I'm iffy about meters. I know a few people who say their house is fine because the meter says so, but their house is definitely not fine. The human body is the best meter. There are those of us sensitive enough who are able to tell you quickly yes or no.
I appreciated your question regarding what can we do, though as I expected, she doesn't really have a good answer. Usually people advise lobbying various perceived authorities, at least she knows they're in on it. Too many think these people don't know they are killing people, when those in positions of authority know. Jack was different, regarding notions of adaption, which is great in theory. In reality, enough people (not all, enough) need to be brave enough to face reality, give up the convenience EMF brings, learn essential life skills, and truly fight for their lives and the lives of those who are unable to break free from the tech addiction.
It's a level of fearlessness and dedication that most lack, but I'm hopeful it's brewing in the numbers needed to bring this murder machine to its knees. So I'll keep having conversations with those willing to hear, Arthurs book has been very helpful in waking up people in my social circle. And I'll keep learning life skills, knowing the time will eventually come.
For what its worth, the best success I've had getting people to grasp the seriousness of the danger is Arthurs book. My husband didn't get it until we read his book together. There are several people in our community I've spoken with who are keen to read it. I'm passing my copy around.
Couldn't agree more. Btw, for those who are reluctant to slog through the whole book, one can subscribe to a platform like Audible which will read it to you - making it almost like a fascinating movie! I am on my second go-round listening to it (have also read parts and think it is great). But even the size, i have noticed, is daunting for many. . . .it may be possible to download it free somewhere and have a free text-to-speech program read it - though i like supporting Arthur. His work is incredible and, at this point, crucial.
Thank you, I get A LOT of push back when I talk so bluntly about what really needs to be done, so your comment is lovely to read.
Yep, his book is definitely a slog lol, but well worth it. I tell people a good chunk is references, so it's not as big as it first appears. I also advise reading it in short sessions if the person isn't a reader. Audio book is a good suggestion that I can pass on, thank you. I find it difficult to take on complex information through audio, I need to read the written words, but everyone is different :)
i know - me too - so i've learned to curate my audience cautiously (as i'm sure you have too). Even people who KNOW the dangers often don't want to hear about it, esp if they are still using the dang devices. (i dont at all).
As for Arthur's great Invisible Rainbow, short sessions are a good idea for many of us. Although via audio, i could hardly believe how quickly (and raptly!) i finished the book! With a book like his, I actually like to have both written & audio. I am so glad he initiated a substack so his current articles get much wider circulation now.
I was stoked to see him join substack too, he'll definitely reach more people.
There are at least 3 families I know who know wifi is dangerous. All 3 still use it, Family A and B turn it off when I'm at their houses, C would too but there are others relying on it that's currently out of their control. Family A and C use anti emf things and proclaim their homes safe (they aren't). Family B has many beautiful young children, that are frequently sick :( , and is also line of sight on some hefty power pylons. Even with their modem turned off, I get significant symptoms in their house.
These 3 families know it's not a good thing, but haven't really grasped the gravity of the problem yet. Family B, with the young kids, are planning to ditch their wifi in the next few months, progress :)
No one I know is willing to even contemplate ditching their cell phones, but maybe down the line . . . who knows.
I like that quote ''be the change you want to see in the world''. I make a point of saying I don't have my phone on me ever anymore. I set the expectation with people that I'm not immediately contactable. It lives at home (as far away from me as I can get it) and I check it once or twice a day. I have a certain situation in my life right now that prevents me ditching it entirely, but that problem will resolve soon enough. I tell people what we're doing to de-tech our lives and talk about how sick it all makes me. If we tell our stories, people might start to recognize the signs in their own lives.
How do you go online? Wired laptop? I find even wired laptops hit me very hard :/
I wish my very techy stepson could begin to understand a major cause of his headaches and numerous other health conditions.
About going online, I have a laptop in another room 13 ft away from where i sit at my table-desk with a 27" diagonal monitor, large enough so i can sit 3 or 4 ft from it. I also have an extended keyboard and mechanical mouse on the desk (i felt very unwell and could hardly stand using the computer before when i was near the actual laptop, but am okay for extended periods with this set-up).
