I just moved to Pennsylvania. The ONLY state on the list where by state law you cannot opt out!! The meter is on the wall of my sons bedroom and I am right above. Any suggestions on what I can do?
I just moved to Pennsylvania. The ONLY state on the list where by state law you cannot opt out!! The meter is on the wall of my sons bedroom and I am right above. Any suggestions on what I can do?
Thank you for sharing this Fizzy. I hear you. Wow, weren't you in Australia?
Even though there's no opt-out, you can still try sending them a letter of non-consent. If that doesn't work, you couid get diagnosed as electrosensitive / get a doctor's note, and they need to accommodate.
Connect with other like-minds in your state to support each other:
I think that IтАЩm starting to think like you. My left ear now has tinnitus pretty badly and I read from you that itтАЩs probably from the EMFs so I will try to go that medical route, I will try calling the state and the utility because I am so POed! Also, at your recommendation, I bought some of the foil type material from stetzer electric, and they show in there how you can use that to block it out of your house. Also bought an outlet meter and one blocker so far so keep sending out that great info! The electric company came with a smart meter and my friend told him to get the heck off of their property but they had no choice to install it because theyтАЩre also in PA. Not quite Australia, but I just moved here part time from SC.
I love it FIzzy! Sorry not sure why I thought you were an aussie, maybe because your aussum (wah...wah). Hope your tinnitus improves. Does it get worst in certain rooms and./or different times of the day? You can also try humming, as this vibrates us from the inside out and increases nitric oxide, a potent vasoldilator.
Btw if you're interested, we're doing a 6-week course on EMFs which will start in March:
I just moved to Pennsylvania. The ONLY state on the list where by state law you cannot opt out!! The meter is on the wall of my sons bedroom and I am right above. Any suggestions on what I can do?
Thank you for sharing this Fizzy. I hear you. Wow, weren't you in Australia?
Even though there's no opt-out, you can still try sending them a letter of non-consent. If that doesn't work, you couid get diagnosed as electrosensitive / get a doctor's note, and they need to accommodate.
Connect with other like-minds in your state to support each other:
Philadelphia Common Law Club facebook.com/groups/1501028523468650
Does that help?
Do you turn the power off to your bedroom at night?
Do you have a meter where you can measure the fields the meter is producing in your home?
I think that IтАЩm starting to think like you. My left ear now has tinnitus pretty badly and I read from you that itтАЩs probably from the EMFs so I will try to go that medical route, I will try calling the state and the utility because I am so POed! Also, at your recommendation, I bought some of the foil type material from stetzer electric, and they show in there how you can use that to block it out of your house. Also bought an outlet meter and one blocker so far so keep sending out that great info! The electric company came with a smart meter and my friend told him to get the heck off of their property but they had no choice to install it because theyтАЩre also in PA. Not quite Australia, but I just moved here part time from SC.
I love it FIzzy! Sorry not sure why I thought you were an aussie, maybe because your aussum (wah...wah). Hope your tinnitus improves. Does it get worst in certain rooms and./or different times of the day? You can also try humming, as this vibrates us from the inside out and increases nitric oxide, a potent vasoldilator.
Btw if you're interested, we're doing a 6-week course on EMFs which will start in March: