Dr Jerry Tennant's book Healing is Voltage-Scalar Energy and Dr Robert Gilbert (Biogeometry) delve into how our bodies are electrical, magnetic and frequency based before being chemical and biological.
Thanks, Roman & Bohdanna, for another great article! We live in a world filled with people desperate for healing. I learned so much from living eight long years with debilitating chronic pain. It was the best thing that ever happened to me because it led me down the holistic path. So much of this is about energy healing; even traditional hands-on and distance healing is remarkably effective. Our self-healing capabilities are amazing. Adrian seems very genuine.
These devices remind me of the movie(Elysium) where there rich had healing machines on some space colony that could take care of any ailment that the poor couldn't get to. Interesting how most of this PEMF stuff is in the same location as the WHO headquarters.
*End of nerd moment*
It's great that others are developing this stuff and trying to get it out.
Like you said nature can do all this as well. But tech if used correctly can't hurt.
Sounds like PEMF restructures the water in the body, what Rudolf Steiner called the etheric body. All 5 points he makes in the video sound like similar points made by Dr. Tom Cowan made in is book Cosmic Heart and Dr. Gerald Pollack made in his book The Fourth Phase of Water about structured water. Our water gets destructured by EMF's, toxins, stress etc. Unless those problems are eliminated, it seems the effects of PEMF therapy would be temporary.
It seems hard to fix problem of emf from smart phone.When we touch it emf increases by several X vs even 5 cm away so preventing touch to exposed emf device is key while still being able to operate screen.
Grounded Ethernet cord from computer one option but not possible when traveling.I assume smartphone screen has full touch operation ability with cord?If so
solution could be to use Ethernet cord from other activated cell phone(most of us have old phones that could be used as main signal carrier).Combined with say emf cloth shielding over signaled phone or a emf blocker pouch where just enough of phone is exposed directionally for good signal and cord is 2-4 feet away from user emfs could be reduced 99%+ seems.This could work well when traveling in a car, the pouch could be situated in the roof with a protective 2nd pouch or case strapped to roof rack or such... solving excess emf in car issue cheaply. Could also be used at office or home with strategically pre placed cording to phone far enough away or even outside in roof in old antenna style,haha.
What do you think,viable? I'm very non technical,If you like general idea could you msg us on example of specific products and services that would work in compatibility.I could then spread word online on this and other ideas you have for EMF protection.
Of course same 2-6 ft ethernet cord system could be used when walking,with either end cloth shielding in pocket and cellphone on other side of it away from body or in again one of those $20 approx emf pouches online..
Perhaps better would be a ethernet cord to the internals of the smart phones antenna signal receiving system which could be removed from it's normal place inside cellphone and encapsulated in a 1/4 phone size disk box w directional shielding one could have on again the 2-6 ft Ethernet cord in in ones pocket or belt holster or even on a pant leg cuff or shoe clip with a pre placed cord running down or sewed into pant leg,maximizing distance from brain all reduced emfs leftover and again achieving 99% emf brain protection ( tests show emfs effects on brain performance and mood are fairly immediate,forget cancer..)..Some of this could be very marketable as no one's offering it in a focused real way yet but mainly I want to solve immediate cellphone radiation issue to degrees possible....A cellphone case that has a shielding inside that rotates always away from body,brain in correlation w body movements and signal it needs and appropriate sensors and chip programming is another but not sure if that tech exists... Also case needs to allow typing on outside that transfers to inside by some sort of program or mechanism...I bet tech is there,just have to find a good technician team ya know...if ya ever succeed don't forget my 5% cut haha,no seriously!
PEMF does seem really promising. Until a few months ago it was unknown to me, but several people have spoken warmly about it. I assume it may also have positive effects on longevity. I am keen on learning more about this.
Thank you for the reply but can you please send me a link to ONE study that you believe conclusively proves EMF is harmful? One that has controls and a method section.
I’ve gone down this road before and do far found nothing conclusive.
You clearly know a lot about this and I’ve no doubt you have a study you’ve read that you believe is conclusive.
Here’s why EMF is thought to be harmless, it’s an argument based on heating of tissue that does not consider the non-thermal effects. E.g. x-rays don’t heat us up, but are lethal:
For about 5 yrs, I was a distributor for Nikken products; they are a Japanese corporation. They used static magnets and far infrared wraps to balance the body's energy. The most technical explanation to my question as to how they worked was that they helped nutrients get into the cells and waste materials get out of the cells. And that's what Adrian said in your video! IMO, the products sold themselves because the buyers purchased them after experiencing them for a short time. They always improved strength on a muscle test, which is impressive. Nikken sells "sleep systems" with magnets in the mattress and pillows and far infrared materials in the comforters. We still use them 20 yrs later. Wouldn't trade my Nikken pillow for anything!
I currently use a DIY PEMF device and love it's effects on my body. I remember hearing Dr. Havas say that she has a PEMF coil under her office desk. I occasionally do the same.
