As far back as 1912, people afflicted with tuberculosis1 flocked to the dry air and potent Sun of the desert Southwest. Those who have been electromagnetically poisoned may find some relief among the area’s red granite rocks of our grandfathers, as this stone is an electrical insulator.

Today there’s a band of outlaws that have come to town, stampeding on horses under the banner of public service. These digital desperadoes are trying to drag the People of the Desert out of their shady saloons of reprieve, and out into the unforgiven streets, with wireless six-shooters called smart meters. The sheriffs are outgunned, and the barkeeps are stunned.
The Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) is applying for a second time to the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC) to replace all utility meters in its service areas with Advanced Metering Infrastructure (“AMI” or “smart meters”). AMI allows the utility company to save labor costs, as meters can be read remotely, without a technician on-site. The application by PNM includes a cost-benefit analysis (CBA), which is being contested by local residents.
New Mexicans for Utility Safety (NMUS), led by
, recommends that the PRC (“the Commission”) should reject the CBA because it does not consider the costs of the AMI component of PNM’s application to the health, safety and welfare of all New Mexicans as required by the Public Utility Act. The Commission ordered PNM to address the health effects of AMI in a public input process before bringing another smart meter proposal to the Commission for approval. PNM has utterly failed to do.No net public benefit | No evaluation of alternatives
In 2018, the Commission evaluated the cost-benefit analysis submitted by PNM in light of all the evidence, including the costs to health. In the Commission’s report, under the section entitled “Health concerns” it states:
“A great deal of evidence has been presented on the health effects of smart meters and the extent to which all or a subset of the population experience health effects. There was evidence of the thermal and non-thermal effects; cancer effects and non-cancer effects; “measurable physiologic abnormalities” and “symptomsthat warrant medical treatment”…
Dr. Gelmann and Mr. Firstenberg agreed that the most common health effects identified by patients are sleep disorders, tinnitus, and dizziness. Mr. Firstenberg also added nausea, headaches and heart palpitations to the list.
The evidence, however, does not indicate how many people are sensitive to the electromagnetic emissions from smart meters, the extent to which smart meters, including the particular AMI meters proposed by PNM, may cause or aggravate the condition compared to the emissions from other sources of radio waves in the environment. The Hearing Examiner, thus, cannot, based upon this record, make definitive findings on the health impacts of emissions from PNM’s proposed AMI Project or recommend that PNM's Application be denied on the basis of adverse health conditions.
… These are issues that can and should be addressed in a public input process of the sort PNM stated in its 2012 Report that it would conduct before bringing a smart meter proposal to the Commission for approval.”
PNM’s “public input process” asked customers only whether they were “concerned about electromagnetic sensitivity”, not about the health effects of smart meters as it was commanded to do. PNM deliberately excluded New Mexicans for Utility Safety, and all other parties concerned with those health effects, from its purported public input process; from its stakeholder meetings, and even from its settlement conference in the current proceeding.2
The application by PNM to install smart meters is part of a proposed overhaul to the entire power grid, or Grid Modernization Project, which falls under the Public Utility Act. The PUA makes the protection of the public health, safety and welfare a primary responsibility in all of the Commission’s actions.
The Legislature did not mention health, safety and welfare in the Grid Modernization statute because it did not have to: the Grid Modernization statute is part of the Public Utility Act.
Deaf ears to a public outcry
The number of scientific studies, evidence of severe health effects, and the magnitude of public opposition to AMI smart meters are now even more extensive, but have been not only ignored by PNM, but ruled “irrelevant,” and excluded by the Hearing Examiner. This is contrary to law.
NMUS has already addressed the total exclusion of all witnesses and evidence relating to health and environment from this proceeding. 3 NMUS highlights the total and illegal exclusion of the huge public opposition to AMI when considering the costs of this technology.
The Hearing Examiner even scheduled the prehearing on the CBA at the exact same time as the public comment hearing on the CBA, 2:00 P.M. on April 18, 2024, thus guaranteeing that neither he nor any of the parties would be able to hear those public comments; guaranteeing that the parties could not use those comments in any way in their briefs, or the Hearing Examiner in his Recommended Decision, since they have not even been transcribed.
“All interested persons are afforded the opportunity to have input into cases which affect them.” - PRC rule
Input that is not considered or heard by the decision-maker is not input.
