How to create a sleep sanctuary
We all live in the EMF submarine of our subconscious | Why Earthing sheets are a bad idea | How we emit light to detox in sleep
What we’ll learn in this article:
1. How does sleep and EMF give us time?
2. Why the Greek god of healing was the son of the Sun
3. What does our sleep sanctuary look like?
4. What do dreams and EMF have in common?
5. Who was Apollo, and why light gave birth to dark
6. How do we make melatonin?
7. How do we use light to regenerate?
8. What is the light-gut-brain connection?
9. How do we create a sleep sanctuary?
10. Why earthing sheets are a bad idea
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“Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.” - Thomas Edison
A full life is rich with experience.
Many of those experiences come from remembering the images we’ve seen along the way.
The light we see shows us our physical reality as matter.
While our brain may be comprised of grey matter, our thoughts and emotions are built from electromagnetic waves and frequencies.
Like the Sun, we ourselves are an electromagnetic field of light.
E= mc2 (energy = mass x the speed of light, squared)
If light sped up, and a day of Sunlight would last 12 hours and not 24, then time would speed up as well.
Our field of light has slowed down enough to allow us to see this physical reality.

Why do astronauts who space travel for long periods come back older?
Because they have sped up time by travelling faster, breaking magnetic barriers that would normally slow down the light we experience here on Earth.
What does this have to do with sleep?
“Now, blessings light on him that first invented sleep! It covers a man all over, thoughts and all, like a cloak; it is meat for the hungry, drink for the thirsty, heat for the cold, and cold for the hot. It is the current coin that purchases all the pleasures of the world cheap, and the balance that sets the king and the shepherd, the fool and the wise man, even.”
- Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote
Sleep is the ultimate medicine, because it gives us Time.
Many may retort: “Sleep takes time! I don’t have time for sleep!”
If we want to be efficient with our time, why not use rhythm to our advantage, and put time, and healing, back on our side?
Like a cuddly canine, sleep always has time for us.
In fact, sleep transcends Time itself.
Sleep allows us to enter our subconscious, where eternal dreams occur, and God shows us what kind of emotions, and relationships, may require our attention.
For instance, if you see a stag in your dream, some say this may be an opportunity to assert yourself. If we fail to remember our dreams, we can’t receive messages from the Divine, and may waste time in our lives as we miss out on life-enhancing opportunities. Rather than asserting ourselves, we’ll go on working at the Factory where the light of souls and Time are both crushed in unison.

How do we recapture our light so that it’s not snuffed out of us with the staunch pillow of burgeoning cultural expectations and death by CNN chocolate cake?
By learning how to ride the lightning of Earth, and surf our brainwaves in slumber.
Meet the Golden Surfer: Asclepius
Did you know that the Greek god of medicine, Asclepius, was the son of the Sun?
Asclepius was the son of Apollo, god of the Sun. In ancient Greece pilgrims would trek to the temples of Asclepius, the god of healing, and after rites of purification and sacrifice they’d go to sleep in the most sacred parts of the temple in the hope that healing dreams would be sent their way by the god. In the morning, priests would interpret the dreams and translate them into treatment recommendation.
The sleep sanctuary of the gods
Modern geographical surveys of some of these sleep temple sites often reveal unusual geological anomalies, iron-rich springs, and caves. We might conjecture that a person visiting such a sacrosanct location - one full of healing electrical fields such as negative ions perhaps, might very well get physically charged up by these healing Earth frequencies and magnetic fields.
Caves can be loaded with rock like red granite, which is an electrical insulator and supportive of regeneration. Maybe those furry hobbits were onto something?