I have Comcast cable to my router which has no wireless capabilities. And i had my tech guy take the 'wireless card' out of my computer so the wireless cannot be turned back on when they update. Plus my older Canon printer has no wireless capabilities (rare these days). I have an old-style AT&T phone (thankfully still available on amazon) with a 50 ft cord, and my house is small. Plus a same style AT&T phone/answering machine. They are both inexpensive (less than $40). Sorry this is so technical.
Wishing you well in this escalating and challenging situation.
Wow! Thank you so much for that very helpful information!
I hope your stepson eventually connects the dots. My teen gets understands, but still loves the techy life during time at their dads house. It's hard when they're young and feel invincible.
I can't do normal work either, which is why I'm working so hard on off grid traditional life skills. I need some way contribute to our family finances, and the growing parallel society.
Do you manage much of a social life? Mine was almost zero until recently. I started venturing out into our community as part of our family contributing to the parallel society growing here. I'm extremely grateful such a thing is going on, but it's been rough.
Great interview: well done. A very good guest to have on. I haven't finished listening yet. I think the title is somewhat hyperbolic, unless you clarify that you mean 5G specifically, as a lot of the prior research will apply to 5G also. There's a plethora of that. You must be aware of others who have done research? If not I'll look up some links.
Thanks a lot to you and Mona for a great interview! Maybe it was good that you sent it out twice, because i couldn't access it the normal way by clicking the arrow to start the podcast - it just kept going to a black screen with a few words in the left upper corner: JSON, Raw Data, Headers, and error: "Post not found". Finally i was able to access it; not sure exactly how.
Thank you for this interesting interview.
I'm iffy about meters. I know a few people who say their house is fine because the meter says so, but their house is definitely not fine. The human body is the best meter. There are those of us sensitive enough who are able to tell you quickly yes or no.
I appreciated your question regarding what can we do, though as I expected, she doesn't really have a good answer. Usually people advise lobbying various perceived authorities, at least she knows they're in on it. Too many think these people don't know they are killing people, when those in positions of authority know. Jack was different, regarding notions of adaption, which is great in theory. In reality, enough people (not all, enough) need to be brave enough to face reality, give up the convenience EMF brings, learn essential life skills, and truly fight for their lives and the lives of those who are unable to break free from the tech addiction.
It's a level of fearlessness and dedication that most lack, but I'm hopeful it's brewing in the numbers needed to bring this murder machine to its knees. So I'll keep having conversations with those willing to hear, Arthurs book has been very helpful in waking up people in my social circle. And I'll keep learning life skills, knowing the time will eventually come.
For what its worth, the best success I've had getting people to grasp the seriousness of the danger is Arthurs book. My husband didn't get it until we read his book together. There are several people in our community I've spoken with who are keen to read it. I'm passing my copy around.
If i could give you 10 likes i would (:
Couldn't agree more. Btw, for those who are reluctant to slog through the whole book, one can subscribe to a platform like Audible which will read it to you - making it almost like a fascinating movie! I am on my second go-round listening to it (have also read parts and think it is great). But even the size, i have noticed, is daunting for many. . . .it may be possible to download it free somewhere and have a free text-to-speech program read it - though i like supporting Arthur. His work is incredible and, at this point, crucial.
Thank you, I get A LOT of push back when I talk so bluntly about what really needs to be done, so your comment is lovely to read.
Yep, his book is definitely a slog lol, but well worth it. I tell people a good chunk is references, so it's not as big as it first appears. I also advise reading it in short sessions if the person isn't a reader. Audio book is a good suggestion that I can pass on, thank you. I find it difficult to take on complex information through audio, I need to read the written words, but everyone is different :)
i know - me too - so i've learned to curate my audience cautiously (as i'm sure you have too). Even people who KNOW the dangers often don't want to hear about it, esp if they are still using the dang devices. (i dont at all).