Hearing the silenced
Throngs of injured and concerned individuals are screaming at New Mexico, by way of 431 written public comments and a large number of oral public comments, not to follow the rest of the country off the cliff and to finally set a precedent for health, life, and the planet.4
As of June 11, 2024, 431 members of the public have submitted written comments into the record of this case. Of the 464 commenters whose names and testimonies are in the record, 460 oppose PNM’s application for Grid Modernization.
Some of the commenters are New Mexico residents who have experienced smart meters prior to moving there; others are New Mexico residents who have experienced smart meters while traveling; others are residents of parts of New Mexico that already have smart meters; and others are people who live in the rest of the country and the rest of the world who have experienced smart meters that have been forced upon them. Among them are doctors, psychologists, nurses, and other health practitioners.
The following are excerpts from some of the comments:
“From the time the smart meter was turned on, I could not write an email, I could not think and I could not sleep. It was an absolute nightmare until it was switched off.” - Maryann McCabe
“The radiation [smart meters] emit inside apartments creates for myself, a constant burning pain to my skin.” - Lauren Bond
“My mother died of a massive brain tumor caused by a row of smart meters outside her condo, on the wall where the head of her bed was.” - Jeanne Thompson
“I had to move because of the horrific radiation my property was surrounded by, that was given off by the smart meters on every house in the local survey that were destroying me and my family’s health.” - Richard Flook
“I have seen hideous debility in adults and children secondary to Smart Meters being installed in my area.” - Dr. L. Thomas
“how sick the smart grid has made me since 2010,” that “I have to fight for my life on a daily basis,” and that “the blueberry farm had no bees and could not make a living or sell produce to its customers.” - Charlene Bontrager
“I have experienced headaches whenever I'm in the house for an extended period of time,” and that “we are no longer having birds visiting in our backyard as we used to.” - Mary Boncher
“I was severely negatively impacted by smart meters. They were installed at my job as a hair stylist, and within a few months I had massive radiation poisoning symptoms. My hair was falling out and I was diagnosed with leukemia… New Mexico is a safe haven for me, so I think smart meters should be banned.”
-Deirdre Novella
“Over the past 6 years since the installation of a smart meter on my home, I have noticed that there are almost NO hummingbirds visiting the feeders. Anna's hummingbirds overwinter here and previously, the feeders were busy year round.”
-Simone St. Clare
Robert Workman, a Building Biologist, sent a video “of a client who had a stroke and broke out in hives.” He writes: “This meter has been torture to myself and others in St Louis, it is my professional opinion this meter kills all biological life.”
Sema Kelly opted out, but her neighbor had a smart meter put in:
“She didn't know it had such dangers, but soon found out her chickens in the yard had huge tumors growing on their throats and body. The eggs they laid were odd shapes and colors, and the chickens appeared to be tired, which was not ever seen prior to the installments of the smart meters.”
“I don't hear as many songbirds now as I used to before 2016. Pollinisation of fruit trees in my backyard seems to have been affected as well. A bee-keeper neighbour has lost her beehives.” - Marie Roulleau (had meter installed in 2016)
“I know people who have been egregiously harmed by them, people who were healthy until installation of a so-called smart meter drove them from their homes in agony and turned them into EMF refugees.” - Phoebe Anne Sorgen
“I had a smart meter installed a few years ago and after only a short time, had to move out of the house until it was removed… My neighbour, an 80 year old man, also had a smart meter installed at around this time – and (maybe coincidence) went from being extremely lively, active, outward-going to hobbling around and forgetful within 6 months. He died within 18 months.” - Sarah Wild
“The smart meter was installed without our informed consent… I attempted to hatch fertile chicken eggs in an incubator in my house and after 21 days, not one egg hatched. Further examination showed that not one egg started to grow any fetus. I tried this 2 times and the same results with well over 20 fertile eggs each time.” - Dino DeBenetti
“In 2013, smart meters were instituted within my neighborhood… I incurred inner ear damage, and health issues from inability to sleep due to: anxiety, non-stop heart palpitations, and migraines. I literally fled from my home after two months of the above, and stayed with a friend who did not have smart meters in their neighborhood—FOR THREE YEARS—because I felt death would have occurred within weeks if I had not done so.” - K. Blomquist
“On the day they were getting installed, I walked outside and had no idea where I was. I had the worst kind of disorientation. This reaction was ongoing and lasted for the first few months… The vertigo attacks have only gotten worse in the past three years… My son is a teenager and he started having issues as well. The dry mouth, headaches, and sleep disruptions being the worst for him… After the installation of the smart meters, my neighbor's big dog suddenly got cancer and died. My cat started acting differently as well. We used to have a lot of bats around here which are great for eating all the mosquitoes, but I have not seen any bats in the past year or two.” - Tina Cada
Iwona Wnuk, writing in German, says that his wife developed heart arrhythmia and high blood pressure and fainted on the day a smart meter was installed:
“Am selben Tag ging es meiner Frau sehr schlecht. Sie bekam Herzrythmusstörungen, sehr hohen Blutdruck und fiel in Ohnmacht.”
