Bacteria: recognizes man-made EMF as a threat.

Normie Doctors/Scientists: Oh it's harmless

Bacteria > Normie Doctors/Scientists

I like those numbers you included about the strength of electromagnetic fields compared to gravity. Harnessing and directing the powers of such fields can bring about good...but it can also be used for destruction.

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Love your formulas Jonathan. If only our math teachers taught us this type of algebra growing up...sigh.....

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Anthropomophizing microbes seems a mistake to me. In my understanding increased radiation/EMF is turning on cell activity at an overdrive level, which would build up biofilm and production of varied proteins the microbes make. It might also be setting off some primitive circadian cycle epigenetic control - extreme radiation being perceived as fu on noonday sun - do active daytime stuff instead of a slow phase of activity that might represent no sunshine.

Radiation causes more calcium entry into cells through TRP channels and probably other calcium channels and that activates cell function. I think it is human hubris to describe microbe cell activity as 'threatened' but maybe it is also a threat response.

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I see where you're coming from Jennifer - these bacteria adapt to survive - is that what you mean?

If so, it's not the bacteria I worry about, it's the cows and humans. Does that make sense? Thanks.

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Quite the article you two! Synthetic EMF as a ubiquitous toxin.

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Thank you Keith! I thought so myself! (pat pat on the back). Thanks for all your support.

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Very interesting Roman. I have an Editor comment though - I had to reread a bit but there was no transition from talking about antibiotic resistance to the cow's gut and B12 - One graphic shows antibiotic effect on beneficial bacteria as part of the pyramid but your opening text didn't restate that part so I stumbled when I got to this:

"How can an altered soil microbiome affect livestock ?

If wireless radiation has an >>antibiotic effect<< on the microbiome of mammals, as well as the soil, then farmers will also feel the impacts more than others." You had just been talking about antibiotic resistance so I was thinking there was a typo/word missing at first. I would suggest adding a transition sentence that refers back to the pyramid graphic. In case other readers have a mind glitch there too.

*Resource on Regenerative Agriculture and other soil topics - https://www.ruvival.de/regenerative-agriculture/ a free online course by a German Professor Ralf Otterpohl.

**In which a link took me to RodaleInstitute where I learned all their courses are free temporarily (no dates given) - https://courses.rodaleinstitute.org/ They do organic gardening and farming info. no entries for EMF on their blog.

***This other resource is a nice site but doesn't talk about EMF risks to regenerative agriculture https://regenerationinternational.org/blog

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Thank you so much Jennifer for your insight - I unfortunately don't have research showing the connection to antibiotic resistance, and the impact on B12 in grasses caused by disruption of soil bacteria via EMF - was speculating that an assault on the soil could then lead to an imbalance of enzymatic activity, microbial health. Thank you for the links!

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Then I really wasn't following. I thought you meant EMF effects on the cow microbiome would reduce B12 for the cow as a postbiotic. A transition would be nice from antibiotic resistance most of the post to discussing antibiotic effects on beneficial species whether in the foil or the cow's gut. It was abrupt.

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Gotcha - ok definitely something I need to explore more. Appreciate your feedback Jennifer.

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I am in the rabbit hole now....lack of cobalt in the soil will cause B12 deficiency in the grazing ruminant because the gut microbes need cobalt to make cobalamin. Farmers supplement with cobalt and/or B12 to make sure the animals are getting what they need either from the gut microbes or directly as a feed supplement of B12. https://healthunlocked.com/pasoc/posts/149953489/supplemental-b12-and-animal-agriculture < a Reddit summary but I saw the PubMed links too.

Namaste and good morning. I woke up early.

Edit - yes, glyphosate would chelate cobalt and that would cause B12 deficiency in a ruminant. AI summary gave me this consensus statement as a reference. Somewhere within it cobalt must be mentioned. I didn't see it in the Abstract. https://ehjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12940-016-0117-0#:~:text=Glyphosate%20is%20a%20chelating%20agent%20with%20potential,for%20crops%2C%20people%2C%20wildlife%2C%20pets%2C%20and%20livestock. *** So farmers supplementing with B12 directly would be bypassing the glyphosate interference on gut production of it in the cows. Between the EMF knocking out the beneficial species and the glyphosate chelating cobalt, the ruminants don't have a fair chance. That includes wild deer.

2nd edit - and US, that includes us to. Our beneficial gut species include some that make B12 - the bacteria themselves need it, but it is being produced in the colon where we don't absorb B12 so we do need dietary sources of it .... But that means for our gut microbes to thrive, they need us to eat cobalt so they can make B12 for their own use. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34612492/#:~:text=Vitamin%20B%2D12%20is%20synthesized,to%20only%202%20in%20humans.


*I got curious.

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Love the research Jennifer - you saved me lots of time by going down that rabbit hole of cobalt (:

I will definitely revise the article and add this in. Seriously- thanks!

Here's another aspect to that rabbit hole , from the part of the hole closer to the ground where the light shines:


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I will try one more time to clarify my point - it had zero to do with the "science" and 100% to do with 9th grade or post college Copywriting class. As a reader I was trying to share that as a writer you lost me at the cow B12 paragraph because of the abrupt flip from talking about antibiotic resistance which your opening paragraphs said was going to be the post's focus. No where had you mentioned the point that EMF also acts as an antibiotic against beneficial bacteria species.

A transition sentence or phrase there would help is all, keep me as a reader plodding along where you as a writer want me to go. Example: "We have been discussing how EMF can cause antibiotic resistance in bacteria (*why does that matter in soil though? Glyphosate doesn't work as well?) which allows negative species to flourish but note on the pyramid graphic at the beginning of the post, that EMF also can cause an antibiotic effect - death - to beneficial species in the soil (and in our bodies?). Speculatively, that might mean that grass grown on EMF exposed soil wouldn't be as nutritious for the grazing cows and they might become low in nutrients." *** It is usually mineral depletion as a risk from glyphosate. Glyphosate is an antibiotic being used as an herbicide so now I am curious about your source article which I hadn't looked at. What is their point? We should want to be able to use antibiotics on the soil? We don't want to go that is we are sustainable farmers.

**I would want to emphasize that EMF is bad for the soil and the cows and for us.

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Re your speculation - to add to why I immediately didn't connect B12 to grass is that it isn't made in grass. B12 is made by beneficial species in the gut of the cow or us or in aquatic areas in the plankton or algae that fish eat. Reference: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nparxd08sy6hmumvu9epp/VitamineB12_MiniReview.pdf?rlkey=6u4c5kmrimc109zvm6kou86v9&dl=0

....so the cow grazing under a high EMF wire or cell tower probably would be low in B12 but not because the grass was different but because the EMF killed off their beneficial gut microbes that make B12. << my speculation.

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a great compilation of very useful data. makes one think that's there a lot more to our health then what we normally imagine or take for granted. thank you.

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Hi Vlad! Thank you so much for your support and comment. This is truly the foundation of our health, yet how much research is being done in this field? Not much - but hope that we can grow it, from the ground up hah (:

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