As for Arthur's great Invisible Rainbow, short sessions are a good idea for many of us. Although via audio, i could hardly believe how quickly (and raptly!) i finished the book! With a book like his, I actually like to have both written & audio. I am so glad he initiated a substack so his current articles get much wider circulation now.
I was stoked to see him join substack too, he'll definitely reach more people.
There are at least 3 families I know who know wifi is dangerous. All 3 still use it, Family A and B turn it off when I'm at their houses, C would too but there are others relying on it that's currently out of their control. Family A and C use anti emf things and proclaim their homes safe (they aren't). Family B has many beautiful young children, that are frequently sick :( , and is also line of sight on some hefty power pylons. Even with their modem turned off, I get significant symptoms in their house.
These 3 families know it's not a good thing, but haven't really grasped the gravity of the problem yet. Family B, with the young kids, are planning to ditch their wifi in the next few months, progress :)
No one I know is willing to even contemplate ditching their cell phones, but maybe down the line . . . who knows.
I like that quote ''be the change you want to see in the world''. I make a point of saying I don't have my phone on me ever anymore. I set the expectation with people that I'm not immediately contactable. It lives at home (as far away from me as I can get it) and I check it once or twice a day. I have a certain situation in my life right now that prevents me ditching it entirely, but that problem will resolve soon enough. I tell people what we're doing to de-tech our lives and talk about how sick it all makes me. If we tell our stories, people might start to recognize the signs in their own lives.
How do you go online? Wired laptop? I find even wired laptops hit me very hard :/
I wish my very techy stepson could begin to understand a major cause of his headaches and numerous other health conditions.
About going online, I have a laptop in another room 13 ft away from where i sit at my table-desk with a 27" diagonal monitor, large enough so i can sit 3 or 4 ft from it. I also have an extended keyboard and mechanical mouse on the desk (i felt very unwell and could hardly stand using the computer before when i was near the actual laptop, but am okay for extended periods with this set-up).
I have Comcast cable to my router which has no wireless capabilities. And i had my tech guy take the 'wireless card' out of my computer so the wireless cannot be turned back on when they update. Plus my older Canon printer has no wireless capabilities (rare these days). I have an old-style AT&T phone (thankfully still available on amazon) with a 50 ft cord, and my house is small. Plus a same style AT&T phone/answering machine. They are both inexpensive (less than $40). Sorry this is so technical.
Wishing you well in this escalating and challenging situation.
Wow! Thank you so much for that very helpful information!
I hope your stepson eventually connects the dots. My teen gets understands, but still loves the techy life during time at their dads house. It's hard when they're young and feel invincible.
I can't do normal work either, which is why I'm working so hard on off grid traditional life skills. I need some way contribute to our family finances, and the growing parallel society.
Do you manage much of a social life? Mine was almost zero until recently. I started venturing out into our community as part of our family contributing to the parallel society growing here. I'm extremely grateful such a thing is going on, but it's been rough.
I wish you well too as we navigate this madness.
Sorry everyone that this podcast was sent out twice today. My computer skills are lacking this week ):
Let us know: are there any other questions you would have liked for me to ask?
*In a 50s radio announcer voice* - "This is unacceptable!!!! Unacceptable I say!!!!!!"
Great interview: well done. A very good guest to have on. I haven't finished listening yet. I think the title is somewhat hyperbolic, unless you clarify that you mean 5G specifically, as a lot of the prior research will apply to 5G also. There's a plethora of that. You must be aware of others who have done research? If not I'll look up some links.
Thanks a lot to you and Mona for a great interview! Maybe it was good that you sent it out twice, because i couldn't access it the normal way by clicking the arrow to start the podcast - it just kept going to a black screen with a few words in the left upper corner: JSON, Raw Data, Headers, and error: "Post not found". Finally i was able to access it; not sure exactly how.
Roman, is this something you know anything about?
Thanks for sending , will dig in. no never heard of this (i think) (:
Thank you Roman. Thank you Mona!
Astute on them to comment on the effect of TV (19:20).
I've done a whole piece on this: "You Really Should Do This To Your TV".