Here’s what we’ll learn in this article:
1. What is PEMF?
2. How does Switzerland employ PEMF?
3. What is our “biological window” of healing?
4. What PEMF devices may do more harm than good?
5. How does PEMF boost our immune system?
6. Top 10 benefits of using PEMF
7. Our ElectroHealth Summit Interview: Adrian Armstrong
8. Do PEMF devices generate more EMF?
9. JOIN the Waitlist for the ElectroHealth Summit!
“Be great in act, as you have been in thought;
Let not the world see fear and sad distrust
Govern the motion of a kingly eye:
Be stirring as the time; be fire with fire;
Threaten the threatener and outface the brow
Of bragging horror: so shall inferior eyes,
That borrow their behaviors from the great,
Grow great by your example and put on
The dauntless spirit of resolution.”
~ Shakespeare
The concept of fighting fire with fire dates back to those grizzly American settlers of the 19th century, who were often plagued with forest and grass fires. In response, they developed the technique of deliberately raising controllable fires, which, under control, would destroy the fuel the big fire needed to keep going. Once deprived of timber, wild fires would die out. This theory worked in some circumstances, but in others it made matters worse if those settlers’ own fires got out of control.
Instead of settling new lands, we’ve settled for a digital landscape that is burning us down, and raking our children over the coals. Our pioneering spirit, stoked by the gilded promise of technology, has stranded us on a metallic beach blazing with invisible electrical torrents that rip through our communities. Yet we just might douse the black flame of progress, by setting our bodies’ magnetic force alight.
What is PEMF?
The use of magnetic therapy dates back to ancient Greece, China and Egypt when lodestones, made up of magnetic iron (magnetite), were used for healing. Cleopatra slept on lodestones to keep her skin youthful and beautiful. Hippocrates reportedly used lodestone to treat sterility.
Lodestones are magnetite rocks that have been struck by lighting. The lightning strike causes the stone to acquire a north and a south pole. Our brains contain magnetite, and our bodies heal along magnetic field lines. Similar to the human body, these stones are polarized magneto-electrically charged substances. What happens when we’ve been struck by the artificial lightning of dirty electricity, or wireless signals in our homes too often? How can we realign ourselves back to the natural field of the Earth, which has been turned into a supercomputer running on cellular technology and satellites?
Pioneering research into pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) began in earnest in the 1950s, as Dr. Andrew Basset and Dr. William Pawluk studied its effects on bone healing and fracture repair. In the 1970s, NASA began its research on PEMF to help astronauts mitigate the health hazards of space travel.12 NASA scientists have a patent3 for a device that uses square wave magnetic fields to enhance the rate of healing of mammalian body parts.4
PEMF has also been used to treat depression, reduce swelling and post-operative pain, promote blood circulation, and stimulate the immune system. Doctors, psychiatrists, chiropractors, naturopaths, and veterinarians use PEMF devices in their practice. Often this equipment is large, expensive and quite powerful. Today, different types of PEMF devices are available for the public to use in the privacy of their own home.
I’ve been hesitant to research PEMF, since there are many devices on the market that have not been verified, and the promises they make sound too good to be true. I also believe we should first do no harm, and employ the medicine cabinet we can all enjoy - Mother Nature. This is why PEMF sparked my interest, since it’s using the principles of electromagnetism ignored by mainstream science, at least the streams North America swims in.
The Swiss Miss Pain
Switzerland has a different approach to alternative healing, and embraces PEMF. Dr. Magda Havas, who has researched the biological effects of electromagnetic fields since the 1990s5, journeyed to Switzerland in 2011 after purchasing a PEMF device for testing called the iMRS (Intelligent Magnetic Resonance Stimulation) system. Since the WHO is located in Switzerland, the country has access to highly advanced healthcare equipment. Dr. Havas met with Dr. Thomas Rau who runs the Paracelsus Clinic, where world-class medicine and dentistry is practiced. The clinic uses electroceuticals instead of pharmaceuticals to manage post-operative pain:

The Biological Window
I became intrigued when I learned how the iMRS Prime device by Swiss Bionic Solutions harnesses the “biological window” of our brain’s alpha frequency, along with magnetic fields that are similar to those emitted by the Earth. There are two types of PEMF devices on the market: high and low-intensity. High intensity systems deliver a field strength of multiple Tesla (magnetic field) compared to low PEMF systems, which usually deliver intensities in microTesla. The Earth emits a field of about 30-65 microTesla6, which is why low-intensity PEMF devices are typically safer to use for non-medical professionals. Devices such as the TeslaFit, PMT120, MagnaWave, and Ringer Unit could be dangerous due to their very high intensities, and belong solely in the hands of trained, skilled and experienced staff for specified conditions. Many such devices do not carry any compliance certificate for electric safety and electromagnetic compatibility, and were officially banned by the FDA since 2005.7 Many devices on the market also claim to have a frequency range of 1-30 Hz, however manufacturers do not disclose the fact that they use only a square wave, vs the triple sawtooth wave employed by the iMRS.
