I think the article could have been titled, "Why are we getting Stupider". IQ is directly related to iodine status in the prenatal mom. Ninety six percent of women are deficient based on Dr David Brownstein treatment of over 8,000 patients. Iodine is required to form the neural pathways in the babies growth. The lowest form of iodine deficiency is cretinism where the child will never develop verbal skills.

Another aspect are the toxic adjuvants in the childhood vaccines. Aluminum is in 42 out of 45 vaccines and excess aluminum is found in brain biopsies of autism and alzheimer patients, Dr Christopher Exley.

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Exley does some astounding work, but has gotten a lot of flack from his colleagues. Iodine is certainly underappreciated. How do you like to get it, thru seafood, or do you supplement?

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Exley’s flack is from non scientists and pharma. I supplement with Lugols iodine about 15mg per day. Many female friends have thyroid issues that the average MD has no clue about. My girlfriend has had lack of hair issues for over 20 years. She started taking about 2mg of 2% Lugols and her hair started growing back. Seafood from the ocean will maybe give you 2 mg per day if you ate it for every meal during the day. Farm raised has no iodine. Iodine has to compete with the toxic halides chlorine, bromide and fluoride in our bodies. Iodine is required for our immune system and every cell in our body. It is also for cellular secretion of the thyroid, salivary glands, breasts, pancreas, ovaries and prostate. If these glands can’t secrete and create blockage you end up with nodules/fibroids and possibly develops into cancer. Dr David Brownstein videos, Dr Jerry Tennant book Healing is Voltage The Handbook and The Iodine Crisis by Lynn Farrow. The low basal temperature used to be the standard to diagnose thyroid issues. So yes there is a crisis of low basal temperature due to insufficient iodine/iodide.

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Thank you for your comments and book titles. After seeing two Brownstein videos I realized my Lucent Iodine drops were probably not working and your comments confirm. Also stunning about iodine status of prenatal mom. I was raised in Montana on a minimal but healthy diet and had two boys scoring at or above 145 on iq test in Kindergarten, which I poo-poohed because I thought all little kids were smart. They continued very smart and some of the kids they enjoyed showed evidence of even higher intelligence scores. I sent my kids to school from first grade on with a book, ‘so when it gets boring you can read for a while’. Most schools are terribly boring.

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I’m glad your boys turned out well. The best book I have read is by Dr Jerry Tennant called Healing is Voltage-The Handbook. He is an MD but left traditional medicine and describes in his book how we are electrical beings and goes through most chronic diseases and destroys the “Standard of Care”.

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Thank you. I just ordered the Iodine book but will now also order Tennant’s Healing is Voltage—The Handbook. Thank you!

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Hello Stuart you are on the money with Iodine. I know of people who give this to there baby that are in the know. it is know in India as well and used on babies.

I make my own Iodine, Iodine, Potassium iodide and SSKI iodine at whatever strengths I desire.

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That is great you are that proficient. It is sad MD’s are clueless in how it helps a babies neural pathways. It is even worse for women since most are having severe thyroid issues doctors do not know how to resolve.

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Agee 100%

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I worked as a tutor and an instructor for math and stats for over 36 years at UC Berkeley, 1973 to 2009. I often interacted with students as they made their way through the first two years, particularly the ones taking the first two years of math courses (a requirement for students majoring in engineering, math and the physical sciences). And i noticed a definitive tendency for such students to assume a more convergent mode of thinking as they underwent more and more training (it's not "education"), becoming more robotic overall. Furthermore, as the years went on, entering students were starting at a point which kept moving further and further toward the convergent end. Sinking toward machine-friendly conformity.

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The loss of brain power, take your pick: childhood vaccines, drugs in general, public school indoctrination, MSM, social media, DEI TV, questionable processed foods, growing amounts of toxins and chemicals, A/i, the science of marketing us to death, sporadic health care, lack of sunshine, and about a million other reasons.

The solution: taking your child's development through early life into your own hands.

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"I don't want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers" - Rockefeller. Rockefeller poured a significant amount of investment into education system. He created the General Education Board at the ultimate cost of $129 million and provided major funding for schools across the nation and was very influential in shaping the school system.

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Thanks for this article and your commenters. I’m ordering Lugol’s iodine today and going to check the library, your book store and then other book stores for the Tennant and Farrow books. I tamed the dirty electricity with the plug in blocks you recommended, wear my red glasses in the evening and am sleeping soundly after years and years of not doing so. Thanks for your ideas, writing and videos.

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Power Couple: I hope everyone checks out the link you provided on this page for your "The Power Couple Bookshop"! You've done a fine job of arranging them by interest/subject. I've read many! Thank you for your ongoing attention to detail.

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Thank you Charlene! It's a labor of love. Any books on your list currently, that you're interested in reading soon?

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Yep! The Fourth Phase of Water is next on my list. I think it might support my personal theories, and I'm excited "like crazy" to read it :)

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Intelligence has an environmental component. There is a temporary shared environmental factor (family) that vanishes by age 12. The nonshared environment continues to be present in heritability studies, always reducing IQ by chemical and biological pathways (toxins, disease, and head injuries). The nonshared environmental variance is 15% in adult populations. Keep in mind that heritability is only defined at the group level.

My cousin got a full scholarship to MIT studying nano technologies. He dropped out and works at Trader Joes and goes to burning man each year. Intelligence is a fickle thing. My sister got the 2nd highest SAT in the state but makes horrible decisions. And as far as me. You know me Roman and I can say my Brilliance hasn't lowered but my memory isn't almost photographic like it once was. The smartest dude in the world was a career bouncer in night clubs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Langan

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