What I'm trying to say is that I really appreciate you sharing this information with others, because PEMF and static magnets are very effective for balancing the energy of the body and assisting the body in making ATP. You do good work keeping things natural, Roman. Keep it up.
Optionally to Ethernet cord one could perhaps use the 2 to 30hz frequency some hearing aids run on that's very minor radiation ,Bluetooth is 2.4ghz microwave oven level(most hearing aids switched to =brain fry!)and although would put a lower cap on emf exposure is not attractive...
Roman! I think your the man with the rep.and contacts to push this successfully,I'm not in good position...Thousands of increasingly phone emf fried people could be on Ethernet cord 3 systems aforementioned in a matter of months with big online push 99% solutions are found! I think spelling out which Ethernet cords and adapters and programs/apps work on androids vs apple is key hand holding necessary to fly it fast and well,I'll work on it,let me know your in input there..
The other non core or ai sensor case methods should work but need tinkering, time,and investment...if you decide to utilize invention form Id be willing to put in more time and money,I trust you though and the case idea with Mobil, directional antenna is a huge seller could make you millions in short time. 5 percent ,2.5 if necessary of eventual profits is a serious no joke hail Mary your way..I have leads on completing each functional mode,component of case but it's a ton more research requiring team formation to finish to working, marketable basic proposal,nothing on market now that achieves 5 functions mentioned case achieves.Id go full-time on it if I had partners.Would be nice to speak to you on phone if interested.The case will take longer then others but will win millions vs only thousands w cord or non blue tooth MHz idea
Ps.shark tank recently shows a large chunk of winners don't invest in patent due to great expenses,delays and copycats then beating them to market w corruptions regardless of patent etc.I think we could hire in as little as one design, prototype assisters and one manufacturer if we're lucky to reduce pre launch exposure of emf case...The Ethernet cord,others mentioned are public service freebies to save a big crowd of people from getting fried...seems more important w recent news of nano tech in bodies getting pumped up,hardening too in blood clots,etc,etc,it's enough if you have a conncience and an open mind to react and help!If emf cause materializes to market w me on board a bit (2.5%+) I favor minimal profits as were in humanity emergency ie definitely another "Oh the humanity" moment but no big tourist blimps in site lately,whew!
Dr Jerry Tennant's book Healing is Voltage-Scalar Energy and Dr Robert Gilbert (Biogeometry) delve into how our bodies are electrical, magnetic and frequency based before being chemical and biological.
Thanks Stuart! Love that you mentioned that book. When did you first learn of Tennant's work?
About 2 years ago. All MD’s are taught bogus info at medical school for chronic disease.
Thanks, Roman & Bohdanna, for another great article! We live in a world filled with people desperate for healing. I learned so much from living eight long years with debilitating chronic pain. It was the best thing that ever happened to me because it led me down the holistic path. So much of this is about energy healing; even traditional hands-on and distance healing is remarkably effective. Our self-healing capabilities are amazing. Adrian seems very genuine.
An interesting and informative read.
*Incoming nerd moment*
These devices remind me of the movie(Elysium) where there rich had healing machines on some space colony that could take care of any ailment that the poor couldn't get to. Interesting how most of this PEMF stuff is in the same location as the WHO headquarters.
*End of nerd moment*
It's great that others are developing this stuff and trying to get it out.
Like you said nature can do all this as well. But tech if used correctly can't hurt.
Sounds like PEMF restructures the water in the body, what Rudolf Steiner called the etheric body. All 5 points he makes in the video sound like similar points made by Dr. Tom Cowan made in is book Cosmic Heart and Dr. Gerald Pollack made in his book The Fourth Phase of Water about structured water. Our water gets destructured by EMF's, toxins, stress etc. Unless those problems are eliminated, it seems the effects of PEMF therapy would be temporary.
"Spirit moves upon the water."
Right on!
It seems hard to fix problem of emf from smart phone.When we touch it emf increases by several X vs even 5 cm away so preventing touch to exposed emf device is key while still being able to operate screen.
Grounded Ethernet cord from computer one option but not possible when traveling.I assume smartphone screen has full touch operation ability with cord?If so
solution could be to use Ethernet cord from other activated cell phone(most of us have old phones that could be used as main signal carrier).Combined with say emf cloth shielding over signaled phone or a emf blocker pouch where just enough of phone is exposed directionally for good signal and cord is 2-4 feet away from user emfs could be reduced 99%+ seems.This could work well when traveling in a car, the pouch could be situated in the roof with a protective 2nd pouch or case strapped to roof rack or such... solving excess emf in car issue cheaply. Could also be used at office or home with strategically pre placed cording to phone far enough away or even outside in roof in old antenna style,haha.
What do you think,viable? I'm very non technical,If you like general idea could you msg us on example of specific products and services that would work in compatibility.I could then spread word online on this and other ideas you have for EMF protection.
Of course same 2-6 ft ethernet cord system could be used when walking,with either end cloth shielding in pocket and cellphone on other side of it away from body or in again one of those $20 approx emf pouches online..
