Jul 29Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Another great article Roman. If you have a 'smart' meter, you have a problem. In the electromagnetic realm, the closer the source of radiation the greater the intensity of personal exposure. There is therefore no greater threat than attaching a radiation-emitting device to each and every home as it involves involuntary exposure to you, and your loved-ones -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, forever.

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Jul 29Liked by Roman S Shapoval

This is not about PNM saving labor-cost or advancing AMI.

This is about

- slow-motion depopulation,

- controlling the plebes even at home, (which device, how long, when leaving home, etc.)

- remotely, forcibly shutting-off any device to reduce your carbon foot-print🤣🤣, etc.

Smart-meters are just one facet of the multi-pronged assault of globalist's Great Reset for total domination, like jabs, fast-food, chem-trails, stress and taxes ...

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Jul 29Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Loved the wild west analogy at the beginning.

The only thing, "Smart" about these meters is that they make people sick without them realizing. Unless of course they travel down various rabbit holes and find individuals like yourself. The large collection of comments of those who realized what was going on gave me a boost of hope.

The main thing making us sick is our own technology.

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Jul 29Liked by Roman S Shapoval

It's worse for renters than people who own.

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Jul 29Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I fought and got them to remove my wireless meter with a "digital" non transmiting one. Now I have to pay a $15 fee each month for someone to come read it. I'm in Oklahoma by the way. Just shows they want to take way the meter readers jobs

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just like they did the toll collectors on the bridges...

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Hi Jody, thank you for your input. What model # is the meter? It could be a PLC-type, which used the power lines to transmit, creating more kHz dirty electricity.

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Jul 29Liked by Roman S Shapoval

It's the mild mest alright, partners. They even put the double ewes skew-whiff!

Who'da thought we'd hav'ta stop some theivin scoundrels from puttin thins IN our homes?

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Jul 29Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Thank u for you time sharing this!🙏🏻

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Jul 29Liked by Roman S Shapoval

This info is so needed! Thank you for putting it out there!

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Thank you Heathar! We appreciate your support. Have you had any success with smart meters in your area?

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Jul 31Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I have, thanks to Arthur! We live in N New Mexico! I hope we can continue to keep them out of the area and offer this to other areas globally as well. Such an important fight.

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That's so good to hear Heathar! You're really on the front lines then. Are many other residents in that area EMF - conscious you think?

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Unfortunately, not really! But I live in a very rural area. There are definitely more EMF conscious folks who live closer to town however. Love your work and thanks for connecting and for all you do.

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around and around we go, saying the same things again and again. sigh.

we know this is BADD, but evil has no ears.

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