Did you know that the original temples were always built on EMF field lines that promoted healing? The ancients would observe where wounded animals would go to die, and often would find that these animals would revitalize in these areas.
Why do we sleep?
The four prevailing theories maintain that sleep was a way for us to restore our physical being as a way to survive, and to develop our brain. While I do agree that sleep is critical for survival, I believe that there is more medicine for us in that cabinet. Dreams are often overlooked as an area where we can obtain the elusive potion of healing.
“We view dreams the way we do stars. They come out at night and are certainly magnificent, but they’re far too distant to be of any relevance to our real, waking lives.” -
-Rubin Naimain1
What do dreams have to do with EMFs?
Each stage of sleep is an electromagnetic field.
When we enter the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep, we dream, and strengthen connections and memories in our brain.
We can only get into the REM stage after going through the other three stages, with the third being the delta, or deep sleep stage, where most physical repair occurs.
Whenever I’ve remembered my dreams, I know that my brain has at least gone through the first three stages, and completed a regenerative cycle.
Sleep is when we secrete melatonin, which fights cancer and restores our nervous system. In a sense, melatonin gives us more time to live.
This is also why avoiding blue light at night is critical, as blue light spikes dopamine, which lowers melatonin.
A note on ocular (eye) melatonin:
Blue-blocking glasses don’t save us completely, as we have photoreceptors in our skin. However at least the glasses can help preserve ocular melatonin, which is destroyed under the presence of artificial blue light.

How do we get melatonin? Can’t we just take a supplement?
Why would you, if you can get it for free, by being in Sunshine?
Furthermore, oral melatonin supplementation has been linked to vision loss as dopamine, the hormone that regulates our pupillary reflex, is lowered.
While we secrete melatonin from our brain at night, we produce it throughout the day when we expose our skin and eye to Sunlight.

Hormones are a tricky thing. Taking them is like trying to be the squirrel in the middle of the highway, evading traffic. You may get lucky for a while, until your hormonal cycle gets more erratic, and then…
Oh…please squirrel…get ouuuuut of the…road that’s dark…and into…
The Sun: Meet the Grandfather of Sleep
Aesclepius may have taken center-stage as the DJ of Dreams in those secret Greek night clubs, but his father paid for the building. Apollo was the god of the Sun, and Aesclepius’ father.
Many of us think of melatonin as the hormone of darkness, yet melatonin begins its regenerative cycle in us when Sunlight hits our eye, where this hormone’s highest concentrations are found.
Do you remember how I mentioned that the way we perceive our physical reality and matter is tied to the speed of light slowing down around us?
It turns out that melatonin brings atoms in us that are excited by light, back to their ground, or resting, state.2 Morning light is our electrons’ first spark, to create energy and movement for repair. What is the experience of life, and time, but movement?
When we expose ourselves to infrared and red light in the morning, this allows our bodies to then absorb more UV (ultraviolet) light later in the day. Why is this important for our body’s night-time machine?
Melatonin is derived by tryptophan, which absorbs UV light. Light is the wizard that lets our machine of melatonin slow down how we experience life at the core atomic level.
How do we make melatonin?
“The Sun excites electrons to allow life to move. Nothing happens in life until something moves. Slowing atoms down allows melatonin to clean up the mess that living makes, in Sunlight, to help it [melatonin} regenerate.”
How do we use light to grease that melatonin time machine?
Enter the Kingdom of our Crystal Skull:
Infrared light has been shown to help wounds heal, repair damage from dementia, macular degeneration, and PTSD.4 5
Our brain appears to be optically designed to distribute NIR photons to the grey matter even down into the folds of the brain.
Our cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), is the “oil” of our brains that washes out our nervous system each night, scattering the NIR light energy where needed, and operates similar to a car lamp.

We can think of our CSF as a crystalline fluid that lights up our brain’s museum with infrared laser beams at night so that no “bad guys” like Tom Cruise take our golden treasure of life and light from our inner king dome:
Follow the yellow brick road into the ultraviolet night
As I referenced above, light at the 270 nm wavelength allows us to absorb tryptophan, which creates serotonin, which then produces melatonin. The most ancient omega 3 fatty acid on Earth is DHA, and was responsible for the Cambrian explosion, which created most of life as we know it on Earth.
DHA is our fatty "battery acid" that turns light into electricity our bodies use at night to regenerate with our inherent DC electrical current.
Like our brainwaves, we are the electromagnetic field.