Quality is often more effective when it comes to healing. We can pop painkillers for a sore back, or get into an infrared sauna instead. We may initially feel the painkiller more, yet the electromagnetic force of infrared light penetrates much deeper, and lasts much longer. Our bodies are a tuning fork. When we are in resonance with any field, whether it be an angry cyclist wearing too much spandex, the nightly news, a piece of classical music, or the Sunrise, the electromagnetic signature of our brain state goes into coherence. While the iMRS also emits in the same range as other low-intensity PEMF devices, it also puts our nervous system into resonance with the triple sawtooth wave our brains emit when asleep8 or in meditation.
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In the days of our past, we as humans learned medicine by watching how our human body resonates with a very specific, very low frequency range (roughly 1-25Hz), known as the “Biological Window.”9 Those findings also correlate with the prevailing brain wave patterns 0.1-25Hz triggered by an EEG. The alpha brain wave pattern is very calming and restorative, and we experience this brainwave when we’re in a flow state of concentration and productivity. The iMRS device also helps us leverage this pattern. In fact, after ten minutes on the iMRS, all cells in the human body were found to resonate between 1-30 Hz.10 This window of opportunity for biological healing is also known as the Schumann Resonance of Earth.
How does PEMF improve our immune system?
Our blood is the lodestone of our immune system, as the iron flowing through our hemoglobin transports oxygen to revivify our organs. One of the claims made by sales reps of the iMRS is that this technology helps blood circulation by keeping blood cells from sticking together. Dr. Havas did a live blood analysis after working on a computer, as electrosmog from devices can create clumping:
“I tested my blood after using the iMRS mat for 8 minutes on a sensitive setting (low intensity) and found – to my surprise – that my blood cells looked much healthier. They were no longer sticking together. See slides 1 and 2 below. I repeated this several times and found virtually identical results. This was encouraging.”
“One night I bashed my shin against some furniture and knew that in the morning I would have a large bruise. The skin was cut but not bleeding. I used the MRS 2000 probe set at high for 8 minutes and went to bed. The next morning there was no bruise, no swelling, and no pain, just the remnants of the cut.”
~ Dr. Magda Havas
Top 10 Benefits of using PEMF
Pulsed electromagnetic therapy has the ability to not only repair injuries at a faster rate, but has additional benefits, which I’ve listed below. This video also contains a wonderful synopsis:
Amplifies our biofield: PEMF is a form of acupuncture without needles, and increases the flow of electrical charge along our bodies’s energy meridians
Increases energy levels: improves ATP production in mitochondria
Improves microcirculation of blood vessels with increased nitric oxide, and rouleaux formation is decreased
Detoxification - our lymph is the “sewage system” of our bodies, and needs to be flushed out with exercise, movement, and healthy electric fields like PEMF.
Boosts immune system - oxygenation, increases PH- transforming our lymphatic swamp into a rainforest - regulates microbiome
Pain relief - stimulates endorphins, temporarily interrupts pain signal
Healing and regeneration - naturally stimulates stem cells
Stress and anxiety release - supports parasympathetic nervous system with alpha brain state, stimulates spinal release of neurotransmitters
Better sleep - lower, slower sleep frequencies at night
Total health integration and nutritional absorption
ElectroHealth ⚡ Summit Interview: Adrian Armstrong
In today’s era of wild western medicine, it’s up to us to find our way through the wilderness. Why not use the formulas of nature to help guide us, and use technology as our servant, rather than a master? Those of us who don’t live in a cave need the tools at our disposal to dam the electrical tides coming our way.
The good news is: we have captains like Adrian Armstrong that are riding the lightning for us. After a car accident in 2015, and a shoulder injury, Adrian began using PEMF therapy mats for himself, as well as for his massage clients. In over 30 years of helping people with their health issues he has never seen anything that consistently got amazing results for everyone that used it regularly.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Adrian as part of The ElectroHealth Summit we’ll be launching in January! We discussed the science behind this potent form of energy medicine, and how PEMF can have immediate impacts11 on our health.
Don’t PEMF devices generate more EMF?
Many devices on the market need to be plugged into the wall, and also do not shield their electronics. The iMRS has the ability to run off a shielded battery, and also converts all of the digital information from the touchscreen tablet into analog. This is why many who are electro-sensitive have had success using it.
For access to our entire interview, along with others we’ll be releasing as part of The ElectroHealth Summit, stay tuned by registering here:
Thank you for taking the time to learn how you can become healthier, one pulse at a time. If you’d like to find out more about these devices, we encourage you to contact Adrian. He’s extremely knowledgeable, and genuinely wants to see us all beat back the bush fires of disease with a magnetic torch of our own.
We are more powerful than we know.
Roman & Bohdanna
You can also support us at The Power Couple Bookshop - dedicated to making us relearn from our ancestors!
Goodwin, Thomas. (2003). Physiological and Molecular Genetic Effects of Time-Varying Electromagnetic Fields on Human Neuronal Cells.
NASA PEMF patent:
Bawin and Adey, 1976
Research on PEMF health impacts and disease outcomes:
Dr Jerry Tennant's book Healing is Voltage-Scalar Energy and Dr Robert Gilbert (Biogeometry) delve into how our bodies are electrical, magnetic and frequency based before being chemical and biological.
Thanks, Roman & Bohdanna, for another great article! We live in a world filled with people desperate for healing. I learned so much from living eight long years with debilitating chronic pain. It was the best thing that ever happened to me because it led me down the holistic path. So much of this is about energy healing; even traditional hands-on and distance healing is remarkably effective. Our self-healing capabilities are amazing. Adrian seems very genuine.