Thank you for this interesting interview.

I'm iffy about meters. I know a few people who say their house is fine because the meter says so, but their house is definitely not fine. The human body is the best meter. There are those of us sensitive enough who are able to tell you quickly yes or no.

I appreciated your question regarding what can we do, though as I expected, she doesn't really have a good answer. Usually people advise lobbying various perceived authorities, at least she knows they're in on it. Too many think these people don't know they are killing people, when those in positions of authority know. Jack was different, regarding notions of adaption, which is great in theory. In reality, enough people (not all, enough) need to be brave enough to face reality, give up the convenience EMF brings, learn essential life skills, and truly fight for their lives and the lives of those who are unable to break free from the tech addiction.

It's a level of fearlessness and dedication that most lack, but I'm hopeful it's brewing in the numbers needed to bring this murder machine to its knees. So I'll keep having conversations with those willing to hear, Arthurs book has been very helpful in waking up people in my social circle. And I'll keep learning life skills, knowing the time will eventually come.

For what its worth, the best success I've had getting people to grasp the seriousness of the danger is Arthurs book. My husband didn't get it until we read his book together. There are several people in our community I've spoken with who are keen to read it. I'm passing my copy around.

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Sorry everyone that this podcast was sent out twice today. My computer skills are lacking this week ):

Let us know: are there any other questions you would have liked for me to ask?

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Roman, is this something you know anything about?


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Thank you Roman. Thank you Mona!

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Astute on them to comment on the effect of TV (19:20).

I've done a whole piece on this: "You Really Should Do This To Your TV".


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