in part for the increases in chronic disease that we have been witnessing over recent decades.
Harry, thanks for your insight, and for your subscription! Really appreciate the support as it helps us continue to put out better content. Curious- how did you find us?