Perhaps better would be a ethernet cord to the internals of the smart phones antenna signal receiving system which could be removed from it's normal place inside cellphone and encapsulated in a 1/4 phone size disk box w directional shielding one could have on again the 2-6 ft Ethernet cord in in ones pocket or belt holster or even on a pant leg cuff or shoe clip with a pre placed cord running down or sewed into pant leg,maximizing distance from brain all reduced emfs leftover and again achieving 99% emf brain protection ( tests show emfs effects on brain performance and mood are fairly immediate,forget cancer..)..Some of this could be very marketable as no one's offering it in a focused real way yet but mainly I want to solve immediate cellphone radiation issue to degrees possible....A cellphone case that has a shielding inside that rotates always away from body,brain in correlation w body movements and signal it needs and appropriate sensors and chip programming is another but not sure if that tech exists... Also case needs to allow typing on outside that transfers to inside by some sort of program or mechanism...I bet tech is there,just have to find a good technician team ya know...if ya ever succeed don't forget my 5% cut haha,no seriously!
PEMF does seem really promising. Until a few months ago it was unknown to me, but several people have spoken warmly about it. I assume it may also have positive effects on longevity. I am keen on learning more about this.
Same here Johan! If you'd like, I can put you in touch with my colleague Adrian of PEMF Solutions?
yeah sounds good :)
Honestly, where is the proof that EMF is so bad for us?
Show me THE study that proves it is.
Not even the much applauded Dr Cowan will front on this.
Thank you for the reply but can you please send me a link to ONE study that you believe conclusively proves EMF is harmful? One that has controls and a method section.
I’ve gone down this road before and do far found nothing conclusive.
You clearly know a lot about this and I’ve no doubt you have a study you’ve read that you believe is conclusive.
Thanks in advance.
Here’s why EMF is thought to be harmless, it’s an argument based on heating of tissue that does not consider the non-thermal effects. E.g. x-rays don’t heat us up, but are lethal:
Thanks for asking. Here are some links.
There are tens of thousands of studies, mostly independent and discredited by the mainstream media:
some more links: https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal
For about 5 yrs, I was a distributor for Nikken products; they are a Japanese corporation. They used static magnets and far infrared wraps to balance the body's energy. The most technical explanation to my question as to how they worked was that they helped nutrients get into the cells and waste materials get out of the cells. And that's what Adrian said in your video! IMO, the products sold themselves because the buyers purchased them after experiencing them for a short time. They always improved strength on a muscle test, which is impressive. Nikken sells "sleep systems" with magnets in the mattress and pillows and far infrared materials in the comforters. We still use them 20 yrs later. Wouldn't trade my Nikken pillow for anything!
I currently use a DIY PEMF device and love it's effects on my body. I remember hearing Dr. Havas say that she has a PEMF coil under her office desk. I occasionally do the same.
What I'm trying to say is that I really appreciate you sharing this information with others, because PEMF and static magnets are very effective for balancing the energy of the body and assisting the body in making ATP. You do good work keeping things natural, Roman. Keep it up.
Optionally to Ethernet cord one could perhaps use the 2 to 30hz frequency some hearing aids run on that's very minor radiation ,Bluetooth is 2.4ghz microwave oven level(most hearing aids switched to =brain fry!)and although would put a lower cap on emf exposure is not attractive...
Roman! I think your the man with the rep.and contacts to push this successfully,I'm not in good position...Thousands of increasingly phone emf fried people could be on Ethernet cord 3 systems aforementioned in a matter of months with big online push 99% solutions are found! I think spelling out which Ethernet cords and adapters and programs/apps work on androids vs apple is key hand holding necessary to fly it fast and well,I'll work on it,let me know your in input there..
The other non core or ai sensor case methods should work but need tinkering, time,and investment...if you decide to utilize invention form Id be willing to put in more time and money,I trust you though and the case idea with Mobil, directional antenna is a huge seller could make you millions in short time. 5 percent ,2.5 if necessary of eventual profits is a serious no joke hail Mary your way..I have leads on completing each functional mode,component of case but it's a ton more research requiring team formation to finish to working, marketable basic proposal,nothing on market now that achieves 5 functions mentioned case achieves.Id go full-time on it if I had partners.Would be nice to speak to you on phone if interested.The case will take longer then others but will win millions vs only thousands w cord or non blue tooth MHz idea
Ps.shark tank recently shows a large chunk of winners don't invest in patent due to great expenses,delays and copycats then beating them to market w corruptions regardless of patent etc.I think we could hire in as little as one design, prototype assisters and one manufacturer if we're lucky to reduce pre launch exposure of emf case...The Ethernet cord,others mentioned are public service freebies to save a big crowd of people from getting fried...seems more important w recent news of nano tech in bodies getting pumped up,hardening too in blood clots,etc,etc,it's enough if you have a conncience and an open mind to react and help!If emf cause materializes to market w me on board a bit (2.5%+) I favor minimal profits as were in humanity emergency ie definitely another "Oh the humanity" moment but no big tourist blimps in site lately,whew!