In our gut, the microbiome emits light from the food we've eaten, and our gut lining can use that light signal to create an electrical spark of regeneration, due to the presence of DHA.3
Learn more about this miracle molecule here:
Ok so our bodies glow at night? So what? What does this have to do with time?
You’re wasting my time with all this Einstein-talk!
No - I’m slowing down time for you, so you learn how to enjoy it.
Remember how I mentioned that when light slows down, matter is created?
Anyone who has ever stared at a candle over dinner, knows how relaxing this feels. Part of the reason has to do with the fact that red light regenerates and relaxes our retina. The other has to do with time. Red light has longer wavelengths, which move more slowly, and let us experience time more leisurely as a result.
When we sleep, the bacteria in our gut emit UV light, which has shorter wavelengths. By the same reasoning, the process of life itself, and regeneration speeds up with time, and sleep becomes a time giver. I would bet Apollo’s last golden coin that the UV light we emit while we sleep could be the quantum reason why we’re brought closer to the purple spectrum of the spirit realm of dreams.
The infrared light that scatters in our brain as we sleep primes us to see the red light of the Sun the next morning, as we set our minds for another day of Life on our God-given ground.
The Light of the Gut-Brain Connection
How do we support our body’s electrical system during sleep?
Our DC highway to heaven, not the AC/DC version.
When we get into our time machine of dreams and go on a road trip of self-repair, we need to not only check our oil level (light absorbed through the day), but also to make sure that no one is going to run us off the highway. Body voltage is how we keep our car of regeneration running smoothly, and on the road.
Why is body voltage important? Vibration tells our cells how and when to divide, as our cells communicate between 0-75 Hz (cycles per second). If we have outlets with dirty electricity, our nervous and immune systems will become confused with all of the traffic on the intercellular highway. Body voltage should be less than 10 millivolts (mV) when we sleep.4
We can test out body voltage by connecting to a body voltage meter that is grounded. Note: I am not suggesting that you sleep with the wire connected to the ground, as you may draw stray currents throughout the night.
A snapshot of our electrical sleeping orientation:

Apollo sets in the West, but sleeps in the South
Ancient Ayurvedic practice has maintained that one’s head should face south for optimal sleep. Recent studies5 have proved that a south to north orientation does support a good night’s rest. For better or worse, opposites attract. Per magnetic pole theory, a mutual attraction is created between our head (positive charge) and South Pole (negative) charge.
This is also why grounding is beneficial, as positively-charged ions are pulled from our head, through our feet, and into the Earth. We then absorb negative ions through the electrically-conductive sweat glands on the soles of our feet, which reduces inflammation by donating these electrons to organs and immune responses that need them.
Want to learn how to create your own body voltage meter?
We’re launching EMF 101, our maiden voyage into helping everyone learn about wireless radiation, tech addiction, and liberating ourselves from digital prison!
Earth is not a sponge, it’s a conductor.
If you’ve ever seen lightning strike the ground, you may have seen how it scatters, looking like its being absorbed by the Earth. The massive bolt of lightning may be absorbed, however all electrical currents do not stop, but travel in loops.6 There are many stray currents that travel throughout the ground constantly, as the Earth often does not provide resistance to many of these electric fields.
“Even though any constricted earth path can have high resistance (grounding effect), the paths available are almost infinite, so you have an almost infinite number of parallel paths, electrically speaking.”
- Karl Riley, ELF Magnetic Surveys
Dirty electricity arises as stray electrical currents occur from devices plugged in our home, or even those of our neighbors, which can then travel into our wiring. We can even shut the power off to our homes, which Bohdanna and I do each night. However, if our electrical system and circuit breaker are not wired or grounded correctly, this can lead to elevated ground current, which have been linked to a plethora of chronic diseases such as leukemia, insomnia, and cancer. Earthing sheets open up the potential for us to become a lightning rod for many harmful EMFs in our environment.
For a breakdown of AC power, and how dirty electricity can affect us, read:
Many people often ask us about earthing sheets. While some may experience miraculous recovery while using these, many other people become extremely ill.
A colleague of mine, Paul Harding of Total EMF Solutions even found ground current in the middle of the Arizona desert, with no power sources nearby:
We don’t advise using earthing sheets that are plugged into the wall due to the stray currents and dirty electricity mentioned above. As evidenced by dairy cattle succumbing to disease, and giving less milk when these currents ran through specific dairy farms.7
A cow’s hooves provide an excellent contact to Earth while standing on wet concrete or mud, while at the same time the cow is in contact with metal stanchions, stalls, feeders, and milkers. The current simply uses the cow as a pathway in its eventual return to the power company’s substation.
Very slight voltages can affect cattle. Evidence has shown anything greater than one volt can be catastrophic to a dairy farm.8
If we’re connecting ourselves to ground that’s polluted with stray electrical currents, we’re doing the same as drinking lots of water, because “drinking water” is good for our health.
What if that water is full of toxins like
is always on the look out for?

