SOUND HEALING was taught in the 90's and earlier by Sharry Edward's Sound Health Programs. These programs are now online. Find them under her name or under BIO ACCUSTICS. She had a special gift of hearing the bodies frequencies emitting from your ears. She was able to replicate those sounds and heal people. I was trained in this modality. It works! You can go online and speak into the free program there as it analysis your voice frequencies which indicate your state of health and can drill down even to a single lacking mineral or minerals or vitamins that are causing your issues. It also tells you the sound frequencies you need to heal with. I believe you can play those sounds back to yourself.

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I'm notorious for this type of humming. I always did it instinctively especially whenever I was super focused on something. My coworkers(who didn't know me yet) would ask, "Is someone's phone vibrating??!?!?" My friends could tell how anxious I was based on the pitch.

Never knew there was something beneficial with this. Now I'm going to do it even more!!!!!

Interesting what he said in terms of living with EMF. Heck maybe I can use my years of humming to mitigate the effects of this stuff.

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That's so good to hear Jonathan! I'm so happy that I could share this simple yet profoundly underestimated resource with you. Goes to show we always need to trust our instincts. I definitely need to hum more, and will work it into our daily walks. Waving at strangers while humming will definitely get some looks.

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Jonathan is a master. I’m particularly fond of his recording De-Stress with Laraaji

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Thanks so much! FYI I got your email, sorry I haven't gotten back to you yet.

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No worries Roman! You are quite busy, thanks for the reply.

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Feb 8Liked by Roman S Shapoval

Great information. I hum a self created opera while thinking of the ones in my life I love the most.

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Feb 2Liked by Roman S Shapoval

At 29:30 Jonathan speaks about EMF, and touches on the topic of protective devices. This triggered a thought about Dr. Lee Merritt's investigation into the 1918 Spanish Flu, and how the dis ease was caused by telegraph lines in the cities and the resulting EMF frequencies that humanity had never before been exposed to. Dr. Merritt spoke of how it was not the city boys in the military at Ft Riley, Kansas (where the Spanish Flu originated), who were getting sick. It was the big, strapping farm boys who had never been exposed to these frequencies, as had been the city boys.

The immune system reacts to everything. I suspect that it may be better for our immune systems if we don't try to shield ourselves from all EMF so the body can slowly adapt to it.

For those interested in hearing Dr. Merritt's take on EMF, with respect to the 1918 Spanish Flu that was not a flu, go to the 16:20 minute mark at this link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/W12S3F2zEcVf/

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I recently relied on humming after a very stressful situation caused a lot of tightness in my body, particularly in my upper back by the scapula. I used to do so often and naturally because I learned to play the didgeridoo and I think I really opened up my channels of circulation and could add tones to my hum, though always with my mouth slightly open. I would get back to playing didgeridoo if I could, but being out of practice means beginning again with a much shorter instrument than I have... not easy.

The issue of sound vibration also reminded me of a series of books titled, "The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan". There are several volumes and the one I have includes some discussion about vibration, but I learned of these writings through a friend who had a volume (sub)titled, "The Mysticism of Sound". I do believe Khan was a musician and he was a pretty prolific spiritual teacher in the U.S. in the first half of the 20th century.

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Gosh, this was wonderful, Roman, Bohdanna, and Jonathan.) Thank you! I used to listen to Jonathan’s recordings way back in the day. Once, years ago, I was working with an energy healing client, and out-of-the-blue found myself humming. The session was like nothing before, and from that day on, I always incorporated humming. Now, I mostly hum on my own - not in a planned way - but it just happens. Especially when I’m walking in the woods. I always wonder what the plants and animals are thinking… 🐻 🌲🐿️ 💚

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deletedFeb 2Liked by Roman S Shapoval
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Too many do not understand this. I’m a musician and recording engineer and have acutely noticed the difference to both listening and performing music with A tuned to 432hz, particularly in the last 4 years or so. I’ve attended concerts recently with bands I’ve loved for years, tuned to 440, where I became physically uncomfortable 30-40 minutes in.

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Are you referring to digital audio recording software/hardware and/or streaming services? I’m sure that the 440 to 432 transfer option is not quite getting it done. I’ve been using Cubase software and MOTU digital interface for years and have never loved the sound, 440 or 432. Am dusting off my 30 year old Tascam 8tk cassette recording desk because to me, these digital recordings just do not compare.

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