Mar 1Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I couldn't answer the poll.

I believe in grounding... outside with bare skin.

using a grounding sheet inside the house seems like it'd just make me part of the EMF circuit between grid connected house wiring and earth ground, unless I also had a grounding tent over the bed to act as a Faraday cage. plus I'd have to pound in an earth ground rod outside to connect interior grounding equipment to, since the so called ground wire used in house outlets (at least under US electrical code) is just connected to the "neutral" grid connected power line bonded to ground outside the house and not truly an isolated ground.

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Hi Dude! Thanks so much for your feedback. I just noticed that about the poll, needs to have grounding outside as a choice. Happy to hear you're applying the precautionary principle in your life.

You seem to know a lot of electrical, are you an electrician?

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Mar 1Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I'm not quite an electrician. electronics hobbyist since the 1980s, high voltage research off and on since the mid 1990s after seeing a very impressive home built primitive Tesla coil (glass and copper foil capacitor, a spark gap, hand wound copper coils, and an old neon sign power supply.) currently repair stand up arcade games. no certifications except for a joke certification from 6 years of repairing Apple products at an approved subcontractor shop... which any monkey capable of keeping two browser windows open to fill out multiple choice "courses" could obtain.

I learned a fair bit about EMF from the HV research, fleshed it out some more once cell phone frequencies and WiFi/Bluetooth frequencies started to match or exceed those of microwave ovens.

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Mar 1Liked by Roman S Shapoval

LOL. I'm not an electrician, either. Are you an electrician?

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Me, too.

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Mar 1Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I do notice a difference in my sleep/peace in grounding at a large park a few minutes away versus the pond near my apartment complex. It's like getting sun exposure with a tank-top and shorts versus a shirt and pants.

However the day could be coming when my grounding at the park becomes far worse than that nearby pond. As long as we keep the pressure this should slow things down enough to wake up everyone else and then slowly reverse it.

The early bird can't get no worm if the worm is dead from man-made emf.

Thank you.

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Love your analogies Jonathan - all of this just goes to show how truly connected we all are. I hope humanity wakes up and understands that the most fragile of us are also signposts that need to be heeded, and not looked at as "weak."

Plus even birds won't eat gummy worms, or eat 'za (gmo) bugs.

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Mar 1Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Thank you.

Agreed. Some folks are the canary in the coal mine.

lol yep.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I find the title of this to be VERY misleading, Roman.

And your "transcript" isn't a transcript, so I am forced to spend 25 minutes listening to ... silliness?

SURELY you're not suggesting that the Earth's Natural Frequency is harmful? Because it sure sounds like that.

No, I didn't listen to this, because your way of getting people to listen or read your posts is starting to be annoying! My fur stood up on my back...

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Not trying to mislead anyone - but bringing attention to the fact that the Earth is saturated with current and no longer healing in many areas. Does that make sense?

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Well, not really. The Earth has her OWN frequency, it doesn't change. What's "no longer healing" and never WAS, is all this build-up, for a couple of centuries, but now SUPER STRONG and it's getting stronger, with 5G. The Earth is ALWAYS healing, and that's never going to change.

I should have thought you'd know as much as I do, at least! about EMF's. Haven't you read "The Invisible Rainbow"? It's a really excellent source material.

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2Author

Herder - did you see my comment (below) about Arthur Firstenberg, the author of the Invisible Rainbow?

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Yes herder I have. Arthur is the one who told me about the electrical current in the ground causing health hazards.

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Mar 2Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I suspect that is a current that is NOT the Earth's current. There are SHITLOADS of currents everywhere, Roman, fyi. The only GOOD one is Earth's natural current.

This isn't just Arthur's knowledge we're looking at here, there are others, too! But think about this, and maybe do some research on it, because it sounds like you're misunderstanding some things. Cheers.

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I agree Herder - they are 2 separate things. I am trying to raise awareness of that fact that you mention - that the healing frequency of Earth is being impinged via manmade current.

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But that's NOT what you said.

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Mar 2Liked by Roman S Shapoval

That said, if you are SURE about this, I do have his book, maybe you could tell me where to find that particular thing? Thx.

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It's an anecdote from Arthur- he doesn't put a lot of personal stuff in the book - mainly epidemiological research.

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Mar 3Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Thank you

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For sure Claudia! Thanks so much. Hope you got some value out of the podcast?

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Mar 1Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Hey guys, great podcast. I would love to take the EMF 101 course but without my spouse being fully on board I’m not sure if I could implement any of your suggestions. At this point, I’m happy I’m able to turn off the wifi at night. What would be the best/easiest thing to do first to show him our home may have some issues? Then perhaps he may be convinced to take a closer look? Thanks!

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Hi Diane, thanks so much for your feedback here. The fact that your spouse isn't on board is the perfect reason to take the masterclass. This way, when you become educated on all the different (6) types of EMF in your home, you can educate him.

Have you tried turning off the power at night?

What health issues does your husband have? How is his sleep?

The course will teach you how to measure, and will tell you about many different health effects - dirty electricity is a big one that most homes deal with, that also reduces the life of appliances- this could be something you could bring up.

If you have an AM radio, you could bring it close to one of the outlets (tune it to AM 530) and see how it screams when by the outlet or by a laptop/phone.

This is what the electricity is doing to our bodies as our bodies repair in the 60Hz range.

Hope that helps?


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Get your devices WIRED, would be my suggestion-- then you'll notice a BIG difference in how you feel.

Of course, we're all still going to be bathed in 5G all the time, so until we shut THAT down, WiFi might just be ALMOST no big deal. (I highly recommend it, anyway, and I'm not an electrician, I just read a lot!) Cheers.

Read this: "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg. Don't worry, a LOT of it is citation, but the book is very well-written.

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Mar 1Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Roughly 15 years of experience sleeping on grounding sheets plugged into the ground in my home's electrical socket, as well as numerous positive experiences from clients has me very happy and an advocate of sleeping on grounding sheets.

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Thanks so much for your input here John. It's good to know that you are having results like this. I have unfortunately heard much the opposite from building biologists in North America where clients will become EMF-poisoned right after installing a grounding kit and shield. Are you in the UK?

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Mar 1Liked by Roman S Shapoval

I'm in the USA (Minnesota to be specific). Of course I do recommend checking that your ground wiring is actually correct in your home. It's amazing how many houses have improper wiring.

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Precisely! It's most. Having a good electrician is key.

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A good multimeter will quickly show if a grounding sheet or steel plate is actually grounded. This is the second post from you which is discouraging people from doing things that I have recently recommended.

What are you up to, Roman?

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Did you get my email about Arthur?

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I'm not "up to" anything Frances. I am trying to awaken people to not harm themselves and to take a measured approach. Does that make sense?

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Mar 3Liked by Roman S Shapoval

As an electrician the dirty Neutral wire coming from power companies is using Lilly Waves and being that neutral & ground are quite often tied together in a residential service box we get a corrupted ground from it. There may be safe places on the planet or less harmful so you must check but at this point I doubt there's many safe places left. Take a multi meter & put it on milivolts and touch the 2 wires with each hand and do it bare footed in moist dirt touching Earth. If you don't see the voltage drop you aren't getting any benefit. I'm not an expert so do your own research and Follow Your Heart. Roman and his wife are telling people everything isn't safe in these times. Bless You All ....

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Dear Electric. Thank you so much for your thoughtful, kind comment. Many people don't appreciate our message and think we are deceivers. How they think that the Earth is doing well, and safe for us to ground to, is beyond me at this point. I would love to connect. Please send us an email if you'd like info@thepowercouple.ca

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