Where do we go from here?
Small steps lead the way. Turn off the Wi-Fi one night, the power another night (at least to your bedroom) and see how you feel.
We’ve found that sleep is all about letting go of control. So many of us are afraid to be “out of control” to let go, and let God come into our lives and heal us.
Recently I’ve started stating an intention before I go to bed, asking that I remember my dreams, and asking for guidance on any problems that I need solving. I keep a notepad next to me.
When I awake with a dream in mind, I don’t move. When we move, we can put ourselves into a beta (high alert) brain state. First, recall the dream, and encapsulate it in your mind. Then move to that pen and paper you have next to you, and write your dreams, and see Apollo, the Sun of GOD.
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Roman & Bohdanna
Join us for EMF Summer School!
Our first semester was a blast!
Special shout-out all our lovely EMF 101 students, especially:
who joined us!
We look forward to our next class of students, where we’ll review:
How can we measure EMFs in our environment?
What are some other ways we can nourish the electric field of our body?
How can we get a decent night’s sleep?
What is “dirty” electricity?
How to address your home wiring, which can create high magnetic fields
What are common appliances that may be creating chronic EMF stress?
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Additional Resources on organic bedding options:
The new 5G meter by Safe Living Technologies is out!
Huffington, A. The Sleep Revolution
Hekmatmanesh, Amin; Banaei, Maryam1,; Haghighi, Khosro Sadeghniiat2; Najafi, Arezu2. Bedroom Design Orientation and Sleep Electroencephalography Signals. Acta Medica International 6(1):p 33-37, Jan–Jun 2019. | DOI: 10.4103/ami.ami_60_18
Tracing EMFs : Book by Karl Riley
Fantastic article. You have a gift for simplifying complex subjects.
I tried using a grounding sheet, and you're right -- it made me feel worse. We had no easy way to ground it properly so we stopped using it.
Great collection of useful information. Sorry, I've been indisposed for several months, and couldn't give your work the attention it deserves. I am trying to catch up now with my favorite stackers.
This explains why those who live closer than 150 yards from a high-voltage power line develop cancer after an average of 10 years.
Stray currents must be terrible near transformers and power plants, but stray currents are also a mess in heavily-populated areas (I know that from music and home theater installations that require "power cleaners" in such places).
Fluctuations must also be bad in areas, where industrial activities use up a lot of electricity.
The electric grid also acts as an antenna that can be used as a weapon of mass destruction against the population, but lately, people have been volunteering in their own extermination by installing "smart" devices in their homes, and even wearing some. While "smart" meters create a data-collecting network that also disruptive to health, the most recent Wi-Fi routers turn the whole neighborhood into 5G/6G/7G antennas:
The WMD "antenna" is probably a bit weaker, when the electricity is switched off, and I'll give it a try.
How about grounding the bed, if it's metal? How about avoiding the use of metal in a household, including in furniture? I'm sure, there are thousands more questions, but these are the ones I'm asking right now.