I have been forced from 3 previous home locations because of smartmeter installations.” - Stephanie Dickerson
“When our meter started transmitting, I noticed two birds that had died within approximately 25 feet of it.” -M.L.
When a smart meter was installed on my townhouse approximately 6 years ago, my cat developed Hyperthyroidism. I also went from Hypothyroidism to Hyperthyroidism.” - Simone Prince
Sirpa Autio is a family physician who has “13 smart meters on the wall downstairs from my apartment. I am practically disabled by now after just 3 months in the apartment.”
“My late husband died of a brain tumor (glioma) 10 years ago, after a row of smart meters were put in place outside the wall where his head was as we slept.” - Wendy Lang
“For nearly 7 years [my neighbor’s] meter was on the side of the building about 12 feet from where my head rested while I slept on the other side of the driveway. During that time I developed tinnitus, trouble sleeping, heart palpitations and a melanoma on the top of my forehead opposite their smart meter.”
- Alice Martineau
“I started having trouble sleeping… I would stay awake all night long… I also developed blood clots that were so huge… I actually stuffed my nose with Kleenex before going to sleep, worried that I might choke on the blood during the night. I had tinnitus before, but not to this degree. I developed such ringing in my ears, such depression, rapid heartbeats just from walking in my house.” - Joann Wolfeld
“Thanks to hundreds of written comments that continue to come in from far and wide, we have a chance to keep smart meters permanently out of New Mexico; to preserve our state as a refuge and an example to the world; and to burst the seeds of life out of their envelope to blow all over the Earth and take root.
The brief filed by New Mexicans for Utility Safety contains excerpts of your written comments from all over the world painting vivid descriptions of what smart meters have done to you, your loved ones, and the animals and plants around you — including descriptions of severe injuries, deaths, and homelessness caused by the radiation from these meters.”
, Cellular Phone Task Force:
Please share this message widely, and send it to your local news media, governments, and trailblazers of a Earthly home where even the buffalo roam.
We are more powerful than we know.
Roman & Bohdanna
You can also support us at The Power Couple Bookshop - dedicated to making us relearn from our ancestors.
Additional Resources:
PNM’s “customer surveys” were neither random nor sent to all customers. Only the Customer Sentiment Survey reveals the 7 zip codes in which all of the surveyed customers resided. Application, October 3, 2022, Exhibit JAR-2, p. 30. Only the Customer Insights Survey mentions “electromagnetic sensitivity”; the word “health” does not appear in the survey. Exhibit JAR-4.
PNM invited and met with only those stakeholders who support AMI. It neither invited nor notified NMUS of these meetings. Exhibit LES-7, p. 1.
Application, October 3, 2022, p. 1 of cover letter to Melanie Sandoval: “This application is being served on parties to Case Nos. 22-00058-UT and 16-00276-UT (‘2016 Rate Case’)”. It was not served on parties to the previous AMI proceeding, Case No. 15-00312-UT.
See emails of January 23, 2023 and February 2, 2023 from PNM’s Mark Fenton, attached here - as Exhibits 1 and 2, inviting all PRC staff and all of the then-parties except NMUS to a settlement conference on February 2, 2023.
See New Mexicans for Utility Safety’s Brief-in-Chief, this docket, April 20, 2023
Another great article Roman. If you have a 'smart' meter, you have a problem. In the electromagnetic realm, the closer the source of radiation the greater the intensity of personal exposure. There is therefore no greater threat than attaching a radiation-emitting device to each and every home as it involves involuntary exposure to you, and your loved-ones -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, forever.
This is not about PNM saving labor-cost or advancing AMI.
This is about
- slow-motion depopulation,
- controlling the plebes even at home, (which device, how long, when leaving home, etc.)
- remotely, forcibly shutting-off any device to reduce your carbon foot-print🤣🤣, etc.
Smart-meters are just one facet of the multi-pronged assault of globalist's Great Reset for total domination, like jabs, fast-food, chem-trails, stress and taxes ...